Greg Hopen
Picture Editor
416 857 0315
Greg Hopen has edited over 50 films in the last 20 years. He has worked on many award
winning films that have garnered an Emmy, BAFTA, and Gemini awards. He is a graduate
from Concordia University in Film production, a CFC alumnus and an DGC member. The
follow is a select filmography. For a complete CV see
- (multi-cam and high shooting ratios)
Cold Water Cowboys Paperny Entertainment . Reality series following the stories of 3 Newfoundland fishing boats as they
struggles with the hunt, the elements, and themselves. With 3000 hours of footage, it's reality on adrenaline. 2013
In the Name of Confucius New Tang Dynasty, New York
Co-writer and editor of doc following a Chinese language teacher's journey to stand up against the Chinese Communist
Party's Confucius Institute, a controversial education program that has ulterior motives of spreading Chinese propaganda
and a history of human rights violations. 2014
Canadian Pickers History Channel, Cineflix Edited pilot episode of Canadian Pickers.
Ronnie Hawkins: Alive n' Kickin', Real to Reel Productions: CTV: Editor for 2 hour feature verité documentary following
Rock n' Roll Legend Ronnie Hawkin's life as he miraculously overcomes a life threatening disease. 2004
Family Dance: WTN Network Editor for cinema verité series which documents the lives of women in the "Sandwich
Generation", caught in the squeeze between dying parents and care giving for their own children.
Little Miracles: Life Network Editor for reality TV series which documents the lives of children who are undergoing life
threatening operations at the Sick Kids Hospital.
- (reenactments and Dramatic shooting)
Biblical Conspiracies Associated Producers .
Using cutting-edge forensic science, this 4 part Archeological series investigates unknown secrets of the past, from decoding
the hidden messages in Michelangelo’s art to discovering the crucifixion nails of Jesus Christ. 2014
Curious and Unusual Deaths: New Road Media, Discovery Channel. Editor on Docu-Drama series, presenting three of
the strangest deaths in history and the science behind them. This show takes the viewer on a journey into the bizarre. But
no matter how strange, every death an be explained. 2012
Manhunt, AACFact: Alliance Atlantis Editor for AACFact series on famous international manhunts including murderer: Albert
Walker, bank robber: Eddie Boyd and anti-abortionist killer: James Kopp. 2003
Museum Mysteries, Alliance Atlantis,
Docu-Drama series revealing stories behind unknown mysteries within the world's greatest Museums. 2001
The Conspirator, Director: Robert Redford. Edited a series of web docs focusing on the historical accuracy behind Robert
Redford's latest film, "The Conspirator". The story concentrates on Mary Surratt's involvement in the conspiracy behind
President Lincoln's Assassination. 2009
Feature Documentary
- (Long format and POV Docs)
This Beggar's Description, National Film Board, Producer: Gerry Flahive Edited feature documentary on Phil Tetrault, a
Montreal born character who has been to hell and back and who has documented it through his poetry and prose. 2005
Talk Mogadishu, Media under Fire, Producer: Judy Jackson Editor for documentary on 3 Somali Canadians and their
involvement with HornAfrik, the first unbiased media station in war torn Somalia. 2003
Silo: Sage of the Andes, Director: Daniel Zuckerbrot Edited a POV doc investigating who is Silo? For four decades Silos
message of non violence has reached thousands of philosophers, artists, and political activists world wide. Compared with
Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Silo's message resonates from a very personal experience to great political action.
Investigative documentary
- (undercover journalism)
Shen Yun – Dancing beyond the Wall Lucent Media .
Writer and Editor for documentary following the triumphs and tribulations of a dancer striving to join Shen Yun, a spiritual and
acrobatic dance company that has been under attack from the Chinese communist party for performing an ancient Chinese
dance considered to be a threat. 2015
SARS: Coverup & Aftermath Director: Diana Dai . Ten years later, "SARS Trek" investigates the Chinese government's
cover up of the physically debilitating epidemic of SARS during the 2003 outbreak until the present day. 2012
The Real Sex Traffic, Associated Producers, Producer: Ric Ester Bienstock, Co-edit a feature documentary on the sex
trafficking industry in the former Soviet Union. The film follows a man who travels to Turkey to find his wife who was sold to a
notoriously violent pimp. 2005
Pharma Sutra, Cogent/Benger productions, CTV Pharma Sutra follows three costly pharmaceutical products as they run the
marketing and scientific gauntlet to cash in on an estimated 5 billion dollar “female Viagra” market. Does the future success
of these drugs depend on a disease called FSD (female sexual dysfunction) that has been merely invented?
Wall of Silence, Director: Alan Mendolsohn. Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY, allegations of pedophilia shock two quiet and
devout Orthodox Jewish communities. With unusual access to both of these tightly bound communities, we find hope that
openness and justice will purge the crime from the community and clear the collective conscience. 2011
- (Format storytelling)
Biblical Conspiracies Associated Producers .
Using cutting-edge forensic science, this 4 part Archeological series investigates unknown secrets of the past, from decoding
the hidden messages in Michelangelo’s art to discovering the crucifixion nails of Jesus Christ. 2014
Museum Secrets, Kensington Communications. Editor on television series that unravels mysteries, theories, and secrets
behind ancient artifacts from the world's greatest museums. 2013
Curious and Unusual Deaths: New Road Media, Discovery Channel. Editor on Docu-Drama series, presenting three of
the strangest deaths in history and the science behind them. This show takes the viewer on a journey into the bizarre. But
no matter how strange, every death an be explained. 2012
Enigma: Vision TV Editor for a Vision TV series, investigating enigmas of the spiritual, the mystical, and the unknown.
Sex Scandals in Religion: Vision TV
Supervising Editor for doc series, revealing present day sex scandals in Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Judaism. 2011
Ancestors in the Attic: History Channel
Alliance Atlantis, Producer: Dugald Maudsley, Edited a fast paced, humorous pilot for a documentary series on genealogy,
The History Channel. 2005
Essay Docs
- (Anthology docs with archival footage)
The F-Word, Markham St. Films. Feminism. Does the word have any meaning? Did it achieve its goals? What unfinished
business is there? To mark the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day, Germaine Greer, Susan Faludi, Naomi Wolf
and friends and foes of Feminism consider what it means today. 2010
Pedal Power, CBC Doc Zone. From the Bike revolutionaries to the battle between cyclists and autoholics, Pedal Power
takes a ride through the changing world of bike culture with exclusive footage of Igor Kenk's alleged bike theft operation.
How to Stop a Hurricane, CBC Doc Zone A quirky comic sci-fi doc on 7 ways to bring a hurricane down on its knees. From
Russian scientists a 17 year old wiz kid, this doc takes a CGI journey into the future of hurricane science. 2007
Porndemic, Director: Robin Benger, puts faces and personalities to the extraordinarily profitable business of pornography
today. With extraordinary access, this documentary goes behind the scenes to reveal the characters who are turning cyberporn into the biggest delivery system in the history of sexual imagery. 2009