conservation basins

Articulation of the rate by use with the other instruments for focalizar
environmental investments and to formulate plans of investment to level
ofhydrographic basins1
The Department of the Environment, Dwelling and Territorial Development established, as one of its
central axes of politics, the integral management of the water, that understands the conservation of
strategic zones for the water resource, the efficient use of the water or management of the demand
and the installment of sustainable public utilities of acueducto and alcantarillado including the
adequate management of vertimientos and descontaminación. In this manner, the hydrographic
basins are constituted in spaces where flow diverse programs and political prompted since the
Because of it, it turns out to be coming to structure a plan of works and investments for the
hydrographic basin to medium time limit, that permit to execute the projects works and/or actions of
preservation, management and rehabilitation of the same one, of such form that manage to
guarantee to future the water security.
This focus of integral management of the basin, requires of equal forms to articulate thedifferent
sources of investment, originating so much of the productive sectors destined to preserve the
ecological function of the property and to pay the environmental rates (to See sectorial laws of farm,
drinkable water, mining industry), as of the environmental sector. Strategy that will permit to
articulate the different managements of the SINA, including its incorporation in the Plans of Territorial
Code, aroundfour strategic themes:
Reforestación (goal cuatrienio: 120.000 hectares)
Code of Basins.
Regional systems of Areas Protected
Application of instruments, rate by use of the water, 1% of compulsory investment and
compensation of environmental licenses of large projects, 1% of the annual budget of the
Municipalities for the purchase of grounds.
Itself pRopone to perfect and to formulate a plan of management and investment in hydrographic
basins that facilitate the articulation of efforts, the coordination of programs and actions, that offer
transparency in the investment, and permit the articulation of actors to generate confidence and to
advance toward a joint work.
In the measure in which exist a series of biomas and ecosystems with a functionality ecosistémica
regional, is also necessary to channel efforts and resources for the conservation and restoration of
ecosystems and of regional systems of areas protected. In that sense, a management of local type
should be prioritized, whose environment of action serian the hydrographic basins, and a
management of regional type, that besides collecting the work in basins, promote strategic actions of
conservation that guarantee the water security.
Adapted of the document “ Management of Hydrographic basins and proposal of focalización of
environmental investments” – MAVDT –2004.
With these two fronts of management is sought to generate a complementariedad in the actions of
code and conservation of the national, regional, and local order, from the coordination of the
institutional interventions and of the articulation of resources. In this manner, would advance toward
an environmental management of highly impact.
The first part of this document exposes, in general terms, the plan of articulation for the management
and investment in hydrographic basins. The second splits touches some aspects metodológicos. The
third and last it splits presents the actions developed and a proposal for the management in
conservation and restoration of ecosystems and the contribution to the consolidation of regional
systems of areasprotected and water security to some of the regions of the country.
1. Plan of management and investment in hydrographic basins
The code and integral management of the basin demands the development of multiple actions and
the investment of significant resources. Given the diversity of actors and of institutions that intervene
in the basin, the concrete results of the management for it management of a basin depend on the
capacity of these to harmonize and to complement among itself the interventions, and to combine
efforts and responsibilities toward common objectives of management.
The main objectives of this intervention are:
- Guaranteeing the water security to future.
- guaranteeing the conservation of spaces or natural zones remanentes in the basin
- generating conectividad between natural ecosystems and regional systems of areas
- promoting sustainable productive systems
- promoting and to guarantee the use and efficient management of the water and in general,
the natural resources
- guaranteeing the offering of goods and environmental services
For it, it is necessary to seek a mechanism articulador of efforts, management and financial
resources that permit: i ) to carry out the priority actions, in the zones where the major impact in the
basin be generated and the major possible number of settlers be benefit; ii) that the costs be
assumed of way shared, especially, that who are benefited of the actions participate also in its
financing; iii) to articulate resources of different sourcesFinancing, in order to achieving
complementariedad in the investments and long-range interventions can be carried out, iv) to reduce
the administrative costs of the institutions in order to maximizing the resources invested.
The diagram Not. 1 illustrates a plan to circulate of management and investment, halfway through by
a social and institutional mechanism of articulation, that includes two aspects: the constitution of a
basin planning instance, and a financial mechanism.
The financial mechanism should articulate the different sources of associated financing to the water
and management ofbasins2 In order to count on an assembly of resources direccionados toward the
The different financial and economic instruments established in the environmental regulatory nature, as well as private
and public resources that can be destined for the conservation and sustainable management of the basins.
priority actions of conservation, use and definite management in the breast of the instance, and
channeled through the Plan of code and management of the basin.
This plan generates a greater efficiency in the investment of resources, and permits to generate
confidence among the diverse associated actors to the basin. Besides, it promotes an approach
between company and State, facilitating institutional actions fed and built with the inhabitants and
users of the basin.
Diagram Not. 1
Plan of management and investment in basins
Mecanismo de articulación
social e institucional
-Instancia (Consejo de Cuenca)
-Mecan ismo Financiero
Ordena mi ento y
Manejo Integral
Fuentes de
Acueductos y
Oferta de Bienes y Servicios
Regulación Hídrica
Conservación de suelos
Bel lez a esc énica
Captura de CO2
Basin planning instance
This instance is presented like a joint space of the institutions and the social actors, for the analysis
and the planning of the code and management of the3basin. It constituted by representatives of the
different users, inhabitants and institutions seeks to generate a responsibility shared in it takes of
decisions for the code of the basin, from the achievement in agreement around the actions to
implement for the correct use and management of the natural resources, and the coordination of its
interventions and investments on the basin.
The kindness of this instance is that it offers a space of interlocución and coordination among the
different actors. In her they would be represented the diverse problematic and interests that exist on
The Decree 1729 of August from 2002 of the Department of the Environment, regulates the ordering of hydrographic
basins, being constituted in the framework to plan the sustainable use of the basin and the execution of programs and
specific projects directed to conserve, to protect and to prevent the deterioration and to restore the hydrographic basin.
the basin and the goods and associated services to her. Thus, the analysis and the
recommendations that of there arise, they would be the result of the mediation among social,
economic, and ecological aspects, keeping in mind the relations among the measures of
conservation (offering) and those of use and management of the basin (demand).
Implementation of the instance
Under the present regulatory nature, the Basins Ordering Plans Hidrograficas can be regulated so
that the projects works and identifying activities they can be executed in the framework of a plan of
investments to mediate time limit, that be adjusted to a financial closing of such form that upon they
concurring of way joined all the actors with a common objective of guaranteeing the future water
Of this focus, is necessary to support themselves with sectorial covenants of production but clean,
that they promote the direct execution of the projects, works or activities by the same users of the
water resource through the management of differential prices of the goods and services (agricultural
products generated) to which alone would have access those users that compromise to execute
happinesses activities inside their corresponding grounds. These covenants subsequently are able
operativizarse through specific covenants for the development of concrete actions.
Advancing a covenant of association or cooperation among the diverse actors of a basin, requires the
disposition of each one of working with the other and in that sense depends on an encounter of wills.
Torticulación of resources
Diverse financial sources exist (to see picture 1) whose specific destination is directly related to the
conservation and management of hydrographic basins. Its conception generally responds to a
compensation or salary oriented to guarantee the continuance or offering of the goods and services
generated by a basin, and of which the economic and social welfare of the population depends.
Inside the financial and economic instruments developed by the Colombian regulatory nature we
consider example, the transfers of the electric sector, should be destined to the conservation and
recovery of the basin aportante. The rates by use of the water, besides being an economic
instrument whose end is to modify the behavior of maximizing the use of the resource, are destined
to investments that permit to guarantee the water security in the context of the supplying
hydrographic basin. LYou resources of the Article 111 are destined to the acquisition of grounds to
guarantee the conservation of the basin that supplies of water to the municipality.
Picture 1
Sources ofFinancing and its Destinations for Environmental Investment.
Vengeful rates
Art. 43 L99 Descontaminación water and monitoring of the resource
Rates by utilization of water
Art. 42 L99 Conservation of the supplying basin
Rates compensatorias
Rates of aprovechamiento forest
Contributions by valorización.
Donations that do the environmental authorities,
the natural or legal persons, national or foreign.
Art. 42 L99 Renovabilidad of the resource affected
Art.220-221 of the Dec. Renovabilidad of the forest
According to the work that cause it
Art. 46 L99
Transfers of the hydroelectric sector.
Transfers of the sector termoeléctrico.
Municipal resources for drinkable water and
Art. 45 L99 CAR: Conservation source aportante
Municipality: Works of the Plan of Development, with priority
saneamiento basic and environmental improvement
Art. 45 L99 Protection of the environment in the area where is located the
Municipality: Works of the Plan of Development, with priority
saneamiento basic and environmental improvement
Law 715 Investments in drinkable water and saneamiento basic
saneamiento basic*
Sobretasa Environmental of the Predial.
Departmental and municipal resources
for purchase of supplying grounds of
Contribute of Districts of Irrigation.
Investment from the 1% of the investment of
projects that involve the use of the water
Other Resources originating from donations,
transfers of the public or private companies,
contribute of the national budget and/or
international technical cooperation
Art. 44 L99 Investment of the CAR in environment
Art. 111 L99 Strategic importance grounds acquisition for the provision of
Art. 111 L99 Strategic importance grounds acquisition for the provision of
Parágrafo of the Art. 43 Preservation of the hydrographic basin
Art. 46 numeral 10 Example: the resources of the Fund for the Environmental
Action destined to the FPAA-CAR Alliance Project
To the end of the previous picture, allusion to the resources of the Fund Alliance Project for the
Environmental Action is done – Regional Autonomous Corporations,which has like object cofinanciar
projects of reforestación protective in microcuencas. It is worth while to mention here that the
resources and actions that develop in the framework of this project, should be articulated to the other
investments and interventions on the basin.
Several options for the development of joint actions exist and the articulation of resources, public and
private. Through specific covenants, framed in the covenant of association or cooperation, the
actions prioritized in the breast of the instance can be carried out, defining the responsibilities of each
one of the parts that participate in their development. Thus, resources can be articulated, so much
human and logistic as financial, and to define the methodology of work. For some actions, that the
parts handle its resources separately, for other, an or some of them can be the responsible for doing
it, what is important is to guarantee that the interventions respond to the planning and joint agreements4.
Another option, in study could be the constitution of a fiduciary assignment that collect the resources
originating from different sources of public financing whose destinations be related to the ordering
and integral management of the basin, and other contribute public and private. This option offers a
great transparency in the management and investment of the resources, which facilitates the
articulation of different sources, and especially, generates confidence to the private sector. Besides,
facilitates the Articulation of private resources, avoiding the complex external moneies appropriation
process in the public companies.
In the case of financial sources with specific destination, the fiduciary assignment permits the
management separated of resources. With a financial mechanism fed by continuous resources, the
planning and execution of the interventions are done more effective, since advances toward the
In these cases the specific covenant should include the budgetary availability ( CDP), if is a matter of resources of a
public company.
complementariedad and synergy of the management of the different institutions and of the available
resources, in a long-range horizon.
Additionally, the fiduciary assignment, upon collecting in a single mechanism, resources of several
sources and companies, facilitates the negotiation and articulation of additional financial sources
toward the projects selected.
The rate by utilization of the water, regulated by the decree 155 of 2004, should generate resources
that coadyuven in this same sense. The Law establishes like income of the Regional Environmental
Authorities, the payment, on the part of the users, of these rates, bound for the payment of the
expenses of protection and renewal of the water resources, among them the corresponding to the
following activities:
Investigation and inventory of the water resources
Planning of the utilization of the water resource
Elaboration of projects of aprovechamiento water of common benefit
Protection and development of hydrographic basins
Direct costs of the aprovechamientos
(This destination was modified in the parágrafo of the Art. 16 of the Law 373/97)
It is clear that the norm enables to include inside the water use rates, the costs of construction and
operation of water projects of common benefit oriented to resolve problems of shortage. Of equal
form, the use of the water (extraction) can also cause some sanitary and environmental problems,
related to destabilization of floors or salinización of acuíferos. This last one is the case of the acuífero
of Morroa – Sucre with the permanent demolition of the acuífero, or the Island of San Andrés, where
the excessive extraction of water, associate to the sobrepoblación of the Island, is generating a
process of salinización of the acuíferos of sweet water, upon advancing the call wedge salina.
The fundamental criterion for the economically efficient utilization of the water, is that the users pay
the costs generated by the administration of the resource, including the costs of renovabilidad and
monitoring of the same one, of control of the uses and of development and operation of necessary
projects to conserve and, if is the case, to enlarge the availability of the resource by means of works
hydraulics as prey, reservoirs of regulation, transfers, recarga. To this respect, is necessary that the
structure of rates reflect adequate, not only the costs media of the administration of the resource, but
also the marginal costs associates to different levels of demand.
As it was expressed previously, numerous regions of the country suffer at present problems of water
shortage, and is foretold that this situation will be accentuated and will extend quickly in the course of
the next decades; the rates by use of water should be the economic instrument to give him solution to
these problems, which requires, besides actions of monitoring, control, education and conservation,
the common benefit projects development that enlargeAvailability of the resource.
On the other hand, is necessary to take the measures inside the plan tarifario national of the
drinkable water, that they permit to transfer to the user the collection of the rate by use of water; of do
it not opportunely, this problem can be can become the main obstacle for the implementation of the
rates by use of the water, as has happened with the vengeful rate in the municipalities.
Picture Not. 2
Resources articulation OPTIONS
It is adjusted perfectly to the budgetary dynamics of each
- It Permits that each one of the companies hold responsible
herself by the execution of you determined activities and of the
moneies compromised for them.
- The Executive or Technical Committee of the Covenant orient
the execution of the investments.
- It Permits to verify the resources execution level by each
- Does Not it require that each company perform its contribute to
the moment to sign the covenant, and in that measure, would not
require budgetary availability by the total of them contribute
before signing the covenant, that would not have value, but would
go adding through specific covenants.
- It Complicates the control of the integral execution of
- Efficient
- They Been only can subscribe fiduciary assignments
Execution of the
resources by each one
of them yourself split
Execution of the
resources in a fiduciary
Mechanism of administration of resources:
Fiduciary contributes its capacity to negotiate administratively the
- A single executor, constituted by the Fiduciary Committee,
which should be conformed by the members of the instance.
- Complies the requirements related to the ordering of expense of
the public companies.
- The decisions are taken for the Committee; nevertheless is the
Fiduciary one the responsible for the administration of the
- Fiducia generates performances.
the projects, since each
independently its contribute.
It can be lost the spirit of the interinstitutional
cooperation, and to be seen like individual execution of
- It Complicates the monitoring of the integral execution
of moneies and activities, as well as of its impact in the
framework of the covenant.
- The covenant would not be able to have value, since
budgetarily each company compromises the resources
to the moment to hire the specific activities, that should
be summarized in specific covenants by projects.
by fiducia public without autonomous patrimony neither
transfer of control on goods fideicomitidos.
- Fiduciary it should be selected by means of tender by
the public companies involved.
The assignment generates some costs of
administration for the Fiduciary one. If the resources are
very few, this option can turn out to be costly.
2. Method and strategy for the social participation and institutional coordination
The plan proposed search to do more efficient the management and investment in hydrographic
basins, from the generation in agreement among the inhabitants, users and present institutions in a
basin, to unite efforts toward an intervention coordinated for the use and sustainable management of
the same one.
To advance toward a joint work, is necessary the generation of confidence among the different parts.
The confidence is built from a work in which participates, are seen represented the interests, and in
which transparent and clear mechanisms for it are generated takes of decisions. In that sense, the
methods and forms of work are of great importance. Subsequently some aspects are mentioned
metodológicos and features of work; nevertheless, the local processes of conservation respond to
own dynamics of the regions and characteristics of the actors.
Scale of work
Is necessary to keep in mind various aspects around the scale of work. In the first measure, the level
of basin. Although the classification of microcuencas, subcuencas and basins gives an idea of the
extension and complexity of these, are the political, environmental, economic, and social
characteristics what determines if is possible to advance a work in which the effective participation of
the different groups of actors be promoted and institutions, and to achieve an approach among them,
of its diverse visions, interests and responsibilities.
In social terms, should be shown how the basin joins with the different groups from the uses and the
management of its resources, and generates connections that permit each actor to know with who is
related in the basin, to go generating confidence. In terms of the resources, the scale of work should
permit to know where is done the investment, and how this reflects herself in the welfare of each
group, and in general of the basin. In the same way, to permit a monitoring and control of the form as
the resources are invested and the actions that develop.
A second aspect is that the works carried out in the different levels should be chained, so that the
decisions be built of down up. In that sense, is necessary to carry out managements since the local
level, with the base, to the different organizing levels and existing politicians in the basin. Of equal
form, the environmental code of the basin is built based on reflections and decisions that leave from
the environment of immediate action of the inhabitants, since the level predial or private, to go
expanding the look toward the other spaces of interaction.
The planning and management for the code and management of basins should contemplate the
social participation as a fundamental since alone principle with the active participation of the different
users, inhabitants, sectors and institutions is achieved that all the actors assume commitment and
responsibility set against the degradation and the conservation of the basins. The participation in the
diagnosis of the basin, the planning and takes of decisions set against the management and ordering
in the same way and the form of financing of the activities and the management for its protection and
conservation, is constituted in an effective way to generate local appropriation set against the
problematic environmental one, and the search of solutions.
The active participation requires a work of identification and sensibilización of the different actors. It is
necessary to generate spaces of analysis and discussion of the problematic individuals and general,
of the positions and interests that exist set against the conservation and management of the
resources, of the different intervention proposals, to advance toward the coordination and generation
in agreement on the priority actions and the mechanisms of joint work.
Integralidad and Interdependencia
The plan proposed is based on the understanding of the basin as a functional unit, where the water is
the axis articulador among the different parts of the basin and the actors that relate to these. One of
the key aspects is then sensibilizar to the different actors so that look at the basin in an integral way,
and with it, they consider the effects that their way to use the resources generate on the basin and on
other users of this. In the measure in which be shown that the possibilities of present use and future
of the natural resources, and especially of the water (demand), depend on its conservation (offering),
the generation of mechanisms is facilitated colaborativos tending toward guaranteeing them.
Likewise, the basin is important by the flows and conectividades among different ecosystems and
areas of conservation, and with the objective to maintain or to re-establish this behavior are owed
focalizar efforts of management. Additionally, this look permits to advance toward regional exercises
of conservation, that at the same time that are fed of the code and integral management of basins,
work in its conservation and functionality ecosistémica.
Institutional coordination
As already it has been mentioned, the institutional coordination is one of the pillars of the plan
proposed. The public companies related in a basin have a series of common responsibilities of
planning, execution, investment and code, nevertheless, many times act of way dismantled, doing
little efficient the local management.
In the previous section the different sources of financing related to the code they were presented and
management of basins, whose destinations of investment are complementary among itself. The
articulation of resources of the different institutions facilitates the development of an unified
management. Nevertheless, it is necessary to generate analysis and discussion on the different
institutional intervention forms, in the search of a more effective type of management and of greater
In that sense, is very important to approach the institutional management to the people. One must
promote the generation of local appropriation set against the problematic environmental one and their
search of solutions, in order to generating greater social responsibility and to contribute to that, with
the participation of the people directly involved, institutional actions be conceived that respond to the
needs more apremiantes.
Pedagogical exercise
The adoption of the plan proposed for the management and investment in basins is above all a
pedagogical exercise, in the measure in which implies a change of attitude set against the form to do
management, to conceive the participation, and especially, to carry out a joint work from the
institutional coordination and to share responsibilities between company and State.
The ordering and management of basin based on the coordination and contribution, requires of a
process that show that benefits from a joint work are obtained more, that with individual interventions.
It requires also that there be confidence among the parts. In that sense, is crucial to generate a
process in which, from the recognition of the private interests, can advance in the coordination of a
joint proposal, where they be clear the responsibilities and commitments of each which.
- Monitoring to the implementation of environmental investment.
The Department comes doing a monitoring to the investment of the resources generated by different
economic instruments, for the purpose of focalizar resources for a greater impact of the investment,
and to seek complementariedad among the actions that develop.
a. Article 111 of the Law 99 of 1993
The article 111 establishes that the municipalities and departments should invest the 1% of its
incomes for the acquisition of strategic areas for the conservation of water sources suppliers of
acueductos, by a period of 15 years. It given that have elapsed already 10 years, and the application
of this instrument has been limited, the Department is analyzing the investments executed, based on
information that have reported the Corporations.
Of the done request recently by the Department to the CAR, only 20 of them they responded, 60% of
total of CAR, of the 20 CAR that responded, only 15 they reported purchase of grounds. The total
number of grounds acquired is from 673 to the date that represent a total area of 19.503 Hectares by
a total value of purchase of $ for a value average of $976.837/Hectárea. The
ecosystems reported in the acquisition of grounds by virtue of the articles 108 and 111 of the Law 99
of 1993 are Primary Forest (BP), secondary Forest (BS), Rastrojera (RT) and Páramo
Subsequently a preliminary board with said information is presented.
Board Not. 3
It consolidated Purchase of Grounds with End of Conservation and Generation of Environmental
Services, Reported by the CARs (30-05-2003)
AREA (has)
VALUE ( $Thousands)
1.023.784 BP, BS.
67.417 BP, BS.
4.307.035 BP, BS, RT
3.300 BP
1.026.418 BP, BS, RT
Does not it report
1.130 BP, BS, RT
As it was mentioned previously, the plan of management and investment in hydrographic basins
exposed in the first section, search the articulation of resources for the development of integral
actions of management and ordering. It is being promoted that the application of the resources of the
Art. 111 be done of way coordinated with the processes that are advancing in basins and in other
regional initiatives of conservation. In the following board, are presented some of the municipalities
where is priority to prompt the investment of these resources.
Board Not. 4
Area of Management
Microcuenca Prioritized
Basin of the river Aracataca
Basin of the river Stick
Basin of the river Stones
Basin of the river Cali
Basin of the river Cane-Iguaque
Basin of the river Otún
Basin of the river Sinú
Rivers Nare and Samaná
I laugh Apartadó
I laugh SanJuán and Cauca
(among San Jerónimo and
Rivers Risaralda, Otún and San
I laugh The Honey
I laugh Quindío, Qda Buenavista
I laugh Lagunilla and Saldaña
The Palmar
Marsh of San Wild
Microcuenca Yamuesquer ( (Mpio
Qda. Ayapel. I laugh Sinú
Rivers to Cease and Ranchería
Microcuenca Palacé
Average basin
andlow of the
River Ariari specifically Pipe yamú,
Pipe San Vicente; Pipe GuanayasUpin and pipe Cunimia.
Port Roof, Santander of Quilichao, Rich Village, Padilla, Caloto, Maroon, Jambaló,
Miranda and Toribío
Popayán, Totoró
Village of Leyva, Chiquiza, Arcabuco and Sáchica
Application of the
Art . 111
High land, Valencia, Montería, Cotorra, Cereté, Marsh of Gold, San Carlos, Sahagún,
San Pelayo, Chima, Purísima, Lorica, Momil, San Bernando of the Wind, San Andrés and
San Antero.
Municipalities of the East Antioqueño (Granada, Cocorná, San Carlos, San Rafael, San
Luis, Algeria, Nariño; sonsón, San Francisco; The Carmen of Viboral and The Peñol)
Chigorodó, Mutatá, I Disturb, Apartadó
Garden, Andes Betania, Hispania, Belmira, Entrerrios, Mr. Matías, Yarumal, San Andrés,
Holy Rose.
Marulanda, the Golden one, The Victory, Apple Orchards, Marquetalia, Samaná,
Purification, Ortega, Natagaima, Anzoategui, Alpujarra, Holy Isabel, San Antonio,
Lebanon, Field; Coyaima, Casabianca; Roncesvalles, Chaparral, Falan, Cunday; Valley of
San Juan, Suarez, Coello.
Carmén of Chucurí, Barbosa, Charalá, Port Vine, Herd, Bad-tempered, Barichara,
Pinchote, The Saints, Encino, Carcasí, Cerrito, Malaga, Onzaga.
Riohacha, San Juán of the to Cease
Bucaramanga, Lebrija; Killing, California, you Veto, Playón, Suratá, Piedecuesta;
Rionegro, Charta, Tona Girón, Floridablanca.
The Department has defined also criteria to prioritize the areas of investment . These are grouped in
four categories, in each one of the which the criteria of greater importance for the production are
considered or water provision:
ecosystems: even and subpáramos, forests of fog and/or altoandinos, and the humedales
and other reservoirs;
position fisiográfica, Basins of infiltration, areas of recarga of acuíferos, spring and water
births, top of solid or you crash river;
water availability, where supplying basins are prioritized of acueductos veredales or
municipal, vulnerability by availability of water, and the different types of demand (dwelling,
industrial, commercial, districts of irrigation and electric sector)5,
instruments of management, prioritizing those specific areas as Territorial Code,
Hydrographic Basins Code Plans and/or Protective Forest Reserves Management Plans.
Supplying basins of acueductos veredales and/or municipal, Index of shortage, Demand/Offering by community and/or
municipality, Vulnerability by availability by community and/or municipality, Demand of the population in units of dwelling (DVT), urban
industrial Demand (DIU), industrial Demand of large consumers (DIG), Demand of the commercial sectors and of services (DS),
Demand pecuaria (DP), Demand of large districts of irrigation (DRG),Demand of small districts of irrigation (DRP),hydroelectric
Demand (DEH),Termoeléctrica (DET).
B. Resources of the 1% pertaining to the Parágrafo of the Art. 43 of the Law 99 and
compensation of environmental licenses: petroleum sector
For the country is highly pertinent to achieve the conservation and restoration of strategic
ecosystems, promoting conectividades and combinations among them that they guarantee their
functionality ecosistémica, and they permit besides to advance toward the consolidation of regional
systems of areas protected. In that sense, the efforts that are being carried out around the ordering
and management of hydrographic basins, should keep in mind the complementariedad between
basins and the combination of ecosystems, that, to regional level, contributemore efficiently to the
regulation and maintenance of the hydrologic state.
Considering, that the country is obliged to conserve a representative sample of all the ecosystems of
the country, in the meantime contribute to the ecological stability of the same one, and that the 50%
of the same is not included inside the SPNN (IAvH 1998, Biocolombia 2000, Fandiño 2003), is
necessary to support the protection of these, as is noted in the Politics of Biodiversidad, of Social
Participation in the Conservation, among others.
It is required then to promote processes of planning and management that generate
complementariedad in the decisions of national, regional, and local code, and focalizar investments in
that sense. The resources originating from the petroleum sector, pertaining to the 1% of compulsory
investment and to the compensation of environmental licenses, they would be able to add in the to
achieve greater regional context impact in the conservation of vital ecosystems for the protection of
the biodiversidad and the climatic and water stability of strategic regions of the country.
This it is obtained, with the execution of two groups of actions, the first one directed to the
conformación and implementation of Regional Systems of Areas Protected (SIRAP´s) in the context
of the construction of the National System of Areas Protected (SINAP), and the second focused
toward the management and investment in ecological restoration to connect groups of natural
ecosystems among if, to conserve the integrity and functionality ecosistémica regional. With this, it
would be guaranteed that in the time several environmental functions be maintained, as the supply of
water to multiple connected basins, besides the multiple benefits derived from the conservation of the
In that direction have come themselves carrying out national exercises that permit us to visualize the
areas prioritized for the conservation in Colombia (IAvH 1998, Biocolombia 2000, Fandiño 2003); of
them ourselves find that regions of the country exist that require of conectividad among the
ecosystems remanentes, as well as the conformación and consolidation of areas protected included
in regional systems of areas protected.
A revision of the location of petroleum developments was carried out represented in the concessions
and permission with reference to the areas focalizadas for the conservation in Colombia (Fandiño
2003) and permits us to reckon that it would shelter it splits important of these areas as it is shown in
the map I enclose . The investment of resources in the conservation of these groups of ecosystems
contributes significantly to to the maintenance and restoration of the natural baseAnd therefore, to the
preservation of the hydrographic basins suppliers of the petroleum developments.
The steps to continue in this action taking like base the potential areas that result of the exercise of
crossing the zones of petroleum projects, the zones of special importance ecosistémica and the
basins are:
1. Quantifying, in the active expedients in the MAVDT, the 1% of the compulsory investment in
charge of businesses with projects of competence of the MAVDT of the sector of
hydrocarbons, subject to environmental license, in order to verifying the state of execution of
the investments carried out or pending. The total value of the potential of available
investment to turn out to be smaller upon calculating initially in the measure in which of this
activity of verification you be evident themselves that the businesses already have carried out
2. Consulting him to the CAR about the resultant priority areas of the exercise of the MAVDT in
order to verifying that these they coincide with the priorities detected to local and regional
level ; likewise, the investments will be verified already carried out by the businesses by
concept of the 1% of compulsory investment.
3. Carrying out you visit aleatorias of monitoring to the reforestaciones carried out in the
framework of the investments of the 1%.
4. In the framework of the meetings of the Committee Industry (petroleum sector) -Government,
the lady Minister would present the presidents of the petroleum businesses the information
with the one that counts the MAVDT about the state of the pending investments or executed
by the respective businesses with the 1% of compulsory investment. With said information ,
which there will be been sent previously to the businesses by the MAVDT, the presidents
would present its vision on the theme.
Identification of priority and potential areas for management in hydrographic basins.
In order to integrating the different sources of resources and focalizar the investment toward the
areas of greater possible positive impact, as well as to articulate financial sources and institutional
efforts that permit to reach in a way effective the proposed goals in the Plan of Development, one of
the actions carried out was to generate a map that contains the places with greater index of aridez
according to the information of the StudyOf Water of the IDEAM, superponerle the areas focalizadas
as of importance ecosistémica and from there, to identify the licensed projects by the MAVDT.
This general map permits to define general priority areas in which is necessary to identify the basins,
subcuencas, microcuencas that need intervention, and from there, to retort the exercise proposed for
the petroleum sector involving all the sectors in which the MAVDT has competences of licenses.
Thus same, in these areas the monitoring to other instruments of investment is deepened, especially
the application of the Article 111 of the Law 99 of 1993.
Once definite the specific projects, the MAVDT initiates the negotiation with the owner of the project
based on the definite intervention priorities by the CARs, the UAESPNN or the joint commission
according to the case.