Our practice is pleased to offer “sleep dentistry

What is Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation Dentistry bridges the gap between new technology and patient comfort.
After an initial consultation, your Sedation Dentistry appointment will be scheduled.
You are given a small pill to make you snooze through your dental appointment.
Even though you are not technically asleep, our patients describe the experience as
seeming to be asleep. You will have little or no memory of the appointment. You will
not even remember any sounds or smells.
With Sedation Dentistry, you will find that your treatment is performed more
comfortably than you might ever have thought possible. You will be drowsy and
unaware of the time passing by. During the entire appointment you will be
monitored continually by our specially trained team of professionals.
Am I a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation Dentistry is especially useful for adult patients who:
Have high anxiety about dental visits
Have had traumatic dental experiences in the past
Have difficulty getting numb
Have a strong gag reflex
Have TMJ troubles and cannot open their mouth for extended periods
Are afraid of needles
Have sensitive teeth
Hate the noises and/or smells associated with dental care
Simply do not have the time for multiple visits
Sedation Dentistry is only for adult patients. Dr. Penchas will schedule a
consultation appointment first to answer any questions and screen for any medical
reasons you may not be eligible for Sedation Dentistry.
What to Expect at a Sedation Dentistry Appointment.
You will take a small pill approximately 1 hour prior to arriving at our office. You
will need to have a companion drive you to the office since you will not be able to
drive yourself. By the time you arrive at the office, you will feel very drowsy.
You will be escorted by our staff to a comfortable chair and a small electronic sensor
will be placed on your fingertip. This sensor allows us to monitor your vital signs
during the entire procedure. When you are snoozing comfortably, Dr. Penchas will
begin your dental care. When the Doctor is finished with your treatment, your
companion will drive you home. You probably will not even remember being at our
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Frequently Asked Questions
Will I be unconscious?
No, you will be very relaxed, but you will be able to respond. You will probably not,
however, remember any of your dental visit.
Will I have an IV?
No tubes or needles are necessary for the sedation. You just simply swallow a pill.
Does my companion have to stay at the office?
Your companion must drive you to our office for your appointment and return you
home afterwards. During the actual procedure, your companion is free to stay, or
leave and come back to pick you up at the end of the procedure.
Is there an age limit?
Sedation Dentistry is recommended for adults age 18 to 80, but a careful screening
will be performed, during the consultation phase, for any medical conditions that
may prevent you from being a candidate.
Will I feel anything?
No, you will feel no discomfort.
How long will I be snoozing?
You will be sedated for 2 to 8 hours, depending on your dental care needs.
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The following is provided to inform our patients of choices and risks involved with
having treatment under sedation. This information is not presented to make
patients more apprehensive but to enable them to be better informed concerning
their treatment. Their choices for pain and anxiety management in our office are
basically three: local anesthesia, mild oral sedative, or conscious sedation “twilight
sleep.” These options can be administered, depending upon each individual
patient’s medical requirements, in the office or in a hospital setting.
I, _«LName»__«FName»_SS number «SS»_, hereby authorize and request Dr. Penchas to
perform the anesthesia by oral sedative as previously explained to me and any other
procedure deemed necessary or advisable as a corollary to the planned sedation and
anesthesia. I consent, authorize, and request the administration of such anesthetic
or an oral sedative by any route that is deemed suitable by the administrator for me
or my child.
Triazolam (Halcion), although usually prescribed as a sleeping pill, is a medication
that can greatly minimize anxiety that may be associated with going to the dentist.
In a relaxed state, you will still be able to communicate with the dentist while
treatment is being performed. Even though it is safe, effective, and wears off rapidly
after the dental visit, you should be aware of some important precautions and
This consent form and the dental treatment consent form should be signed before
you take the medication. They are invalid if signed after you take the pills.
The onset of Triazolam is 15 to 30 minutes. Do not drive after you have taken the
medication. The peak effect occurs between 1 and 2 hours. After that, it starts
wearing off and most people feel normal after 6 to 8 hours. For safety reasons and
because people react differently, you should not drive or operate machinery for 24
I have been informed and understand that occasionally there are complications of
the drugs and anesthesia, including but not limited to: pain, hematoma, numbness,
infection, swelling, bleeding, discoloration, nausea, vomiting, allergic reaction, and
fluctuations in breathing pattern, heart rhythm, and/or blood pressure.
I further understand and accept the risk that complications may require
hospitalization. I have been made aware that the risks associated with local
anesthesia, conscious sedation, and sedatives vary. Of the three, local anesthesia is
usually considered to have the least risk and conscience IV sedation is the greatest
risk. However, it must be noted that local anesthesia sometimes is not appropriate
for every patient and every procedure.
Signed ______
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This medication should not be used if:
□ You are hypersensitive to benzodiazepnes (Valium, Ativan, Versed, etc.)
□ You are pregnant or breast feeding.
□ You have liver or kidney disease.
Tell the doctor if you are taking the following medication as they can adversely
interact with Triazolam:
□ Nefazodone (Serzone)
□ Cimetidine (Tagamet, Tagamet HB, Novocimetine, or Peptol)
□ Levodopa (Dopar or Larodopa) for Parkinson’s disease
□ Antihistamines (such as Benedryl and Tavist)
□ Verapamil (Calan)
□ Diltiazem (Cardizem)
□ Erthromycin and the Azole Antimycotics (Nizoral, Biaxin, or Sporanox)
□ HIV drugs (Indinavir and Nelfinovir)
□ Alcohol
□ Of course, taking recreational / illicit drugs can also cause untoward
I understand that anesthetics, medications, and drugs may be harmful to the unborn
child and may cause birth defects or spontaneous abortion. Recognizing these risks,
I accept full responsibility for informing the doctor of a suspected or confirmed
pregnancy with the understanding that this will necessitate the postponement of the
anesthesia. For the same reasons I understand that I must inform the doctor if I am
a nursing mother.
Because medication, drugs, anesthetics, and prescriptions may cause drowsiness
and uncoordination which can be increased by the use of alcohol or other drugs. I
have been advised not to operate any vehicle or hazardous device for at least
twenty-four (24) hours or longer until recovered from the effects of the anesthetic,
medications, and/or drugs that may have been given to me for my care. I have been
advised not to make any major decisions until after recovery from anesthesia.
I have been fully advised of and completely understand and accept the possible risks
and dangers for me or my child. I acknowledge the receipt of and understand both
preoperative and post-operative anesthesia interactions for me or my child. It has
been explained to me and I understand that there is no warranty or guarantee as to
any result and/or cure. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about my
anesthesia and am satisfied with information provided to me.
I understand the danger of operating machinery or driving under the influence of
the sedative and will not drive to or from my dental appointment while under the
influence of the sedative. I will have an adult accompany me and drive me to and
from the appointment.
«LName»__«FName»_SS number «SS»_
Signed ___________________________________________________________
Date ________________________
Witness _________________________________________________________
Date ________________________
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□ Do not eat anything six (6) hours prior to your appointment. If in the
morning, you may drink one cup of water, tea or coffee. Patients with
afternoon appointments may have liquids at breakfast. If you have any
medical condition that prevents these instructions, please contact our office.
□ Medications normally taken should be taken unless instructed otherwise.
They may be taken with a sip of water.
□ Changes in health such as developing a congestion or flu may necessitate
rescheduling due to safety considerations. If possible please inform our office
24 hours prior to your appointment
□ Dress comfortably. Short sleeves and a sweater or sweatshirt are desired.
Contact lenses should be removed. Wear baggy pants if you are cold natured.
□ Because you will take a premedication at home, a responsible adult must
drive you to our office. You must have an adult drive you back after the
□ Do not plan to drive or operate machinery for twenty four (24) hours after
the appointment. Do not take a bus or taxi.
□ After returning home, the patient should rest for the remainder of the day. A
responsible adult should be with the patient until the next day.
□ Dr. Penchas may prescribe pain medications to minimize or eliminate any
post treatment pain from the dental procedure. You may take these as
□ You may eat and drink in accordance with Dr. Penchas instructions. If no
special instructions were given, follow these instructions:
o Liquids and soups are encouraged.
o No alcoholic beverages should be consumed for 24 hours.
o A soft diet such as mashed potatoes and meatloaf is encouraged in the
first three days. For more recipes check our website!
If you have any questions or concerns, Please call our office
315 Westheimer Road, Houston, Texas. 77006
P 713.807.9877
F 713.807.0501
Web midtowndentistry.com
E office@midtowndentistry.com
Signed ______
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