JUTINTRO autumn 2007: INTRODUCTION TO THE NORWEGIAN LEGAL SYSTEM NOTE- handouts which have been distributed by Caroline Taube during the lectures Excerpts from “There shall be freedom of expression” Proposed new Article 100 of the Norwegian Constitution. Report of commission appointed by Royal Decree on 26 August 1996, Ministry of Justice and the Police 2005 [20 pages] Eivind Smith: “Courts and Parliament: The Norwegian System of Judicial Review of Legislation” in: Eivind Smith (ed.): The Constitution as an Instrument of Change (SNS Förlag, Stockholm 2003) pp. 171-187 [16 pages] Outline for the lectures: 1 October Sources of Law I Reading assignment: Johs. Andenæs, Introduction to the Study of Law Lecturer: Caroline Taube 3 October Sources of Law II Reading assignment: Johs. Andenæs, Introduction to the Study of Law Lecturer: Caroline Taube 5 October Constitutional Law I The Sources of Constitutional Law, Constitutional amendments Reading assignment: the Constitution of Norway generally and articles 1, 93 and 112 more specifically, Wilberg & Andenæs, The Constitution of Norway (1987) pp. 9-19, 137-139, H.C. Bugge, “Constitution” and “Constitutional Law” in Norway”, E. Smith, “European Integration and the Constitution of Norway”. Lecturer: Caroline Taube 10 October Constitutional Law II The Parliamentary system, Political organs I Reading assignment: the Constitution of Norway part B, Wilberg & Andenæs, The Constitution of Norway (1987) pp. 21-25, 47-55. Lecturer: Caroline Taube 2 November Constitutional Law III Political Organs II Reading assignment: the Constitution of Norway part C, Wilberg & Andenæs, The Constitution of Norway (1987) pp. 21-25, 63-66, 87-90. Lecturer: Caroline Taube 7 November Constitutional Law IV Human rights Reading assignment: the Constitution of Norway articles 2, 50, 53 and part E, Wilberg & Andenæs, The Constitution of Norway (1987) pp. 20, 107-109, 117120, 128-129, “There shall be freedom of expression” Proposed new Article 100 of the Norwegian Constitution pp. 9-14, 27-40, E. Smith, “Constitutional Protection of Minorities: The Rights and Protection of the Sami population in Norway”. Lecturer: Caroline Taube 9 November Constitutional Law V The judiciary & judicial review of legislation Reading assignment: the Constitution of Norway part D, E. Smith, “Courts and Parliament: The Norwegian System of Judicial Review of Legislation”. Lecturer: Caroline Taube Reading list Part1: Sources of Law [ca. 100 pages] Johs Andenæs: Introduction to the Study of Law [Innføring i rettsstudiet] Institutt for offentlig retts skriftserie nr. 3/2000 Part 2: Legal history [ca. 186 pages] Gudmund Sandvik: Norway, History of. Encyclopædia Britannica (1990) pp. 1033-1038 [ca. 20 pages] Dag Michalsen: Law, Legal Science and the Norwegian Society. Institutt for offentlig retts skriftserie nr. 2/1998, chapters 1-4 [116 pages] Vilhelm Aubert: Continuity and Development in Law and Society (1989) ch. 17-18 (on the history of the legal profession in Norway) [ca. 50 pages] Part 3: Constitutional Law [134 pages] The Constitution of Norway (English translation) Excerpts from “There shall be freedom of expression” Proposed new Article 100 of the Norwegian Constitution. Report of commission appointed by Royal Decree on 26 August 1996, Ministry of Justice and the Police 2005 [20 pages] Excerpts from Ingeborg Wilberg and Mads T. Andenæs: The Constitution of Norway. A Commentary (1987) [46 pages] Hans Chr. Bugge: “ ‘Constitution’ and ‘Constitutional Law’ ” in Norway. In: E. Smith (ed.): Constitutional Justice under Old Constitutions (The Hague/London/ Boston, 1995: Kluwer Law International) pp. 293-310 [18 pages] Eivind Smith: “Courts and Parliament: The Norwegian System of Judicial Review of Legislation” in: Eivind Smith (ed.): The Constitution as an Instrument of Change (SNS Förlag, Stockholm 2003) pp. 171-187 [16 pages] Eivind Smith: Constitutional Protection of Minorities: The Rights and Protection of the Sami Population in Norway. In: Scandinavian Studies in Law, Vol. 34-1990 (Stockholm) p. 235259 [24 pages] Eivind Smith: European Integration and the Constitution of Norway, in: Ewa Poplawska (ed.): The National Constitutions and European Integration (Warsaw, 1995: Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR) pp. 12-23 [10 pages]