English 305 - California State University, Bakersfield

California State University, Bakersfield
Composition Standards
English 305: Modes of Writing
Course Description
An online course in effective expository writing. Emphasis on writing as a process. This course
counts toward the Teacher Preparation Programs in Liberal Studies and Child Development but
does not count toward the major or minor. Fulfills the GWAR. Prerequisite: A grade of B or
higher in English 110 or its equivalent, Internet skills, word-processing skills, and upper-division
Note: Please see the syllabus template for course prerequisites, learning outcomes, and
other policies particular to English 305. Assignments should advance student mastery of
the learning outcomes.
Minimum Reading and Writing Assignments
Assign at least 15 to 20 typed pages that gradually increase in difficulty. Since this is an online
class, instructors should require rough drafts be submitted via email approximately one week
before the final essay is due. Instructors should then provide enough revision and editing
comments to students so students get the benefit of the instructor’s teaching.
A writing sample of some sort should be requested from students at the first mandatory meeting.
This can be an in-class essay or a short summary exercise. The writing samples serve as helpful
examples of the students’ individual writing styles, which may help to guard against plagiarism
since the other assignments throughout the quarter will be submitted electronically. Instructors
are encouraged to use GWAR-style prompts for in-class essay assignments.
Because English 305 focuses on writing for different purposes, the assignments below might
include the following modes:
 writing to inform
 writing to analyze literature and/or art
 writing to persuade
 writing to amuse or move the reader emotionally
● In-class Essays—At least one assignment should be a GWAR-formatted in-class essay, 2 to
3 pages in length, written within 1½ hours. To view a sample GWAR prompt, see the
GWAR Handout in the Composition Handbook. Because English 305 is an online class, this
must be done at either the first or last mandatory meeting.
● Documented Synthesis—At least one essay should require that students research and
incorporate a minimum of two academic/credible sources into their own writing.
● Controlled Reading Synthesis—Instructors should assign at least one reading that students
must synthesize into their own writing. This may be part of the documented synthesis.
Using familiar sources helps you and your students readily identify and address issues of
plagiarism and also helps you evaluate how well students are meeting the reading learning
Handbook Recommendation
Our department-adopted handbook—Quick Access—is required for all English 99 and 110
courses. Though it is not a requirement for upper-division courses, instructors should
recommend that students use a handbook to meet the course learning outcomes.
Students should be required to participate in peer revision and editing on a bulletin board set up
exclusively for this class, either through PeopleSoft or through a public blog, depending on the
preferences of the instructor.
Students should be required to communicate frequently on the chat board or blog, discussing
essay-related issues. Instructors are encouraged to post discussion topics and participate in the
conversation as well to encourage online discussion.
This participation could also be used for homework, such as questions on readings, and it should
be factored into the students’ overall course grades.
MyWritingLabPlus (MWLP) Options
Since most students will have access to MyWritingLabPlus, instructors are encouraged to
incorporate the program into their classes. Here are a few recommendations for using the
program in English 305:
1. Recommend use to individual students as needed. To accomplish this, attach a MWL
Referral Form to a student’s graded essay. Students will then have one week to complete this
requirement, and instructors may withhold a student’s essay grade until this requirement is
2. Recommend Humanities/Behavioral Sciences 477 for either individual students or the whole
 Students must be enrolled in HUM/BEHS 477 before census day.
 The instructor must give as much advanced notice as possible (ideally two weeks before
the quarter begins) to Brooke Hughes or Randi Brummett.
3. Require MyWrtitingLabPlus within the course by requiring a set number of topics (no more
than 15).
 The instructor must give advanced notice (ideally two weeks before the quarter begins) to
Brooke Hughes or Randi Brummett.
 The instructor will need some additional training if it is the first time using this option.
 The instructor will choose the topics and monitor the program.
Individual, Drop-in Tutoring Requirement
Instructors also may attach a Tutor Referral Form to a student’s graded essay to require the
student to go to the Writing Resource Center for individual, drop-in tutoring. The Student will
then have one week to complete the drop-in tutoring, and instructors may withhold the student’s
essay grade until the requirement is met.
Note: Instructors should take into consideration each student’s ability to get to campus for dropin tutoring since many students in online classes do not live near the campus.
MyWritingLabPlus may be a better option in these cases.
Turnitin.com Requirement
This is a plagiarism prevention website. In general, instructors should have students from all
courses submit as many papers as possible to turnitin.com to develop a bank of student papers as
a guard against plagiarism. For instructional purposes, instructors should introduce students to
turnitin.com in English 80 and then ensure that students use it in English 99, 110, 305, and 310
on a regular basis. Shortly after students submit their papers, they can access a color-coded
report with details about their use of sources in their papers. Please visit the website
(turnitin.com) for information on how to set up and manage a course using turnitin.com.
Weight of Course Work
Reading and Writing Assignments
Instructor’s Discretion
English 305
Modes of Writing
Course Syllabus Template
Statements must appear on your syllabus EXACTLY as they are worded here.
Office Hours
Required Texts and/or Materials
Course Overview & Policy Statements
A grade of B or higher in English 110 or its equivalent, Internet skills, word-processing skills,
and upper-division standing (90 quarter units).
To Satisfy the GWAR Requirement
Students must earn a grade of C or higher in this course to satisfy the Graduation Writing
Assessment Requirement (GWAR). In addition, this course can fulfill the GWAR only if a
student has completed 90 or more quarter units of college work before taking it.
Successful Completion of English 305
To be eligible for a C in English 305, students must earn a C or higher on at least one in-class
writing assignment and a C average on all other course assignments. Since this is an online
class, in-class writing assignments may be given at the first meeting, the last meeting, or both
Course Description
An online course in effective expository writing. Emphasis on writing as a process. This course
counts toward the Teacher Preparation Programs in Liberal Studies and Child Development but
does not count toward the major or minor. Fulfills the GWAR.
Course Learning Outcomes
Students in GWAR courses should advance their mastery of the following learning outcomes:
Goal 1: Reading Skills
Objective 1: Analyze a rhetorical situation (purpose, audience, tone) and how a writer’s
rhetorical choices (e.g. bias, rhetorical modes, syntax, diction) inform a text.
Objective 2: Analyze a text’s structure and conventional parts (introduction, thesis, main
ideas, body paragraphs, conclusion), and how the parts work together.
Objective 3: Analyze a text’s logic and reasoning.
Objective 4: Effectively critique the effectiveness of a writer’s rhetorical choices,
organization, and logic.
Goal 2: Writing Skills
Objective 1: Effectively adapt the writing process to various rhetorical situations,
anticipating the needs of purpose and audience.
Objective 2: Analyze more complex and/or abstract writing prompts, and stay on task.
Objective 3: Create effective thesis statements, and use a variety of appropriate and
compelling rhetorical strategies to support the thesis.
Objective 4: Effectively structure essays, evaluating how the parts work together to create
Objective 5: Avoid logical fallacies, and use precise logical reasoning to develop essays.
Objective 6: Use correct and college-level, discourse-appropriate syntax, diction,
grammar, and mechanics.
Goal 3: Research Skills
Objective 1: Effectively use summary, paraphrase, and direct quotes to smoothly
synthesize sources into own writing.
Objective 2: Master a documentation style, and avoid plagiarism.
Objective 3: Use research methods to find reputable sources.
Waiting List/Drop Policy
Students enrolled in English 305 must attend the first Saturday orientation session. Students who
miss this session will be dropped so that other students may add the course. There is no make-up
orientation session.
Students who wish to add the course once the class is full can contact the instructor before the
quarter begins and ask to be put on a waiting list. These students must attend the first Saturday
session to remain eligible for a seat, and these students can only be added if a spot in the class
becomes available.
MyWritingLabPlus Requirement
If you are using MyWritingLabPlus in a specific way, indicate that option here. Otherwise just
use the blanket statement.
Individual, Drop-in Tutoring Requirement
Instructors may also require you to complete individual, drop-in tutoring for certain aspects of
your writing, in which case you will receive a Tutor Referral Form with your graded essay. If
you receive a referral form with a paper, you are required within one week to take the form and
the paper to the Writing Resource Center for individual assistance. Instructors may withhold
your essay grade until after you have completed this requirement.
Turnitin.com Requirement
Turnitin.com is a tool to help you avoid plagiarism. Approximately two hours after submitting a
paper to this online program, you can access a color-coded report with details about the use of
sources in your paper. Because this site does not detect problems with paraphrasing that is not
cited properly, you should use this site only as a guide. To use turnitin.com, you will need to
register on the site and set up a password. Once this is done, you then will need to create a “user
profile” specifically for this class and any others that may use the site. You will need the
following information to set up your user profile:
Class ID--###
Class Enrollment Password--XXXX
After creating a profile, students can log onto and use the site.
Note: Submitting a paper to turnitin.com is not the same as submitting a paper to your
instructor; you also must hand in a copy of your paper to your instructor.
Revision Policy
Required revisions are indicated on the course schedule. When you revise your writing, the
original essay must be attached to the rewrite. In order for a grade to improve, you need to do
more than simply correct the marks on the original essay. In other words, rewritten papers
should show extensive revision as well as editing. The final grade will be an average of the
original and the rewritten essay.
Academic Honesty Policy
If you want to put an academic honest policy on your syllabus, choose one of the two options below or
design your own statement.
This course is subject to the academic and disciplinary sanctions established by CSUB for
plagiarism as outlined on the university website: www.csub.edu, Acad. Info & Policies Fall
2011, p. 39.
The principles of truth and integrity are recognized as fundamental to a community of teachers and
scholars. The University expects that both faculty and students will honor these principles and in so
doing will protect the integrity of all academic work and student grades. Students are expected to do all
work assigned to them without unauthorized assistance and without giving unauthorized assistance.
Faculty have the responsibility of exercising care in the planning and supervision of academic work so
that honest effort will be encouraged and positively reinforced
Course Requirements & Assignments
Include a brief description of assignments along with the ones listed here.
Academic Freedom (Optional)
You have the right to expect a quality education that is free from prejudice, inaccuracy, and
misleading or irrelevant course material. Furthermore, your grades in this course will reflect your
performance as a student and a scholar, not your beliefs, heritage, gender identification, or any
other similar consideration.
If you experience difficulty in this course for any reason, you should not hesitate to consult with
the instructor. In addition to the resources of the department, a wide range of services is available
to support you in your efforts to meet the course requirements.
Support Services for Students (Optional)
To request academic accommodations due to a disability, you should contact the Office of
Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) as soon as possible. This office is located in SA
140, and they may be reached at 661-654-3360 (voice) or 661-654-6288 (TDD). Students with
an accommodations letter from the SSD Office documenting a disability should present the letter
to your instructor as soon as possible to discuss the specific accommodations you need for this
At times, school, work, and/or our personal lives can become overwhelming and difficult to
handle. CSUB’s Counseling Center is available to you with skilled and experienced counselors
to guide you through the challenges of daily life. Contact 654-3366 for an appointment.
Weight of Course Work
Specify your grading breakdown here.
Course Calendar
Put your calendar here.