REPUBLIC OF ALBANIA CENTRAL ELECTION COMMISSION DECISION FOR THE ALLOCATION OF THE ANNUAL FUNDS TO POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE FORM OF FINANCIAL ANNUAL SUPPORT FOR 2015 Central Election Commission in its meeting on 02.03.2015, with the participation of; Lefterije LUZI- Chair Denar BIBA- Deputy Chair Edlira JORGAQI- Member Gezim VELESHNJA- Member Hysen OSMANAJ- Member Klement ZGURI- Member Vera SHTJEFNI- Member reviewed the issue with: OBJECT For the allocation of the anual funds to political parties in the form of financial annual support for the year 2015 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Nr. 23 i vendimit data 03.02.2015 e Vendimit ora 15.00 e Vendimit Për shpërndarjen e fondeve vjetore partive politike në formën e ndihmës financiare vjetore për vitin 2015 LEGAL BASIS Article 23, paragraph 1 / a of Law nr.10019, dated 29.12.2008 Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania, as amended, Section 15/2, letter of Article 19, paragraph 2 of the Law nr.10374, dated 10.02. 2011 "on some supplements and amendments to Law 8580 dated, dated 17.02.2000" on Political Parties ", change", law no.17 / 2014 "For an supplement to the law dated 8580 dated 17.02.2000" on Political Parties "amended, the law nr.125 / 2014," For an supplement to the Law no.17 / 2014 "For an supplement to the law dated 8580 dated 17.02.2000" on Political Parties ", as amended. Central Election Commission, after examining the documents submitted NOTES In implementation of Article 15.2, paragraph 2, letter of the Law no. 8580, dated 17.02.2000 "On Political Parties", As amended, the Central Election Commission determines the amount of public funds allocated to each political in the form of financial annual support. Law No. 160/2014, dated 11.27.2014 "On budget of 2015", provides fund of 190 million leks as financial support to political parties for 2015. Article 19, paragraph 2, of the Law "On Political Parties", as amended, defines the rules by which the distribution of annual funding for political parties a) 70 percent, according to the number of MPs acquired in the last parliamentary elections. Every parliamentary party benefit financial assistance in accordance with the number of deputies who has won the election system based on provided for in the Electoral Code; b) 20 percent, equitably, between the parliamentary parties and the political parties that have benefited over 10 thousand votes in the last parliamentary elections c) 10 percent, according to percentage of acquired between political parties that participated in the recent parliamentary elections and have earned over 1 percent of the vote nationwide. Remnant that is unallocated by 10-percent of the fund is added by 70 percent and was divided parliamentary parties. CEC Decision nr.759, dated 06.08.2013 has announced the final results of elections for the Assembly dated June 23, 2013, according to which: Political parties that won seats in the last parliamentary elections and to benefit financial support from the state budget pursuant to Article 19, paragraph 2, letter a and the second sentence of the letter c, nr.10374 law, dated 10.02. 2011, "on some additions and amendments to the law on political parties, amended", as well as the respective amounts they receive are: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Nr. 23 i vendimit data 03.02.2015 e Vendimit ora 15.00 e Vendimit Për shpërndarjen e fondeve vjetore partive politike në formën e ndihmës financiare vjetore për vitin 2015 1. Socialist Party 65 seats 62.651.550 ALL 2. Democratic party 50 seats 48.193.500 ALL 3 .The Socialist Movement for Integration 16 seats 15.421.920 ALL 4. Part for Justice,Integration and Unity 4 seats 3.855.480 ALL 5. Albanian Republican Party 3 seats 2.891.610 ALL 6. Party Union for Human Rights 1 seats 963.870 ALL 7. Christian Democratic Party of Albania 1 seats 963.870 ALL The amount that each party benefit under Article 19, paragraph 2, letter a and the second sentence of the letter c, nr.10374 law, dated 10.02.2011, "On some amendments and changes in the the law on political parties, amended", defined in this way, the amount of 133 million which represents 70% of the total amount to be distributed to 190 million lek, is added to the sum of ALL 1,941,800 which remains unallocated by 10% of the total A total of 134,941,800 ALL divided by the number of members of the Albanian parliament has 140 members. The result of ALL 963,870 is the amount that the party receives for each Member of Parliament. To find ALL the amount allocated to each party under Article 19, paragraph 2, letter a and the second sentence of the letter c, nr.10374 law, dated 10.02.2011, "On some additions and changes in the the law on political parties, change, "Lek 963,870 amount multiplied by the number of members of each party. According to Article 19, paragraph 2, letter swear nr.10374 law, dated 10.02.2011, "On some additions and changes in the the law on political parties, amended", 20% of the total amount, divided equitably among the parliamentary parties and political parties that have benefited over 10 thousand votes in the last parliamentary elections. Sum 38 million which represents 20% of the total amount of 190 million, divided by 12, the number of parliamentary parties and political parties that have benefited over 10 thousand votes in the last parliamentary elections. The amount that comes out is the amount that each political party benefit under this provision of the law on political parties, as follows: 1 Socialist Party of Albania 65 seats 3.166.667 ALL 2 Democratic Party 50 seats 3.166.667 ALL 3 Part for Justice,Integration and Unity 16 seats 3.166.667 ALL 4 Party for Justice, Integration and Unity 4 seats 3.166.667 ALL 5 Albanian Republican Party 3 seats 3.166.667 ALL 6 Party Union for Human Rights 1 seat 3.166.667 ALL __________________________________________________________________________________________ Nr. 23 i vendimit data 03.02.2015 e Vendimit ora 15.00 e Vendimit Për shpërndarjen e fondeve vjetore partive politike në formën e ndihmës financiare vjetore për vitin 2015 7 Christian Democratic Party of Albania 1 seat 8 New Democratic Spirit 29.312 votes 10 Social Democracy Party 10 3.166.667 ALL . Social Democratic Party 3.166.667 ALL 11.891 votes 3.166.667 ALL 10.220 votes 3.166.667 ALL 11 Christian Democratic Party of Albania 13.288 votes 12 Red and Black Alliance 3.166.667 ALL 10.196 votes 3.166.667 ALL According to Article 19, paragraph 2, letter ce nr.10374 law, dated 10.02.2011, "On some additions and changes in the the law on political parties change," political parties that participated in the recent parliamentary elections and have earned over 1 percent of the vote nationwide, benefiting financial support from the state budget, according to percentage of acquired. So the amount of 19 million ALL which constitutes 10% of the total fund for distribution of 190 million ALL, multiplied by the corresponding percentage that these political parties have earned in the last parliamentary elections at the national level, as follows: 1 Socialist Party of Albania 41.36% 2 Democratic Party 30.63% 3 Socialist movement for Integration 10.46% 4 Albanian Republican Party 3.02% 5 Part for Justice,Integration and Unity 2.61% 6 New Democratic Spirit 1.70% 7.585.400 ALL 5.819.700 ALL 1.987.400 ALL 573.800 ALL 495.900 ALL 323.000 ALL The total amount that benefits every political party as financial support for 2015, is the sum of all amounts resulting from the above calculations. FOR THE ABOVE REASON: Based on Article 23, paragraph 1 / a of Law nr.10019, dated 29.12.2008 Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania, as amended, Section 15/2, letter of Article 19, paragraph 2 of the Law nr.10374 date 02.10.2011 "on some amendments to Law 8580 dated, dated 17.02.2000" on Political Parties ", change", law no.17 / 2014 "on an addition to law 8580 dated dated 17.02.200" __________________________________________________________________________________________ Nr. 23 i vendimit data 03.02.2015 e Vendimit ora 15.00 e Vendimit Për shpërndarjen e fondeve vjetore partive politike në formën e ndihmës financiare vjetore për vitin 2015 For political parties ", as amended, the law nr.125 / 2014," on an addition to the Law no.17 / 2014 "on an addition to law 8580 dated dated 17.02.200" on Political Parties ", as amended DECIDED 1. To distribute 190 million fund political parties, for 2015, according to Appendix 1 attached to this decision. This decision comes into force immediately. Lefterije LUZI- Chair Denar BIBA- Deputy Chair Edlira JORGAQI- Member Gezim VELESHNJA- Member Hysen OSMANAJ- Member Klement ZGURI- Member Vera SHTJEFNI- Member __________________________________________________________________________________________ Nr. 23 i vendimit data 03.02.2015 e Vendimit ora 15.00 e Vendimit Për shpërndarjen e fondeve vjetore partive politike në formën e ndihmës financiare vjetore për vitin 2015