FARNHAM ROYAL PARISH COUNCIL Mrs. K. H. Holder Clerk to the Council clerk@farnhamroyal-pc.gov.uk 01753 648497 Sherriff House The Broadway Farnham Common SL2 3QH MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF FARNHAM ROYAL PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY 27th JUNE 2011 AT 8.00 P.M. IN FARNHAM ROYAL VILLAGE HALL Present Mr. Peter Cathcart (Chairman) Mr. Trevor Clapp Mr. Bill Youel (Vice Chairman) Mr. Clive Robinson Mr. Alan French Mr. Bob Milne Mrs. K .H. Holder (Clerk) Six members of the public including District Councillors Mr. Dhillon, Mrs. Royston and Mr. Anthony. The Chairman declared the meeting open at 8.00pm. The meeting was adjourned for OPEN FORUM. The Chairman reconvened the meeting. 1 Apologies for absence Mr. John Hodges and Mr. Karl Tipping 2 To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd May 2011 The minutes were confirmed as a true and accurate record and the minutes were then signed by the Chairman. 3 Matters Arising (not covered elsewhere on the agenda) The Chairman commented that the opening event for the new playground had been fantastic and thanked everyone who helped with it especially the Clerk and her family. 4 To consider the co-option of Mrs Heidi Hodgkins as a councillor Mrs. Hodgkins said that she had lived in Farnham Common for the last five years with her husband, Neil. She was the editor of the Webzine, on the committee for the magazine and worked with another local charity. Her background was working with the press. She said she was very community minded and liked to get things done. It was unanimously agreed that Mrs Hodgkins be co-opted as a new parish councillor for Farnham Royal Upp End ward. 5 To consider the proposals for a new double lane practice area by FC Cricket Club The Chairman reported that he and Mr. Hodges had met with the Sports Club and, although at this stage only a generic plan was available, it seemed to be a sensible proposal provided the old nets were removed and the grounds completely reinstated. Mr. Youel expressed concern that, given the area where cars were in the habit of parking would be gone, there might be an even greater problem with parking along One Pin Lane. The Chairman said the Club had assured him they had spoken with all affected neighbours and there had been no objections. He added that he had made it clear that the Club did not own the land where the play area was. Mr. Clapp suggested a ‘master plan’ should be drawn up clarifying land ownership. The Clerk was asked to respond to the Club expressing our general approval of the plans so far. 6 Library Update Mr. Youel advised that the first ‘Friends’ meeting had been held on 13th June and nine trustees had been appointed. They were going ahead to form a charity. A business plan had been put to BCC and the formal handover pencilled in for mid October. It had been agreed to start fundraising with a target sum of £50,000 as there was no guarantee of continued income from the current tenants at the end of the year and BCC will only guarantee its grants for the next three years. 7 To consider the provision of a teenage shelter 7.1 Mr. Milne advised that, during the finalising of the play area, the idea had come forward to consider the provision of some sort of teenage shelter and examples of Wicksteed’s provision – as had been put in at Stoke Poges – were circulated. 1 7.2 Mr. Youel said that four years ago the police had recommended the provision of a teenage shelter to cut down on vandalism from youths around the village. Plans had been drawn up for Temple Dell but when mentioned in the Magazine had encountered strong opposition from the Ingleglen residents association. The Clerk was asked to circulate these earlier plans. 7.3 Following discussion it was the opinion of those present that such a shelter could go in either Temple Dell or the Farnham Park Sports Fields but away from the Community Orchard and play area respectively to reduce any temptation to vandalise these areas and to prevent broken glass being a nuisance where small children might be playing. Mr. French reported they had had some vandalism in the community orchard and he would prefer to see something in the corner of Templewood Lane/A355. 7.4 Mr. Youel added that the police had in the past advised on design and the ones in Stoke Poges had previously been regarded as a bad design. 7.5 Mr. Clapp suggested that a structure that benefitted the whole of the community might be better for example a bandstand or a small stage for drama productions. 7.6 The Clerk was asked to investigate ideas and costs and that the matter be put on the agenda for the September meeting. 8 To consider the proposal for a picnic in the Community Orchard Mr. French reported that the Community Orchard team consisted of five members. Its objectives were to look after the orchard and encourage its use especially whilst the trees were still small. They had come up with the idea of a community picnic and Dominic Grieve had agreed to come on 17 th September. They would like to lay on entertainment such as rural crafts and Morris men. They would need to raise a few hundred pounds to put on such an event. The Chairman said that historically it sounded like the sort of event the council would support. It was unanimously agreed that the parish council should make available monies up to £250 to support this event. 9 To consider creating a fruitful hedge for Temple Dell Mr. French advised that the Tree Council were offering 400 metres of hedge fruit trees – although St Mary’s had claimed some already- and the community orchard would be keen to have some for along the inside of the fence in Temple Dell near the orchard. It was agreed that the Parish Council were in favour of creating a fruitful hedge at this location and the Clerk was asked to liaise with Dr. Helen Reade to complete the necessary form. 10 10.1 10.2 Planning Planning comments were noted with no further comments. Planning decisions were noted. 11 Finance Payments as per the cashbook circulated prior to the meeting and checked by Mr. Youel were approved for payment. 12 Any other business 12.1 Mr. Youel said he had been phoned this afternoon by the Observer asking about the proposed car park charges for Burnham Beeches. From August, charges of £2 per day will apply on weekends and bank holidays. The charges were to try and meet the 12.5% cut in their budget. It was the opinion of the parish council that this was unlikely to affect our residents unduly and was a necessary evil to which it had no objections. 12.2 Mr. Youel advised that the local police inspector had asked to meet with us to discuss how to improve relations between the parish council and the police. He added that in the past they used to attend meetings but now they will only come if they are on duty. They have been slow to prepare reports or send newsletters although this is improving. The Chairman said he would like them to attend meetings regularly to ensure accountability and to allow a dialogue with them if necessary. Mr. Clapp said he would prefer to see a higher level of personnel attend meetings although it could be on a less frequent basis. Mr Milne said he would like to know more about how staff are deployed and their pattern of work. Mr Youel was concerned that the staff changed too frequently and didn’t have time to put down roots. Mrs. Royston was disappointed that only two police representatives came to the opening event and only stayed ten minutes. She felt we had all been fighting all year for greater police visibility. It was the opinion of the council that Mr. Youel request that the police attend our meetings at least on a quarterly basis. 12.3 The Chairman said that historically we had often helped with issues at the Beeches. There was currently a problem with the main entrance which was too wide and a danger to young children and 2 mothers with pushchairs or prams. Although it was early stages the Chairman wished to advise that he has indicated that this is an issue on which the council might be able to help. 13 Next Meeting The meeting closed at 8.55pm The next meeting will be on Monday 25th July 2011at 8pm in Farnham Common Village Hall. NOTES from the public open forum of the meeting Mr Redding of Mayflower Way was concerned about a planning application put in by his neighbour at 61 Mayflower Way for an extension which goes to the boundary of his property. The main problem is that there would only be a 50cm gap between the extension and a heavy raft which his own extension was built on which he believed would lead to Mr Redding’s own earlier extension becoming structurally unsafe. The other problem was that his light would be seriously compromised by the second storey to the neighbour’s proposed extension. The Chairman explained our role was advisory and that Mr Redding should speak and write directly to SBDC planning department and request a site visit to investigate the civil engineering issues. Mr. Anthony reported that he had been in correspondence with BCC about the grass verges on Farnham Road on the border with Slough and hoped their condition would be improved shortly. This concludes the public session. 3