Francis, Intro Petrol. 186-212, 2014 PETROLOGY LAB 3: Volcanic Rocks The identification and classification of volcanic rocks is a two fold process that requires the: 1. determination the type of cooling unit 2. estimation of the chemical composition eg. basaltic lava flow, rhyolite lapilli tuff 1. Determination of the type of cooling unit, eg.; lava flow, tuff, pillow lava, etc. This is best done in the field where a given rock can be seen in the context of its surroundings. The diagram below presents a brief summary of the common types of volcanic units. You will see a variety of these in a Powerpoint presentation at the beginning of the lab. 1 Francis, Intro Petrol. 186-212, 2014 2 Francis, Intro Petrol. 186-212, 2014 2. Classification according to chemical composition. Because of the fine grain-size of volcanic rocks, a full classification requires a chemical analysis. The official nomenclature of volcanic rocks is defined in a plot to total alkalis versus silica: 3 Francis, Intro Petrol. 186-212, 2014 In the field, one must rely simply on the look of hand specimens, using critieria such as colour and hardness of the matrix, phenocryst mineral assemblage, etc. This is a somewhat qualitative process and in some cases it is best to just use the terms mafic for darkest coloured volcanic rock, felsic for lightest coloured volcanic rocks, and intermediate for those in between. Hi temperature Hi Mg/(Mg+Fe) Hi Ca/ (Ca + Na) Low temperature Low Mg/(Mg+Fe) Low Ca/ (Ca + Na) 4 Francis, Intro Petrol. 186-212, 2014 Hand Specimen Criteria for Estimating Composition: Mafic Phenocrysts: Crystalline Matrix Colour: Weathered Colour: Matrix Hardness: Matrix Fracture: Flow Banding: Felsic Oliv, Cpx, Opx Ca-Plag dark grey to black red to brown scratches, gritty irregular no K-Spar, Qtz, Feldspathoid light white harder than knife concoidal yes In mafic rocks, the presence of olivine-rich xenoliths, or mica and/or amphibole phenocrysts indicates an alkaline composition. 5 Francis, Intro Petrol. 186-212, 2014 Station A: Ultramafic Volcanic Rocks Ultramafic volcanic rocks are relatively rare and essentially restricted to Archean greenstone belts. Komatiites are ultramafic lava flows characterised by the presence of quench-textured olivine known as ’spinifex’ that has a platy habit. Spinifex texture is best developed in the upper chilled margin of komatiite lava flows. Komatiites are typically somewhat lighter green in colour than associated mafic volcanic rocks such as basalts because of the formers high Mg content, and they were often confused with andesites by early field workers because of their light green colour. They commonly weather to a brown colour because of the high abundance of olivine. Olivine Spinifex Olivine Spinifex 6 Francis, Intro Petrol. 186-212, 2014 Station B: Mafic to Intermediate Volcanic Rocks Mafic or basaltic volcanic rocks are characterised by their dark coloured matrix and the common presence of mafic phenocrysts. The most mafic or primitive samples are characterised by abundant olivine (picritic basalt) or olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts (ankaramitic basalt), while more evolved basalts tend to have larger proportions of plagioclase than mafic phenocrysts or be aphyric. Alkaline basalts are typically darker in colour than associated subalkaline basalts and, unlike the later, commonly crystallize clinopyroxene phenocyrsts before plagioclase. The presence of olivine-rich spinel lherzolite xenoliths is diagnostic of alkaline basalts. Olivine-phyric basalt or picrite Olivine-pyroxene-plagioclase phyric basalt 7 Francis, Intro Petrol. 186-212, 2014 Intermediate volcanic rocks such as andesites, hawaiites, and dacites are commonly, but not always, characterised by lighter coloured matrices than basalts and a dominance of feldspar as a phenocryst phase. Olivine is commonly absent. In the most evolved examples, amphibole may appear as a mafic phenocryst phase. Plagioclase-phyric basaltic andesite to andesite Plagioclase – hornblende -phyric andesite 8 Francis, Intro Petrol. 186-212, 2014 Hornblende-plagioclase-oxide - phyric dacite Hornblende-plagioclaseoxide- phyric dacite Identify the phenocrysts in each of the specimens at this station and classify the rock as basalt, andesite, dacite etc, eg. olivine-phyric basalt or amphibole plagioclase-phyric andesite. Think about the probable type of cooling unit the sample represents, and in the case of flows, where in the flow the sample was taken (eg. flow top, flow interior, flow base, remember last week’s lab on flow textures). 9 Francis, Intro Petrol. 186-212, 2014 Station C: Felsic Volcanics – Lava Flows Felsic volcanic rocks commonly have the lightest coloured matrices, if they are holocrystalline. However, silica-rich magmas will often quench to a glass that is dark in colour and similar in appearance to basaltic glass, unless examined through a thin chip, in which case basaltic glass has a darker brown colour. It is unusual, however, for an entire sample of basalt to be glassy because it is harder to quench silica-poor mafic magmas. In addition, glassy felsic lavas frequently exhibit spherulites, small spherical bodies composed of radiating felsic crystals that are though to have grown by the devitrification of glass. spherulites Extremely fine-grained varieties of felsic lavas will also be relatively dark in colour and easily confused with more mafic lavas in the field. The presence of concoidal fracture in a extremely fine-grained dark matrix that cannot be scratched with a knife is typically diagnostic of a felsic composition. No matter how dark the fresh surface, the weathering surface of felsic rocks will typically be light coloured compared to that of mafic to intermediate rocks. obsidian 10 Francis, Intro Petrol. 186-212, 2014 Felsic volcanic flows are commonly flow banded. Flow banding is defined by alternating layers of glass and finely crystalline material, sometimes coalescing spherulites, which define the slip planes along which the viscous felsic magma flowed. The crystalline layers are thought to be those along which volatile bubbles have concentrated during lamellar flow. These volatiles aided the crystallisation of the magma in these layers, which tend to be lighter coloured than the darker layers that are depleted in such bubbles and quenched to glass. This banding is frequently preserved even when the felsic volcanic rock has been completely recrystallized. This type of banding is not observed in mafic to intermediate volcanic rocks. Furthermore, the margins of felsic flows are always fragmented, and their brecciated margins constitute a larger proportion (thicker) of the flow than in the case of mafic aa flows. Ropy or pahoehoe tops are not observed in felsic lavas. Flow-banded rhyolite Although glassy and crypto-crystalline felsic volcanic rocks are relatively dark in colour, most old felsic lavas have recrystallized, and thus are light in colour reflecting the fact that their compositions are rich in felsic minerals (E8733, E8969, 2.7 Ga). 11 Francis, Intro Petrol. 186-212, 2014 Station D: Felsic Fragmental Volcanics – Pyroclastic rocks The majority of felsic volcanic rocks are not lava flows, but pyroclastic rocks produced by the accumulation of clasts or fragments produced in an explosive volcanic eruption. Felsic magmas commonly erupt explosively because their Si-rich compositions make them so viscous that exsolving volatiles can not escape. Because of the combination of high melt viscosity and high gas contents, the majority of felsic magmas erupt as pyroclastic deposits than rather than effusive lava flows. Mafic magmas can also produce fragmental volcanic rocks during explosive eruptions, but typically erupt as more effusive lava flows. Some petrologists view pyroclastic rocks as sedimentary rather than igneous rocks. This station contains a wide variety of fragmental volcanic rocks. The classification of fragmental rocks requires the consideration of a number of features: grain size, matrix versus clast support, degree of sorting, presence of layering or grading, monomictic versus polymictic character, signs of aerial or hot emplacement. Examine each specimen in terms of these features and classify them according to the first figure in this lab. 12 Francis, Intro Petrol. 186-212, 2014 Air-fall tuffs are deposited relatively cold and may or may not be layered. Water-lain tuffs are more typically layered and exhibit better sorting than air fall tuffs. Air fall tuffs are commonly reworked by wind and water, showing structures such as finescale cross-bedding. Such rocks are technically sedimentary, rather than volcanic, and they are sometimes referred to as epiclastic as opposed to pyroclastic rocks. If you don’t know which a rock is, it is safer to use the term fragmental volcanic or volcanoclastic rock can be used – a clastic rock made up of fragments of volcanic rock and/or broken crystals. Some of the samples in this section are welded tuffs or ignimbrites. They are tuffs that have between deposited by pyroclastic flows. They are characteristically poorly sorted and lack well defined layering, although they commonly exhibit grading. In some cases, they are hot enough that the fragments are plastic and welded together after emplacement. Signs of hot deposition include flattened pumice or glass fragments known as fiamme, columnar joints, alteration rims around larger fragments, and the presence of a hard glassy matrix. Strongly welded rocks are typically physically hard to break and when they do, they tend to break across fragments. Many ash flow tuffs are not welded, however, and are recognized on the fiamme basis of lack of layering and/or poor sorting. In some cases, the interior of ash flows are welded, while the margins are not, or ash flows are welded near their source, but not welded far from their source. Pyroclastic Surge deposits are distinguished from pyroclastic flow deposits by the presence of well developed planar to wavy layering and low-angle, large-scale antidune cross-bedding. They are typically thinner than pyroclastic flow deposits. 13 Francis, Intro Petrol. 186-212, 2014 Station E: Porphyry Dykes High level dykes and sills are typically finegrained and commonly difficult to distinguish from the massive portions of thick flows without their field context. If contacts are exposed, sills can be distinguished from flows by the presence of symmetric finer-grained quenched margins, as opposed to the thick upper quench and thin lower quench zones of flows. Cross cutting field relationships are indicative of dykes. High-level dykes are commonly porphyritic with larger phenocrysts of crystals that grew before emplacement enclosed in a finer grained matrix that reflects rapid cooling at the shallow site of emplacement. Felsic Dykes: Quartz feldspar porphyry rhyolite dykes (QFP dykes) are especially important as they are commonly associated with porphyry copper and gold mineralization in volcanic terranes. Without field context, it may be difficult to decide if a quartz-feldspar-phyric felsic rock is a dyke or the massive portion of a lava flow. Often it is best to indicate the phenocryst assemblage in a prefix, and simply call the rock a felsite, eg feldspar-phyric felsite. The presence of quartz phenocrysts is indicative of a rhyolitic composition. Mafic to Intermediate Dykes: Fine-grained mafic dykes that are aphyric or contain phenocrysts of feldspar are commonly simply referred to as basaltic or diabase dykes, or even more generally as mafic or intermediate dykes. If the phenocyrst assemblage does not contain plagioclase, but does contain amphibole, mica, and/or clinopyroxene and olivine, then mafic dykes are likely to be lamprophyres. Lamprophyre dykes commonly have compositions similar to alkaline basalts. If feldspar is absent in the matrix, then the term ultramafic lamprophyre is used. In the field, lamprophyre dykes are best named using a prefix indicating the types of phenocrysts present, eg. hornblendephyric lamprophyre dyke. The presence of hydrous phenocrysts such as hornblende or phlogopite is diagnostic of lamprophyres and the fact that the rock was a high level intrusion rather than a volcanic flow. Water escapes in mafic lavas at the surface, and thus amphibole is typically not stable. The phenocrysts of thin porphyritic mafic dykes are commonly concentrated towards the centre of the dyke by flow differentiation 14 Francis, Intro Petrol. 186-212, 2014 Kimberlite: Kimberlite is an ultramafic rock (no feldspar) that is commonly rich in olivine megacrysts. There are many types of kimberlite, ranging from olivine-rich dykes with dark fine-grained matices (hypabyssal facies), which resemble ultramafic lamprophyres in hand specimen, to polymictic beccias that contain fragments of both the mantle (olivine-rich xenoliths) and the crustal rocks they intrude (diatreme facies). Kimberlite dykes are best distinguished from lamprophrye dykes by the presence of garnet and phlogopite megacrysts. Kimberlite dykes are rare, but their importance lies in the fact that they are the host rocks for diamonds. Pyropic garnet & phlogopite 15