Muldoon, K.M. & Goodman, S.M. Ecological biogeography of Malagasy non-volant mammals: community structure is correlated with habitat. Journal of Biogeography. SUPPORTING INFORMATION APPENDIX S2 Results from analyses using a “lumped” primate taxonomy. For these analyses, we use 31 December 2000 as the closing date for information on primate species. Our treatment of the genus Cheirogaleus follows the pre-Groves (2000) arrangement. We use 1 July 2009 as the closing date for information on non-primate species. Higher-level taxonomy follows Wilson & Reeder (2005). Ecoregion classifications follow Burgess et al. (2004). The presence/absence “lumped” taxonomy data matrix is available from the authors on request. See also Muldoon (2006). 1 Muldoon, K.M. & Goodman, S.M. Ecological biogeography of Malagasy non-volant mammals: community structure is correlated with habitat. Journal of Biogeography. Figure S2-1 Scatter plot showing Dice similarity versus geographic distance for (a) 496 pairwise comparisons of 32 mammal communities (those spanning an elevational gradient have been pooled; Z = - 0.608, P < 0.001); (b) 120 pairwise comparisons of 16 eastern mammal communities (Z = 0.542, P < 0.001); (c) 45 pairwise comparisons of 10 western mammal communities (Z = - 0.618, P < 0.01). 2 Muldoon, K.M. & Goodman, S.M. Ecological biogeography of Malagasy non-volant mammals: community structure is correlated with habitat. Journal of Biogeography. Figure S2-2 Dendrogram summarizing taxonomic similarity between mammal communities. Ecoregions are labelled in lower case italics, unclassified sites are in uppercase. All internal nodes of the dendrogram obtained 100% support from the jackknife procedure, except where noted. Scale represents Dice similarity coefficient values. Cophenetic correlation = 0.9348. 3 Muldoon, K.M. & Goodman, S.M. Ecological biogeography of Malagasy non-volant mammals: community structure is correlated with habitat. Journal of Biogeography. Figure S2-3 Bivariate plot of the first two axes of the PCO. Open circles represent spiny thicket; open triangles, succulent woodlands; open squares, dry deciduous forest; closed triangles, subhumid forests; closed circles, lowland humid forests; stars, unclassified mammal communities. The eigenvalue for Coordinate 1 = 4.3981 and represents 50.0% of the variation in species composition. The eigenvalue for Coordinate 2 = 0.82083 and represents 9.3% of the variation in species composition. Abbreviations: Is, Isalo; Mk, Mikea; Anlv, Analavelona; KM, Kirindy-Mitea; Ajy, Ambohijanahary; LM, Loky-Manambato. 4 Muldoon, K.M. & Goodman, S.M. Ecological biogeography of Malagasy non-volant mammals: community structure is correlated with habitat. Journal of Biogeography. Table S2-1 Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test statistics for comparisons of ecological variables of non-volant mammal communities among ecoregions in Madagascar. Kruskal-Wallis d.f. P-value 4 0.000* % Insectivory χ2 23.007 % Omnivory 21.269 4 0.000* % Arboreal quadrupedalism 16.682 4 0.002* % BM21 21.011 4 0.000* % BM62 16.177 4 0.003* Mann-Whitney Comparisons Spiny thicket & dry deciduous forest Spiny thicket & subhumid forest Succulent woodland & dry deciduous forest Succulent woodland & subhumid forest Dry deciduous forest & subhumid forest Dry deciduous forest & humid forest Spiny thicket & humid forest Succulent woodland & subhumid forest Succulent woodland & humid forest Dry deciduous forest & subhumid forest Dry deciduous forest & humid forest Spiny thicket & dry deciduous forest Succulent woodland & dry deciduous forest Dry deciduous forest & subhumid forest Dry deciduous forest & humid forest Spiny thicket & subhumid forest Spiny thicket & humid forest Succulent woodland & humid forest Succulent woodland & humid forest Dry deciduous forest & subhumid forest Dry deciduous forest & humid forest Spiny thicket & humid forest Succulent woodland & subhumid forest Succulent woodland & humid forest U 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 0.000 P-value 0.021 0.003* 0.064 0.027 0.003* 0.011 0.054 0.027 0.042 0.003* 0.010 0.020 0.032 0.003* 0.010* 0.003* 0.008* 0.009 0.019 0.003* 0.010 0.010* 0.010* 0.020 *Indicates a significant comparison. 1 BM2 refers to body mass category 2 (mammals weighing 25.0-49.9 g). 2 BM6 refers to body mass category 6 (mammals weighing 400.0-799.9 g). 5 Muldoon, K.M. & Goodman, S.M. Ecological biogeography of Malagasy non-volant mammals: community structure is correlated with habitat. Journal of Biogeography. Table S2-2 Pooled within-group canonical structure matrix for predictor variables retained in the multiple discriminant analysis of non-volant mammal communities in Madagascar1. Function 1 Function 2 Function 3 % Insectivory 0.505* -0.468 -0.143 % Omnivory -0.699* 0.172 0.310 % Arboreal quadrupdealism -0.345 0.257 0.746* % BM2 (25.0-49.9 g)2 0.448 0.038 0.064 % BM6 (400.0-799.9 g)2 0.229 0.314 -0.074 Eigenvalue 7.246 4.903 2.523 % of variance 49.3 33.4 17.2 Canonical Correlation 0.937 0.911 0.846 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 P-value 1 Variables were arcsine transformed before inclusion in the multiple discriminant analysis. Pin (probability for variables to be included in the discriminant function) = 0.05; Pout (probability for variables to be excluded from the discriminant function) = 0.10. 2 BM2, body mass category 2; BM6, body mass category 6. * Indicates the largest absolute correlation between a predictor variable and a discriminant function. 6 Muldoon, K.M. & Goodman, S.M. Ecological biogeography of Malagasy non-volant mammals: community structure is correlated with habitat. Journal of Biogeography. Figure S2-4 Canonical plot of the first two discriminant functions of the multiple discriminant analysis (MDA) of ecological diversity of non-volant mammal communities in Madagascar. Open circles represent spiny thicket; open triangles, succulent woodlands; open squares, dry deciduous forest; closed triangles, subhumid forests; closed circles, lowland humid forests; stars, unclassified mammal communities. The grey squares represent group centroid. Note that dry forest group centroids do not overlap. Abbreviations and MDA classifications for the unclassified communities are: Isalo (Is) = spiny thicket; Mikea (Mk), Analavelona (Anlv), Kirindy-Mitea (KM) = succulent woodlands; Ambohijanahary (Ajy) = subhumid forest; LokyManambato (LM) = dry deciduous forest. 7 Muldoon, K.M. & Goodman, S.M. Ecological biogeography of Malagasy non-volant mammals: community structure is correlated with habitat. Journal of Biogeography. Figure S2-5 (a) Bivariate plot of the proportions of omnivorous vs. insectivorous non-volant mammals among the terrestrial ecoregions of Madagascar. Markers indicating Mikea and Kirindy-Mitea are overlapping in this plot; (b) Bivariate plot of the proportions of body mass category 6 (400.0 – 799.9 g) vs. arboreal quadrupedal mammals in the terrestrial ecoregions of Madagascar. Legend and abbreviations are as described for Figure S3-4 8 Muldoon, K.M. & Goodman, S.M. Ecological biogeography of Malagasy non-volant mammals: community structure is correlated with habitat. Journal of Biogeography. REFERENCES Burgess, N.D., D'Amico Hales, J., Underwood, E.C., Dinerstein, E., Olson, D., Itoua, I., Schipper, J., Ricketts, T.H. & Newman, K. (2004) Terrestrial ecoregions of Africa and Madagascar: a conservation assessment. Island Press, Washington, D.C. Groves C.P. (2000) The genus Cheirogaleus: unrecognized biodiversity in dwarf lemurs. International Journal of Primatology 21, 943-962. Muldoon, K.M. (2006) Environmental change and human impact in southwestern Madagascar: evidence from Ankilitelo Cave. PhD Dissertation, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis. Wilson, D.E. & Reeder, D.A. (2005) Mammal species of the world, 3rd Edition. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. 9