WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION ____________________ COMMISSION FOR BASIC SYSTEMS WORKSHOP OF GLOBAL PRODUCERS OF SEASONAL TO INTERANNUAL FORECASTS GPC-SIF/Doc. 8(3) (7.II.2003) _________ ITEM: 8(3) Original: ENGLISH Geneva, 10-13 February 2003 Contribution and proposals of JMA as a global producing center (Submitted by Mr Nobutaka MANNOJI) GPC-SIF/Doc. 8(3) Contribution and proposals of JMA as a global producing center Abstract JMA is to make Seasonal to Interannual (SI) forecast products available on its web page so as to serve as a global producing center. JMA also presents climate system monitoring on the web page so as to help to issue the SI forecast. Moreover, JMA is conducting reanalysis project in cooperation with Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI). The product can be effective both in climate system monitoring and in verification of hindcast. JMA proposes intercomparisons of hindcasts in order to promote the improvement of seasonal forecast model. 1. Forecast Data JMA is to provide grid point values (GPV) of operational four-month forecast on the web page of Tokyo Climate Center (TCC) ("") in September 2003. GPVs of the one-month forecast have been already available there since October 2002. The verification of hindcast following SVS and necessary documentation are to be presented. JMA will gradually increase the variation of products provided as a Global Producing Center (GPC) according to the list proposed at CBS Ext.2002 in Cairns, Australia. In addition, JMA will develop forecast maps over the tropics and the Asian monsoon area, since particular climate characters in Region II and Region V should be considered. In the workshop of capacity building for forecasters of NMHSs of south-eastern Asia in December 2002, Tokyo held by JMA, many of them stated demands for forecast maps such as precipitation in the tropical area. JMA will respond to these requests in 2003. JMA suggests that RCCs develop proper products for each Region considering the different characteristics of climate and demands of NMHSs in its Region, and that GPCs provide appropriate products to assist RCCs' work. NMHSs would benefit if this kind of regional products are provided by several centers. 2. Climate System Monitoring Climate system monitoring, that is important to issue SI forecast, is also available at the TCC web page. Monthly features of extratropical circulation, tropical circulation and convection, oceanic conditions are described and updated on a monthly basis. This monitoring is based on objective analysis data produced with the four dimensional data assimilation (4DDA) system of JMA's NWP system. Since a climate system monitoring provides a different point of view for operational 4DDA system designed for short range forecast, requirements from climate system monitoring contribute to improvement of overall performance of 4DDA system in any NWP center or GPC. The contents will be upgraded, and updating frequency is to be increased from monthly to weekly in 2004. Reliable climate data as well as reliable real-time objective GPC-SIF/Doc. 8(3), p. 2 analysis are necessary to operate the climate system monitoring system, since departure from climate values and comparison with historical data have important meanings. In this regard, JMA and Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI) of Japan are jointly conducting re-analysis project "JRA-25" described below to produce climate data. 3. Reanalysis project "JRA-25" JMA has been conducting reanalysis project called "JRA-25" in cooperation with CRIEPI ("") since 2001. JRA-25 was started to meet urgent needs for homogeneous analysis data. Operational analysis at many centers differs each other due to different assimilation systems. Moreover, as a result of continuous improvement of the assimilation system, the older the analysis is, the poorer its quality becomes. Especially in the tropics, where observational data is relatively few and cumulus convection as a heat source driving global circulation is active, differences among assimilation systems are substantial. The products are expected to be valuable for SI forecasts. First, the dataset is to be used as an initial condition and verification data for hindcast. Secondly, the dataset can be used for operational climate system monitoring. After the JRA-25 data are accomplished, the same system for JRA-25 is to be extended as a Climate Data Assimilation System. Then, climate system monitoring of JMA becomes consistent using the homogeneous dataset for climate data as well as real-time objective analysis. We pay special attention to tropical cyclones and the circulation over the Western Pacific, both of which would have very important role to ensure high quality reanalysis data over Region II and Region V. For this end, retrieved wind data surrounding historical tropical cyclones (TCs) provided by Dr. M.Fiorino (LLNL/PCMDI) is to be assimilated. In addition, cloud motion winds by GMS recalculated by the Meteorological Satellite Center (MSC)/JMA for the period from April 1987 onward is to be assimilated. The latter is expected to contribute to the precise wind and height field over the Western Pacific. In this way, JMA, as well as other organizations that conduct reanalysis projects, tries to incorporate observational data that were not available in the previous operational analyses as much as possible. Therefore, rescuing historical data, which is one of RCC's major functions, would be very useful for reanalysis projects. A high quality, homogeneous, long time climate dataset from 1979-2005 will be accomplished by March 2006, and JMA will provide the dataset for the meteorological communities including researchers and NMHSs. JMA would release parts of the dataset while the assimilation is going on. 4. Hindcast Hindcast is to be conducted prior to the operational SI forecast. JMA proposes intercomparisons of hindcasts, that would promote to improve NWP models of each GPC. GPC-SIF/Doc. 8(3), p. 3 Although SVS is proposed to verify forecast of each GPC's products, it seems to be designed for users, not for modelers. The first step would be comparisons of bias of each model. Then, it might be beneficial to compare how some characteristic phenomena are predicted among the models, such as major teleconnection patterns, durations of the Arctic Oscillation and frequency of blocking highs. 5. Summary and proposals Products of SI forecasts and global climate system monitoring are important to develop operational SI forecast of each NMHS over the world. GPCs should be located in several Regions since the characteristics of climate as well as demands for SI forecast would differ from Region to Region. Since each GPC would pay special attention to the forecast skill of its region as well as global skill, a GPC would improve its model in different ways from GPCs in other Regions. In addition, if many GPCs operate a variety of models, the performance of multi-model ensemble with these models could be bettered. JMA proposes intercomparisons of hindcasts in order to identify outstanding issues to improve each model. It is also desirable that many GPCs conduct reanalysis and real-time analysis with the same system for consistent climate system monitoring. RCCs should encourage NMHSs to report CLIMAT in operation, and should try to rescue historical data that are not utilized so far. Those activities will improve the quality of climate system monitoring and reanalysis, and would promote to improve products of GPCs eventually. JMA has just started to provide data related to SI forecast, and it will provide a variety of SI forecasts and climate system monitoring products at the TCC web page. JMA is willing to serve a role of GPC.