Emotion Poem - rubric

Name: ____________________________________
Using Metaphors and Similes to Create Sensory Imagery
The Emotion Poem Project
Part 1: Identify the following as metaphor, simile, or personification.
____ 1. Life is a roller coaster, with lots of ups and downs.
____ 2. The team ran onto the field like a herd of elephants.
____ 3. My vacation was an absolute dream!
____ 4. The room suddenly became as quiet as a mouse.
____ 5. The train is a huge monster, eating up the miles as it goes.
____ 6. I'd turned into a puddle of melted jello. (Speak)
Part 2: Metaphors create images by comparing two different objects. Compare each
underlined word with an object to create a metaphor.
1. The fire was a _________________ which roared through the town.
2. The thick grass, a __________________, cushioned the little girl's feet.
3. The witch's broomstick was a ____________________.
Part 3: Complete the following statement with an emotion word:
Today I feel ________________ because ______________________________________________.
Part 4: Brainstorm a list of emotion words:
Part 5: The Emotion Poem
Directions: Choose one emotion word. Create a poem about that specific emotion using
the following format. Use similes and metaphors to develop strong sensory imagery.
Type or neatly handwrite a final draft of your poem. You may be creative in your
(Emotion) is ________________.
(compare your emotion to a specific color)
It smells like __________________________________.
(Write a simile that
compares your color to
something it might smell,
taste, sound, feel (sense of
touch, and look like. Use
your imagination and be
It tastes like __________________________________.
It sounds like__________________________________.
It feels like ___________________________________.
It looks like ___________________________________.
(Emotion) is __________________________________.
(write a metaphor comparing your emotion
to something )
Example Poem:
Anger is hot red
It smells like fire burning away
It tastes like rotten peaches
It sounds like the blaring car horns on a hot summer day
It feels like dried tears
It looks like shattered glass
Anger is a hurricane that destroys the home
Rubric: (Counts as a project assignment)
The first line of the poem compares the emotion to a specific color
Includes five similes that compare the emotion to an object
using strong sensory imagery (smells, tastes, sounds, feels, looks)
The last line of the poem is a strong and descriptive metaphor
that compares the emotion to an object
The poem shows creativity and originality
Final product is quality work and edited for mistakes.
______/ 2
______/ 10
______/ 2
______/ 10
______/ 3
______/ 2
______/ 3
______/ 3
______/ 2
______/ 3
______/ 20
______/ 20
An Emotion Poem
Rubric: (Counts as a project assignment)
Completes each line of the poem following format
______/ 7
______/ 7
The first line of the poem compares the emotion to a specific color
______/ 3
______/ 3
Includes five similes that compare the emotion to an object
______/ 15
using strong sensory imagery (smells, tastes, sounds, feels, looks)
The last line of the poem is a strong and descriptive metaphor
that compares the emotion to an object
______/ 5
______/ 5
The poem shows creativity and originality
______/ 5
______/ 5
Final product is quality work and edited for mistakes.
______/ 5
______/ 40
______/ 40
______/ 15