___________ Dental Clinic Pre-Sedation Instructions Dear Parent: In our recent discussion about your child’s up-coming dental treatment, we have agreed that it will be necessary to pre-medicate your child. This pre-medication will help us to provide the best possible dental treatment in a well-controlled setting. In order to accomplish this safely with the best chance for success, there are certain procedures we ask that you follow before and after the appointment. These are as follows: 1. A child is much influenced by his/her parents’ behavior. If you are anxious upset, and worried about going to the dentist, your child will be also. Please relax, and both of you should have a good night’s rest before the appointment. 2. The child must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian for all appointments, who shall be required to remain at the dental clinic for the entire treatment period. 3. Depending on the type of sedation your child may be required to have a physical exam performed prior to the sedation. Date:__________________ Time:_____________________. 4. Any change in the child’s health, especially the development of a cold or fever, within seven (7) days prior to the day of treatment, it is very important to let Dr.___________________ know. For the child’s safety, a new appointment may be made for another day. 5. Dietary precautions, to avoid vomiting and complication during treatment with sedation are as follows: (a) The meal prior to the sedation should be light and easily digestible. (b) No milk or solid food after midnight prior to the scheduled sedation. (c) Children ages 0-3 years clear liquids up to 4 hours before the sedation, then nothing not even water. (d) Children ages 3-6 years, clear liquids up to 6 hours before the sedation, then nothing not even water. (e) Children ages 7 or greater, clear liquids up to 8 hours before the sedation then nothing, not even water. 6. Give your child only those medications which he/she takes routinely, such as seizure medications or prophylactic antibiotics, and those prescribed by your child’s doctor or dentist. DO NOT give your child any other medication, before or after treatment without checking with your doctor or dentist. 7. Your child will be given a medicine that in most cases will calm them down, so they will feel drowsy. Some patients might become more excited for a period, during the 15 to 60 minutes it takes for the medication to take its effect. During this time we will have you sit in a quiet place (bring a favorite story book) where you and the dental staff can carefully watch your child until they are placed in the dental chair. Your child may cry when being placed in the dental chair and during treatment due to the stimulation, but they will be given a local anesthetic to block out pain. It is therefore important after the appointment not to allow your child to bite his/her lip, tongue, or cheek before the numbness wears off (several hours). Remember your child will not be put to sleep, only relaxed. 8. Your child maybe wrapped in a papoose board so they will feel secure (as if you were holding the child in your arms) and so if they move during treatment the chance for injury is reduced. 9. Please be on time for the appointment. We are setting aside extra time for your child’s treatment needs, and this time may be wasted if you show up too late to sedate your child or if you fail to show up. 10. Because of the tendency towards drowsiness and clumsiness for several hours, your child should remain indoors and be closely watched for several hours after the appointment. It is normal for a child to sleep after the appointment. 11. In case you have any questions once you are home, call _________ and ask for Dr. ____________ during office hours ___________.