Obstetrics & Gynaecology - Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization

Kuwait Institute for
Medical Specialization
Ministry of Health, Kuwait
Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization (KIMS) is
the authority of the Ministry of Health, State of Kuwait,
that is responsible for planning all aspects of
postgraduate training of medical and other health
professionals in Kuwait. It organises the internship
training of recently qualified medical graduates, and
speciality level and continuing education programmes
for all health professionals.
In fulfilling its aim of providing speciality level training
in the different fields of medicine, KIMS has
established a number of Faculties and Committees,
which initiate and coordinate postgraduate training.
They are in Internal Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics,
Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Family Medicine,
Laboratory Medicine, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine,
Anaesthesia and Radiology, and Dentistry. This booklet
gives an outline of the training programme in Obstetrics
and Gynaecology. Registration in the programmes is
open to doctors practising in Kuwait as well to those
based in institutions in the other GCC countries subject
to availability. Interested readers are requested to
contact KIMS, for additional information on the
programme described here, or for details of other
activities organised in the speciality.
General Objectives ---------------------------------- 1
Eligibility to Enter the
Training Program -----------------------------------
Selection Criteria -----------------------------------
Training Curriculum -------------------------------
Additional Curriculum Information -------------
Resident Evaluation -------------------------------
Certification ----------------------------------------
The general objective of obstetrics and gynecology
training program in Kuwait is to enrol the doctors
presently in this field and new medical graduates in
Kuwait in a training program whereby by the
completion of this program, including success in the
final examinations, the residents will qualify to be
recognized as a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology.
The following candidates are eligible to enter the
obstetrics & gynecology specialty training program :1. Graduates of the University of Kuwait who have
successfully completed their 1 year pre-registration
professional internship training.
2. Graduates of other Universities fulfilling the above
requirement stated in 1.
Candidates must apply to the Director of Obstetrics and
Gynecology program and will be selected for the
specialty training program by a selection committee and
on the basis of the number of training posts available
(maximum 5 per year) as well as other criteria :Qualification
 Above-average academic record.
 A proven interest in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
 Two reference letters from an academic specialist at
least one of who is in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
 Passing the entrance examination is mandatory to
enter the Residency training program.
In order to achieve the program objectives the training
period will last to 5 calendar years. At its completion,
the trainee is expected to be a competent specialist in
Obstetrics and Gynecology. Training in the specialty
must reflect the breadth of contemporary Obstetrics and
Gynecology, including an understanding of the
principles of Medicine, Surgery, Human Behaviors,
Laboratory Medicine and Pediatrics as they apply to
Reproductive Medicine. The trainee must acquire
competence for independent consultant practice in the
specialty. The 5 Post graduate years (PGY) are divided
as follows:
PGY 1 - Basic Obstetrics and Gynecology
PGY 2 - Advanced Obstetrics and Gynecology
PGY 3 & PGY 4 -3 months maternal fetal medicine
-3 months Obstetrical and Gynecological
-3 months Reproductive Endocrinology and
-3 months Gynecological Oncology
-6 months of service electives
-3 months research
-3 months I.C.U and anesthesia
PGY 5 - Chief Resident Position
At the beginning of the training program each resident
trainee will receive information on the objectives of the
training program, the method of training and the
procedures adopted in supervision and evaluation.
During the period of training each resident will be
assigned to a teaching staff supervisor who will provide
guidance and support in all issues regarding this
Teaching Half-Days
A structured formal teaching program complements the
hospital-based clinical training program. The core of the
formal teaching program consists of weekly seminars
covering all major topics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
throughout the 2 years. During this period residents are
exempted from clinical responsibilities.
Peer and Junior Teaching
At all levels of training, but especially at the Senior and
Chief levels, all residents are expected to participate
actively in the department’s teaching program, and to
lead clerkship seminars on a regular basis.
Residents also will be asked to make formal teaching
presentations to other residents, and may be called upon
to speak to allied health or non-medical groups.
Teaching Rounds
Under the direction of the supervisor at each hospital,
residents at all levels of training are required to
participate in the presentation of hospital grand rounds.
As part of residency training, a minimum of a threemonth period dedicated to research is required. Each
resident is obliged to complete at least one research
project during his residency where he can present his
data in local or international conferences.
Specific Post-graduate courses
A minimum of two such courses will be conducted by
the faculty each year. Attendance at these by the
resident will be compulsory.
The most important element of the evaluation process is
the mentor/resident relationships and the ongoing
communication between faculty members and residents
during their day to day work in the wards.
An evaluation interview between the resident and chief
of service is conducted near the end of each clinical
rotation. During the off-service or elective blocks a
formal evaluation is completed by the supervisor.
Each resident is also required to appear for a short
examination each June or each December based on the
material covered in the previous block of training.
A Log Book is to be kept by the resident summarizing
his daily program activities specially the surgical
procedures. This must be validated by the immediate
supervisor on a daily basis.
The annual discussion papers and research presentations
provide another means of assessment of resident
At the end of each academic year, the program director
meets with each resident to discuss his/her progress
through the year.
Satisfactory completion of the above prescribed rotation
program and examination is a pre requisite for
acceptance as a candidate for the Obstetrics and
Gynecologic Specialty Certification Examination Part I
and Part II.
Part I Examination
Candidates should have satisfactorily completed 2 years
of training before appearing for the Part I examination.
The examination will be on Obstetrics and Gynecology,
with special emphasis on applied basic science.
The candidate will be allowed three attempts to appear
for the examination at the end of 2nd year, and two
more at six month intervals. Failure to satisfy the
examiners at three attempts will automatically
disqualify the candidate from continuing the program.
Part II Examination
This will take place at the end of 5 years of satisfactory
training. The candidate must have passed the first part to
be allowed to appear in second part of the examination.
The examination will cover all issues (basic and
advanced) related to the specialty of Obstetrics and
The candidates would be assessed by an external
examiner during the clinical examination.
Residents who have satisfactorily completed the rotation
program, and have passed the final examination will be
awarded a certificate by the Kuwait Institute of Medical
Specialization (KIMS) stating that they are recognized
as specialists in Obstetrics and Gynecology.