Vocabulary Lists 1

Vocabulary List (1–55)
deviation from what is correct or right
suspension of an activity, postponement
sparing in use of food or drink, moderate
concealed, difficult to comprehend, obscure
preoccupied by thought, bewildered, perplexed
discordant, dissident, harsh
inexperienced, immature, naïve
frank, blunt, open
drink to excess, live it up
stop, end, halt
blur, smear, spread
procrastinate, loiter, idle, dally
paucity, shortage, deficiency
lowered in status or character, degenerate
solve or figure out a puzzle, translate, untangle
filled with bubbly excitement
instruct, enlighten, educate
cancel, delete, obliterate
lively, vivacious
mannequin, likeness, image
faulty, imperfect
idle, dormant
play, frolic, romp
trite, common, overdone, banal
dicker, barter, make a deal
attack on religious values or symbols
moron, fool, dimwit
incorruptible, enduring, unchanging
filled with passionate emotion
eliminate, discharge
maze, network, puzzle
weepy, tearful
clumsy, unskilled
inappropriate or ludicrous use of a word
lowest point
to calm; to make peaceful; to restore to a tranquil state
pleasing to the taste buds
noticeable, obvious, apparent
minor, petty, insignificant
elaborate praise, public compliment
marsh; quicksand; swamp
antagonistic; hostile; spiteful
to talk very loudly and wildly
make thin; purify; make less dense
very hungry
sugary; syrupy
intellectual; scholar; philosopher
tasty or good smelling
reserved; shy; uncommunicative
move away in a wavy manner
multicolored, polychromatic, varied
anemic, colorless, pale
peasant, ordinary person
Vocabulary List (56-110)
56. acclaim
57. accolade(noun)
58. acerbic(adj)
59. acrimonious- (adj)
60. acuity(noun)
61. bilk(verb)
62. celerity(noun)
63. censorious(adj)
64. charlatan(noun)
65. chary(adj)
66. chasten(verb)
67. declivity(noun)
68. decorum(noun)
69. delectable(adj)
70. deleterious(adj)
71. delineate(verb)
72. effrontery(noun)
73. egregious(adj)
74. elegiac(adj)
75. eloquence
76. elucidate(verb)
77. fanatical
78. fastidious(adj)
79. garble
80. hallow(verb)
81. hamper(verb)
82. impecunious- (adj)
83. imperturbable- (adj)
84. impervious(adj)
85. impetuous(adj)
86. kinetic(adj)
87. laconic(adj)
88. malevolent(adj)
89. malinger(verb)
90. naïve(adj)
91. obsequious(adj)
92. obsolete
93. paragon(noun)
94. pariah(noun)
95. parochial(adj)
96. parsimony(noun)
97. partisan(noun)
98. paucity(noun)
99. quandary
100. raucous
101. raze
102. reactionary
103. scanty
104. scoff
105. sequester
106. tantamount
107. taper(verb)
108. unfathomable- (adj)
109. vehement(adj)
110. venerate(verb)
to express strong approval or praise; hail
embrace, award, commendation
bitter, harsh, caustic
sarcastic, caustic, angry,
sharpness, acuteness, keenness
defraud, deceive, hoodwink
swift motion, speed, alacrity
critical, attacking, denouncing
fraud, person claiming knowledge he/she does not have, fake
careful, cautious
castigate, punish, reprove
downward slope
appropriate conduct, polite or proper behavior, protocol
delicious, delightful ,savory
destructive, poisonous, unhealthy
describe, outline, depict
impudence, nerve, gall
flagrant, glaring, outrageous
mournful, sorrowful, sad
ease with speaking; speech that can impact people’s feelings
interpret, define, clarify, explain
full of great enthusiasm or devotion
meticulous, exacting
confuse, scramble, distort
make holy, consecrate, sanctify
hinder, frustrate, impede
poor, destitute, penniless
even-tempered, level-headed, calm
airtight, sealed, impenetrable
hasty, rash, impulsive
caused by motion, dynamic
concise, terse, curt
venomous, spiteful, malignant
feign illness to escape work, shirk
foolishly simple, childlike
servile, groveling
outdated; no longer in use
model or standard of excellence
outcast, misfit, refugee
religious, restricted
miserliness, unusual excessive frugality
fan or supporter, enthusiast supporting a particular cause or issue
shortage, dearth
dilemma; mire; entanglement
harsh; annoying; piercing; shrill
demolish; level; topple
opposing progress; characterized by reaction
meager; scarce
mock; ridicule
separate; isolate; segregate
indistinguishable; equivalent
diminish, thin, narrow
baffling, puzzling, incomprehensible
fierce, emphatic, intense
admire, show respect
Vocabulary List (111–165)
111. adamant
112. adept113. adherent114. adjunct115. admonish116. blandishment117. bliss118. cherubic119. chimerical120. chronic121. churlish122. circuitous123. delusion124. demagogue125. denounce126. depravity127. deprecatory128. emaciated
129. emanate130. emasculate131. embroil132. emcee133. fathom134. fatuous135. garish136. garner137. harbor138. hardy139. impregnable140. impromptu141. improvident142. impugn143. jocular
144. jollity145. lamentation146. lampoon147. marred148. maudlin149. narcissist
150. obstinate
151. pedantic152. peevish153. pejorative154. percipient155. perfidy156. quell
157. recalcitrant
158. recant
159. reconciliation
160. redundant
161. soporific
162. spurious
163. tawdry164. unkempt165. veracity-
unwilling to bend; unyielding
proficient, masterful, expert
believer, supporter
attachment, appendage. Subordinate or auxiliary capacity.
caution, reprove mildly, reprimand
cajolery, enticement
gaiety, happiness, enjoyment
sweet, kind, innocent
fanciful, whimsical, playful
compulsive, typical, habitual, inveterate
selfish, rancorous, surly
indirect, roundabout, rambling
untrue belief, hallucination, fallacy, misconception
incendiary, agitator, opportunist
reprove, accuse, condemn
perverted disposition, wickedness, vileness, corruption
disapproving, belittling
very, very thin due to lack of adequate food
radiate, flow from, emit
deprive of strength
implicate, enmesh, involve
master of ceremonies
measure, discover, perceive
ludicrous, insane, idiotic, silly
gaudy, ostentatious, excessive
collect, receive, attain, acquire
preserve, conceal, secure, shelter
stalwart, robust, sturdy
invincible, invulnerable, unable to be captured or entered
makeshift, spontaneous
reckless, rash
denounce, censor, attack
liking to be with people, joke around with them and have fun
gaiety, merriment
complaint, moan
mock, ridicule
having blemishes, damaged, defaced
overemotional, mushy
having to do with self-adoration; person who feels to superior to others
stubborn; inflexible
stuffy or dogmatic, meticulous
irritable, grouchy, ill-tempered
degrading, derogatory, negative
able to perceive or see things as they actually are
deliberate breach of faith or trust, treachery
to pacify; to subdue; to quiet down
headstrong; disobedient; stubborn
rescind; retract; take back
settlement or resolution
excessive; repetitious; unnecessary
hypnotic; lethargic; causing sleep
bogus; false
gaudy, showy, loud
uncombed, messy, untidy
truth, sincerity, honesty, candor
Vocabulary List (166–220)
166. adroit167. adulation168. adulterate169. advocate170. aesthete171. blithe172. circumlocution
173. clamor174. clandestine175. clemency176. cloister177. desecrate178. desist179. desolate180. despoil181. despot
182. diatribe183. empathize184. emulate185. enervate186. engender187. enigmatic188. fecund189. felicity190. garrulous
191. giddy192. haughty193. hearten194. inauspicious195. inaudible196. inception
197. incipient198. knave199. languish200. largess201. meander202. mediate
203. nascent204. nebulous205. obviate206. peripheral207. perspicacious208. philistine209. pique210. pithy211. refractory
212. refurbish
213. regimen
214. relic
215. spurn
216. squalor
217. strident
218. temerity219. verbose220. xenophobe-
dexterous, proficient, skillful
excessive flattery, adoration, idolization
make impure or inferior, contaminate, pollute
argue for a cause, defend; support, uphold
person who cultivates beauty or art, connoisseur
happy, pleased, delighted
speaking in a roundabout manner; speaking in circles
loud noise or complaint, commotion, din
furtive, surreptitious, secret
lenience, mercy, compassion
convent, monastery, religious place
contaminate, profane, defile
discontinue or stop, cease, renounce
alone, without hope or comfort, forsaken
ravage, rob, loot
dictator, tyrant, totalitarian
extreme, bitter, and abusive speech, vituperation, tirade
identify with, understand
model, pattern
exhaust or weaken, debilitate
generate, produce, cause
cryptic, baffling, mysterious
prolific, productive, fruitful
great happiness, bliss
talkative; loquacious
scatterbrained, silly, frivolous
arrogant, disdainful, blatantly proud, contemplate
encourage, give strength
faint, soft, hard to hear
the start, the beginning of something
embryonic, developing, in beginning stages
a dishonest deceitful person, a rogue
decline, diminish, weaken
charity, philanthropy, gift
twist, bend, zigzag
to act as a go between in settling conflicts
beginning, embryonic, incipient
unclear, vague, indefinite
make unnecessary
marginal, outer, surrounding
astute, keen, perceptive
barbarian, person lacking artistic judgment
irritation, miff, offend
brief, concise
unmanageable; obstinate; not responsive to treatment
overhaul; remodel
administration; government; systems
custom or object that has been around for a very long time
defy; reject
severe poverty; filthiness
discordant; harsh; piercing
rashness, audacity, recklessness
wordy, talkative, profuse
one who dislikes strangers or foreigners
Vocabulary List (221–275)
221. affable
222. aggrandize223. alacrity224. alimentary
225. boisterous226. coagulate227. coalesce228. coddle229. coercion230. cognate231. didactic232. diffidence233. diffuse
234. digress
235. dilatory236. enmesh237. ennui238. enthrall239. entrench240. ephemeral241. fervent
242. fetid243. glutton
244. goad245. hedge246. hedonism247. incisive248. inclusive249. incoherent250. incongruous251. lassitude252. laudable253. laxity254. mendicant255. meticulous256. mettle257. nefarious258. odious259. placate
260. placid261. plaintive262. plaudit263. pliable264. poignant265. querulous
266. quibble
267. remedial
268. remuneration
269. rend
270. tensile271. tenuous272. unprecedented
273. unscathed274. waver275. whet-
easy to talk to; friendly; amiable
make more powerful, amplify, increase
eagerness, zeal, speed
relating to food and nourishment
noisy, loud, violent, rowdy
congeal, curdle, clot
combine, incorporate, merge
pamper, overindulge, baby, spoil
intimidation, duress, force, compulsion
related by blood, having the same origin
pedantic, academic, for teaching
self-doubt, timidity, shyness
not concise; wordy
to wander off from the subject or topic spoken about
lackadaisical, lazy, remiss
tangle or involve
dullness, boredom, monotony
mesmerize, captivate, thrill
fortify, reinforce, secure
transitory, fleeting, passing, temporary
filled with passion or enthusiasm
possessing an offensive smell, malodorous, foul, gamey
one who overindulges in food and drink
incite, pressure, irk, arouse, awaken
enclose, surround, fence
intemperance, self indulgence, excess
perceptive, astute
all-encompassing, broad in scope, comprehensive
illogical, inconsistent
inconsistent, unsuitable, contradictory
fatigue, weariness, debility
commendable, admirable, exemplary
carelessness, indifference
almsman, beggar, leech, parasite
precise, scrupulous, particular
stamina, bravery, courage
evil, vile, sinister, wicked
detestable, loathsome, revolting, sickening
to make calm; to soothe
sincere, tranquil, composed, sedate
sad, mournful, pathetic
enthusiastic expression
limber, malleable, flexible
intense, powerful, biting, piercing
difficult; testy; disagreeable
argue or bicker
restorative; corrective; healing
compensation; wages
rip; tear; splinter
pertaining to tension, stretchable, ductile
attenuated, flimsy, thin
novel; unparalleled
unhurt, uninjured
totter, fluctuate
stimulate, sharpen, intensify
Vocabulary List (276–330)
276. allay
277. alleviate
278. altruistic(adj)
279. ambivalence- (noun)
280. ambulatory(adj)
281. boorish(adj)
282. colloquial
283. commensurate- (adj)
284. compile(verb)
285. complacent
286. curmudgeon- (noun)
287. diligent(adj)
288. diminution(noun)
289. disaffected(adj)
290. disapprobation-(noun)
291. disband(verb)
292. epicure
293. epithet(noun)
294. equilibrium- (noun)
295. equivocate(verb)
296. erudition(noun)
297. fetter(verb)
298. fickle(adj)
299. grandiloquent (adj)
300. herald(verb)
301. indecorous(adj)
302. indefatigable- (adj)
303. indenture(noun)
304. indolence(noun)
305. knotty(adj)
306. lethargy(noun)
307. levity(noun)
308. mince(verb)
309. mire(noun)
310. mitigate
311. nemesis(noun)
312. officious(adj)
313. opaque(adj)
314. polemical(adj)
315. polyphony(noun)
316. posthumous- (adj)
317. potable(adj)
318. prattle(verb)
319. reprobate
320. repudiate
321. rescind
322. resilient
323. strife
324. terse
325. unwavering
326. unwieldy(adj)
327. verdant(adj)
328. viable(adj)
329. vibrant
330. zenith(noun)
to lessen fear; to calm; to relieve pain
to lessen pain or tension
concerned about the general welfare of others, charitable, generous
uncertainty, doubt, indecisiveness
able to walk, not stationary
ill-mannered, rude, gauche
pertaining to common everyday speech; conversational
equal in measure, of the same duration or size
collect data, accumulate, amass
self-satisfied; smug
cantankerous person
assiduous, studious, hard-working
decrease, reduction
disillusioned, dissatisfied, discontented
dislike, reservation, denunciation
disperse, dissipate, scatter, dispel
person devoted to luxurious, person with refined tastes, especially concerning food
word used to describe or characterize a person or thing
balance, stability, poise
prevaricate, dodge, evade, hedge
learning, knowledge, enlightenment
restrain, restrict, curb
capricious, spasmodic
pompous or bombastic speech, lofty, welling language
announce, broadcast, report
inappropriate, indelicate, unseemly
diligent, persistent, inexhaustible
contract binding a person to work for another
lethargy, idleness, sloth
snarled, tangled
idleness, listlessness, passivity
lightness, frivolity
chop, mitigate
mud, slime, muck
to make less severe; to lessen the pain or damage
just punishment, retribution
impenetrable by light, dull, dark, obscure
controversial, argumentative, debatable,
music with two or more melodies blended together
arising or continuing after someone’s death
gab, babble
degenerate; person without morals
recant; disclaim; reject; disavow
cancel; repeal; veto
elastic; stretchy; rebounding
conflict; turmoil; struggle
using only the words that are needed to make a point; very concise
firm and determined
clumsy, awkward, unmanageable
lush, thick with vegetation, leafy
living, alive, feasible
lively; full of vitality
apex, summit, peak
Vocabulary List (331–385)
331. ameliorate332. amiable333. amorphous334. braggart
335. conciliate
336. concise337. concomitant338. concordance339. discontent340. discursive341. disdainful
342. dishearten343. disinterment344. escapade345. esoteric346. espouse347. esteem
348. ethereal349. eulogy350. fledgling351. flippant352. heretic353. hiatus354. inebriation355. ingenious356. inimical357. innocuous358. judicious359. juncture360. linger361. mollify
362. neologism363. optimum364. opulent365. precocious366. precursor367. prescient368. presumptuous
369. pretentious
370. primeval371. resonant
372. resolve
373. resplendent
374. stultify
375. succinct
376. supercilious
377. tirade378. torpor379. vigilance380. vilify381. virulent382. willful
383. wistful384. yore385. zealous
make better, improve
cordial, of pleasant disposition, friendly
without structure, shapeless, nebulous
one who boasts a great deal
to win a person over through special considerations or persuasive methods
using few words in speaking and writing
concurrent, attendant, occurring with something else
agreement, treaty, accord
unhappy, displeased, miserable
circuitous, digressive, rambling
full of bitter scorn and pride
dismay, daunt, depress
exhumation, removal of a body from a grave
adventurous conduct, unusual behavior
confidential, personal, private, privileged
embrace, defend, support
to value highly; to have great regard for
incorporeal, intangible, airy
commendation, speech giving great tribute
young or inexperienced person, young bird
nonchalant, frivolous, superficial, light
nihilist, infidel, radical, dissenter
interruption, pause, gap
drunkenness, intoxication
genuine, open, candid, frank
antagonistic, hurtful, harmful, adverse
dull, harmless, innocent
logical, reasonable, clever
joint, seam, intersection, joining
loiter, remain, hesitate
to pacify, soothe, or appease
newly conjoined phrase or expression
peak or prime, ideal
affluent, well-to-do, plentiful
showing premature development
showing foresight, predicting events before they happen
too forward or bold; overstepping proper bounds
claiming or pretending to have increased importance; ostentatious
belonging to a primitive age
reverberant; ringing
firmness; determination
dazzling; glorious; intense
inhibit; make ineffective; cripple
clearly and briefly stated; concise
egotistic; proud; arrogant
diatribe, angry speech
lethargy, apathy, dormancy
attentiveness, prudence, care
defame, denigrate
fatal, lethal, toxic
yearning, pensive, sad
time long past
filled with enthusiasm; fervent
Vocabulary List (386–440)
386. animate387. anomaly388. antediluvian389. antipathy390. brevity
391. broach392. confluence393. confound394. congenial
395. conglomerate396. conjugal397. constrict398. contemporary
399. disoblige400. disparage401. dispassionate402. disputatious403. dissemble404. euphonic405. evanescent406. exalt
407. exigent408. exonerate409. florid410. flout411. gregarious
412. grisly413. hidebound
414. innovation
415. inscrutable416. insipid417. insolent
418. knoll419. kudos420. lithe421. loquacious
422. moribund423. noisome424. primordial425. proclivity426. procrastinate427. prodigious428. proficient429. progeny430. restive
431. reticent
432. retrospection
433. surfeit
434. surly
435. trepidation436. unyielding
437. upbraid438. vitriolic439. vociferous440. voluble-
energize, enliven
abnormality, deviation from the general rule, irregularity
ancient, antiquated, obsolete
feeling of opposition or repugnance, aversion, dislike
briefness, succinctness, terseness
introduce, bring up, mention
nexus, union, meeting, conflux
perplexed, baffle, confuse
compatible; sympathetic
corporation, partnership, firm
matrimonial, nuptial, martial
squeeze, pinch, obstruct, block
modern, new; relating to the same time period
slight or offend
depreciate, belittle or abuse
imperturbable, unemotional, calm, composed
quarrelsome, contentious, argumentative
disguise, conceal, mask, camouflage
agreeable to the ear
ephemeral, fading, brief
to praise or glorify; to lift up in status
pressing insistent, urgent
acquit, vindicate, free from responsibility
ornate, flushed with rosy color, ruddy
ridicule, scoff, mock, scorn
sociable; outgoing
frightening, ghastly, gory, hideous
highly opinionated; narrow mindedly stubborn
something new
mysterious, perplexing
dull, banal, tasteless
boldly disrespectful
hillock, mound
credit or praise for an achievement, glory
flexible, agile, mobile, bendable
very talkative; liking to talk; garrulous
failing, waning, ailing
noxious to health
belonging to a primitive age, first in time
tendency, inclination, propensity
postpone, stall, delay
exceptional, impressive, of huge quantity, immense
skillful, masterful, expert
heir, descendant, offspring
nervous; restless; uneasy
not talking much, reserved
contemplation of past things
overabundance; excess; surplus
choleric; rude; sullen
anxiety, alarm, apprehension
stubborn; inflexible
rebuke, scold, criticize
scathing, caustic
clamorous, outspoken, noisy, vocal
verbose, wordy, garrulous
Vocabulary List (441–495)
441. antiquated
442. apathy443. aperture444. apocryphal445. archaic
446. browbeat447. contemptuous
448. contentious449. contrite450. conundrum451. convivial
452. convoke453. copious454. cordial
455. dissension456. dissonant457. dissuade458. distend459. dither460. exorcise461. expatriate462. expedite463. forswear464. foible465. fulsome466. grovel467. guile468. hilarity469. histrionic470. hyperbole471. intrinsic472. insolvent473. intercede474. intonate475. intractable476. juxtapose477. loutish478. motley479. multifarious480. novel
481. ostentatious482. prolific483. prosaic
484. protean
485. protract
486. prudent
487. quiescent
488. quixotic
489. reverent
490. rhetorical
491. ribald
492. surreptitious
493. svelte
494. swagger
495. voluminous-
very old and no longer in use; obsolete
lack of concern, emotion or interest, indifference
gap, opening, orifice
false, unauthenticated, disputed
old; from a much earlier time
intimidate, harass, dominate
lacking respect; scornful
argumentative, pugnacious, quarrelsome
penitent, apologetic, remorseful
mystery, puzzle
sociable; fond of good company
convene, assemble
plentiful, ample, profuse
warm and friendly; amiable
conflict, disagreement, strife
cacophonous, inharmonious, discordant, strident
obstruct, hinder, deter
bloat, bulge, swell, stretch
commotion, turmoil
cast out evil spirits, expel demons
send into exile, renounce one’s own country
speed up matters, accelerate, quicken
repudiate, forsake, eschew
frailty, imperfection, weakness
loathsome, excessive
act in a servile way, cringe, kneel
wiliness, deceit, cunning
merriment, enjoyment
pertaining to actors, melodramatic
exaggeration, fanciful statement, enhancement
inherent, natural
bankrupt, unable to pay debts
intervene, negotiate
speak or utter with a particular tone
unruly, disobedient
place side by side
clumsy, idiotic, buffoon-like
multicolored, spotted, mixed
diverse, many sided, multiple
conspicuous, showy
fruitful, abundant, fertile
common; trite; mundane
taking many forms; changeable; variable
elongate; lengthen; prolong
careful; cautious; judicious
quiet, still, inactive
romantic; whimsical; unrealistic
devout; worshipful
relating to speech that is used to persuade or have some effect
lewd; obscene; irreverent
covert; furtive; acquired by stealthy means
graceful; slim
to walk around in a proud, showy manner; to boast loudly
huge, immense, bulky
Vocabulary List (496-550)
496. ardent
497. arrogant
498. assuage
499. autonomous
500. avid
501. bungle(verb)
502. buttress(noun)
503. corpulence(noun)
504. coterie(noun)
505. crass(adj)
506. credulous(adj)
507. cryptic(adj)
508. culinary
509. divination(noun)
510. dogged
511. dolt(noun)
512. dubious(adj)
513. duplicity(noun)
514. expunge(verb)
515. expurgate(verb)
516. extemporaneous (adj)
517. extol(verb)
518. extradite(verb)
519. extricate(verb)
520. exuberant
521. furtive(adj)
522. guzzle(verb)
523. hoary(adj)
524. inveigh(verb)
525. inveterate(adj)
526. irascible(adj)
527. ludicrous(adj)
528. lurid(adj)
529. mundane(adj)
530. munificent(adj)
531. noxious(adj)
532. ostracize(verb)
533. puerile
534. pugilism
535. pugnacity
536. pulchritude
537. pulverize
538. rudiment
539. ruffian
540. ruminate
541. sybarite
542. sycophant
543. turgid
544. turpitude(noun)
545. upshot(noun)
546. voracious(adj)
547. vouchsafe(verb)
548. woe(noun)
549. writhe(verb)
550. yowl(noun)
showing enthusiasm
overbearing; proud; haughty
to alleviate; to lessen pain or conflict; pacify
showing enthusiasm
botch, mismanage, spoil
truss, foundation, support
stoutness, obesity
small group of people who share interests and meet frequently
vulgar, grossly ignorant, indelicate
gullible, unsuspecting, naïve
enigmatic, obscure, secret, puzzling
having to do with cooking, preparing meals
prediction, prophecy, forecast
stubborn; determined
cretin, fool, dimwit, idiot
irresolute, uncertain, moot
cunning, fraud, trickery, deception
obliterate, remove, erase, exterminate
remove erroneous or objectionable material, delete, edit
spontaneous, impromptu
praise, land, hail, glorify
transfer a person to another jurisdiction for possible prosecution
remove, loosen, untie
overflowing with vitality and good spirits
clandestine, secretive, surreptitious
gulp, swill, consume to excess
frosted, grey, grizzled
abuse, criticize, rebuke
habitual, chronic
testy, touchy, irritable
outlandish, silly, ridiculous
shockingly vivid, horrifying, sensational
boring, ordinary, typical, tedious
generous, extravagant, philanthropic
harmful, malignant
exclude, isolate, shun
juvenile; immature; childish
eagerness to fight; belligerence
beauty; physical appeal
grind; crush; smash
beginning; foundation or source
brutal person; cruel and sadistic person
contemplate; think about
someone devoted to luxury; pleasure-seeker
swollen, bombastic, distended
depravity, baseness, shamefulness
final result, conclusion, end
greedy; gluttonous; ravenous; insatiable
confer, grant, permit
anguish, grief, affliction
squirm, twist
long mournful cry