_____________ Health Department Strategic Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan SAMPLE Vision Statement of the (Insert Name) Health Department Provide reliable, knowledgeable, expeditious, coordinated, integrated assistance and response to incidents that may negatively impact the Public Health of citizens within the City of ______. Work as an effective and efficient team, coordinating and integrating The Department’s experience and resources to provide the best possible Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response to citizens within the City of _______________. Take a proactive and progressive approach in the areas of Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery, and Mitigation of hazards that may negatively impact the Public Health of citizens within the City of _____________. Be recognized as a proactive knowledgeable partner to other Health Districts within the State of Ohio in all aspects of promoting, maintaining, and improving Public Health. Mission Statement of the (Insert Name) Health Department “To protect, promote, maintain and improve the good health, full potential development and environment of the people living and working within the jurisdiction of the ___________ Health Department.” Narrative The _____________ Health Department engages in strategic, continuous, long-term, high-level planning through participation in various Local, County, and Regional level Emergency Preparedness Planning Committees and Sub-Committees. These Committees and SubCommittees provide guidance and recommendations at the Local, County, and Regional level regarding the adoption of long-range goals and objectives, the setting of priorities, the establishment of budgets and other fiscal decisions, policy development, and the application of measures of performance and effectiveness. Committee participation includes but is not limited to: The _____________ County Preparedness Task Force, The City of _____________ Pandemic Flu Planning Committee, The NECO Region 5 Committees, _____________ Regional Hospital Association Pandemic Influenza Planning Committee, Partners in Preparedness Committee, etc., and numerous Sub-Committees. The _____________ Health Department is working in coordination with the neighboring Health Districts of _____________ County toward the development of a seamless coordinated integrated response capability that involves coordination and consistency of incident management plans, programs, and supporting documents; as well as coordinated use of preparedness funds, which includes but is not limited to Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs), Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs), Multi-Year Training & Exercise Programs, and Public Health Infrastructure Grant funds. The _____________ Health Department conducts independent trainings, exercises, and drills annually. The _____________ Health Department also participates in planning and carrying out the multi-year training, exercise, and drill program in coordination with the _____________ County Emergency Management Agency, and the neighboring Health Districts of _____________ County to test components of the _____________ Health Department’s Incident Management Plans and Supporting Documents. The development of a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) represents the _____________ Health Department’s ongoing effort to fulfill its mission and provide for an expeditious, coordinated effort to save life and protect property in the event of an emergency/disaster situation that could negatively impact the Public Health. The purpose of the EOP is to facilitate the delivery of response assistance and response capabilities that are within the purview of the _____________ Health Department to the citizens residing within the City of _____________. The Plan outlines the planning assumptions, policies, concept of operations, organizational structures and specified assignment of responsibility to the divisions within the _____________ Health Department in providing assistance to the citizens of _____________, neighboring Health Districts, and the NECO Region in the event of significant emergencies/disasters. The EOP establishes the basis for prevention of, preparedness for, mitigation of, response to, and recovery from, emergency/disaster situations which may occur within the City of _____________. The Plan is based on the fundamental assumption that the _____________ City Health Department is the local first responder responsible for public health emergency/disaster situations within the _____________ City Health Department Jurisdiction. Furthermore, the EOP was developed with the assumption that emergencies/disasters may overwhelm the response capability of the City of _____________ Health Department thereby requiring resource assistance from The _____________ County Emergency Management Agency, neighboring Health Districts, the NECO Region, and possibly State and/or Federal resources. The EOP has been designed to be applicable independent from or in concert with The _____________ County Emergency Operations Plan, Coterminous Health District Plans, Regional Plans, as well as State and/or Federal resources to establish an integrated response capability. Objectives 1. Annually review and update _____________ City Health Department’s Strategic Plan. 2. Annually review and update _____________ City Health Department’s Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). 3. Annually review and update _____________ City Health Department’s Standard Operating Guidelines (SOGs). 4. Annually conduct independent drills and exercises to test the _____________ City Health Department’s Incident Management Plans, Programs, and Supporting Documents. 5. Annually participate in Local, County, Regional, and State drills and exercises to test the _____________ City Health Department’s Incident Management Plans, Programs, and Supporting Documents as appropriate. 6. Develop and institute an Agency Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) before January of 2008. 7. Continue to participate in Local, County, and Regional Committees responsible for preparedness planning. Strategic Goals 1. Achieve the ability to conduct Emergency Response operations and continuation of essential services delivery for up to 72 hours without direct State and/or Federal assistance. 2. Achieve the ability to locally conduct a seamless expeditious coordinated response to save life and protect property in the event of an emergency/disaster situation that could negatively impact the Public Health. 3. Achieve the ability to actively participate in a seamless expeditious, coordinated, integrated response to save life and protect the Environment in the event of an emergency/disaster situation that could negatively impact the Public Health. 4. Achieve National Incident Management (NIMS) compliance annually to the extent possible based on the availability and feasibility of Federal guidance and trainings as well as State guidance and trainings directed. 5. Ensure agency Incident Management Plans, Programs, and supporting documents align with neighboring Health District Incident Management Plans, Programs, and supporting documents, County level Incident Management Plans, Programs, and supporting documents, as well as State and Federal Incident Management Plans, Programs, and supporting documents.