Prac Objectives:

Prac Objectives:
Tutorials, Cadaver and Live Horse Pracs
Tutorial 1 – Wednes 1 pm - 2 pm (lunch to be served 1.30 pm)
– at EVDS, 51 Duncans Lane, Clarenza
– Skull examination – Ageing of skulls.
- Review Anatomy of the skull.
Tutorial 3 – 6-7 pm
- at EVDS, 51 Duncans Lane, Clarenza
Oral examination of skulls
- Applying of gear and performing oral examination.
- Perform dental charts on skulls.
Prac Session 1) – Thurs 1 – 4 pm – Performance Floating – EVDS Duncans
Lane, Clarenza
12 wet skulls on the stands – not tied down yet.
9 dry skulls out on tables
1. External exam on skulls – no speculums yet – observe, palpate and use
2. Examine incisors and age the head.
3. Check lateral excursion tests:
- EMC Excursion to Molar Contact
- AMO Angle of Molar Occlusion
4. Apply speculum and light ,flush mouth, do oral exam using vision, mirror,
probe, and palpation.
5. Perform dental chart. 1 per vet.
6. Gary Wilson to demonstrate wolf tooth local infiltration nerve block,
and wolf tooth extraction.
7. If find a wolf tooth, extract it. If find another, then pass it onto another vet.
8. Demo by Oliver Liyou on how to use a PowerFloat and the floating flow
9. Vets to do performance float on 1 skull each.
10. Can use hand tools if preferred.
11. Have tutors check the float job, especially height of bevelling and bit seat.
12. Demo on maintenance of PowerFloats.
Tutorial 5 - Thurs 6.30 – 7.30 pm – Radiography / Nerve blocks
–Espana BBQ Area
1. Vets to use skulls and blocks to review radiography views
2. Vets to use dry skulls to practice nerve blocks.
Practical Session 2 – Friday 10.00 am – 1 pm – 51 Duncans Lane, Clarenza
Nerve Blocks,
TMJ Blocks,
Wolf teeth,
Oral Examination
Floating if time left.
12 wet skulls on stands – not tied down at start.
+/- 12 from yest ( interesting ones - wolf teeth, diastemata etc) on tables
1. Gary Wilson to demo 4 Nerve blocks
– Infra-orbital, Mandibular, Wolf tooth Infiltration, TMJ
2. Vets to practice the 4 nerve blocks.
Practice nerve blocks:
- 21 G 1.5 (or 3 in) needle and 5 ml dye for infra-orbital block
- 5.25 inch catheter and 20 ml dye for mandibular nerve block
- 2 ml Local infiltration around wolf tooth
- Palpate TMJ , then Joint tap and inject 2-4 ml local into TMJ
3. Dissect the skulls to check accuracy of nerve block
4. Examine architecture and anatomy of TMJ and coronoid process.
5. Extract wolf teeth if present
6. Apply speculum ,light and examine for presence of oral disease and think
of treatment options.
7. Dental charts the heads (1 per pair) and
8, If time left, can float up the mouth - but leave 1-2 teeth unfloated for
extraction technique.
Prac Session 3 – Friday 2 – 4.30 pm – Mulgi Dv
– 12 skulls on stands from previous prac session. 12 still on tables.
Pulp capping and Molar Extraction
1st 30 mins – Gary to demonstrate the pulp capping technique
- Oliver to demonstrate a diastema technique
- Gary to demo extraction technique
1. Split into 2 groups A & B – 1 hr on each technique then swap
A .. Vets work in pairs -grind an incisor down to expose pulp, then
perform pulp capping on it.
Vets to practice doing a diastema saucerisation if time.
B . Tutor to demonstrate the extraction technique. Vets to work in pairs to
place instruments on and work through the technique of molar
extraction. Won’t have time to actually extract the tooth, but pretend
you are.
Tutorial 6 – Sat 7.30 – 8.50 am – Duncans Lane, Clarenza
Demo of oral extraction case work up then radiograph it.
1. Oral exam to show the mouth
2. Oral extraction
3. X-ray.
9.00 am morning tea at EVDS
Oliver to address vets on the aims and regime for the live horse pracs.
Work in pairs:
Speak to owners and use this as a simulated work station whereby you are
communicating to them on what problems exist, options to treat them etc.
Ask the EVDS staff helpers to assist you getting a horse to your stable where
your gear is.
sedate it initially with xyl 100 mg, acp 10 mg, +/- dormosedan 0.2 ml ,
Once sedated a little, assess whether to examine the horse first, or to give the
second dose and then examine the mouth.
Perform the initial external exam and possibly the lateral excursion tests prior
to giving the second sedative.
Once given the second sedative, place the speculum on and
flush out mouth,
Examine and identify the pathologies
Chart the pathology
Discuss how to treat them
Proceed to treat them.
o Flunixil if suspect will be sore
o Rec further work up if nec.
Advise client of when horse will need to be examined next time.
Ensure each horse is checked by a tutor prior to discharging it.
Administer tetanus vaccine if any teeth are extracted – recommend boosters.
Ensure that over the weekend, you trial with each of the 3 head support
systems available:
- dental halter in stall
- dental halter in crush
- crutch head support
Practical Session 4 – EVDS – Sat - 9.30 am – 12.30 pm
Young horse float and wolf tooth
1. Speakers to discuss sedation regime
2. Demonstrate infra-orbital nerve block after having sedated and twitched
3. Demo wolf tooth extraction technique
4. Vets to work in pairs – do 2 horses before 12.30 pm
- sedate horses using Dormosedan and Torbugesic
- practice infra-orbital nerve block after twitched horse
- practice the local infiltration of wolf tooth
- extract wolf teeth
- ask owner if tetanus shot needed and if so, owner can buy at rego
desk for $15. Advise when booster due.
- using hand tools, float the mouth and do bit seat
- ensure a tutor checks mouth prior to dispatching horse to owner.
- advise owner when horse due again – 3-6 months depending on
Lunch served at 12.30 pm
Tutorial 7 – Live Horse – Sat 1-1.30 pm
Oliver Liyou to demo the use of the Porta Safe Stocks and
PowerFloat on 1 horse.
Prac Session 5 – Live Horses – Fri - 1.30 – 5 pm
Afternoon tea served at 3 pm and to be taken in between horses
Vets to work in pairs and to use either hand tools or powerfloat.
Use any combo of xyl, acp, torb, dormosedan.
Performance floats on 2 horses per pair prior to 5 pm.
Ensure tutors checks mouth prior to dispatching.
Advise owner on when horse due again.
8.30 -10 pm Instruments Tutorial
EVDS Clinic - Sunday
7.45m Drive to Duncans Lane
Prac Session 6 – 8-10.30 am - Live Horses – Performance Floating
i. Each pair to work through 2 horses per pair
ii. Can use PF or hand tools as preferred
iii. Ensure tutor checks horse
iv. Tetanus booster if tooth extracted
v. Advise when due again.
10.30 am Morning Tea
Prac Session 7 - Performance Floats – 11 am – 2.45 pm
Each pair to work through 4-5 horses each prior to 2.45 pm
Vets to have mouth checked prior to giving back to owner
Advise on when due again.
2.45 pm – Vets to clean gear and return to gear tables
Lunch at 3 pm.
Evaluation Forms at Lunch.
3.30 pm Close