8th Science assignments for March 3 – 7 Objective: Jigsaw reading today. By the end of the period students will gain knowledge about the extinction of the dinosaurs from their own section of read as well as three other sections of reading by sharing in groups of 4. Q: An interaction between two organisms in which one benefits and the other i harmed is called what? A. Competition B. Mutualism C. Commensalism D. Parasitism Investigation: Disappearing Dinosaurs - pg. 208 - 216 Monday 3rd Read through introduction as a class Discuss procedure Break into groups of four Read assigned section and answer questions 1-3 Be ready to do 4-6 as a class tomorrow Standard: EALR 1: Systems Big Idea: Systems (SYS) Core Content: Inputs, Outputs, Boundaries, and Flows 6-8 SYSF Standard: EALR 4: Life Science Big Idea: Ecosystems (LS2) Core Content: Flow of energy through ecosystems 6-8 LS2D Standard: EALR 4: Life Science Big Idea: Biological Evolution (LS3) Core Content: Inheritance, Variation, and Adaptation 6-8 LS3F Objective: Can the same object look different to you when the background beh it changes? In this investigation, students will explore how the environment ca influence what you see. Q: Scientific researchers work to create theories and laws, not facts and truths Why is it possible that a conclusion reached via valid scientific inquiry could be discarded? A. It is impossible to know all of the details used to reach the conclusion. B. Science requires that all conclusions must be examined from all vantage points. C. New information and data may eventually become available. Tuesday 4th D. It is impossible to examine all available data fully. Investigation: Now you see it; now you don’t - pg. 220 - 221 Materials are on Lab Station #1 Complete Parts A, B, and Wrap-up Standard: EALR 4: Life Science Big Idea: Biological Evolution (LS3) Core Content: Inheritance, Variation, and Adaptation 6-8 LS3E Objective: Can the same object look different to you when the background beh it changes? This is a continuation of yesterday’s objective; it will now be applie to a population of Moths. Wednesday 5th Q: During every reaction and energy conversion, some energy is no longer available for further use and is said to be lost. In what form is the energy that i “lost” given off? A. Electricity. B. Potential energy. C. Heat. D. Light. Discuss investigation from yesterday Turn in investigation with Wrap-up ques. “Riddle of the Peppered Moth” on pg. 223 Complete as a class Introduce investigation for tomorrow Standard: EALR 4: Life Science Big Idea: Biological Evolution (LS3) Core Content: Inheritance, Variation, and Adaptation 6-8 LS3E Objective: Students will learn about adaptions and diversity within populations. Students will work in groups of four; each student will play the role of a type of bird with a certain adaptation for collecting food. Q: When conducting a good experiment, which of the following is least importa Thursday 6th A. Creating a clear hypothesis. B. Making accurate observations. C. Making sure all of the non-variable factors are constant. D. Choosing a topic that has never been examined before. Investigation “Breakfast for the Birds” pg. 224-228 Introduce investigation Go through materials list Break into groups Get through at least two rotations to stations #1- #5 Friday: finish the rest of the stations… Standard: EALR 4: Life Science Big Idea: Biological Evolution (LS3) Core Content: Inheritance, Variation, and Adaptation 6-8 LS3E Objective: Students will learn about adaptions and diversity within populations. Students will work in groups of four; each student will play the role of a type of bird with a certain adaptation for collecting food. Complete stations from yesterday. Clean up stations. Complete Wrap-up questions and turn in to box. Class discussion. RSF if any time is left. Reading Science Friday (RSF) Friday 7th Go to a science website www.sciencenewsforkids.org www.popsci.com http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032118/ns/technology_and_science Or other science related sites Read for about 30 minutes (Silently) Write a summary of what you learned and turn in at the end of the period Standard: EALR 3: Application Big Idea: Application (APP) Core Content: Science, Technology, and Problem Solving 6-8 APP(A-H) Each time we do a RSF, choose a different strand: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or H By the end of the period, be able to show me your understanding in the performance expectation