Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 5409.17-91-1 Effective 05/15/91 11-11.44 Page 1 of 8 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK BAKER CITY, OREGON FSH 5409.17 – RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISTION HANDBOOK Wallowa-Whitman Supplement No. 5409.17-91-1 POSTING NOTICE. SUPPLEMENTS to this handbook are numbered consecutively. Check the last transmittal received for this title to see that the above supplement number is in sequence. If not, obtain intervening supplement(s) at once on Form 1100-6. Do not post this supplement until the missing one(s) is received and posted. After posting retain this transmittal until the next supplement to this title is received. Place it at the front of the title. Document Name No. of Sheets Superseded 11-11.44 New 0 8 Digest: Entire text is replaced except for the ID’s. Subsequent supplements will be issued by document. /s/Charles L Ernst for R.M. RICHMOND Forest Supervisor Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 5409.17-91-1 Effective 05/15/91 11-11.44 Page 2 of 8 RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISTION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – ACQUISITION PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTS Right-of-way acquisition for the Malheur, Umatilla, and Wallowa-Whitman National Forests will be done by the Northeast Oregon Lands Zone headquartered in Baker City in consultation with each Forest and District. When the need for a right-of-way acquisition is identified, the Critical Path schedule on page 8 (Exhibit 1) will be completed jointly by the District, Engineering, and Zone staff responsible for the case. This critical path will set target dates for the crucial steps in the process and will be signed by the appropriate staff as itemized on the form. Cases can be completed in a timely and cost effective manner if communication is maintained between all involved personnel, and each step of the process is accomplished by the target dates. The outline which follows lists the steps and the responsible party in the right-of-way acquisition process. It provides additional details about the steps identified on the Critical Path. For additional information on the Northeast Oregon Lands zone and Forest responsibilities pertinent to right-of-way acquisition cases, refer to Wallowa-Whitman Forest Supplement 5400-91-2 in FSM 5400. Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 5409.17-91-1 Effective 05/15/91 11-11.44 Page 3 of 8 RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISTION HANDBOOK NORTHEAST OREGON LANDS ZONE ACQUISITION PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTS FSH 5409.17 – Chapter 10 DR – District Ranger FS – Forest Supervisor/ Appropriate Staff ENG – Zone Engineering ZONE – Northeast Oregon Lands Zone RESPONSIBILITY DR FS ENG ZONE PROGRAM PLANNING/BUDGET DEVELOPMENT/TRAINING X Determine need for right-of-way acquisition. X X Develop right-of-way work plan and monitor long term right-of-way acquisition needs. X X Annual consultation to review and update the right-of-way workplan. X Prepare and submit annual right-of-way reports. X X Request right-of-way acquisition monies annually. X X Assess and provide for appropriate training of District and Forest personnel in right-of-way acquisition processes. X Responsible Party * Provides consultation and technical assistance Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 5409.17-91-1 Effective 05/15/91 11-11.44 Page 4 of 8 RESPONSIBILITY DR FS ENG ZONE X TRANSPORTATION PLANNING (Steps 1-5 of Exhibit 1) Identify potential need for ROW Acquisition as part of preliminary project transportation planning. X X * X X Make initial contact with landowner, discussing our potential need to obtain right-of-way across their property. Document meeting with landowner, noting their initial reactions, concerns, willingness to cooperate or not cooperate, etc. You may wish to involve the landowner in the planning process. X X Insure that written permission is obtained from landowner before we enter their land for any purpose. Permission is obtained at this time also for “possible” survey and appraisal purposes. * X X Thoroughly analyze all alternative routes in terms of economics, long and short term access needs, resource values, other impacts. ID Team makes final route selection. Decision should be documented and signed by District Ranger, and should state why route requiring ROW was selected over other alternatives considered. Document landowner resistance, if any, to our proposed action. Notify Zone of decision to pursue acquisition of ROW, supplying copy of decision document for review. Furnish map with adequate detail to show subdivisions crossed, if known. This should be accomplished three years prior to target date for acquisition. X X Agree on target dates for accomplishment. Document agreement on Exhibit 1 (Critical Path). SURVEY/DESIGN/APPRAISE (Steps 6-10 Exhibit 1) X X X Determine minimum standard of survey (per Exhibit 2, FSM 7150, R-6 Supp. 7100-90-3) needed for acquisition. X Order preliminary title insurance. Examine title to determine if problems exist that may delay acquisition. Adjust Critical Path schedule accordingly. X Responsible Party * Provides consultation and technical assistance Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 5409.17-91-1 Effective 05/15/91 11-11.44 Page 5 of 8 RESPONSIBILITY DR FS ENG ZONE X X Schedule and complete survey of existing or planned road. Keep landowner informed of our actions. X Determine standard of road needed for anticipated use. X Design road. Incorporate needs of landowner in design. Discuss Plans with landowner and adjust as necessary. Any special features incorporated into the design, based on landowners request, should be coordinated with Zone before commitments are made. X Draw plat to appropriate standard. Forest (Zone) Cadastral Surveyor reviews and recommends to Forest Engineer for approval X Submit plat to Zone, along with completed Right-of-Way checklist (FSM 7150, R-6 Supp. 7100-90-3 Exhibit 7). X Schedule and complete appraisal. X Review and approve appraisal, as necessary. X Submit appraisal to Forest Supervisor, with copy to District Ranger, showing estimated just compensation. X DEED PREPARATION AND NEGOTIATIONS (Steps 11-14) Prepare deed using proper format (Per R-6 Supplements to Chapter 10, FSH 5409.17) X Proof deed for errors in description, proper format, proper acknowledgements, etc. Certify deed. X * Negotiate easement purchase with landowner (review negotiation policy in FSM 5461.03 and 5461.5). X * Secure notarized signature on deed, provide photocopy to landowner. X Record deed in County Records. X Obligate payment of consideration through B&F. Request allocation of funds to cover payment from RO. X Responsible Party * Provides consultation and technical assistance Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 5409.17-91-1 Effective 05/15/91 11-11.44 Page 6 of 8 RESPONSIBILITY DR FS ENG ZONE TITLE CLEARANCE (Steps 15-25) * X X X Clear or cure remaining title exceptions and record documents as needed. X Order final title policy of title insurance in the amount of consideration paid for the easement, or obtain the maximum amount obtainable for the minimum premium, whichever is greater. X Prepare Supplemental Title evidence, forms FS-5400-27 and FS-5400-28 (per 5409.17, Ch. 21.2.-21.35). X Transit Title Packet (FSH 5409.17, Ch. 22.31) to RO for approval. X OGC Title Approval received (or identify and complete additional curative actions as required by OGC). X Authorize payment to landowner through B&F with certified true copy of approval letter. * Inform landowner that payment has been authorized and is forthcoming. X Prepare permanent Forest file. Include 1) Copy of each Document submitted, 2) Second copy of Regional Attorney’s approval letter, 3) RO letter of approval and transmittal. X Send copy of approved title packet to Forest with copy for the District Ranger. * Record easement in ROW atlas and set up permanent deed file (5590). X Responsible Party * Provides consultation and technical assistance Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 5409.17-91-1 Effective 05/15/91 11-11.44 Page 7 of 8 RESPONSIBILITY DR FS ENG ZONE OLD DEEDS THAT HAVEN’T RECEIVED TITLE APPROVAL X X Request Zone Assistance. X Process deed. Check deed for accuracy and recording. Certify the deed. X Clear title exceptions. Obtain necessary signatures and notarization on documents; record when appropriate. X If okay, proceed with obtaining Final Title Approval from OGC, and steps 15 through 21 of Critical Path. * If not able to cure title, start over again and acquire new easement through normal acquisition process. X Responsible Party * Provides consultation and technical assistance Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 5409.17-91-1 Effective 05/15/91 11-11.44 Page 8 of 8 EXHIBIT 1 FISCAL YEAR ACTION PLAN AND PROGRESS RECORD (REGUALR RIGHT-OF-WAY CASES) TIMBER SALE OR PROJECT NAME ______________________________ ______________N.F. _________________________________Dist. T.S Appraisal or Contract Award Date___________ __________5460 Acquisition ________________2730 Grant Case Assigned to _________________________ 1. Road Number/Name Responsibility For Accomplishment D SO Lands R ENG Zone Or ENG ZONE 2. Grantor (Acquisitons) Grantee (Grants) 3. Legal description and general area name Target Dates Plnd Accp Plnd 4. Permission to survey and appraise obtained 5. Route selected; approved Trans. Plan, NEPA Doc. & Economic Aanlysis Done Notify Landowner of Dec. 6. ROW Planning & Survey Prework Checklist Comp. 7. Preliminary tile insurance ordered 8. Survey and design completed 9. Acceptable & approved R/W plat to Lands Zone 10. Apprasial complete and approved if needed 11. Deed prepared 12. Deed proofed and specifics checked 13. Landowner negotiation; deed signed and notarized 14. Deed recorded 15. Title defects cured 16. Final title ins. ordered 17. Cert. Inspec. & Possess. 18. Cert. of Use Consent 19. Deed certified 20. Final title packet to RO 21. OGC approval received 22. Check ordered 23. Check to owner 24. Case closed – 5590 status material to Forest 25.. Accomplishment FY FY reported Timeline and responsibilities agreed upon by: ____________________Date______________ District Ranger Remarks: Accp Plnd Accp Plnd Accp Plnd Accp X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X FY FY FY X ____________________Date___________ ______________ Date__________ SO Engineering or Engineering Zone Lands Zone