Course title: Credit and finance Credits: 4.5 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: This discipline scrutinize basics of finance function in the material production and non-production area, specific principles in organizing financial relationships in the company with different kind of ownership, which realize commercial and non-commercial activity, peculiarity of insurance protection of production process and population, area of state finance and credit. Teaching: 60 contact hrs Assessment: Examination Language of instruction: English Lecturer: L. Jadchenko Literature: Bodi Zvi, Merton Robert “Finance”. 2000, p.592; I.Blank “Conceptual basics of finance management: encyclopedia of finance manager”, Kiev, 2003, p.448; V.V.Bocharov “Commerce budgeting. Finance resources. The systems of resource management”, Sankt-peterburg, 2003, p.368. Study period: spring semester ***************************** Course title: International management Credits: 4.5 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: The goal of discipline is to give fundamental formulation about theory and practice of business management in collective activity abroad in all forms of external connections. The main discipline tasks – to inoculate ability to formulate, to classify and demarcate functions of international company management, develop and use of its strategic models, to realize leadership of personnel, finance and technological policy. Teaching: 60 contact hrs Assessment: Examination Language of instruction: English Lecturer: V. Silinevich Literature: “International management”S. E. Pivovarova, 2001. p.575; A. S. Belorusov Study period: autumn semester Course title: Marketing Credits: 4.5 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: The goal of this discipline is to teach students of possessing theoretical base and practical skills in the area of effective use of market mechanism in the way of economic enterprise independence, individual market. Teaching: Lectures 34 hrs, seminars 34 hrs and individual work 64 hrs. Assessment: Examination Language of instruction: English Lecturer: L.Selivanova Literature: I.L.Akulich “Marketing”, Riga, BRI, 2001, p. 396; B.A.Aleksunin “International marketing”, 2001, p. 160; L.E.Basovsky “Marketing: course of lectures”, 1999, p. 219. Study period: spring semester Course title: Project management Credits: 3 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: The goal of this discipline is preparing of future specialists for taking substantiated organization economic decisions in area of company management technology with use of modern means. Teaching: Lectures 20 hrs and seminars 12 hrs. Assessment: Test Language of instruction: English Lecturer: V.Zhilinskij Literature: T.A.Akimova, V.V.Haskin “Ecologic” 2001; M.M.Brinchuk “Ecological law” 2000; F.Betjueli “Project management” 2002. Study period: autumn semester Course title: Entrepreneurial economy Credits: 4.5 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: The goal of the discipline is to get basic knowledge about economic process mechanism of entrepreneurial activity in the way of market relationships. This course in the concrete economic discipline, that define preparing students in their professional orientation of organization and management of entrepreneurial activity. The list of material needed for learning is macroeconomic and microeconomic. Teaching: Lectures 40 hrs, seminars 20 and individual work 60 hrs. Assessment: Examination Language of instruction: English Lecturer: O.Tjutjunnikova Literature: A.V. Busigin “Entrepreneurship”, 2001, p.640; Study period: autumn semester Course title: International marketing Credits: 3 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: The goal of the discipline is to open the essence in external economic activity of the company, inoculate knowledge, ability and skills in area of international marketing methodology and use it in practical activity. To formulate professional competence in area of: International marketing conception and character of its effect on the company Subjects of international marketing Principles of strategies development and international marketing programs Realization and coordination of strategies and international marketing programs. Teaching: Lectures 22 hrs and seminars 10 hrs Assessment: Examination Language of instruction: English Lecturer: O. Tjutjunnikova Literature: D.Aaker, V.Kumar, “Marketing research”, Piter, 2004; P. Doil “Marketing – management and strategies”, Piter, 2003. Study period: autumn semester Course title: Microeconomics Credits: 4.5 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: The goal of discipline is to give the students integrity representation about the economics functioning at thrifty unit level (firms, individuals), make special attention to effectiveness of firm activity in market competition factors. This course provides deep exploration: supply and demand theory; customer evidence theory; production and costs; market competition model. The main knowledge that students get is to analyze the model of market equilibrium, to identify the determinants of supply and demand, conduct valuation and analysis of production costs, to solve problems about profit maximization (losses minimization). The material of basic disciplines needed for learning: Basics of economic theory. Teaching: Lectures 34 hrs and seminars 26 hrs, individual studies 60 hrs Assessment: Examination Language of instruction: English Lecturer: A. N. Fedotov Literature: K. P. Macconel, S. L. Brju “Economics”; P. Samuelson, V. D. Nordhaus “Economics”; P. Pindaik, D. Rubindelf “Microekonomics” Study period: one semester Course title: Social management Credits: 3 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: The main goal of this discipline is to formulate philosophy of life of high qualified specialist – manager, that is able to have easy, creative and operational orientation in new conditions of social re-organization and economic relationships, to make decision substantiated about different problems, taking into account a human factor as stable when solving entrepreneurial problems. Teaching: Lectures 22 hrs and seminars 10 hrs Assessment: Examination Language of instruction: English Lecturer: Z.Mironova Literature: V.Renģe “Organizāciju psiholoģija”. – R.; “Kamene”, 1999; M.Vidnere., R.Garleja “Psiholoģijas un sociālas uzvedība aspekti ekonomika”. – R.: RAKA, 2000; P.Dizel, U.Mak-Kinli, RE. Renjak “Behaviour of a man in organization” Study period: autumn semester Course title: Finance of organization Credits: 4.5 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: The goals of discipline is to familiarize students with financial basics of organization relationship in market economic factors, as well as organizational and legal aspects of financing and creditation of entrepreneurial activity. To formulate basic knowledge of theoretical basis and practical skills in financial area of company relationships. To teach students to make simple budgets of organization. Teaching: Lectures 24 Assessment: Examination Language of instruction: English Lecturer: L. Jadchenko Literature: Latvian standards of financial audit: Part 1. “Preparing of financial account” Part 2. “Deposit” Part 7. “Account about cash flow” Study period: autumn semester Course title: Macroeconomics Credits: 4.5 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: The goal of discipline is to give the students knowledge about predictable economic development at macrolevel ( national economy in general) about aims and tools of state political economy. This course in detail provides the system of macroeconomic characteristic, cyclical economic development and models of macroeconomic equilibrium; fiscal policy; money circulation monetary policy. The main knowledge that students get is to use the main macroeconomic indices, evaluate the tendencies of its changes, to get with macroeconomic policy. The material of basic disciplines needed for learning: Basics of economic theory, Macroeconomic. Teaching: Lectures 36 hrs and seminars 24 hrs, individual studies 60 hrs Assessment: Examination Language of instruction: English Lecturer: A. N. Fedotov Literature: K. P. Macconel, S. L. Brju “Economics”; P. Samuelson, V. D. Nordhaus “Economics”; S. Fisher, R. Dornbush, R. Shmalenze “Economics” Study period: autumn semester Course title: Operations with currency Credits: 3 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: This course contains following knowledge about international currency market, “spot” operations, forward deals, currency risks, options contracts, “swap” deals, arbitrageurs operations. Teaching: Lectures 42 hrs, practical lessons 22 hrs Assessment: Examination Language of instruction: English Lecturer: V. Roldugin Literature: S.B.Ahelis “Technical analysis from A till Z”, Diagram, 1998; I.T.Balabanov “Currency operation”, 1993; I.N.Platonova “Currency market and currency regulation”, 1996; M.K.Bunkina, A.M.Semjonov “Basics of currency relationships”, 1998; Study period: spring semester Course title: Sociology Credits: 4.5 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: The goal of discipline is to give students basic knowledge about theoretical and primary skills of applied sociology. The course consists of concentrated analysis of basic historical, theoretical and practical problems of sociology. Basic ability that students get is ability and skills in analysis of actual social situations, preparing organization and behavior of concrete sociological research. The following list of basic disciplines which material is needed for learning the course: logic, philosophy, general psychology and social psychology. Teaching: Lectures 28 hrs and practical lessons 4 hrs Assessment: Examination or test Language of instruction: English Lecturer: Z. Mironova Literature: A.I. Kravchencko “Introduction in sociology” 1994; A.I. Kravchencko “Sociology basics” 1998; D.Marcovich “General sociology” 1998; G.V.Osipov “Sociology” 1999; P.D. Pavlenok “Sociology” 2002; D. Ritcer “Modern sociological theories”2002. Course title: The Higher Mathematics Credits: 6 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: The discipline consists of the selection of Higher Mathematics chapters to ensure the high-level training of the “Business Administration” program students. The subject includes methods of the linear algebra: matrix analysis, vector analysis and decision of linear algebraic equations. Big attention is paid to the mathematical analysis which is based on the differential and integral calculus. Teaching: 1 semester - Lectures 30 hrs, practical lessons 30 hrs and individual work 60 hrs; 2 semester – lectures 50 hrs, practical lessons 50 hrs and individual work 100 hrs. Assessment: Examination Language of instruction: English Lecturer: T. Shamshina Literature: L.Gringlaz, E.Kopitov, “The Higher Mathematics for economists” part 1 (examples of solving problems with computer) Riga, 2003, p.230; L.Gringlaz, E.Kopitov, “The Higher Mathematics for economists” part 2, Riga, 2003, p.184; V.D.Sharapov, E.V.Zhukovska Methodic recommendations added to making home work at discipline “The Higher Mathematics” with use of personal computer, part 1, Riga, BRI, 2003, p. 93. Study period: autumn semester Course title: Management Credits: 4.5 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: The goal of discipline is to get basic knowledge about organizing and management of entrepreneurial and economic activity in the company in condition of market relationships. This course is a specific economic discipline, which appoints student preparation in organization basics and management in the company. Students should know the mechanism of management activity, their functions, the motivation of activity at different management levels, organizing the production inside the company, management system of production quality. Student should know how to use basic conditions of management in controlling the company, find the ways of reaching the goals of entrepreneurial business, to apply main forms and methods of production organization. The material of basic disciplines needed for learning: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics. Teaching: Lectures 44 hrs and seminars 20 hrs Assessment: Examination Language of instruction: English Lecturer: L. Jadchenko Literature: M. H. Mescon, Albert, F. Hedouri “Management basics; J. P. Curachenko “Management/ Microeconomic level of management”, BRI. Riga. 1998. – p.231; J. P. Curachenko “Production management”, BRI. Riga. 1999. – p. 100; V. V. Okrepilov “Quality management”, second edition of “Economic”, 1998. – p. 639; “Management and market: German model.” Teach. Aid. Study period: spring semester Course title: Political science Credits: 3 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: The basic themes that provides this discipline is about problems of political science, historical aspects of formulation and development of political science, political power, political system, totalitarism, democracy, government and groups of interests and political party. Teaching: Lectures 24 hrs Assessment: Examination Language of instruction: English Lecturer: Z.Mironova. Literature: T.Mihailov “Political science”, 1997. Study period: spring semester Course title: Theory of probability Credits: 4.5 ECTS credits Level: Intermediate Course description/ Topics: The methods of the probability theory allow to evaluate a degree of risk of accepted solutions in conditions of the multialternative reality. And the mathematical statistics is a mode of estimation and forecastting of performances of the mass phenomena. An estimation of the real market situation and the prognosis of its development are the primal problems of professional management. Teaching: Lectures 42 hrs, seminars 22 hrs, individual work 56 hrs. Assessment: Excamination Language of instruction: English Lecturer: A.Thokarenko Literature: V.E.Gmurman “Theory of probability and mathematical statistic”, 1977-1999; L.Gringlaz, E.Kopitov “Mathematical statistic with solving problems on the computer”, Riga, 1999. Study period: autumn semester