Newsletter June 4-16-14

Omega Theater & Parkside Arts and Health Associates
June 13-22, 2014 - 10-day Intensive – Boston MA
Welcome to our ‘Theater, Therapy & the Arts’, 10-day exploration into the intricate relationship
between growth, change, human development and transformation. The following courses can be
taken as a complete 10-day intensive or separately. They are designed for individuals who would
like to learn more about Psychodrama and Drama Therapy and the application of these action
methods in mental/behavioral health, education, applied theater arts and community settings.
These courses are also part of our Omega Theater Drama Therapy Certificate Program. For
individuals studying to become registered drama therapists these may be applied towards 6
credits of alternate track training.
Theater, Therapy & the Arts: a 10-day Summer Intensive (includes all courses listed below)
June 13 – 22, 2014
Saphira Linden, Phillip Speiser, David Read Johnson, Daniel J. Wiener, Jami Osborne, Iris
Grant and Christopher Carboni
Psychodrama & Creative Arts Therapy: an Integrative Approach - June 13-15
Phillip Speiser, PhD, RDT/BCT, Psychodramatist
with Saphira Linden, MA, TEP, RDT/BCT
Improvisation in Drama Therapy - June 16
David Read Johnson, Ph.D, RDT-BCT
Rehearsals for Growth: a Drama Therapy of Relationships Approach - June 17
Daniel J. Wiener, Ph.D, RDT/BCT &
Jami Osborne, MA, RDT-BCT and RfG-Certified Trainer
Boal & Moreno: Integrating Theater & Therapy - June 18
Phillip Speiser, PhD, RDT/BCT, Psychodramatist
Transformational Theater using the Creative Arts & Improvisation Intensive
June 19
Saphira Linden, MA, TEP, RDT/BCT
with Iris Anne Grant, MA
Transformational Theater Using the Creative Arts & Improvisation - June 19-22
Saphira Linden, MA, TEP, RDT/BCT
with Phillip Speiser, Iris Anne Grant & Chris Carboni
* * * * * * *
Theater, Therapy & the Arts: a 10-day Summer Intensive (includes all courses
listed below)
June 13 – 22, 2014
Saphira Linden, Phillip Speiser, David Read Johnson, Daniel J. Wiener, Jami
Osborne, Iris Grant and Christopher Carboni
This 10-day summer intensive includes all of the courses listed below and will explore the
relationship between drama therapy, psychodrama, creative arts therapies, theater, creative drama
and improvisation. Leaders in the field will present the various themes and explore these through
discussion, readings and experiential activities. The goal is to deepen our understanding of how
theater arts are used as healing and transformative agents and to present practical applications
that can be used in professional practices within counseling, education, applied theater practices
and community/social change. This intensive is appropriate for the beginner practitioner as well
as those that are using an art/s form in their practice and wish to gain a deeper understanding and
application towards this practice. No prior experience with the arts is necessary to participate in
these courses. The courses are also open to students enrolled in drama therapy alternate track
programs and are designed to meet the standards of the North American Drama Therapy
Association (NADTA) as an 'Alternative Training' program that leads towards a credential as an
RDT-Registered Drama Therapist. The 10-day intensive is equivalent to 6 credits and falls under
the category of Creative Arts Therapy (3 credits) & Improvisation (3 credits).
Cost: Reduced fee for all 10 days- $1,200 before June 6; $1,350 after June 6
* * * * * * *
Psychodrama & Creative Arts Therapy: an Integrative Approach
June 13 - 15
Instructor: Phillip Speiser, Ph.D, RDT/BCT, Psychodramatist
with Saphira Linden, MA, TEP, RDT/BCT
Many mental health practitioners and community workers use some form of arts expression in
their work. Integration of these modalities is a longer process and commitment towards
understanding how creativity and creative process is core towards facilitating healing and
change. Through readings, discussion, and experiential activities participants will gain a deeper
understanding of a wide range of creative arts modalities and therapeutic approaches. Visual art,
poetry, storytelling, dance/movement, music will be explored and woven intermodally with
drama therapy & psychodrama. Appropriateness of application of modalities and methods for
various populations will be discussed throughout the course. This course is appropriate for the
beginner practitioner as well as those that are using an art/s form in their practice and wish to
gain a deeper understanding and application towards this practice. No prior experience with the
arts is necessary to participate in this course.
Instructor: Phillip Speiser, PhD, REAT, RDT/BCT, Psychodramatist is co-leader of the Omega
Drama Therapy Certificate Program and Supervisor of Arts Therapy at Whittier Street Health
Center, Boston. He has worked with the integration of arts therapies for over thirty years as a
clinician, supervisor and teacher. He was co-chair/founder of the International Expressive Arts
Therapy Association.
Guest Instructor: Saphira Linden, MA, TEP, RDT/BCT, Founder & Director of The Omega
Theater & Co-leader of Omega Transpersonal Drama Therapy Certificate Program, Boston. Ms.
Linden is certified as a Trainer, Educator and Practitioner by the American Board of Examiners
in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy with over 40 years experience working
as a therapist, educator and artist.
Cost: $380 before June 6; $425 after June 6
* * * * * * *
Improvisation in Drama Therapy
June 16
David Read Johnson, Ph.D, RDT/BCT
This course will review the history of the field of drama therapy from the point of view of the
role of improvisation. David will describe and demonstrate experientially the improvisational
method of Developmental Transformations and lead participants through their own process of
developing improvisational self-revelatory pieces in the moment.
Instructor: David Read Johnson, Ph.D, RDT/BCT is Director, Institute for Developmental
Transformations; Co-Director, Post Traumatic Stress Center, New Haven, CT; Associate Clinical
Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine; former president of
NADTA and former editor-in-chief of the Arts in Psychotherapy. David is a pioneer in the field
of drama therapy.
Cost: $150 before June 6; $175 after June 6
* * * * * * *
Rehearsals! for Growth: a Drama Therapy of Relationships Approach
June 17, 2014
Daniel J. Wiener, Ph.D, RDT/BCT &
Jami Osborne, MA, RDT-BCT and RfG-Certified Trainer
Developed by Dan Wiener in 1984 and taught around the world, Rehearsals! for Growth™ (RfG)
is a drama therapy of relationships which uses techniques from theater improvisation to achieve
individual and interpersonal growth. RfG facilitates change by playfully exploring alternative
roles through dramatic enactment, providing vivid, immediate experiences that reach
populations, particularly children, who do not respond fully to talk-only therapies. This all-day
workshop is available to beginners and RfG trainees at all levels of prior training and earns 8
hours toward the full 60-hr. Rehearsals for Growth Certificate Program (RfG-CP).
Instructors: Daniel J. Wiener, Ph.D, RDT/BCT, originator of RfG. Dan is Professor in the
Counselor Education and Family Therapy Department at Central Connecticut State University,
licensed both as a psychologist and Marriage and Family Therapist, conducting private practice
since 1976. He has written several books, chapters and articles on the application of action
methods in psychotherapy.
Jami Osborne, MA, RDT-BCT and Rehearsals! for Growth Certified Clinician. Jami works in a
community mental health clinic south of Boston, MA and is a faculty member of the Omega
Theater Transpersonal Drama Therapy Training program.
Cost: $140 before June 6; $165 after June 6
* * * * * * *
Boal & Moreno: Integrating Theater, Therapy & Social Change
June 18
Instructor: Phillip Speiser, Ph.D, RDT/BCT, Psychodramatist
Augusto Boal was a great innovator and pioneer in the use of theater as a tool to overcome
oppression and foster social change. Jacob L. Moreno was a great innovator and pioneer in the
use of improvisation and role play as a tool to foster personal growth, group therapy and human
development. Together the two have left us with powerful theater tools that are today applied to
counseling, education and community change. This course will present practical applications
from Image Theater, Theater of the Oppressed and Psychodrama and demonstrate how
participants can integrate these tools into their professional and personal lives. A continuum of
expression from personal-to-societal life issues will be presented and our goal will be to find
points of integration between the two.
Instructor: Phillip Speiser, PhD, RDT/BCT, Psychodramatist. Phil studied with the Moreno’s
in Beacon NY during the 1970’s and with Augusto Boal in the 1980’s. He is co-leader of the
Omega Drama Therapy Certificate Program and Supervisor of Arts Therapy at Whittier Street
Health Center, Boston.
Cost: $140 before June 6; $165 after June 6
* * * * * * *
Transformational Theater Using the Creative Arts & Improvisation –
Saphira Linden, MA, TEP, RDT/BCT
with Iris Grant, MA
June 19, 2014
This course is intended as an intensive theater-therapy introduction to the Transformational
Theater process- see full course description below. Participants will learn to identify challenging
and restricted life-patterns and how to begin a process of transformation through the use of
various theater methods that are included in the Transformational Theater model.
Cost: $140 before June 6; $165 after June 6
Transformational Theater using the Creative Arts & Improvisation
Saphira Linden, MA, TEP, RDT/BCT
with Phillip Speiser; Iris Grant; Christopher Carboni
June 19-22, 2014
Transformational Theater is a healing model designed to help both clients and audiences identify
with their essential healthy core, sometimes referred to as soul-self, while working to be freed
from their wounded and restricted self-images. Carl Jung said that the mental health of a
community is based on peoples' ability to tell their stories. The Transformational Theater process
supports this need. This process makes it possible to transform these earlier wounded patterns
into the creation of a new transformative story, supporting growth and health. Participants will
work with creative arts therapy and improvisation modalities to create a short theater piece that
expresses each participant's healing journey. Drawing on ancient traditions of healing through
ritual theater, we will take advantage of the overlap between the processes of performance and
performance-making and those of self-exploration, real life relationships, investigation of
meaning and envisioning a desired transformation. No theater experience is necessary to take this
training. Participants will support each other in the creation of their pieces. Everyone will work
with different art forms and will be involved in exploring role playing, script development out of
improvisation, music, dance, poetry, masks, costumes etc. This process connects us with our
creative selves and a sense of new possibilities.
Instructor: Saphira Linden, MA, TEP, RDT/BCT, LCAT, Founder & Director of The Omega
Theater & Co-leader of Omega Transpersonal Drama Therapy Certificate Program, Boston. Ms.
Linden is certified as a Trainer, Educator and Practitioner by the American Board of Examiners
in Psychodrama, Sociometry and Group Psychotherapy with over 40 years experience working
as a therapist, educator and artist.
Guest Instructors: Phillip Speiser; co-leader of the Omega Drama Therapy Certificate Program
and Supervisor of Arts Therapy at Whittier Street Health Center, Boston.
Iris Anne Grant, MA, is a painter whose work focuses on sacred themes and luminosity. She has
taught at Lesley University for over twenty-five years, where she specialized in designing art
courses for adult students.
Christopher Carboni, musician
Cost: $520 before June 6; $560 after June 6
For more information on courses, full bio’s and registration please visit our website
Student Reduced Tuition - we encourage students enrolled at colleges and universities to join
our trainings. We offer a 10% reduction for individuals and 15% for groups of 3 and more.
Work/study scholarships and a limited amount of tuition scholarships are available.
For information about this please visit our website and ‘Contact Us’ directly.
Omega Transpersonal Drama Therapy Certificate Program
This low residency ‘distance learning’ training integrates drama therapy, psychodrama, and
transpersonal psychology. It is designed to meet the standards of the North American Drama
Therapy Association (NADTA) as an 'Alternative Training' program that leads towards a
credential as an RDT-Registered Drama Therapist.
Enroll in any course listed above as an introduction to the program.
Now accepting applications for our new training program.
Reduced tuition for each course thanks to our new scholarship fund.
Applications for individual scholarships now being accepted.
Open enrollment- participants may join at any time during the year!
For a full description of this program please visit our website
For more information and registration contact:
Omega Theater at 617-522-8300 or email:
Omega Transpersonal Drama Therapy Certificate Program
On the web:
41 Greenough Ave,
Jamaica Plain, Boston, MA 02130