SULTANATE OF OMAN ROYAL OMAN POLICE DIRECTORATE LEGAL AFFAIRS LEGISLATIONS SERIES – PART SEVEN FIRSTLY: CIVIL DEFENCE LAW SECONDLY: CIVIL DEFENSE PROCEDURES REGULATION FIRST EDITION 1426 AH – 2004 AD CIVIL DEFENSE LAW NO. 76/91 (AS AMENDED) CIVIL DEFENSE LAW (1) Royal Decree No. 76/91 (1) We, Qaboos bin Said, Sultan of Oman. After perusal of the Royal Decree number 26/75 promulgating the law of organizing the State's Administrative System as amended, and the Royal Decree number 64/78 pertaining to issue of the law of expropriation for public interests as amended and Royal Decree number 32/88 convening the National Committee for Natural Disasters as amended. (2) and Royal Decree number 35/90 issuing ROP Law And in accordance with the public interest, Have decreed as follows: 1. Article (1): The attached Civil Defense Law shall come into force. 2. Article (2): The Inspector General ROP shall provide the regulations related to procedures of civil defense and the relevant decisions to apply this law. 3. Article (3): This Royal Decree shall be published in the official Gazette and shall come into force with effect from the day of its publication. Qaboos Bin Said Sultan of Oman Issued on 10th Muharrum 1412 AH Corresponding to 22 July 1991 AD --------------------------(1) Published in the Official Gazette issue number (460) (2) Revoked according to Royal Decree number 75/99 CIVIL DEFENSE LAW (2) (Civil Defense Law) Chapter one Definitions Article (1): In the cause of applying the provisions of this law, the following words and expressions shall bear the meaning against each: a. Inspector General: The Inspector general ROP & Customs. b. General Administration of Civil Defense: The General Administration of Civil Defense ROP. c. Civil Defense: A group of procedures, precautions and actions aiming to protect the population, secure safety of communications, national wealth, facilities, properties, establishments, buildings and projects from general disasters hazards and warranty flow of work regularly in all places. d. General disaster: The event of nature or humans that result in or suffering happens due to huge loss of lives or public or private properties or both as the required abilities to confront such occurrences exceed the capabilities of relevant administrations in different areas. e. Public facility: Any activity undertaken by the administration itself or refer the same to a company, establishment or individual to manage under its supervision and directions in an attempt to provide general services. f. Vital establishment: the establishment used to practice an activity of economical, social or political importance whether owned by the Government or Private sector. g. The volunteer: Any person of own mere will or being invited by from the relevant authority that takes initiative to contribute in the civil defense works. CIVIL DEFENSE LAW (3) Chapter two The Civil Defense Procedures Article (2): The Civil Defense Procedures include all procedures and precautions that achieve its goals and objectives especially the following: 1. Enactment of plans that aim to achieve public safety and avoid disasters and mitigate their effects. 2. Design and execute evacuation plans for all or some of the affected areas and provide relief to the inhabitants. 3. Establish, prepare and adapt civil defense operations rooms. 4. Setting procedures, criterion and regulating imports, manufacturing, storage, sale, transport and handling and using hazardous materials those are detrimental to public health and safety of all kinds and dispose of their waste, and assure providing necessary safety and protection systems in coordination with relevant authorities. 5. Organize and supervise over means of detection pertaining to radioactive pollution in coordination with relevant authorities. 6. Organize rules and means of safety, fire fighting and rescue and also medical aid. 7. Setting plans to protect means of land, maritime and air transportation, telecommunications, projects, facilities, institutions, establishments, companies, public and private factories from accidents and dangers. 8. Establish and organize danger warning systems and determine general or private safe places in buildings or institutions for use at times of emergencies. 9. Storage of equipment, tools, disinfectants, materials and necessary devises for civil defense activities. 10. Form, organize and train groups of volunteers to assume civil defense activities and guide citizens and help them in times of emergencies. 11. Coordination with different means of media and other related areas concerned with disseminating knowledge amongst population for protection against dangers of incidents and avoid occurrence of the same. CIVIL DEFENSE LAW (4) Chapter three Emergency provisions Article (3): The following measures are to be effective as emergency state is declared: a. The cadres working in civil defense activities, other than military personnel, are subjected to disciplinary rules and punishments determined against those who work in ROP. b. Those who work in public and vital facilities and sectors of medical services and food stuff handling are prohibited to leave the places they work in un attended unless authorized, and also this restriction is applicable for other categories that the National Civil Defense Committee (1) considers the necessity to stay at work in order to ascertain continuity of normal life. c. The Head of National Civil Defense Committee is eligible to issue determinations to temporarily seize built or non built properties the committee views temporarily taking hold of the same. In this regard the provisions of article (14) of the Law of Expropriation for Public Interest. However, he is authorized to issue decisions to seize moveable assets against fair compensation to owners through the period they are deprived to utilize such assets or against any defects or damages. Article (4): The National Civil Defense Committee and relevant sub committees in different areas take the responsibility of supervising the execution of civil defense procedures in coordination with the General Administration of Civil Defense. Article (5): The Ministers and heads of sub committees issue necessary decisions to form sub civil defense committees in the ministries and associated facilities and establishments or that fall under their supervision. (1) The title of the committee was amended by the Royal Decree (75/99) referred to above. CIVIL DEFENSE LAW (5) Chapter four General provisions Article (6): Royal Oman Police represented in General Administration of Civil Defense is eligible to form teams and groups of volunteers and train them on civil defense activities in their times of leisure aiming to contribute performing some of civil defense work during times of emergencies and react towards general disasters. Article (7): The civil defense volunteers are subject, in cases of death or injury resulting from practicing civil defense works, to the same conditions applied for the personnel of the General Administration of Civil Defense. Article (8): The Inspector General may decide performing trials and exercises to assure the training standard and serviceability of civil defense equipment and mechanisms in order to confirm cooperation and coordination between relevant authorities. Article (9): The General Administration of Civil Defense through its machineries and in coordination with other State's bodies of relevance may assume the following: 1. Set the civil defense plans and follow up execution. 2. Train different teams and procure and store stocks and necessary tools for civil defense activities. 3. Propagation and develop awareness among citizens regarding the objectives and instrumentality of the civil defense. 4. Design plans and necessary protective conditions to protect facilities, institutions, establishments, companies, buildings, public and private factories from dangers of fire and disasters. 5. Regulate fire fighting and rescue operations. 6. Co ordinate works related to removal of debris, medical aid, and detection of hazardous materials pollution with the concerned authorities in cases of accidents. 7. Assume missions and responsibilities so dictated by the National Committee of Civil Defense. CIVIL DEFENSE LAW (6) 8. Prepare public and private hospitals and other suitable facilities and places to receive injured people in coordination with relevant authorities. Article (10): In recognition of provisions related to the approved plan for managing emergency situations according to Royal Decree number 32/88, the Inspector General sets rules, precautions and plans of civil defense at the Sultanate's level and determines missions and responsibilities of ministries, establishments and authorities detailed with execution. Article (11): The Inspector General in coordination with relevant authorities shall solely determine areas, Wilayat and cities that ought to be subject to all or part of civil defense precautions included in this law, and issue necessary determinations for execution thereof. Article (12): Authorities responsible for public institutions and private establishments, each in own specialty, shall appoint an official to be concerned with all security and safety measures according to the regulation issued by the Inspector general. Article (13): The governmental and local authorities each in own specialty shall provide the General Administration of Civil Defense with all it requires from available information or censuses or devices or equipment or mechanisms or services for the purposes of civil defense in cases of incidents. Article (14): The officials at the public institutions and vital establishments and properties' owners and owners of commercial and industrial activities, shall execute precautions of civil defense determined through regulations and decisions of the Inspector General in relevance at their own cost and in timely manner. CIVIL DEFENSE LAW (7) Article (15): It is prohibited to import equipment and devises of civil defense and merchandize the same without referral to the General Administration of Civil Defense to check samples and confirm compatibility to the approved Omani standard specifications through coordination with the other relevant concerned governmental authorities. Article (16): In the course of executing civil defense operations, inviolability shall be considered as for buildings and establishments as possible, and limit damages to the minimum possible. Article (17): It is not permissible to remove a machine, or board or sign fixed for the purpose of civil defense operations or change its place or its shape or invalidate the condition it was prepared for, unless through coordination with the General Administration of Civil Defense, however any violator to the same shall be obligated to set back such things into the condition as were before in addition to suffering the stipulated punishment. Article (18): The subject of civil defense shall be taught in different phases of education whether public, private or technical and in colleges and institutes according to plans and syllabi stated by relevant authorities in coordination with the General Administration of Civil Defense. Article (19): The civil defense officers enjoy the juridical apprehension authority in application of this law, and shall have within this capacity authority to apprehend violations and writing verbal processes of inquiry for actions breaching provisions of this law and refer violators to concerned areas. Chapter five Punishments Article (20): To be punished all that violates the provisions of this law and regulations and decisions in execution thereto or the accredited plan to manage emergency cases, with imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years and a fine not exceeding five thousands Rials Omani or one of these two punishments. CIVIL DEFENSE LAW (8) Chapter six (1) The National Committee of Civil Defense Article (21): The national Committee of Civil Defense is composed of: (2) - The Inspector General ROP & Customs, Chairman - Assistant of Inspector General ROP & Customs Operations as Deputy Chairman and membership of: The Under Secretary of each of the following Ministries: Ministry of Interior Ministry of Health Ministry of Transport and Communications Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources Ministry of Social Development Ministry of Education Ministry of Information Ministry of Finance Ministry of Housing Electricity & Water Ministry of Commerce and Industry Ministry of Oil & Gas Deputy Chairman of Sultan Qaboos University Chairman of Muscat Municipality Chairman of Dhofar Municipality A/ COSSAF for Operations and Planning Director General of Civil Defense The Inspector general appoints one ROP officer of a rank not less than Ra'aid (Major) to coordinate the work of this committee. (1) This chapter was added according to the Royal Decree 75/99 (2) Committee's Formation was amended by Royal Decree 51/2003 CIVIL DEFENSE LAW (9) Article (22): The national Civil Defense Committee is concerned with the following: 1. Draw the general policy of civil defense in a manner that warrants development of civil defense services and plans. 2. Prepare a comprehensive plan concerned with managing disaster situations and determine duties and responsibilities of the ministries and different governmental authorities to execute the same. 3. Form sub committees of civil defense in the Sultanate's governorates and areas and specify their specialties together with setting regulatory rules for the work of these sub committees. 4. Determine areas, Wilayat and cities that all or part of the civil defense precautions are applied as mentioned in the law and issue decisions necessary to execute these precautions. Article (23): The committee meets through invitation by its president twice a year at least and anytime so dictated by situations. The committee is allowed to invite to its meetings those deemed suitable to help from experts and specialized entities without counting their votes, and the committee shall lay down the internal rules and regulations regarding regulating work process therein. Article (24): Through a decision by the Inspector General in perusal of a determination issued by the Minister Responsible for Finance, fees of licenses and certificates are decided upon according to the provisions of this law and related regulations in execution, with no more than (100 Rials Omani) for license fees regarding transport and storage of hazardous materials and issue of certificates pertaining to conformity of equipment, devises and materials of civil defense, imported in adherence to Omani standard specifications, in that not to exceed (500 Biases) per meter with respect to security & safety fees of commercial, industrial and domestic establishments. CIVIL DEFENSE PRECAUTIONS REGULATION Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (1) Determination No: 21/93 (1) Regarding Civil Defense Precautions Regulation - After perusal of the Royal Decree number 32/88 promulgating the formation of the National Committee for Natural Disasters as amended. - And The ROP law issued by the Royal Decree number 35/90 as amended - And the Civil Defense Law issued by the Royal Decree number 76/91 And in accordance with the public interest, Have decided as follows: Article (1): The attached Civil Defense Precautions Regulation shall be implemented. Article (2): To be revoked all that contradicts or violates this regulation. Article (3): This Decision shall be published in the official Gazette and shall come into force with effect from the day of its publication. Fareeq Awal Said Bin Rashid Al Kilbani Inspector General ROP & Customs Issued in: 6th Shawal 1413 AH Coincide with 29th March 1991 AD (1) Published in the official gazette issue No: (501) Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (2) (Civil Defense Precautions Regulation) Chapter one Executive Procedures for Civil Defense Precautions Article (1): The administrations responsible for public facilities and vital institutions, establishments and companies, properties' owners and owners of industrial & commercial activities shall execute civil defense plans and precautions according to the procedures mentioned in annex (1) in coordination with the General Administration of Civil Defense and other concerned authorities, and such precautions are to be born by them within a certain period of time with effect from serving responsible persons with a written notice explaining the relevant procedures in this regard. Article (2): The bodies responsible for public facilities and vital institutions, establishments and companies, properties' owners and owners of industrial & commercial activities shall appoint a security & safety person in charge as mentioned in annex (2) subject that person in charge will be of experience previously acquired in the services of security and safety field and shall be qualified to assume such duties and be dedicated for this purpose in the public institutions and vital establishments, however as concerning private establishments the devotion to do that shall be subject to the following: 1. If more than 50 persons work for the establishment or the number of visitors and employees together exceeds (75) persons at any single time. 2. If the establishment is an active production source of the basic requirements and needs of people. Other than that it is possible to assign one qualified official to assume security and safety roles in the establishment in addition to his original work. Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (3) Article (3): Sub committees for civil defense are to be formed in ministries, administrative units, facilities and affiliated establishments or those under their supervision as the constitution of such sub committees shall comprise: - Official in charge of administrative and financial affairs. - Official in charge of security and safety. However, the committee may demand and seek assistance by experts in order to achieve the objectives of civil defense plans and precautions in the establishment. The committee is concerned with the following: a. Execute civil defense plans and precautions in the establishment. b. Controlling execution of protective conditions. c. Prepare and execute interference plans at times of emergency. d. Organize and extend exchanged support and utilize the same between locations in the governorate/area and between local civil defense administrations and departments. e. Forming specialized teams and train them according to specifies syllabi and provide necessary devises and equipment. The committee convene its meetings once every three months or as deemed necessary and the General Administration of Civil Defense must be informed with the issued executive decisions. Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (4) Chapter two Executive Procedures for security & safety conditions Article (4): The officials responsible for public facilities and vital institutions, establishments and companies, properties' owners and owners of industrial & commercial activities shall execute security & safety conditions and precautions against dangers of fire and disasters stipulated within conditions and directions valid in the Sultanate. Article (5): When manufacturing, importing, transporting, storage or handling hazardous or radioactive or explosive materials, safety conditions as provided in the valid regulations in the Sultanate have to be adopted after availing the license from relevant authorities in ROP and other concerned authorities. Article (6): The safety, fire and disasters protection equipment shall be conforming to the standard specifications applied in the Sultanate, and not permissible to manufacture, import or merchandize the same unless availing the license from the General Administration of Civil Defense in coordination with the concerned authorities and within instructions issued in this regard. Article (7): The General Administration of Civil Defense undertakes, through its mechanisms and in coordination with the other State's specialized authorities, to observe the execution of conditions referred to in articles (4) and (5) during the term specified for execution that starts from the date detailing the person in charge of the establishment or hazardous activity to execute the same in writing stating the period for execution with the necessary provisions and conditions in this regard. Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (5) Chapter three Article (8): The General Administration of Civil Defense through its mechanisms and in coordination with the other State's specialized authorities, to assume the following: 1. Draw emergency plans that include basic rules for the civil defense procedures required to be executed at different locations while following up processes of execution. 2. Take actions towards training civil teams on rescue, medical aid and fire fighting procedures and prepare training programs suitable to the standards and services required by these teams in coordination with their relevant bodies. 3. Establish operations room for the General Administration of Civil Defense with available capabilities to cater for civil defense work, and a small operation room at every civil defense departments and sections that are linked with the operation rooms of ROP HQs in governorates, areas and Wilayat and supervise over preparation and organize sub operation rooms inside vital public and private institutions. 4. Design plans and necessary protective measures to safe keep the facilities, establishments, institutions, companies, buildings, public and private factories from dangers of fire and disasters. 5. Prepare a plan to cover all Sultanate's areas with services of fire fighting and rescue operations and provide suitable capabilities for this purpose while keeping reserve stocks of materials and tools required by civil defense. Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (6) 6. Propagation and develop awareness among citizens regarding the objectives and instrumentality of the civil defense and ways to avoid accidents and preparation of a program to teach civil defense subjects to students all through educational phases in coordination with relevant authorities. 7. Make census in collaboration with officials in Ministry of Health and other concerned authorities to identify public and private hospitals in governorates and areas of the Sultanate that can host injured people result of disasters or accidents and specify other suitable alternatives in case the number of these hospitals is not enough. 8. Supervise over formation of volunteers teams and train them according to the decision issued in this regard. Article (9): Apply the precautions stipulated vide article (2) of the Civil Defense Law in the following governorates, areas and Wilayat: 1. Muscat Governorate 2. Al Batinah Area (Wilayat Sohar) 3. Musandum Governorate (Wilayat Khasab) 4. Al Dhahirah Governorate (Wilayat Buraimi and Ibri) 5. The Interior Region "Dakhilyah" (Wilayat Nizwa and Bahla) 6. The eastern Region "Sharqiyah" (Wilayat Sur) 7. The Central Region "Al Wusta" (Wilayat Haima) 8. Dhofar Governorate (Wilayat Salalah and Thamrait) Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (7) Article (10): To be applied in places other than governorates and Wilayat mentioned in the previous article, all precautions referred to in clauses (4), (6), and (7) of article (2) of the Civil Defense law. Article (11): The General Administration of Civil Defense shall observe execution of civil defense precautions and apprehend any violations to provisions of Civil Defense law and this regulation. Article (12): To be punished all that breaches the provisions of this regulation with imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years and a fine not more than five thousands Rials Omani or one of these punishments. Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (8) Annex (1) Civil Defense Plans & Precautions The civil defense plans and precautions include preventive arrangements and control procedures when accidents take place, as follows: Firstly: Preventive procedures: 1. Specify locations of harboring workers: It is imperative to identify locations to harbor the workers and visitors of the establishment in case of accident or disaster that endangers their lives subject that such harboring places shall fulfill the following: a. To be in a safe place within the ground floor. b. Protection against hazards. c. To accommodate workers and visitors available at one time. d. Existence of enough entries and exits. e. comfortable to people attending. 2. Protection against radioactive pollution: In establishments where radioisotopes are used for research or industrial purposes (laboratories, hospitals, reactors etc), the below mentioned shall be followed: a) Fulfillment of all constructional conditions regarding storage or use of radioactive materials whether pertaining to the location, restrictions or warning signs. b) Organize means of detection to the non authorized radioactive pollution. c) Provide protective means to workers including protective clothes and equipment. d) Explain procedures of purging and clean pollution. e) Disposal of radioactive waste in coordination with relevant authorities. Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (9) 3. Protection against chemical and biological hazards: a) In the establishments that use chemical substances, early detection devises shall be sourced to discover pollutions harmful to peripheral environment. b) Take necessary measures to protect the respiratory system and eyes and provide suitable medical requirements. c) Fulfill all conditions regarding transport, storage and use of hazardous materials as related to specifications and pertinent hazards and organize procedures of registering and control of handling such materials in accordance with the rules applied in the Sultanate. d) Train workers in the field of dealing with chemical hazardous substances in the ways how to confront such hazards and in cases of emergencies in addition to providing them with protective clothes and equipment during handling such materials. 4. Protection against fire hazards: a) Provide roads that allow access of vehicles and civil defense equipment to the location. b) Follow means to restrict fire and hazards to the minimum possible level and that shall be through stating safe distances and creating separators in a manner that makes separate independent sectors. c) Provide entries and exits for emergencies to enable escape of workers in the establishment in cases of hazards to a safer place if any emergency occurs. d) Provide early warning systems for fire occurrence or as expected to happen. e) Provide control measures regarding fuel resources (gas/liquid) in case an accident takes place. f) Provide enough water resources for fire fighting purposes. g) Provide fire and rescue devices and equipment that include hand held, fixed and auto equipment from types suitable to the size of the establishment and natures of hazards. Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (10) 5. Security and safety rules in warehouses: a) The storage shall be within separate buildings in safe premises distant from production facilities and to consider having many storage places instead of stacking materials in one place to reduce possibilities of loss. b) Categorize stores in that each store is featured with one type of hazards i.e. (inflammables, radioactive materials, corrosive materials, poisonous materials and oxidizing materials etc.) c) The rules and specifications related to storage, handling and transport of hazard materials shall be adhered to as issued by the General Administration of Civil Defense. 6. The civil defense teams in the establishment: a) Form teams from within the workers to confront emergencies (rescue, evacuation, medical aid, fire fighting and repairs). b) The security & safety in charge shall be responsible for such teams regarding qualification, training and preparation. Secondly: Control measures in cases of emergency: The effectiveness of controlling accidents depends on preparing a control measures plan in advance in order to activate the same as incident happens so as to direct the capabilities correctly, and the control plan includes the following elements: 1. Study the hazards that may the establishment encounter: a) Hazards encountered by components of the location (floods, collapses and storms etc). b) Hazards resulting from production activities (fires, explosions, radiation, chemical and biological hazards). Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (11) 2. Determining capabilities to confront accidents: a) Design a plan for evacuation of personnel and move the assets and prepare alternative stores to transfer materials there. b) Designate assembly points for workers. c) Provide communications and early warning system to deal with alerting against all types of dangers. d) Determine suitable measures to face accidents and provide protection against anticipated dangers including (fire fighting, rescue equipment, protective clothes, respiratory masks, first aid kit and spare parts, and repair kits etc). e) Put into effect suitable measures to protect documents and papers from loss or damage during incidents. 3. Specifying duties and responsibilities: a) Lay down instructions that determine duties and responsibilities required to face emergency cases. b) Identify persons assuming such responsibilities and divide them into teams that execute emergency services (rescue, evacuation, medical aid, fire fighting or repairs). c) Assign officials to supervise these teams. d) Assign officials to control operations in cases of emergency. 4. Establish emergencies operation room An emergency operations room to be set up in a secure place within the ground floor in the establishment in order to receive reports and warnings about incidents and related losses, put into effect the already drawn plans to confront disasters, and relevant issued instructions, and this room represents a link between the establishment and external authorities anticipated for providing relief and assistance. Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (12) The operations room shall be equipped with the following: a) Means of communications with responsible authorities, security agencies and civil defense. b) Information and detailed planning about the establishment and number and names of workers, their positions and possibilities of encountering incidents together with probabilities to face accidents and available protection measures in the establishment. c) Information about hazardous materials used in the establishment (types, quantities, places of existence, specifications, hazard ness and ways to handle in cases of emergency). d) The pre prepared plans to face emergencies and exchanged assistances and relief. e) The number of teams trained to face disasters (rescue, evacuation, medical aid, fire fighting or repairs) and names of each official in charge and team members and points of assembly in case a warning of danger is received. f) This room shall have spare lighting system and safe ventilation system. g) The security and safety official in charge shall prepare and equip the room and guarantee continuity of serviceability. 5. Mitigate effects resulting from accidents: A system for mitigating effects resulting from incidents in order to warrant prompt repairs and continuous productions and provision of services, which include: a) Engineering services to re commission and proceed with management and production process. b) Removal of debris, opening of routs and repairing collapsed buildings and carry out necessary repairs to water and electricity supplies. Normally such responsibility is undertaken by Officials in charge of engineering and technical services in the establishment with a possibility to seek external help. Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (13) 6. Procedures of stopping operations: The emergency situation might require halting work and operations whether regarding affected area or all sections of the establishment according to how serious the situation is and in this regard the following steps are to be followed: - Switch off power from engines - Cut off fuel supply from lines - Close windows and doors unless explosives are available in the location. - Free passages and cover equipment and devices with protective covers. 7. External relief agreements: The plan must include the agreements concluded between emergency services in the establishment and local authorities (police, civil defense, electricity, water, health, municipality etc) and also relief agreements exchangeable in the area in order to contribute according to capabilities as suitable to emergency situation. 8. Training and performing rehearsals: Training is one of the basic needs that contribute to the success and execution of the emergency plan, and training shall include all levels and be continuous so as those detailed to implement the plan shall be highly qualified to assume their duties when facing incidents without panic or fears. The supervisors can train in the training centers in the General Administration of Civil Defense and immediately after that they can assume training of the civil defense team in the establishment. Trials must be held from time to another periodically to acknowledge proficiency of executing the plan and affirm that any individual is properly doing his role, and that might entail exchangeable relief as this can be coordinated with cooperating entities in accordance with prior agreements. Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (14) 9. Adherence to protective and organizational conditions: The officials in charge of facilities and vital institutions, establishments and companies, properties' owners and owners of industrial & commercial activities shall execute precautionary and protective conditions against gangers, and also apply organizational procedures that achieve the proper and exemplary level of safety rules in the establishments in accordance with the rules and regulations valid in Sultanate of Oman. Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (15) Annex (2) Duties of official in charge of security & safety The official in charge of security and safety is responsible to do the following: 1. Study the nature of work inside the establishment and its branches in order to determine hazards and damages as anticipated and means of encountering that. 2. Identify the places that could be sources of fire so as to apply protection measures, for example: a. Places of waste collection. b. Places to store inflammable materials c. Electrical fittings and appliances d. Mechanical cooling units e. Warming/heating units 3. Provide fire fighting equipment and means according to the protection plan set by the General Administration of Civil Defense, controlling , maintaining and making trials on the same in the determined times and that includes: a. Warning systems b. Manual, auto fire fighting equipment and water hoses. c. Water resources (main and alternative). d. Means to curtail fire spread and resultant heat or gases. 4. Assure serviceability of corridors, staircases and doors and others to enable life saving that are used as escape ways for workers in cases of rescue and emergency. 5. Identify assembly points to workers in cases of evacuation. 6. Provide suitable rescue equipment relevant to the size of the establishment and that shall be placed in a suitable place to facilitate using and also the establishment ought to have enough moveable ladders. Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (16) 7. Supervise preparation of emergency operations room and confirm availability of required conditions. 8. Apply all protection conditions in order to protect workers from industrial hazards and provide safety conditions for them. 9. Confirm availability and suitability of controlling water pipes, gas and electricity outside workplaces so as to facilitate cut off electricity, gas or water in times of need and an alternative sources of lighting if electricity is off in an attempt to evacuate workers easily from workplaces in emergency cases. 10. Confirm adopting proper storage rules as follows: a. Assure that storage of the hazardous materials that are inflammable or explosives is according to security and safety rules b. Compatibility in storage and set items without stacking or storage in non permissible heights while providing passages allowing moving freely and avoidance of storage in front of doors and windows. c. Provide enough ventilation inside the warehouse. d. Keep away heat resources and materials that can cause fire in storage places. 11. Complete preservation of the establishment cleanliness and avoid leaving any inflammable substances like wastes or papers or pieces of wood on the floor, and also avoid storing any items in the passages or workplaces. 12. Enlighten workers with rules of protection from dangers and properly inform them about procedures to follow in cases of evacuation in emergency and that includes using provisional fire fighting equipment and ways to deal with hazardous materials and proper actions to be followed in dealing with and curing injuries. Civil Defense Precautions Regulation (17) 13. Prepare trained teams from workers on rescue, medical aid, fire fighting and repairs and assign an official to lead each team with designing a plan for possibility to call such teams ASP in cases of emergencies. 14. Draw a plan to mitigate effects resulting fro incident or disaster and required engineering services or others needs in the cause of re commissioning and continue management and production under all circumstances. 15. In cases of emergency, the following steps are applicable: a. Switch off power from engines b. Cut off fuel supply from lines c. Close windows and doors unless explosives are available in the location. e. Free passages and cover equipment and devices with protective covers 16. Continue checking and inspection to assure execution of requirements pertaining to protection from dangers and assume trials once every three months in coordination with Civil defense Authorities to ensure adequate local warning systems and abilities of teams of fire fighting, rescue, medical aid and repairs to assemble in a standard time in places previously specified and make sure of the extent of knowing their duties and roles. 17. Prepare emergency plan including the previous elements in coordination with the general Administration of Civil Defense and local authorities (ROP, civil defense, electricity, water, health etc) also agreements exchanged for relief with other establishments in the vicinity in order to contribute with their resources in emergency situations.