Tender Notice - National Archives of India

Tender Notice
F. No. 42-3(3)/2009 Rep (R)
Government of India
National Archives of India
Janpath, New Delhi-110001
Director General of Archives invites Tenders/Quotations under “Two Bids
System” Technical & Financial Bid for the following three Projects in National
Archives of India.
1. Preparation of Negative Microfilms and Positive microfilms of approx.
63 lakh pages in National Archives of India, Janpath, New Delhi within
a period of two years and
2. Preparation of Positive microfilms of approx. 13,000 Negative
microfilms available in National Archives of India New Delhi and the
Regional Office, Bhopal.
3. Preparation of Digital image of 5 lakh pages and converting the same
into analog images in microfilm using Archive Writer. The Digital
images to be supplied in CD format and analog images in Archival
quality Kodak Microfilm rolls.
Both the ‘Technical Bid’ and the ‘Financial Bid’ should be sealed
separately in a cover and then submitted in a big envelope along with the
test strip as specified in the Terms and Conditions.
Terms and conditions may be downloaded from our website
www.nationalarchives.nic.in. The Quotations should be deposited in the
‘Tender Box’ kept at the Reception Office of National Archives of India or
sent by post.
The Director General of Archives will receive the quotations
up to 12 Noon on 03-02-2010 and the same will be opened in the
presence of representatives of Tenderers who happen to be present at 3
PM on the same day.
The quotations should be sent separately in three sealed covers
‘Tender for Preparation of Negative and Positive Microfilm rolls’
‘Preparation of Negative Microfilm rolls’
‘Supply of Digital and Microfilm images’.
Invitation of quotations for Preparation of Negative Microfilm of approximately
63 lakh pages documents/ records/ manuscripts and Positive Microfilm of Negative
Microfilm Prepared within a period of 2 years.
Keeping in view the high magnitude of the proposed work, in the interest of the
project and to complete the work in lesser time NAI may divide the said work and
negotiate the lowest rate quoted with other bidders who may be interested in taking
up the work on the same.
Therefore it will be the discretion of the Director General of Archives to assign
the job to Two or more service bureaus/ companies depending upon the capability/
infrastructure on the lowest rate quoted. All the other Terms and conditions are
Eligibility Criteria
1. Only the reputed and highly experienced service bureaus/agencies who have good
infrastructure, have adequate and sound knowledge of microfilming techniques
according to the International Standards and capable to undertake microfilming work
for longer duration and possess at least 5 years experience work would be eligible to
submit the quotations. A self certificate to this effect need to be submitted along with
the quotation.
2. All service bureau/agencies must provide a detailed profile of their firm. The
company should be registered in India and the registration number of the firm along
with the VAT/CST/LST No. allotted by the concerned Authorities should invariably
be indicated in the quotations(s).
3. A list of the clients/organization(s) where similar nature of work has been conducted
should be furnished indicating the name, address of the organization and the name of
the contact person. The number of years of relation with the client(s)/organization(s)
may also be attached.
4. The Company should start the job of preparation of negative and positive
microfilm within 30 days from the date of signing the Agreement or else the
EMD deposited by the Company will be forfeited as per Government of India
rules & procedure.
Technical Requirement
1. The documents to be microfilmed will normally be in the size of A-3//B-4/A-4 sizes
in stitched files and bound volumes.
2. The job assigned is to be undertaken in National Archives of India, Janpath, New
Delhi. Necessary space for installation of Planetary Microfilm Camera, Positive
Duplicator and infrastructure for installation of Microfilm Automatic Processor and
electrical connection and necessary water connection for processing of Microfilms
will be provided by National Archives of India.
3. The company/Firm has to install adequate number of Planetary Microfilm Cameras,
Microfilm duplicators and Automatic Microfilm Processor to have an output of
12000 pages per day for preparation of negative microfilm and also prepare the
positive microfilm of the negative microfilm prepared. The supporting technical
staffs for the camera, necessary consumables have to be arranged by the successful
bidder(s) at their own cost. If the above said target is not achieved by the Service
Bureau/ Company, NAI will have the right to terminate the contract
4. The documents to be microfilmed are of archival importance and due care in
handling of this documents by operators have to be ensured. Any loss or damage of
the document supplied for microfilming may result to cancellation of the contract
immediately and the Performance Security deposit will be forfeited.
5. It will be the responsibility of the agency to take the documents from the stack area
for microfilming and after microfilming it should be restored in the same place from
where it has been taken. Documents/records are to be arranged chronologically and
necessary pagination done before microfilming.
6. The documents/records are to be restitched / rebound again after microfilming and
necessary manpower for this should be employed by the agency.
7. Un-perforated rolls of 35 mm x 30.5 m of Kodak image link (Panchromatic
unperforated) Estar base HQ microfilms (No. 1461) of high archival quality raw
microfilm having a minimum of one year or more expiry date should be used for
microfilming & Kodak Duplicate Duplicating microfilm (No. 2462) should be used
for preparation of positive microfilm rolls.
8. The filming arrangement shall be two running pages per exposure in comic mode
with suitably selected technical targets giving all relevant information in the
microfilm preferably in typed form and with a minimum of 75 cm Leader and Trailer
each. The full frame size of 32 mm x 45 mm. should be used during microfilming of
9. Resolution chart must be exposed at the Start and End of the roll.
10. The processed microfilm shall specify the archival parameters in density contrast and
resolutions as under: a. Density – 0.9 to 1.2 (ideal 1)
b. Resolution – At 15 x minimum 106.5 lines per mm
c. Raw Camera Films – Kodak image link microfilm 1461 or the latest
emulsion number.
d. Residual Chemical contents – (1) without traces of silver in the processed
film. (2) 0.007 gram per sq. cm as per Methylene Blue test for residual hypo
in the processed film.
11. The processed microfilm rolls shall be accepted only after subjecting them to critical
evaluation or through quoted parameters by highly qualified technical experts. If the
supplied microfilms rolls do not meet the archival parameter mentioned as in 10
above, the contract will be terminated immediately.
12. Any sub-standard or defective rolls or part thereof shall have to be replaced without
any extra cost.
13. To supply the original cartons, spools and protective strips of Kodak Microfilm and
supply them to NAI along with the microfilms.
14. A computerized list of the index of negative films should be prepared and
pasted on the carton boxes of both the negative/ positive films being supplied.
The computerized data to be supplied in the CD format to NAI. The design of
the data base will be supplied by NAI.
15. The Company/ firm will be responsible for film processing and ensuring archival
quality of microfilms. No payment will be made for microfilms not found of
satisfactory quality. NAI decision in this regard will be final. It may be ensured that
the films are fixed and washed for archival pursuance.
16. While on the assignment, the firm will not make or retain any microfilm copy of the
documents / records for any purpose whatsoever, except for submitting the
microfilms to the NAI as per the terms of the job.
17. In case of loss or damage to the documents / records, retaining any microfilming
copies of the documents / records and delay in completing the job as per the
requirement of NAI, the performance security money deposited by the firm will
be forfeited.
18. The company should deploy at least two professionally qualified supervisors
who should check the rolls before the same is handed over to NAI for final
19. Processed microfilm roll will be delivered to NAI within 10 days after processing
for testing the same in our “quality control laboratory” for residual hypo in the
process film, ideal density i.e. .09 to 1.2 and resolution etc. along with a certificate
that these rolls have been processed in the chemical of same lot. No payment will be
made for microfilms not found of satisfactory quality.
20. Only two splicing will be allowed in one roll i.e. one in the beginning, one in the
end and one in between if major portion has been asked for retake.
Bid Requirement
1. The Service bureau/agencies will require to submit the tenders in two parts viz.
‘Technical bid’ and ‘Financial Bid’ separately in two separate sealed envelopes and
should be superscribed accordingly. Both the envelopes should, then, be kept in
another sealed cover and superscribed as ‘Quotation for preparation of Negative and
Positive Microfilm rolls’.
2. The ‘Technical Bid’ should contain a ‘Test Strips’ of both Negative and Positive
Microfilm of at least each 4 meter long with sufficient leader and trailer, containing
exposures paper manuscripts, for technical evaluation of quality of microfilm and
performance of the service bureau. The resolution chart should also be exposed in the
beginning of the ‘Test Strips’. The following information should also be furnished
along with the ‘Test Strips’.
a. Make of Camera and Make of Microfilm Duplicator
b. Date of exposing both of Negative and Positive Microfilm.
c. Date of processing both of Negative and Positive Microfilm
d. Reduction ratio in Negative Microfilm.
e. Residual Hypo test certificate of both Negative and Positive Microfilm.
Earnest Money Deposit/Security Deposit
All quotation should be accompanied with an earnest money of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees
Fifty thousand only) in the form of Bank Draft of a scheduled bank guaranteed by
Reserve Bank of India in favour of the “Administrative Officer, National Archives of
India, Janpath, New Dehi-110001
Preparation of Tender Document
a) First Cover
(Documents to be attached)
1. Technical Bid along with ‘Test Strip’ as mentioned above
2. Earnest Money Deposit
3. Experience certificates of the service bureau/agencies
4. Company profile along with registration number of the firm with VAT/CST/LST
5. A list of the client(s) organization(s), where similar nature of work has been
conducted, may be furnished indicating the name, address of the organization and
the name of the contact person. The number of years of relation with the
client(s)/organization(s) should also be mentioned.
6. Acceptance certificate on printed letter head to the effect that the service
bureau/agencies agree to abide by the conditions of the tender document.
b. Second Cover
(Documents to be attached)
1. Financial Bid as per the enclosed format at Annexure – ‘A’
Last date of submission of Tenders
1. The quotation should be sent to the Director General of Archives, National Archives
of India, Janpath, New Delhi-1 latest by 03-02-2010 before 12.00 Noon. No
quotations will be accepted after the stipulated date and time.
Opening of Tenders
1. The quotations will be opened in the NAI at 3.00 p.m. on 03-02-2010 in
presence of all representatives of the company, who are desirous to be present at the
time of opening the sealed quotation.
2. The ‘Financial bid’ will be opened only after the scrutiny of the ‘Technical Bid’ has
been done and short listed.
Payment Terms
1. Payment will be made once in three month after obtaining a certificate from
the Reprography Division about the satisfactory quality of microfilm rolls.
75% payment of the billed amount will be released after preliminary
inspection of the microfilm rolls received at NAI.
The balance 25 % payment (final payment) will be released after final
inspection of the microfilm rolls subject to fulfillment of Technical condition
No. 10.
Frames / Rolls rejected fully/partially by NAI technical Officers will be redone at Firms own cost.
If the company fails to deliver the microfilms as per condition laid down in
technical condition 6 above, NAI will have the option to cancel the contract
immediately and award the contract to other company.
Annexure A
Description of work
Preparation of negative microfilms of
documents/records in Kodak Image link 1461
(Panchromatic Unperforated) film of 35 mm x 100 feet
[two pages in one frame]
Preparation of 100 meter Duplicate Positive Microfilm
in Kodak 2462 duplicating film
Rate per
-----------Per frame
Project II:
Invitation of quotations for Preparation of Positive Microfilm of Negative
Microfilm available in NAI, New Delhi and Bhopal. The entire collection of 8,500
Negative microfilm roll available in NAI New Delhi and 4,500 microfilm roll available
at its Regional Office Bhopal are to be duplicated within a period of 2 years.
Keeping in view the high magnitude of the proposed work, in the interest of the
project and to complete the work in lesser time NAI may divide the said work and
negotiate the lowest rate quoted with other bidders who may be interested in taking
up the work on the same.
Therefore it will be the discretion of the Director General of Archives to assign
the job to Two or more service bureaus/ companies depending upon the capability/
infrastructure on the lowest rate quoted. All the other Terms and conditions are
Eligibility Criteria
1. Only the reputed and highly experienced service bureaus/agencies who have good
infrastructure, have adequate and sound knowledge of microfilming techniques
according to the International Standards and capable to undertake microfilming work
for longer duration and possess at least 5 years experience work would be eligible to
submit the quotations. A self certificate to this effect need to be submitted along with
the quotation.
2. All service bureau/agencies must provide a detailed profile of their firm. The
company should be registered in India and the registration number of the firm along
with the VAT/CST/LST No. allotted by the concerned Authorities should invariably
be indicated in the quotations(s).
3. A list of the clients/organization(s) where similar nature of work has been conducted
should be furnished indicating the name, address of the organization and the name of
the contact person. The number of years of relation with the client(s)/organization(s)
may also be attached.
5. The Company should start the job of preparation of positive microfilm within 30
days from the date of signing the Agreement or else the EMD deposited by the
Company will be forfeited as per Government of India rules & procedure.
Technical Requirement
1. The Negative Microfilms to be supplied for duplication will normally be available in
35 mm X 30.5 meters.
2. Necessary space for installation of Duplicator and infrastructure for installation of
Microfilm Automatic Processor and electrical connection and necessary water
connection for processing of Microfilms will be provided by National Archives of
3. The company/Firm has to install adequate number of microfilm duplicators and
Automatic Microfilm Processor to have an output of 750 meters of Positive
Microfilm per day.
4. The Negative Microfilm of NAI are of archival importance and due care in handling
of this microfilm by operators have to be ensured. Any loss or damage of the original
microfilm roll supplied for duplication may result in cancellation of the contract
immediately and forfeiture of the “Performance Security Deposit.”
It will be the responsibility of the agency to take the Microfilms from the Microfilm
Repository in NAI, New Delhi and its Regional Office at Bhopal for the preparation
of Positive microfilm and after duplicating the same should be restored in the same
place from where it has been taken. Necessary manpower for this should be
employed by the agency.
6. Kodak Duplicating microfilm (No. 2462) should be used for preparation of positive
microfilm rolls.
7. The processed Positive microfilm shall specify the archival parameters in density
contrast and resolutions as under: a. Density – 0.9 to 1.2 (ideal 1)
b. Residual Chemical contents – (1) Without traces of silver in the processed
film. (2) Hypo Content in the processed Microfilms 0.007 mg per sq. cm.
8. The company should deploy at least two professionally qualified supervisors
who should check the rolls before the same is handed over to NAI for final
9. The processed Positive microfilm rolls shall be accepted only after subjecting them
to critical evaluation or through quoted parameters by highly qualified technical
experts. If the supplied microfilm rolls do not meet the archival parameter mentioned
in Para 8 above the contract will be terminated immediately.
10. Any sub-standard or defective rolls or part thereof shall have to be replaced without
any extra cost.
11. The prepared Positive microfilm should have a leader of 75 cm in the beginning and
a trailer of 75 cm at the end of each roll.
12. The prepared positive microfilm should be loaded in 35 mm Acid free Plastic Spool
and can along with carton boxes indexed in typed form as in the supplied microfilm
rolls given for duplication.
13. A computerized list of the index of Positive microfilms should be prepared and
pasted on the carton boxes of positive films being supplied. The computerized
data to be supplied in the CD format to NAI. The design of the database will be
supplied by NAI.
14. The Company/ firm will be responsible for film processing and ensuring archival
quality of positive microfilms. No payment will be made for positive microfilms not
found of satisfactory quality. NAI decision in this regard will be final. It may be
ensured that the films are fixed and washed for archival pursuance.
15. While on the assignment, the firm will not make or retain any positive microfilm
copy of the Negative Microfilm for any purpose whatsoever, except for submitting
the positive microfilms to the NAI as per the terms of the job. Any waste microfilm
should be deposited to NAI without any cost.
16. In case of loss or damage to the original Negative Microfilms, retaining any
microfilming copies of the documents / records and delay in completing the job
as per the requirement of NAI, the security money deposited by the firm will be
forfeited. If the processed microfilm rolls are not delivered to NAI for testing
within ten days 10% of the cost per roll per day will be deducted as penalty
upto 20 days from the processing date.
17. Processed positive microfilm roll will be delivered to NAI within 10 days after
processing for testing the same in our “quality control laboratory” for residual
hypo in the process film, ideal density i.e. .09 to 1.2 and resolution etc. along with a
certificate that these rolls have been processed in the chemical of same lot. No
payment will be made for microfilms not found of satisfactory quality.
18. No splicing of retakes will be allowed in Positive microfilms..
Bid Requirement
1. The Service bureau/agencies will require to submit the tenders in two parts viz.
‘Technical bid’ and ‘Financial Bid’ separately in two separate sealed envelopes and
should be superscribed accordingly. Both the envelopes should, then, be kept in
another sealed cover and superscribed as “Quotation for preparation of Positive
Microfilm rolls”.
2. The ‘Technical Bid’ should contain a ‘Test Strip’ of at least 4 meter long with
sufficient leader and trailer, containing exposures paper manuscripts, for technical
evaluation of quality of microfilm and performance of the service bureau. The
resolution chart should also be exposed in the beginning of the ‘Test Strip’. The
following information should also be furnished along with the ‘Test Strip’.
1. Make of the Microfilm Duplicator
2. Date of exposing
3. Date of processing
4. Residual Hypo test certificate
Earnest Money Deposit/Security Deposit
All quotation should be accompanied with an earnest money of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees
Fifty thousand only) in the form of Bank Draft of a scheduled bank guaranteed by
Reserve Bank of India in favour of the “Administrative Officer, National Archives of
India, Janpath, New Dehi-110001
Preparation of Tender Document
First Cover
(Documents to be attached)
Technical Bid along with ‘Test Strip’ as mentioned above
Earnest Money Deposit
Experience certificates of the service bureau/agencies
Company profile along with registration number of the firm with VAT/CST/LST no.
A list of the client(s) organization(s), where similar nature of work has been
conducted, may be furnished indicating the name, address of the organization and the
name of the contact person. The number of years of relation with the
client(s)/organization(s) should also be mentioned.
Acceptance certificate on printed letter head to the effect that the service
bureau/agencies agree to abide by the conditions of the tender document.
Second Cover
(Documents to be attached)
Financial Bid as per the enclosed format at Annexure – ‘A’
Last date of submission of Tenders
1. The quotation should be sent to the Director General of Archives, National Archives
of India, Janpath, New Delhi-1 latest by 03-02-2010 before 12.00 Noon. No
quotations will be accepted after the stipulated date and time.
Opening of Tenders
1. The quotations will be opened in the NAI at 3.00 p.m on 03-02-2010 in presence
of all representatives of the company, who are desirous to be present at the time of
opening the sealed quotation.
2. The ‘Financial bid’ will be opened only after the scrutiny of the ‘Technical Bid’ has
been done and short listed.
Payment Terms
1. Payment will be made once in three month after obtaining a certificate from the
Reprography Division about the satisfactory quality of microfilm rolls.
2. 75% payment of the billed amount will be released after preliminary inspection of the
microfilm rolls received at NAI.
3. The balance 25 % payment (final payment) will be released after final inspection of
the microfilm rolls subject to fulfillment of Technical condition No. 6 & 7.
4. Frames / Rolls rejected fully/partially by NAI technical Officers will be re-done at
Firms own cost.
5. If the company fails to deliver the microfilms as per condition laid down in technical
condition 5 above, NAI will have the option to cancel the contract immediately and
award the contract to other company.
Annexure A
Description of work
Preparation of 35 mm X 100 meter Positive
Duplicating Microfilm in Kodak 2462 duplicating
Rate per meter
Rs. ------------ Per
Project III
Invitation of quotations for a pilot project of Preparation of Digital image of 5 lakh pages
and converting the same into analog images in microfilm using Archive Writer within a
period of one year. The Digital images to be supplied in CD format and analog images in
Archival quality Kodak Microfilms
Keeping in view the high magnitude of the proposed work, in the interest of the
project and to complete the work in lesser time NAI may divide the said work and
negotiate the lowest rate quoted with other bidders who may be interested in taking
up the work on the same.
Therefore it will be the discretion of the Director General of Archives to assign
the job to Two or more service bureaus/ companies depending upon the capability/
infrastructure on the lowest rate quoted. All the other Terms and conditions are
Eligibility Criteria
1. Only the reputed and highly experienced Service Bureaus / agencies who have good
infrastructure, have adequate and sound knowledge of digitization and microfilming
techniques according to the International Standards and capable to undertake
digitization and microfilming work for longer duration and possess at least 5 years
experience work would be eligible to submit the quotations. A self certificate to this
effect need to be submitted along with the quotation.
2. All service bureau/agencies must provide a detailed profile of their firm. The
company should be registered in India and the registration number of the firm along
with the VAT/CST/LST No. allotted by the concerned Authorities should invariably
be indicated in the quotations(s).
3. A list of the clients/organization(s) where similar nature of work has been conducted
should be furnished indicating the name, address of the organization and the name of
the contact person. The number of years of relation with the client(s)/organization(s)
may also be attached.
4. The Company should start the job of preparation of digital images and then
convert them to analog images in Kodak Negative Microfilm of 35mm negative
within 30 days from the date of signing the Agreement or else the EMD
deposited by the Company will be forfeited as per Government of India rules &
Technical Requirement
1. The Approximately 5 lakh pages are to be Digitized in TIFF, JEPG & PDF formats
and supplied in three good branded quality DVDs/CDs and from the digital images
Negative Microfilm copies prepared with the help of Archive writer with in a period
of 1 year
2. The documents to be digitized will normally be in the size of A-4/B-4/A-3 size in
stitched files/volumes.
3. The documents should be digitized at minimum of 300/ 600 dpi using Face up
Scanning technology with pixel type moving linear CCD sensor scanner. The
Company should Digitize 2,000 pages per day. Necessary infrastructure like
Scanner/ Archive writer etc. for having the above output should be installed in NAI.
4. Book cradle mechanism should be used for bounded volumes of documents for
minimum handling of the documents/ records. Stitched files/ volumes should be
electronically flattened
5. The Company should start the job of digitization work of documents and
subsequently preparation of analog images in Kodak Negative Microfilm of 35mm
negative microfilm within 30 days from the date of signing the Agreement or else the
EMD deposited by the Company will be forfeited.
6. Necessary space for installation of over head Scanners, Archive writer, and
infrastructure for installation of Microfilm Automatic Processor and electrical
connection and necessary water connection for processing of Microfilms will be
provided by National Archives of India.
7. The documents to be digitized are of archival importance and due care in handling of
this documents by operators have to be ensured. Any loss or damage of the document
supplied for digitizing may result to cancellation of the contract immediately and the
security deposit will be forfeited.
8. The company / Firm should install necessary number of over head scanners for
completing the preparation of digital images of 5 lakh pages within a period of one
year. If the said target is not achieved by the company/Firm, NAI will have the right
to terminate the contract immediately.
It will be the responsibility of the agency to take the documents from the stack area
for digitizing and after digitizing it should be restored in the same place from where
it has been taken. Documents / records are to be arranged chronologically and
necessary pagination done before Digitization work /microfilming.
10. The documents/records are to be restitched / rebound again after digitizing if needed
Necessary manpower for this should be employed by the agency.
11. The digital output of scanned images should be written on Un-perforated rolls of 35
mm x 30.5 m of Kodak Negative microfilm No. 1461 for archival purpose.
12. The digitizing arrangement shall be two running pages per frame in comic mode with
suitably selected technical targets giving all relevant information in the images.
13. The Microfilm must be processed in the Archival Processor that meets archival
14. The processed negative microfilm shall specify the archival parameters in density
contrast and resolutions as under: a. Density – 0.9 to 1.2 (ideal 1)
b. Resolution – At 15 x minimum 106.5 lines per mm
c. Raw Camera Films – Kodak image link microfilm 1461 or the latest
emulsion number.
d. Residual Chemical contents – (1) without traces of silver in the processed
film. (2) 0.007 mg per sq. cm as per Methylene Blue test for residual hypo in
the processed film.
15. The processed microfilm rolls shall be accepted only after subjecting them to critical
evaluation or through quoted parameters by highly qualified technical experts. If the
supplied microfilms rolls do not meet the archival parameter mentioned as in 14
above the contract will be terminated immediately.
16. Any sub-standard or defective microfilm rolls and unclear images in digital formats
shall have to be replaced without any extra cost.
17. The prepared microfilm should have a leader of 75 cm in the beginning and a trailer
of 75 cm at the end of each roll.
18. To retain the original cartons, spools and protective strips of Kodak and supply them
to NAI along with the microfilms.
19. A computerized list of the index of negative films should be prepared and
pasted on the carton boxes of the negative microfilms and CD covers being
supplied. The computerized data to be supplied in the CD/DVD format to NAI.
The design of the data base will be supplied by NAI.
20. The Company/ firm will be responsible for film processing and ensuring archival
quality of microfilms. No payment will be made for microfilms not found of
satisfactory quality. NAI decision in this regard will be final. It may be ensured that
the films are fixed and washed for archival pursuance.
21. While on the assignment, the firm will not make or retain any Digital microfilm copy
of the documents / records for any purpose whatsoever, except for submitting the
microfilms to the NAI as per the terms of the job.
22. In case of loss or damage to the documents / records, retaining any digital/
microfilming copies of the documents / records and delay in completing the job
as per the requirement of NAI, the security money deposited by the firm will be
forfeited. If the processed microfilm rolls are not delivered to NAI for testing
within ten days of their processing 10% of the cost per roll per day will be
deducted as penalty up to 20 days from the processing date.
23. Digital images and processed microfilm roll will be delivered to NAI within 10 days
after processing for testing the same in our “quality control laboratory” for
residual hypo in the process film, ideal density i.e. .09 to 1.2 and resolution etc.
along with a certificate that these rolls have been processed in the chemical of same
lot. No payment will be made for microfilms not found of satisfactory quality.
24. The company should deploy professionally qualified supervisor who should
check the microfilm rolls and digital images before the same is handed over to
NAI for final checking
25. Due consideration will be given firms/ companies who have past experience in
executing such large-scale digitizing/ microfilm project.
26. The rate quoted will have the validity of 24 months from the date of signing of the
Bid Requirement
1. The Service bureau/agencies will require to submit the tenders in two parts viz.
‘Technical bid’ and ‘Financial Bid’ separately in two separate sealed envelopes and
should be superscribed accordingly. Both the envelopes should, then, be kept in
another sealed cover and superscribed as ‘Tender for preparation of Digital
Images and their Microfilm Rolls’.
2. The ‘Technical Bid’ should contain a CD/DVD of digital images & microfilm Test
Strip of at least 4 meter long with sufficient leader and trailer, containing exposures
paper manuscripts, for technical evaluation of quality of microfilm and performance
of the Service Bureau. The resolution chart should also be exposed in the beginning of
the ‘Test Strip’. The following information should also be furnished along with the
‘Microfilm Test Strip’.
a. Make of Scanner & Archive writer.
b. Date of exposing Microfilm
c. Date of processing.
d. Residual Hypo test certificate
Earnest Money Deposit/Security Deposit
All quotation should be accompanied with an earnest money of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees
Fifty thousand only) in the form of Bank Draft of a scheduled bank guaranteed by
Reserve Bank of India in favour of the “Administrative Officer, National Archives of
India, Janpath, New Dehi-110001
Preparation of Tender Document
a) First Cover
(Documents to be attached)
Technical Bid along with ‘CD/DVD & Microfilm Test Strip’ as mentioned above
Earnest Money Deposit
Experience certificates of the service bureau/agencies
Company profile along with registration number of the firm with VAT/CST/LST no.
A list of the client(s) organization(s), where similar nature of work has been
conducted, may be furnished indicating the name, address of the organization and the
name of the contact person. The number of years of relation with the
client(s)/organization(s) should also be mentioned.
Acceptance certificate on printed letter head to the effect that the service
bureau/agencies agree to abide by the conditions of the tender document.
b. Second Cover
(Documents to be attached)
1. Financial Bid as per the enclosed format at Annexure – ‘A’
Last date of submission of Tenders
1. The quotation should be sent to the Director General of Archives, National Archives
of India, Janpath, New Delhi-1 latest by 03-02-2010 before 12.00 Noon. No
quotations will be accepted after the stipulated date and time.
Opening of Tenders
1. The quotations will be opened in the NAI at 3.00 p.m. on 03-02-2010 in
presence of all representatives of the company, who are desirous to be present at the
time of opening the sealed quotation.
2. The ‘Financial bid’ will be opened only after the scrutiny of the ‘Technical Bid’ has
been done and short listed.
Payment Terms
1. Payment will be made once in three month after obtaining a certificate from the
Reprography Division about the satisfactory quality of digital/ microfilm rolls.
2. 75% payment of the billed amount will be released after preliminary inspection of the
digital images/ microfilm rolls received at NAI.
3. The balance 25 % payment (final payment) will be released after final inspection of
the digital images/ microfilm rolls subject to fulfillment of Technical condition No.3
& 14.
4. Frames / Rolls rejected fully/partially by NAI technical Officers will be re-done at
Firms own cost.
5. If the company fails to deliver the microfilms as per condition laid down in technical
condition 9 above, NAI will have the option to cancel the contract immediately and
award the contract to other company.
Annexure A
Description of work
Digital images of documents of A4/A3
size documents at 300 dpi supplied in
iii) PDF format in CDs/ DVDs
Preparation of Negative microfilms of
documents/of above digital images in
Kodak Image link 1461 (Panchromatic
Un-perforated) film of 35 mm x 100
feet [two pages in one frame]
Rate per image
Rs……….Per image
Rs.--------- Per frame