DOC - Europa

Speech by M. Erkki LIIKANEN
European Commissioner
Information Society
Commission statement on Echelon
European Parliament
Brussels, 30 March 2000
Commission statement in the European Parliament on 30 March 2000 under
agenda point "Déclarations du Conseil et de la Commission – système
'Echelon', sur l'existence du système d’intelligence artificielle permettant aux
Etats-Unis d'Amérique d'intercepter et de surveiller toutes les
communications téléphoniques et électroniques de l’Union européenne"
The Commission has taken note of the recent debate with concern.
We received a letter by Madame Fontaine to Mr. Prodi last night, asking the
Commission to concentrate its statement on certain questions. I try to cover most of
The respect of Human Rights and the Rule of Law constitute the foundations of the
European Union. The European Convention on Human Rights recognises the right
to privacy as one of those rights. All member states of the European Union are
signatories of the Convention.
The specific competencies attributed to the Community are defined in the Treaty.
The Commission can only act within the limits of the powers conferred on it by the
The Community has a clear competence in the field of data protection and in
research and technological development. The Union has competencies under the
so-called third pillar framework with regard to law enforcement and fight against
crime. National security questions belong to the exclusive competence of the
Member States.
* * *
The Lisbon Summit last week set out ambitious targets to turn Europe into the most
competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. Exploiting the full
potential of information technology and Internet are key elements in achieving this
Electronic communications play an increasingly important role in everyday life of
European citizens. Well functioning electronic communications infrastructure has
become crucial for our economies.
A pre-condition for achieving the Lisbon targets is that citizens and enterprises can
trust in electronic communications.
A key tool to secure the confidentiality of electronic communications is encryption,
or cryptography. Encryption means the transformation of data into a form
unreadable by anyone without a decryption key. When the European Parliament
considered the issue of interception of telecommunications in 1998, its resolution
underlined the importance of encryption.
The European research efforts and relatively open access to markets have created
conditions that have enabled European enterprises to develop a world-class
expertise and high-quality encryption products.
It is worth noting that the United States government has recently taken steps to
relax its export controls regime for encryption products.
The current rules for intra-community trade are laid down in the so-called dual-use
regulation. For external trade, the Wassenaar arrangement imposes export controls
on strong encryption products. The aim of export controls is to try to avoid
undesired proliferation of these products to certain countries and to criminal
organisations. The Commission recognises the need to balance availability of
encryption products with concerns of public security and fight against crime.
The Lisbon European Council called on the Council and the Parliament to adopt - as
rapidly as possible - the dual-use export control regime. The Commission hopes
that the revision of dual-use regulation can be completed during the Portuguese
Moreover, the budget for research for security and confidence enhancing
technologies has been increased under the 5th Framework Programme.
The Commission considers that enhancing the security of communications over
Internet by using encryption is a priority. The introduction of such products is not
without complexities: Software whose source code is not open, leaves the user in
uncertainty: the possibility of built-in circumvention of encryption can not be
excluded. Secondly, effective use of encryption requires a safe key management
As far as the Commission’s own communications infrastructure is concerned, the
Commission is working on introducing stronger European encryption products for its
electronic communications.
And then on data protection.
The data protection directive of 24 October 1995 requires Member States to protect
the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons, and in particular their right
to privacy with respect to the processing of personal data. In addition, Member
States are under obligation to set up a Supervisory Authority responsible for
monitoring the application of provisions of this Directive.
The data protection Directive is complemented by the Directive for data protection
and privacy in the telecommunications sector. This Directive also concerns legal
persons and requires providers of public telecommunications services to ensure the
security and confidentiality of communications.
Both of these directives exclude from their scope activities that fall outside of
Community competence. Article 1 of the telecommunications data protection
directive reads: “This Directive shall not apply to the activities which fall outside the
scope of Community law, such as those provided for by Titles V and VI of the Treaty
on European Union, and in any case to activities concerning public security,
defence, State security (including the economic well-being of the State when the
activities relate to State security matters) and the activities of the State in areas of
criminal law.”
As you know, the titles V and VI referred to the Common Foreign and Security
Policy and to Justice and Home Affairs in the Maastricht Treaty.
These provisions of the Directives reflect the wording of article 8 of the European
Convention of Human Rights.
When adopting these Directives, the Council and the Parliament sought to strike a
balance between the right to privacy and the legitimate needs of law enforcement
and public security. At the same time, activities outside Community competencies
had to be excluded.
The Commission has not been entirely satisfied with the transposition of the data
protection Directives. As regards the general data protection directive, the
Commission has launched infringement procedures against 6 member states. With
regard to the telecom data protection directive, the Commission has also opened
infringement proceedings against 6 member states.
As to the activities under the so-called Third Pillar, a number of actions are under
way with regard to law-enforcement and fight against crime, which include the issue
of lawful interception of telecommunications for the purposes of criminal
investigations. (The Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters,
updating of the Council Resolution of 17 January 1995)
* * *
As mentioned, the communications intelligence activities by Intelligence agencies of
member states fall outside the scope of Community Law.
The Commission has been asked whether it can confirm the existence of the
activities described in the report of Mr. Campbell.
It is the very nature of intelligence activities that those who are not involved in these
activities are not able to confirm, nor deny their existence.
However, it is clear that technological possibilities to intercept electronic
communications exist. And there is no evidence to say that the available
technologies are not used.
Due to the recent allegations presented in the public debate, the Commission has
sought clarification from the Member State that been mentioned in this context.
We have received a letter from the Permanent Representative of the United
Kingdom to the European Union. The letter states that the British intelligence
agencies work within a legal framework laid down by the United Kingdom
Parliament, and which sets out explicitly the purposes for which interception may be
authorised, namely national security, safeguarding the nation’s economic well-being
and the prevention and detection of serious crime. Further, the letter states that
European Commission of Human Rights has held that the system set out in the
British law is in conformity with the European Convention on Human Rights. The UK
legislation also foresees a special Parliamentary oversight committee.
The Commission has also sought clarification from the United States government.
We have yesterday received a letter from the United States Department of State,
which states that the U.S. intelligence community is not engaged in industrial
espionage. Further, the letter states that the United States government and the
intelligence community do not accept tasking from private firms and do not collect
proprietary commercial, technical, or financial information for the benefit of private
* * *
President, let me reiterate that the Commission attaches utmost importance to the
respect of Human Rights and Rule of Law.
The Commission will not fail to fulfil its obligation under the Treaty if the Community
law is breached.