Tealing Community Council Tealing Small Hall, Inveraldie Wednesday 15th August 2012 @ 6.30pm Present: Graeme Reoch (Chair) Nicki Donaldson (Minute Taker) Sandra Burke Janet Stewart Kay Dennis Lindsay Hay In Attendance: Nancy Wilkie Councillor Craig Fotheringham Councillor Rob Murray PC Steven Wilson Derek Godfrey Audrey McDonald Eric Morrison Mark Allan 1.0 2.0 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Graeme welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited everyone to introduce themselves. Apologies were received from Bob Taylor, Gary McIlravey, Councillor Sheila Hands. POLICE UPDATE PC Steve Wilson gave a verbal update as follows: Community Safety Theft from outbuildings Tayside Police in Angus are asking residents to look at security issues surrounding gardens, garden sheds and outbuildings following recent incidents in the area. Tools, ladders and garden furniture should be safely stored away. Mark property by painting, engraving, etching or using an ultraviolet pen with your post code. Secure your shed and lock up garages at all times. School Road Safety As pupils have recently returned to school following the summer break, Tayside Police is reminding everyone to take care on and around the region's roads, particularly when travelling to and from school. If you are taking your child to school by car, ensure that they are suitably restrained and do not release their seat belt until the vehicle is safely stopped. Always let your child get in and out of your vehicle at the pavement side. All drivers should note that on Thursday 20 August a National Seatbelt/ Speeding Day of Action will see Police Officers focusing their attention on transporting children to and from school with the objective of highlighting the necessity of safe school journeys. 1 Hare Coursing Given that over the next couple of weeks the grain should be harvested and as such fields will be bare, conditions are becoming conducive for the illegal practice of hare coursing. Hare coursing was completely banned in 2002, however, incidents of this nature continue to occur throughout Angus and further afield. Anyone who has any information about people who are involved in, or who they suspect to involved in, hare coursing or poaching, can call Tayside Police on 0300 111 2222 or provide details anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Drugs In common with other areas of Scotland, drug abuse continues to be a challenge in Angus. Residents can be assured that our officers will exploit every opportunity to tackle drug dealing in our area and we in turn would ask them to give us the information we need to target the dealers and put them before the courts. Please report any such activities to either Tayside Police on 0300 111 2222 or anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Recent Crime Money Scam Tayside Police is again warning all retail outlets to be on their guard against a scam – commonly known as Ringing the Changes – where thieves aim to confuse staff into giving money away. The appeal follows recent incidents in the Angus area that have netted fraudsters hundreds of pounds in cash. The scam involves shop staff exchanging substantial sums of money to a seemingly innocent customer seeking change. In truth, the customer is a practiced criminal who relies on some well-rehearsed patter and sleight of hand to take full advantage of shop worker’s good will. Very often it is only when the so-called customer has left that the deception is discovered. Anyone who has concerns about individuals who may be carrying out these activities should contact Tayside Police on 0300 111 2222. In an emergency contact 999. Farm Machinery Tayside Police are urging farmers not to leave farm machinery or vehicles unattended in fields overnight. Recently a large quantity of fuel was stolen from a combine harvester which was parked in a field overnight. Unfortunately the large quantities of fuel such machines hold, the quiet unclassified roads which bounder the fields and the darker nights drawing in make fuel thefts attractive to the criminal. Farm vehicles and machinery should be secured away at the end of the working day in suitable outbuildings which 2 are secured by key operated locks. Simply securing the vehicles themselves in a field is not a sufficient form of security. Furthermore, vehicles and machinery should be refuelled in the morning to prevent them being left overnight with large quantities of fuel. 3.0 4.0 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 6.0 7.0 7.1 G Reoch advised that he had received correspondence from Kenny Hart, Inspector requesting completion of a questionnaire about community policing in the areas which he completed and returned on behalf of the community council. CO-OPTION/RESIGNATION The Chair informed the meeting of the resignation of Liz Ormand for personal reasons. The Chair recommended the Co-option of Gary McIlravey which was approved unanimously. 1 vacancy at present which will be advertised on the website. MINUTE OF MEETINGS HELD ON 16TH MAY AND 30TH JULY 2012 Approved. MATTERS ARISING Community Appraisal Angus Council have arranged a meeting at Tealing School on 16th August 2012 to discuss the findings of the survey. A90 Bear Scotland Consultation £40K being spent on signage. S Burke to email Bear Scotland as signage not enough in itself and required more emphasis on reducing speed. Community Councillors agreed they would still pursue the 50mph speed limit on the dual carriageway. G Reoch to raise again with G Dey. Tealing Church/Cemetery No further update at this time. Fly Tipping – Huntingfaulds Road G Reoch discussed with A Henderson. Angus Council Chief Executive has promised that council will clean up as a one-off. Core Path Lindsay to meet with Nicki to progress. REVIEW OF SCHEME OF ESTABLISHMENT FOR COMMUNITY COUNCILS G Reoch advised that consultation was now out for comment and that for community councils with less than 1000 electors the proposed number of community councillors would be 8 and 5 juniors (16-18 year olds). COUNCIL QUERIES Bus Shelter - Inveraldie Councillor Murray advised that location of bus shelter still to be agreed but that he would pursue outcome. 3 S Burke G Reoch L Hay/N Donaldson G Reoch Cllr Murray 7.2 8.0 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 10.0 Dog Bins A previous request had been made for additional dog bins to be provided in the area. Councillor Murray to monitor request for additional bins at Mill of Tealing to Balgray and between Mill of Tealing. Councillor Fotheringham advised that dog bins had been provided for bottom of Balnuith. TREASURER’S REPORT Tealing Olympic Gala Weekend account and general accounts circulated. Gala weekend currently down by £62.32 but sale of DVD at £5 each should cancel this out. Nationwide Account now closed and funds transferred to RBS account. Accounts approved from Angus Council but it was later discovered that a minor error had been made in the accounts therefore these will be amended and resent to Angus Council. Account balances as follows: Petty Cash £59.96, Admin A/c £1726.07, Project A/c £2200.00 and Paypal A/c £32.02. TEALING ACTION PLAN Road Safety – Leads LH, JS Discussions ongoing. Planning Developments – Lead GR Letter submitted re Dodd Hill. Public Transport – Lead JS Councillor Fotheringham to speak to Chris Boyle re reliability and quality of public transport. Regular Community Activities – Lead Mr Allan raised that he felt there was not enough going on in the community especially for children with the suggestion of a club to attract families from the village. It was confirmed that this would need to be raised with the hall committee if that is the location sought. Information, Communication & Consultation – Leads SB, GR, KD Shop now on-line. DVDs from the Gala Weekend now on sale for £5 (running time 47 minutes) which K Dennis will distribute. The local hero board will be considered again at the next meeting. Environment – Leads LH No further update. Major Events – Leads ND, JS, SB It was agreed that we would lead on the Christmas event but that the Hall Committee would lead on the New Year event. Monitoring & Evaluation Action plan will be updated and circulated under separate cover. CORRESPONDENCE Angus Council Chief Executive’s Department – Bi Annual 4 Cllr Murray K Dennis K Dennis C/Councillors G Campbell N Donaldson 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 12.0 Meeting with Community Councils Angus Council Infrastructure Services – Bus Timetables Angus Local Access Forum – Open Meeting 21 June Angus Council Infrastructure Services – Planning Application at Land North West of Govals Farm, Kincaldrum, Forfar Energy Saving Scotland – Energy Assistance Package Angus Council Corporate Services – Budget Guide 2012/13 Angus Council Infrastructure Services – Planning Application at Frawney Wind Angus Council Infrastructure Services – Planning Application at Frawney Wind Farm Angus Council Infrastructure Services – Planning Application at Dodd Hill Tayplan – Action Programme 2012-32 Tayside Police – Community Policing Style In Angus Captain AGC Vivers RA (Retd) – Dodd Hill Wind Farm Angus Council Infrastructure Services – Bus Timetables Angus Council Infrastructure Services – Receipt of letter re Dodd Hill. AOCB Funding Request A funding request had been made by the Hall Committee although no specifics detailed. Community Councillors discussed the request and it was agreed that G Reoch would request further information on the actual request being made prior to a decision being able to be made. Millennium Gates It was noted that the gates need restored – J Stewart to progress. Doddhill Community Benefit An update was given on the recent meeting held with West Coast Energy. Agreement had been made with the 3 community councils i.e. Tealing, Murroes and Wellbank and Inverarity to have a joint forum in which to communicate on the possibility of a community benefit with West Coast Energy. DATE OF NEXT MEETING AND AGM Wednesday 17th October 2012 @ 6.30pm – Tealing Hall. 5 G Reoch J Stewart