FACULTY OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES Arts Enterprise Academic in

Arts Enterprise Academic in Residence Funding
2015-16 SESSION
Call for Academic in Residence Funding of up to £4,000, activity to be completed by the
end of July 2016.
Applications are invited from Faculty members who wish to initiate or develop a
relationship with an external partner organisation through an academic residency. This
partnership should be strategically significant for your department/research
centre/area of academic interest.
This scheme offers funding for teaching buy out in semester 2 to enable academics to
spend time with an external partner; to identify areas of mutual interest which are
aligned with the research interests of the lead academic and to work towards building
relationships and expertise with the partner organisation. Activity should be working
towards one of more of the following:
REF impact
External funding opportunities
Opportunities for student engagement and/or learning and teaching
Examples of activity that could be undertaken includes:
Working with the partner organisation on delivery of sessions or services, in
order to better understand their work.
Working on archives or other material to produce knowledge useful to the
partner organisation.
Working towards an exhibition or other public facing event, or a joint
Developing a collaborative module for students.
Investigating the potential for a larger collaborative funding bid.
Applications should demonstrate that they have a forward trajectory beyond the end of
the funding period (July 2016) and that some of the activity undertaken will focus on
the development of activity (and potential for funding this activity) beyond the end of
the initial residency.
Staff should gain the support of their Head of Department before submitting an
application. The external partner organisation should also sign off on the project, and
submit a statement of support of no more than 500 words, detailing the benefit to
their organisation, and confirming that they are able and willing to create space for an
academic in residence to work and be involved in their organisation.
The lead academic will be expected to carry out recording and reporting of this activity,
in accordance with Faculty guidelines.
N.B. Applications to use the resources of the partner organisation for research will not
be considered – activity must be mutually beneficial.
Deadline for applications: Monday 16th November 5pm. Applications to be
emailed to Amy Ryall a.ryall@sheffield.ac.uk.
1. Academic name and department
Applicant Name:
Applicant Department:
2. External Partner
External Partner:
3. Case for support (c. 500 words)
Please explain why you consider this partnership strategically significant for your department /
research centre/ area of academic interest, and how the residency will work towards one or more of
the following: REF impact, external funding opportunities, opportunities for student engagement
and/or learning and teaching opportunities.
3. Residency Proposal (c.500 words)
Please explain what your plans for the residency are, and how many hours you will spend on the
residency. Include a brief indication of the stages involved in the project and a breakdown of when
these stages will occur during the funding period. This should include an explanation of how the
activity undertaken will develop beyond the end of the initial residency.
4. Stages and timescale
5. Funding required
Please indicate the approximate funding you would need for your residency, including a brief
breakdown of your budget. Up to £3000 is available for buy out to cover replacement teaching costs.
Please consult with your department to get accurate figures. Up to £1000 is available for travel and
material costs to support the residency. Accommodation cannot be covered by this fund.
6. Head of Department support
I confirm that I have discussed this application and fully support it.
Head of Department/School _____________________________
7. External Partner support
I confirm that I have discussed this application on behalf of __________________ (external organisation)
and fully support its activity. I attach a statement of support to this effect.
Job title
On behalf of