Pikes Peak Chapter / Colorado Archaeological Society RELEASE OF LIABILITY STATEMENT Name of Activity: __________________________________ Date(s): _________________________________ I/We understand that all activity arrangements, terms and conditions have been established in good faith and understand that changes in the itinerary, leadership, activities, accommodations, and/or transportation may be necessary in the best interest of all participants due to circumstances beyond the control of the organizers. I/We understand that no matter how well planned an activity is, there may be inherent dangers and risks (known or unknown) in conjunction with the event, relating—but not limited to—land, water, illnesses, or acts of man, nature, or God. As a condition for participating in this event, I/we hereby release the Pikes Peak Chapter, the Colorado Archaeological Society, its member organizers, their agents, Trip Leaders and associated and related parties from all responsibility for damages, injuries, losses and/or delays due to any reason whatsoever, and accept personal responsibility for all risks and dangers occurring to, from or on this activity. In addition, I have read, understand, and will comply with all PPC/CAS Field Trip Policies and Procedures. MEDICAL INFORMATION AND EMERGENCY CONSENT I/We, ________________________________________________________, being over the age of 18 confirm to the Pikes Peak Chapter/CAS that my/our family’s participation does not pose a hazard to me or our family’s health or that of other participants. I/We impose no specific prohibitions regarding emergency medical treatment unless stated as follows (if None, please state so): Please list any allergies to medications by family member(s): ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ In case of an emergency (medical or otherwise), please contact the following person who is my (relationship) (give name and phone number below, please): _____________________________________________________ Emergency name and relationship _________________________________ Emergency Phone Number _____________________________________ Signature #1 ____________________________________ Print name legibly ______________ Date _____________________________________ Signature #2 ____________________________________ Print name legibly ______________ Date PARENT/GUARDIAN CONSENT FOR MINOR(S) (if applicable) I understand that my child’s/children’s activities on a Pikes Peak Chapter/CAS field trip or special event may entail risks of physical injury, including death, and that my child/children may be exposed to hazards, including but not limited to: weather, unimproved topographic hazards such as cliffs, ravines, caves, loose or falling rocks; poisonous insects, reptiles, or plants; wild animals; fire, and other such hazards associated with physical activity on such an outing, and that I, as guardian/parent, assume all such risks. I also further understand that I assume all risks of possible loss to personal property and belongings. By signing this consent, I agree that I have discussed with my child/children the policies, procedures and ethics of Chapter Field Trips and will attest that they understand and will comply with them. __________________________________________ Name of minor (please print legibly) __________________________________________ Signature of parent or legal guardian __________________________________________ Name of minor (please print legibly) __________________________________________ Date