マイクロ波の基礎と応用 九州大学産学連携センター 間瀬 淳 1. PLASMA DIAGNOSTICS WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES ABSTRACT Principles and methods of diagnosing plasmas with electromagnetic waves in a range from microwave to visible are reviewed. In particular, interferometric and reflectometric methods for density and density fluctuation measurement, the method of determining electron temperature distribution from electron cyclotron emission, and the scattering method for measuring local electron and ion temperature, and density fluctuations are described. 1.1 Electromagnetic Waves in Plasma Electromagnetic waves in plasma are described by Maxwell’s equations, including current density J and space charge density E B t H J 0 E t E 0 (1.1) , B 0 B 0 H and Ohm’s law J E , (1.2) where 0 and 0 are the permittivity and the permeability in the vacuum, and [is the conductivity tensor. z k B0 y x -1- Fig. 1-1. Geometry of wavenumber and magnetic field vectors From Eq. (1.1) we obtain the wave equation as E E 0 J 0 0 0 . t t (1.3) When we consider an electric field as E E0 exp i(t k r ) . (1.4) The Fourier component of Eq. (1.3) is written by k k E ( 2 c 2 ) E 0 , (1.5) or using the refractive index, N ck , as N N E εE 0 , (1.6) where c is the speed of light, and 1 i 0 (1.7) is the complex dielectric tensor. The property of the plasma is described by the permittivity 0 through the conductivity []. The conductivity tensor is obtained from the equation of motion of a single electron including a static magnetic field B0 in z-axis (Fig. 1-1), current density given by dv eE v B0 , dt J neev me (1.8) and Ohm’s law (1.2), where me and e are the mass and the charge of an electron respectively, and ne is the electron density of plasma. Since the electromagnetic waves travel at phase velocity close to the speed of light in plasmas whose electron thermal velocity vt is much smaller than c. Thus, we ignore thermal particle motions and utilize, so called, the “cold plasma approximation”. The dielectric tensor is obtained by xx xy xz yx yy yz zx zy zz -2- 2 2 1 2pe ( 2 ce ) i 2pece ( 2 ce ) 0 2 2 i 2pece ( 2 ce ) 1 2pe ( 2 ce ) 0 0 0 1 2pe 2 , (1.9) where 2pe nee2 me 0 ce eB me . Then the three components of Eq. (1.6) are ( N 2 xx ) Ex xy E y 0 yx Ex ( N 2 cos 2 yy ) E y N 2 sin cosEz 0 , (1.10) N 2 sin cosE y ( N 2 sin 2 zz ) Ez 0 where is the angle between k (wave vector of the incident wave) and z-axis. In order to have non-zero solutions of Ex, Ey, Ez in Eq. (1.10), the determinant of the matrix of coefficients must be zero, which gives the dispersion relation of the 4th order of the refractive index N. Then we obtain the followings: tan zz [ N 2 ( xx i xy )][ N 2 ( xx i xy )] . 2 2 ( N 2 zz )[ xx N 2 ( xx xy )] (1.11) Now we consider the two cases of the propagation direction: parallel and perpendicular to the external magnetic field. i) Parallel propagation, k // B ( 0) : When waves propagate parallel to the external magnetic field, tan2 =0, the solutions are N 2 xx i xy . (1.12) From Eq. (1.10) it is shown that the sign “ ” corresponds to the following relationship between x and y components of the electric field, E y iE x (1.13) As shown in Fig. 1-2, the “+” sign corresponds to the left-hand circular polarized wave, and the “-” sign corresponds to the right-hand circular polarized wave. -3- Fig. 1-2 Two-types of circular polarized wave for =0. Substituting Eq. (1.9) into Eq. (1.12), we obtain 12 2pe Nl ,r 1 2 ce , (1.14) where the subscript l and r of N denote the left-hand and right-hand circular-polarized waves. ii) Perpendicular propagation, k B ( 90) : When waves propagate perpendicular to the magnetic field, tan=∞, the denomination of Eq. (1.10) has to be zero, which gives two solutions as N 2 zz 2 2 N 2 ( xx xy ) xx or . (1.15) From Eq. (1.15), we obtain the following polarizations Ex E y 0 and Ez 0 Ex , E y 0 and Ez 0 (1.16) . Thus the dispersion equations of the ordinary (O-mode) and the extraordinary (X-mode) waves are given by 1/ 2 2 pe N O 1 2 (1.17) 1/ 2 2pe 2 2pe N X 1 2 2 2 2pe ce (1.18) -4- When we include the effect of thermal electron motion, the first order of the expansion parameter N 2 (Te mec 2 ) is considered in the calculation. This assumption is effective when electron temperature is less than 20 keV since is less than 0.05. Then, the dispersion relations become followings depending on the propagation direction. i) Parallel propagation, k // B : The dispersion relation of the left-hand and the right-hand circular-polarized waves are given by Nl , r 2pe 1 ( ) ce 2pe kT e2 1 ( ce ) mec (1.19) ii) Perpendicular propagation, k B : The dispersion relation of the ordinary wave (E//B0) 2pe N O 1 2 2 1 pe kTe 2 2 m c2 ce e (1.20) The dispersion relation of the extraordinary wave (E⊥B0) NX 2 2 2 [1 ( pe / ) ] (ce / ) 2 2 1 ( pe / ) (ce / ) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 pe ( pe ) ce (7 4 pe ) 8ce k Te 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ( 4ce ) ( pe ce ) me c -5- (1.21) 1.2 Electromagnetic Wave Scattering from Plasma 1.2.1 Theory of Scattering The model of scattering by a single electron is shown in Fig. 1-3. When the electric field of the incident wave is given by Ei E0 exp iit ki x , (1.22) the equation of motion indicates that an electron oscillates with an acceleration given by dv e E0 exp i it ki x . dt me (1.23) The vector potential due to the electron motion at the position of Q is A(r , t ) e v 40c 2 R t t ' , (1.24) 1 t 't R0 q x c where t’ is retarded time, q=R/R, and |r|=R0. Fig. 1-3. Scattering by a single electron. -6- The scattered wave at the receiving point is E s (r , t ) A(r , t ) . t (1.25) Substituting Eq. (1.24) into (1.25), we obtain Es dv q q dt . t ' 40c R e (1.26) 2 The scattered wave shown in Eq. (1.26) is the one for a single electron. For the plasma with many electrons, we must add each value statistically as follows: N ne ( x , t ' ) x xi (t ' ) , (1.27) i 1 where is the Dirac delta function. The total scattered electric field from all the electrons with electron density ne in a volume V is then r E s (r , t ) 0 E0 q(q E0 ) dx ne ( x, t ' ) exp i (it 'ki x ) , R (1.28) where r0=(e2/40mec2) is the classical electron radius. The electron density in Fourier component is shown by ne ( x , t ) dk ( 2 ) 3 d exp i (it k x )ne (k , ) . 2 (1.29) From Eqs. (1.28) and (1.29) we obtain r dk d E s (r , t ) 0 E0 q(q E0 ) dx 3 R (2 ) 2 V R i exp i ( i ) t 0 q x (k k ) x ne (k , ) c c , (1.30) where k and are the wave number and frequency of the density fluctuations. When we observe the scattered wave using a receiver with center frequency s and bandwidth s , we obtain -7- s s / 2 R exp is t 0 ne (ks - ki , s i )d , c s s / 2 r Es (r , t ) 0 E0 q(q E0 ) R (1.31) where ks=qs/c. Therefore, the scattered power averaged over the observation time T is given by Ps c 0 1 lim 2 T T c 0 Nr02 2R2 E s (r , t ) 2 dt V E02 1 sin 2 s cos 2 S k s ki , s i s 2 , (1.32) where 2 ne (k , ) S (k , ) lim Ne T ,V TV 2 (1.33) is the power spectral density of the density fluctuations, Ne is the mean electron density, 2 N=NeV is the total density in the volume V, E0 q(q E0 ) E02 1 sin 2 s cos 2 , is the angle between E0 and ks-ki plane. It is noted that the scattered power is observed when following matching conditions are satisfied. k k s ki (1.34) s i -8- 1.3 Electromagnetic Wave Radiation from Plasma 1.3.1 Radiation process in plasma The radiation process is described by the equation of transfer which includes the emission and absorption in plasma. Let us consider the small volume dS dr in the plasma as shown in Fig. 1-4, where I is the intensity of radiation along a ray whose unit is watts per square meter, per steradian, and per radian frequency. Then, the energy absorbed along the distance dr is given by I dS drdd , (1.35) where is the absorption rate of radiation per unit path length. This small volume of plasma also radiates the energy. Putting the radiation coefficient j,whose unit is watts per unit volume, per steradian, and per radian frequency, the radiation energy is given by j d Sdrdd . (1.36) The energy difference between entering and leaving the small volume corresponds to the difference between Eqs. (1.35) and (1.36) I d I d S d d I dS d d , (1.37) that is, d I I j . dr (1.38) When the refractive index Nr of the plasma is inhomogeneous and anisotropic, the equation of transfer is given by Fig. 1-4. Radiation along a ray. -9- N r2 d I I j . dr N r2 (1.39) If the plasma is in thermal equilibrium, Kirchhoff’s law is worked out; j I B , (1.40) here I B is the black-body radiation written by 3 1 2 h , I B Nr 3 2 exp( h / T ) 1 8 c e (1.41) where h is the Planck’s constant. In microwave region, Te , Eq. (1.41) becomes I B N r2 2 Te . 8 3c 2 (1.42) By use of (1.42) the solution of (1.39) is written by I I BO 1 exp 0 , (1.43) L 0 dr , (1.44) 0 here 0 is called as “optical thickness”. When 0 ≫1 , I equals to the intensity of black body radiation. 1.3.2 Bremsstrahlung In a plasma there exists electromagnetic radiation due to collisions of electrons with ions and neutral particles since the electrons deaccelerated in the electric field. For example, the radiation power due to the electron-ion collision is given by dP ei 1.09 1051 ne ni Z 2Te1 / 2 Gd - 10 - [W m3sr -1] , (1.45) where G d , the Gaunt factor averaged over velocities, takes G d ( , Te ) 3 4Te ln 0.577 when Te 1. The absorption coefficient becomes ei 7.0 1011 ne ni Z 2 Te3 / 2 2G [m-1] (1.46) from the Kirchhoff’s law, where ni is the ion density and Z is the atomic number, and Te is in the uint of K. The total radiation power is obtained from integration in as Pei 1.6 1040 ne ni Z 2Te1 / 2 [W m 3 ] . (1.47) Meanwhile for low-temperature weakly-ionized plasma, the radiation power occurs due to the collision between electron and neutral particles, and is given by dP ea 3.9 1062 nenaTe3 / 2 Fd [W m3 ] , (1.48) where n a represents the density of neutral particles, F is approximately value of 1. 1.3.3 Cyclotron emission A plasma in an external magnetic field radiates as a result of acceleration of electrons in their orbital motions around the magnetic field lines. This emission is called as electron cyclotron emission. The cyclotron emission power is also calculated from the integration of the coefficient of self emission over the distribution function. The equation of motion in the magnetic field is dP ev B0 dt P m0 1 2 , (1.49) v - 11 - where v / c , m0 is the electron rest mass. The value of at the angle from the external magnetic field is obtained by 2 e2 2 cos // 2 2 2 Y . J ( X ) J ( X ) n n 8 2 0c n 1 sin (1.50) Here X / 0 sin Y n0 1 // cos , (1.51) 0 ce (1 2 )1 2 // v// c and v c are the components of parallel and perpendicular to the external magnetic field, 2 //2 2 , Y is the delta function, J n x is n th order Bessel function, and J n' x dJ n x / dX . From Eq. (1.52), it is shown that has discrete line spectra with its peaks at Y=0, that is, n0 1 // cos n 1, 2, 3, . (1.52) The total emission power is obtained by the integration of Eq. (1.50) over the distribution function. The spectrum of electron cyclotron emission exhibits the broadening due to the physical processes in plasmas. There are several possible mechanisms for the broadening. Those are i) Doppler broadening: n 2 1/ 2 nce (kTe / mec 2 )1 2 cos (1.53) ii) Relativistic broadening: n 2 1 / 2 nce (kTe / mec 2 ) (1.54) It is seen that the relative importance of relativistic effect and Doppler effect is determined by the angle . The optical thickness is also calculated depending on the value of . We now consider two cases - 12 - 1) For the case of N cos vte c i) n 1 1(o) pe 2 N o ce 2 2 v te (1 2 cos 2 ) 2 sin 4 L B 2 3 c 0 (1 cos ) 2pe 1( x) 2 N x 1 2 ce 2 ce pe 2 v 2 te c L cos 2 B 0 (O-mode) (1.55) (X-mode) (1.56) ii) n 2 ( o, x ) n 2 2n2(n 1) pe vte n 1 2 (n 1)! ce c 2( n 1) sin 2(n1) (1 cos2 )n(o, x) ( ) LB 0 (O, X-mode) (1.57) are obtained. Here N o2,x is the refractive index propagating in the direction from the magnetic field, and is given by 2 No2, x 2 2(ce 2pe ) pe 1 2 2 2 2 ce 2(ce pe ) ce (sin ) (1.58) 2 2 ce 2pe 2 4 sin 4 cos 2 2 ce (1.59) 2) For the case of N cos <vte / c (c< 90 ) ⅰ) n 1 1/ 2 2pe 1o 2 1 2 ce 2 pe vte 2 L B c ce 0 2pe x 2 1 5 2 1 2 2 ce 3/ 2 (O-mode) (1.60) 2 ce vte 4 LB B z1 pe c 0 - 13 - (X-mode) (1.61) ⅱ) n 2 n(o) 2n 2n 1 2n 1(n 1)! 1 2pe 2 n 2ce 2pe n n( x) n 1 A1 2 2 2 (n 1)! n ce 2 2( n 1) where A and n 1 / 2 n 1 / 2 2 pe vte 2n c ce LB 0 pe vte 2n 1 LB 0 ce c (O-mode) (1.62) 2 (X-mode) (1.63) B z1 depend on n and pe ce , and close to 1 for not so high density. - 14 -