Founding the base of long term large carnivore conservation in

Founding the base of long term large carnivore conservation in Hungary
A nagyragadozók hosszútávú védelmének megalapozása Magyarországon
LIFE Nature project
Project No.: LIFE00/NAT/H/7162
Beneficiary: Saint Stephen University
Department of Wildlife Biology and Game Management
H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly str. 1. tel: +36-28/522-086 fax: +36-28/420-189
Project manager: Dr. László Szemethy assistant lecturer
Gödöllő, September 26, 2005
Subject: compensation
Our research group has been conducting the above project since 2001. It aims first of all the
stabilisation and protection of wolf and lynx population spontaneously re-colonizing in Hungary. In
order to reach our goal, we are searching for solution to the conflicts originating from damage caused
by protected carnivores. As part of this, we deal with the issues of compensation and support, too.
While the former one is based on the provision of partial or full payment for values damaged, the latter
one means a system of incentives that motivates people living and farming on the distribution area of
protected carnivores to bear damage caused by these species. Furthermore, to the explicit request of
the Commission of the European Union, we carry out a comparative investigation on the effectiveness
of various measures aiming compensation or support systems among people researching or managing
carnivore species. This investigation became necessary due to emerging debates concerning both
approaches to manage the conflict.
We would highly appreciate your contribution by your professional experience to this investigation by
filling in the attached questionnaire. Even if our questions seem to be unusual, please try to answer
them. Should you find no appropriate answer to choose, please feel free to respond by your own
words. In connection with the frequently asked questions concerning the content of the questionnaire
you may find help under Explanatory notes at our continuously updated homepage:
LIFE Nature Large Carnivore Project.
Please return the filled-in questionnaire as soon as possible, but no later than October 31, 2005 to the
following e-mail: or mailing address: Szent István University, Department of
Wildlife Biology and Game Management, H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly str. 1.
We shall provide you with a summary of the evaluation results of the questionnaires. Also, we offer
you a video or DVD copy of the Hungarian documentary (subtitled in English) Wolves on the edge,
which depicts our project. Thank you for your help and co-operation in the hope of useful results for
the future.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. László Szemethy
assistant lecturer, project manager