Natural Resources Course of Study (Based on Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources National Career Cluster) Course: Natural Resources Grade Level: 9 - 12 Length: 7200 minutes Course Description: Agriscience students in Michigan will demonstrate an understanding of the natural environment and the interrelationships among humans and the built and natural environments. By the end of 12th grade, Michigan Agriscience students should be able to: A) give examples of human impact on natural ecosystems B) describe major ecosystems in Michigan C) illustrate the conservation of matter using biogeochemical cycles (eg carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus) D) explain interactions among organisms or populations of organisms E) explain how the environment is perceived differently by different cultures F) explain and cite examples of how humans shape the environment G) identify natural resources that are found in Michigan, and those that are imported H) analyze how people impact their environment through resource use. I) recognize the economic, environmental, and other factors that impact resource availability and explain why certain resources are becoming depleted J) explain how human resource use can impact the environment (erosion, burning fossil fuels) K) identify careers related to natural resources and environmental concerns L) analyze the dynamic equilibrium of ecosystems, including interactions among living and nonliving components (for example, tropical deforestation is linked to decreased global precipitation) Pathway Knowledge and Skills Statement: Recognize importance of resource and human interrelations to conduct management activities in natural habitats. Performance Element: Identify resource management components to establish relationships in natural resource systems. (600 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Identify natural resources. (Topic 1011A-D) Identify organizations and agencies involved in resource management. Identify impacts by humans on natural resources. Describe ecosystem relationships. (Topic 1012A-D, Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Performance Element: Topic 1014A) Create habitat management plan. Apply cartographic skills to natural resource activities. (440 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Describe different types of maps. Measurement Criteria: Interpret map features and legend. Measurement Criteria: Determine map scale and actual distance. Measurement Criteria: Determine direction from map. Measurement Criteria: Determine elevation and terrain features from topographic maps. Measurement Criteria: Use directional tools with map to locate position. Measurement Criteria: Use land survey and coordinate system. Measurement Criteria: Use Geographic Information System to interface geospatial data. Measurement Criteria: Interpret photos and images. Performance Element: Monitor natural resource status to obtain planning data. (825 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Conduct resource inventory and population studies. Establish sample plots and points. Locate and identify resources. Collect data concerning resource availability and health. Maintain databases of resource data. Use a Geographic Information System to analyze resource data. Prepare a technical report. Describe the relationship of harvest levels to long-term availability of resources. Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Performance Element: Employ environmental and wildlife knowledge to demonstrate natural resource enhancement techniques. (825 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Demonstrate stream enhancement techniques. Demonstrate forest stand improvement techniques. Demonstrate wildlife habitat enhancement techniques. Demonstrate range enhancement techniques. Demonstrate recreation area enhancement techniques. Performance Element: Examine weather and other criteria to recognize dangers related to work in an outdoor environment. (275 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Recognize weather-related dangers. Recognize hazards as they relate to terrain. Recognize poisonous plants and animals. Recognize hazardous situations at the work location. Performance Element: Learn applicable rules or laws to demonstrate natural resource mitigation techniques. (330 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Demonstrate mitigation techniques. (Topic 1031A-B, Topic 1032A-G, Topic 1033A, Topic 1035A-B) Pathway Knowledge and Skills Statement: Use effective venues to communicate natural phenomena to the public. Performance Element: Communicate natural resource information to the general public. (495 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Set up and staff a display booth that communicates a natural resource topic during a community event. Develop a public use area to explain natural resources. Participate as a facilitator during a public meeting concerning natural resource management. (Topic 1091A-C, Topic 1092A-D) Lead a group habitat conservation project. Volunteer in a natural resource area. Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Performance Element: Personally interpret natural resource phenomena to natural resource users. (440 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Lead a group hike to interpret a natural area. Conduct a workshop, activity or program to interpret an example of natural resource conservation. Develop an interpretive trail to describe a natural resource area. Produce printed material that interprets a natural resource area or phenomenon. Produce natural resource curriculum materials. Develop a sign to communicate a natural resource area or phenomenon. Create a multi-media/video presentation that interprets a natural resource topic, area or phenomenon. Create a web page to present and interpret a natural resource topic, area or phenomenon. Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Pathway Knowledge and Skills Statement: resource management activities. Apply scientific principles to natural Performance Element: Use science concepts, processes, and research techniques to examine natural resource topics. (275 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Develop a research/monitoring plan to inquire about a natural resource topic. Conduct a research/monitoring activity for a natural resource topic. Evaluate the results of a natural resource-related inquiry. Produce a technical report of results/findings. Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Performance Element: Examine biological and physical characteristics to identify and classify natural resources. (660 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Identify tree species and other woody vegetation. (Topic 1101A-C) Identify grass and forb species. Identify wildlife species. (Topic 1017A-G, Topic 1161A-C) Identify fish species. Identify rocks, minerals and soil types. Performance Element: Examine natural cycles and related phenomena to describe ecologic concepts and principles. (770 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Describe the hydrologic cycle. (Topic 1051A) Describe the nitrogen cycle. Describe the carbon cycle. Describe nutrient cycles. (Topic 1016A-C) Describe succession. (Topic 1019A-C) Describe population dynamics. (Topic 1013A-C, Topic 1014A-B) Describe primary and secondary producers. (Topic 1015AD) Describe predator-prey relationships. Identify potential pollution sources. (Topic 1071A-H, Topic 1072A-G, Topic 1073A-H) Define watershed boundaries. (Topic 1052A-D) Use stream classification system. Describe the influence of weather and climatic factors. (Topic 1061A-B) Pathway Knowledge and Skills Statement: Employ knowledge of natural resource industries to describe production practices and processing procedures. Performance Element: Prepare presentations to describe how natural resource products are produced, harvested, processed and used. (495 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Describe forest harvest techniques and procedures. (Topic 1141A-H) Describe wildlife harvest techniques and procedures. Describe fish harvest techniques and procedures. Describe how minerals and ores are extracted and processed. Describe how oil is extracted and processed. Describe hydroelectric generation techniques and procedures. Describe how public recreation use is a product. Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Pathway Knowledge and Skills Statement: Practice responsible conduct to protect natural resources. Performance Element: Employ techniques and equipment needed to prevent wildfire. (165 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Demonstrate personal fire prevention precautions while working in natural environments. Participate in wildfire prevention community service project. Performance Element: Use wildfire suppression techniques to demonstrate abilities in firefighting and control. (165 minutes) Performance Element: Recognize symptoms of animal and plant diseases and use appropriate techniques to prevent their spread. (165 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Identify observable diseases impacting plants and animals. Describe how to report observance of disease infestations. Use appropriate techniques and equipment when working with bio-hazards. Performance Element: Recognize insect types and available controls to prevent insect infestation. (110 minutes) Identify and classify insects. Identify insect damage signs. Describe how to report observance of insect infestation. Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Performance Element: Use acceptable pesticides to treat insect infestation. (55 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Obtain appropriate pesticide applicators’ license. Apply materials to treat for insect infestation. Performance Element: Know law enforcement procedures to manage public gatherings and to gain entry into secure, closed or restricted areas. (110 minutes) Measurement Criteria: Demonstrate precautions to use when interfacing with the public concerning regulations and law enforcement. Describe security issues for closed and restricted areas. Describe solutions to issues concerning public protection. Recognize potential threat situations for the public and other resource users. Identify the appropriate law enforcement authority. Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Measurement Criteria: Related FFA Activities Agricultural Issues Demonstration Greenhand Public Speaking Job Interview Junior High Public Speaking Public Speaking Farm Business Management Marketing Environmental Skills Forestry Land Conservation Agricultural Communications Related SAE Activities A. Students may participate in livestock and animal production projects: 1. Bee colonies B. Students may participate in wildlife projects: 1. Deer ranches 2. Turkey 3. Mink 4. Fish/Aquaculture D. Students can participate in experience projects: 1. Insect sweeper 2. Field worker 3. Field picker 4. Tractor driver 5. General farm worker 6. Fish and game assistant 7. ASCS or CES intern 8. Intern with commodity or government agency 9. Park management assistant 10. Tour guide 11. Forester 12. Nature center employee E. Research projects/school enterprises (Refer to Topic 0002 for the scientific learning process used in research.): a. Wildlife/Fisheries habitat restoration projects Natural areas Forest management test plots Video tape production