Worcester Research and Publications (WRaP): Frequently Asked

Worcester Research and Publications (WRaP)
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is an Institutional Repository?
An Institutional Repository (IR) is an online collection of the digital research assets of an
institution which is stored and preserved in one location.
2. Why was WRaP developed?
WRaP was established to provide a show case for the research undertaken at the University
of Worcester. WRaP contains a central collection of University of Worcester research and
preserves this research for the future.
WRaP increases the visibility and impact of the research output of the University of
Depositing research in WRaP allows free access to a range of academic research and
publications, many of which are available as full-text. It also enables the University’s
research to be located by search engines which cross-search repositories at other
universities in the United Kingdom and internationally.
3. Who should I contact if I have an enquiry about WRaP?
The contact person for WRaP is Ann Craig, Research and Development Manager:
4. Why should I deposit my research in WRaP?
Depositing your research in WRaP will make it visible and accessible to a wide audience,
increasing its citation count and impact.
It is University of Worcester policy that all research produced since 2008 should be
deposited in WRaP. Research students at the University of Worcester are required to
deposit a copy of their final post examination thesis in WRaP.
5. What kind of materials can I deposit in WRaP?
Subject to copyright permission the types of material which can be deposited in WRaP
journal articles (pre-prints and post-prints)
authored or edited books
chapters in books
book reviews
conference papers, conference posters, conference presentations
PowerPoint presentations - which should be accompanied by the conference paper
or audio presentation of the paper
abstracts – which should include a link to the full-text of the paper or to an audio
presentation of the paper
research degree theses (PhD, MPhil)
inaugural lectures
images of artwork
Learning and teaching materials should be uploaded to the repositories for learning and
teaching materials. Please contact the Learning and Teaching Technology Unit for more
details at eos@worc.ac.uk
6. How do I deposit my research in WRaP?
WRaP can be accessed from the University of Worcester staff page using your staff login
and password or via the URL for WRaP at http://eprints.worc.ac.uk
Guidelines for depositing your research can be accessed from here. If you would like help
uploading your research please contact your Academic Liaison Librarian to arrange a visit.
Full-text should be added where possible. If copyright doesn’t allow the full-text to be
deposited the bibliographic details will be added together with a link to the online version or
online details.
A member of the Research Team will check all the details and if there are any difficulties you
will be contacted for further information. You will be sent an email when your work is
publically visible in the repository.
7. Copyright : how do I know if I have permission to deposit my work in WRaP?*
In order to deposit your research in WRaP you must own the copyright for your work yourself
or have permission from the copyright holder(s).
The majority of publishers will allow you to upload your pre-print (submitted version prior to
Some publishers will allow you to upload the author created version of the post-print
(accepted version after peer-review/editing).
Most publishers will not allow their published version of the post-print (publisher created
version) to be uploaded.*
If you are unsure, check the copyright agreement made with your publisher or check the
publisher copyright policy on the SHERPA RoMEO website. This service provides details of
over 600 publishers’ policies
http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/ (link also available in WRaP)
Further information on copyright can be found at:CLA: Copyright Licensing Agency
JISC Legal Service
JISC/SURF Partnering on Copyright
Repositories Support Project: Handling Version Information
*These FAQs provide guidelines and should not be relied upon as a source of legal advice
8. Which file formats should I use?
Documents: PDF files
Audio: MP3 files
Images: TIFF, JPEG
Documents submitted as Word documents will be converted to PDF files by repository staff.
9. Can I deposit research which has been co-authored?
Work which has been written in collaboration with colleagues from other institutions may go
in WRaP as long as all co-authors are in agreement for you to do this.
10. If I leave the University of Worcester will my research remain in WRaP?
Your work will remain in WRaP. You are free to add your research to any repository at your
new institution.
11. Where can I find out more about University of Worcester repository policies?
The following policies and guides are available from the ILS Research pages at
Deposit policy
Notice and Takedown Policy
Guidelines for Depositing Research
12. How will people find my research?
WRaP is an open access repository which is freely available to the public. Research can
also be found through the use of search engines e.g. Google Scholar (see Question 14 and
15 on repositories and Open Access).
13. What happens if there is a problem with an item in WRaP?
The University of Worcester operates a Takedown Policy. If there is a problem with an item
(for example confidentiality) the work in question will be removed from public view and an
internal investigation of the complaint will be made.
14. What is Open Access?
Open Access research material is material which can be freely accessed by anyone using
an internet connection.
15. How can I find out more about repositories and Open Access?
There are a number of services that have been developed to assist searching for open
access materials. These include:EThOS (Electronic Theses Online Service) http://www.ethos.ac.uk
This service aims to provide access to the full-text of selected electronically stored UK
DART-Europe E-theses Portal
DART-Europe is a European portal providing access to the full-text research theses from 12
European countries.
Intute Repository Service http://www.intute.ac.uk/irs
This service searches across 95 UK Further and Higher Education repositories.
OpenDOAR http://opendoar.org/search.php
This service uses Google to provide a full-text search facility for the repositories listed in
Multi-disciplinary search engine based in the US which allows users to search for materials
in OA repositories, OA journals and other resources worldwide
BASE http://www.base-search.net
Multi-disciplinary search engine based in Germany which allows users to search for
materials in OA repositories, OA journals and other resources worldwide.
16. Can I re-use full-text and other full-data items which have been deposited in
Re-use of full-text is subject to conventional copyright conditions. The commercial re-use of
full items is not allowed. Permission should always be sought from the copyright holders
before re-using items.
17. If I deposit my research in WRaP can I still publish it somewhere else?
Yes, you are free to publish copies of your own work in other sources.