Religious and Cultural Tour

Group Leader:
Ruby Yuen (40)
Group Members:
Eva Suen (32)
Jeanie Wong (36)
Alicia Yeung (38)
Wendy Yuen (41)
Business Plan
Our group included 5 members, they are Eva Suen (32), Jeanie
Wong (36), Alicia Yeung(38), Ruby Yuen(40) and Wendy Yuen(41).
We have learnt that tourism is the main and important industry in
Hong Kong. Also with the reference from Source 1, it shows that
Hong Kong has strong potential to develop tourism since Hong
Kong has good transport facilities, stable policy, and excellent
business environment.
Since 1970s, Hong Kong economy has rapidly developed; Hong
Kong people have a better living standard through out these years.
And they are more willing to spend more on travel for relax and
sightseeing. However, Hong Kong people always desire for new
places to travel, a variety choice of traveling route or even thematic
With the popularity and success of TV program – One The Road [向
世界出發], [識歎系列]and YO2(Your Own Tour) held by Hong Thai
Travel Services Limited, indicates a strong potential and great
demand for innovative, thematic traveling. Eventually, we decided
to open a travel agency – Eternal Legend Tour Agency and it
belonged to the tertiary production. We aimed at providing
professional, reasonable, fair and thematic tours. Our job is to
organize these thematic tours to suit the need of our customers.
We have designed three kinds of thematic traveling route that have
strong potential. They are “Football Passion Tour”, “The-Love-Tour”
and “Religious and Cultural Tour”. The more detailed market
information and target customers will be presented in the following
 Football Passion Tour
According Source 2, football becomes commercialized and the
culture of football has already spread all over the world. We can
cooperate with the popular football clubs like Hong Kong football
fans’ favorite football team – Manchester United and Chelsea.
After the World Cup 2006, different kinds of promotion of the
football team, establishing of Manchester United Soccer School in
Hong Kong has successfully aroused the awareness of Hong Kong
people towards football issues. Our customers can join this tour
and fulfill their dream and satisfy the interest of football.
All these information leads to a conclusion that holding thematic
tour related to football is prospective.
Our target customers mainly have high spending power. There is
no limit for age, sex, nationality and education background. Of
course, they must be enthusiastic and passionate to football.
 The-Love-Tour
Due to higher living standard and revitalize economy, Hong Kong
people planning their Honey Moon Tour become choosier and
request for more nowadays. They want to experience an
unforgettable, unique, romantic and pick the specially chosen
Since our travel agency provides thematic tours, we can organize
and plan a unique Honey Moon Tour according to their needs or
any special request like special destination.
Furthermore, we will take part in the exhibitions like Hong Kong
Wedding, Banquet and Honeymoon Travel Expo so we can have
considerable number of customers. [From Source 3]
*The following design of “The-Love-Tour” is only an example of
this service.
Our target customers mainly have high spending power and newly
married Hong Kong residents. There is no restriction on
educationally background or age.
 Religious and Cultural Tour
One of the highest audience rating popular TV program – On The
Road(向世界出發) broadcasted by Television Broadcasts Limited
has caused a fuss among Hong Kong citizen. There are some
episodes are based on theme relating to religion and for example
Qin Hai, Vatican and Israel introduced by 羅家英、羅蘭、蔡少芬
respectively. Concerning cultural tour, there is Japan, Thailand etc
from the series. Audiences are very interested in this kind of
thematic tour and show great support to it since they seldom
encounter this kind of thematic traveling. Therefore, we decided to
organize this innovative tour. With the favorable environment and
circumstances, we believe holding this tour can bring us profit and
also fulfill our aim, to suit our customers’ need.
Our target customers are Hong Kong residents with high spending
power and show great interest over religious and cultural aspects.
The tour is without limit concerning sex, education background.
We choose a unit in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center.
It is in room13, floor 40. We choose it because HKCEC is located in
Wanchai, which is a hustle and busy commercial center. It
overlooking famed Victoria Harbour, the Centre is conveniently
linked by covered walkways to adjacent luxury hotels, including the
Grand Hyatt Hong Kong and the Renaissance Harbour View Hotel
in order to create a high quality and positive image of our travel
agency. Also it is close to the MTR -Hong Kong's modern subway
system - the airport bus, city buses and ferries, banking, the main
post office, and all the shopping and entertainment that Hong Kong
is famous for. It is more convenient for our employees and
customer to come to our office. A lot of international exhibitions like
Hong Kong Wedding, Banquet and Honeymoon Travel Expo held
in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. So we can take
part in these exhibitions and explore new markets. This area is also
near to Admiralty and Central which attract high spending power
customers. This location round up of the advantageous factor that
we can attract more opportunities and promote our services.
Introduction of Football Passion Tour
Here is the plan about the football tour in England. The tour will go
to London, Preston and Manchester and is going to stay in England
for seven days and six nights.
Firstly, the tour will stay in London for
two days. The first day you will watch a
football match of the famous team
Chelsea FC at Stamford Bridge
Stadium. The second day in London,
we will have a tour in Stamford Bridge
Stadium, you can have the chance to
look around the stadium and even visit
the players’ changing room!
Stamford Bridge Stadium of Chelsea FC
The next day the tour will shift to
Manchester and stay there for two days.
The first day you are going to watch a
football match of Manchester United at Old
Trafford Stadium, the well-known stadium.
Then the next day we will visit the Old
Trafford Stadium, in which there is a centre
about the history of Manchester United.
Old Trafford Stadium of Manchester United
The next day, we will go to Preston by tourist bus.
We will visit The National Football Museum and
stay in Preston for a night.
After five days, the tour will go back to London. That day in London will be
free time and we will stay there for a night. And then the tour will go back to
Hong Kong.
 There are 12 tourists in 1 tour
 The catering expenditure will be paid by
 The fees for air ticket, bus, visits of the stadiums,
two football matches and hotel are included.
Introduction of Religious and Cultural Tour
We have chosen a very special place in China, Tibet for this tour as
Tibet is one of the representative place of Buddhism and it has its
own culture. The tour will go to Lhasa and Xigaze in Tibet for six
Firstly, the tour will go to Guangzhou by Beijing Kowloon Railway
and take the airplane in Guangzhou and arrive at Lhasa airport.
There is great difference in temperature and air pressure from
Hong Kong. Therefore, we will have a rest in the hotel first.
On the second day, we will visit Tibet
Museum in Lhasa, which is the first
museum equipped in modern facilities! In
Tibet museum, we can know more about
Tibet’s history as there is a permanent
exhibition called ‘A Long Look Homeward’
and many different exhibitions!
The Tibet Museum
Then we will go to Potala Palace and
the Naga Temple which is located
behind the palace. Both of them are
very famous places as they are the
symbol of Buddism and their Tibetan
architecture are very special.
The Potala Palace
On the forth day, we will go to Xigaze. We
will go to Dechen Phodrang, which the
summer palace of the Panchen. On the
forth day, we will go to Phuntsok-Ling
Phuntsok-Ling village in the Lhatse county.
And the last day will be a free time. Tourists
can go and buy souvenirs and take photos.
The scenery in Tibet
 There are 12 tourists in 1 tour.
 The catering expenditure will be paid
by tourists.
 The fees for air ticket, train, tourist bus,
visits and hotel are included
Introduction of The-Love-Tour
Honeymoon in Switzerland
The couple will stay in Switzerland for 6 days. The tour is suitable
for newlyweds because it is relaxing and you can have a romantic,
enjoyable time with your partner.
The first day we will go to Lucerne
where you can go sightseeing and
drive along Lake Brienz which is
said to be the clearest and the best
lake in Switzerland!
Sunrise over Lake Brienz
The second day we will go to Interlaken.
There are a variety of attractions, shops and
activities in and around Interlaken. You can
have a walk through the fantastic gorge of
river Aare at Meiringen. You can also take a
trip with steam rail and visit the Jungfraujoch.
The third day, we will visit of the castle Chillon, the 13th century
fortress made famous by poem of Lord Byron before we reach the
Valais, the valley of the river Rhone where you can have a romantic
Candle light dinner !
Then, you will go to Zermatt and have trip to Little Matterhorn with
the cable car. After that, we will have a train ride to Gornergrat and
enjoy the attractions around Zermatt.
The fifth day, you will enter the
spectacular bridges to Simplon Pass
and visit the museum at Simplon
Hospice. We’ll then enter the border
to Italy at the village of Gondo. We’ll
go to the shores of Lake Maggiore
passing through a very narrow and
Lake Maggiore
romantic valley and re-enter into Switzerland. At night, Romantic
“Grotto-dinner” will be provided.
On the last day in Switzerland, we’ll go to a romantic village, St.
Gotthard Pass or tunnel and go to the airport and leave in the
 Customer can require their own destination
of this tour, but the expenditure should be
similar to the above example, Switzerland
which means the price will also around
 The fees for air ticket and hotel are
 For the transportation in Switzerland,
customers have to pay by themselves
when arrived as booking service is not
provided for only 2 tickets.
 The catering expenditure will be paid by
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Price Setting for the Thematic Tours
1. Football Passion Tour [Price: HKD$15998]
1. Air ticket
2. Football match at
Stamford Bridge
3. Football match at
Old Trafford
4. Tour at Stamford
Bridge Stadium
5. Tour at Old Trafford
6. Tourist bus
7. Hotel for 6 nights
Total cost
Reasons for setting this price:
Firstly, according to the promotions of Hong Thai Travel Agency,
the tours from Hong Kong to European countries are about
$12000-$14000. Although our tour is a bit more expensive than
that, we still think it is very appropriate because in this tour,
tourists can have the invaluable chance to watch two live
football matches which it’s really exciting for football fans! Also,
we provide good qualities of activities, furthermore, Chelsea FC
and Manchester United are the most popular football teams in
Hong Kong, we can hardly to get a chance to watch the best
players lively. With $15998, football fans can have an exciting
and passionate time, so we think it is an attractive and good
price for our Football Passion Tour.
And lastly, the total cost is $13332 for this tour, with the price
$15998, we can have 20% profit and on the other hand, to
provide good services.
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Price Setting for the Thematic Tours
2. Religious and Cultural Tour [Price: $10560]
1. Air ticket
2. Beijing Kowloon
3. Hotel for 5 nights
Total cost
Reason for setting this price:
We set the price for this tour as $10560 and we think it’s
suitable. First of all, tours for visiting Tibet are not very common
in the market, Hong Kong people seldom have the chance to go
to Tibet. Secondly, this price is not high in the market. Many
tours to familiar places such as Japan are more expensive than
$10560, but in this tour tourists can have a different experience
better understanding in Tibetan culture, with $10560 as the
price for a well-organized trip, we are confident that this tour
must attract people who are interested in religions and cultures.
Lastly, with $10560 as the price, people with high spending
power, who are our target customers, can afford it and we can
have 20% profit at the same time.
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Price Setting for the Thematic Tours
3. The-Love-Tour (example of Honeymoon in Switzerland)
[Price: $11880]
1. Air tickets
2. Hotel for 5 nights
Total cost
Reasons for setting this price:
The total cost for The-Love-Tour is $8900, we set the price as
$11880 in order to gain 20% profit.
We believe that all newlyweds want to have an unforgettable
honeymoon as it’s the only one in one’s life. However, both
women and men go to work nowadays and they may not have
the time to organize a fabulous trip. Therefore, our service of
organizing The-Love-Tour is very suitable for Hong Kong
people as they don’t have sufficient time to plan for the
honeymoon so we have already got a large market of
Secondly, the price $11880 is reasonable because it is similar
to the prices of the tours of different companies, it is also
acceptable and worth for our target customers.
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Investment Capital
3 months’ rental Total costs per
Monthly rental
Energy charge
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Monthly Costs
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Monthly Revenue
Price of Football Passion Tour: $10240/person
Price of Religious and Cultural Tour: $10560/person
Price of The-Love-Tour: $11880/person
No. of customers per month
=12 (maximum tourists in Football Passion Tour) x
5 (maximum tours in 1 month) +
12 (maximum tourists in Religious and Cultural Tour)
5 (maximum tours in 1 month) +
2 (maximum tourists in The-Love-Tour) x
5 (maximum tours in 1 month)
Quantity bought by Football Passion Tour per month
=12 x 5
Quantity bought by Religious and Cultural Tour per
=12 x 5
Quantity bought by Religious and Cultural Tour per
=2 x 5
Revenue of Football Passion Tour each month
=$(10240 x 60)
Revenue of Religious and Cultural Tour each month
=$(10560 x 60)
Revenue of The-Love-Tour each month
=$(11880 x 10)
Revenue each month
=$(614400 + 633600 + 118800)
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Profit Prospect
Revenue each month
Total costs per month
Monthly profit
Investment Capital
Time required covering the initial investment capital:
$228,686 / $1,284,250
= 0.178 months (correct to 3 significant figures)
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Promotion and Advertisement
To attract the attentions of people and have more customers, we
have to make use of the advertisement and the promotion.
Firstly, MTR is one of the most important transports in HK. There
are almost 2.4 million people who take MTR everyday. The MTR
stations provide a variety of the light boxes. So, we think it is
effective to post our poster at the MTR stations. We are going to
have some posters post in a 4-sheet light box which in the MTR
stations. The site is $4800 for 4 weeks.
4-Sheet Light Box in MTR Stations
1/4 Page in the P3, Junior Page
Secondly, we are going to post an advertisement in the newspaper.
Metro Hong Kong is one of the free newspaper and with the highest
amount of flow reading it every single moment in Hong Kong.
Today Metro Hong Kong publishes in 343,000 copies and counting
908,000 daily readers. We think it is very useful and it is much
cheaper than publish in a charged newspaper. We are going to
publish an advertisement in 1/4 Page (130mm x 106mm) in the P3,
Junior Page. It costs $23595 for a month. Besides, we will post an
advertisement in the magazines which introduce traveling, such as
Weekend Weekly.
Thirdly, we are going to design a website to promote our company.
We would pay about $1,000 to apply for an official website. It is
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because people can join the tour whenever and wherever they are.
The customers can join the tours even when our shop closed. We
think it is more effective and have more trades. Also, we would pay
about $1,500 to apply for an advertisement in Yahoo. So that, more
people can know more about us and about $1,500 to apply for an
advertisement in a website which introduce traveling, such as
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Eva’s reflection
During the process in this EPA project, I think the most important
thing is our cooperation and communication. The topic of this
project is new to us that it told us to design our own business. And
we had to draft a business plan, which is the most difficult and the
main part of the project. Actually we spend quite a lot time in
choosing our business so we didn’t have much time in doing the
draft. But our leader, Ruby, quickly divided our jobs so that we knew
how to take part in the project. Since we were working in one
business, which means we had to do our part of project based on
other members’ analyzed information. So it required our
communication to do the work. We communicated with each other
by using telephone, Msn and e-mail whenever I encountered
difficulties. And I’m glad that my group members were extremely
patient and helpful to me when I in need of helping hand. We are
like a chain that can’t finish this project without any member. We’ve
cooperated and communicate with each other very well.
Besides, I learnt a lot during this project. I have a more clear idea in
operating a company. I didn’t know it cost a lot to operate a
company before. After doing this project, I know different items of
expenditure for a company, for example the rental, the furniture the
electricity fee, etc. I know how to choose a suitable location which
considers about the target customers, surrounding transportation,
and buildings, etc. And also I learnt how to plan a tour since our
business is helping customers to plan their trip. I understand how to
plan a suitable and relaxing tour to suit customers’ needs. Overall
I’ve learnt a lot in this project and I believe that they are useful for
my study in the future.
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Jeanie’s Reflection
Firstly, I’m impressed by the ability of our group members as they
successfully to explore business opportunities, collecting the latest
market information and draft our business plan in high quality and
well presented. Although we have encountered quite a number of
problems for example analyzing all the data and information or
dividing labour since time is limited, we cooperate with each other
and respect, listen to others’ opinion. Eventually, we can finish this
task successfully within three weeks. So I would like to show my
appreciation and gratitude to my fellow group mates.
Secondly, I definitely have learnt more. During this project I am
responsible for finding market information and deciding our target
customers. After this project, I have learnt more about different
cultures and religions or other aspects of some countries.
Furthermore, completing this task has wider my sight towards the
market, economy and the circumstances of Hong Kong. All these I
have learnt, I strongly believed I could apply them in our daily life.
In a conclusion, I consider this project as a valuable and
unforgettable chance and experience. I enjoy it so much with my
group mates and learned more.
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Alicia ‘s Reflection
In this project, my tasks are “Profit prospect” and “Promotion and
advertisement”. By completing these tasks, I have improved my
skills on searching the information. It is because I have to look a
large amount of the information and check carefully how much the
advertisement cost on different medium and consider carefully
about the efficiency of the medium. It is quite difficult to find the
prices and formats of different materials that show the
advertisements. It is because most of them require the customer to
telephone the company or meet the officers and they do not show
the conditions on the internet or in the magazines. Besides, the
advertisement company requires different conditions. Luckily, my
group members gave me a great support and help to me. I am very
glad to have them as my group members. At last, I can finish my
work on time. After I have finished this project, I realized that start
our own business is really not easy!
Wendy’s Reflection
Since our group has divided the ten items, each group mate has to
responsible two items. I did the point 7 and 8. The monthly rental of
total cost per month needs Eva who is responsible for point 3 to
give me the location or information and find the monthly rental. Also,
the price of the tours of revenue per month needs Ruby who is
responsible for point 5 to give me the price setting. Without Eva’s
and Ruby’s help, I cannot do my work.
At first, we thought we divided the work equally so we could do the
work faster. But when we were doing the work, I found that we must
do it step by step and cooperate with everyone to finish the project.
Otherwise, it would slower the rate of progress.
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Ruby’s reflection
This is the first time of us to do a business plan, and I think this task
was quite difficult because we don’t have any experience in running
a business. However, though this task was hard, I’ve learnt many
things through it.
I was responsible for setting the prices. Since I was not very
familiar with business, I was not very sure about the percentage of
profit. Luckily, I have got some supportive and helpful group mates,
though they are not responsible in this part, they were very willing
to discuss with me. Without their help, I could hardly finish my work.
I was also responsible for the allocation of investment capital.
Firstly, I checked some information of decoration, furniture, etc.
Then I had to decide how much money we needed for our office. I
had to be very careful because we’ve only got $500 000 as capital,
so I had to calculate it carefully.
Beside some basic knowledge of running a company, I’ve also
learnt more in cooperating with others. I was the group leader in
doing this project so I had to divide the work among five of us. I
asked for the member’s opinions and divide the work according to
their choice and also ability, therefore, we could do the work
Also, all of us cooperate very well, as I’ve mentioned before, I was
grateful when my group mates were willing to discuss and solve the
difficulties I encountered during the process. I think we have
achieved the purpose and objective for doing a group work, and we
can learn from each other through the process.
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Duty List
Eva Suen (32)
Jeanie Wong (36)
Alicia Yeung (38)
Ruby Yuen (40)
Wendy Yuen (41)
3. Location
4. Original Design of Product
1. Business Type
2. Target Customers
9. Profit Prospect
10. Promotion and Advertisement
5. Price Setting
6. Investment Capital
7. Monthly Costs
8. Monthly Revenue
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