Short Company Profile Chemiphar (U) Ltd Chemiphar (U) Ltd. is an internationally accredited analytical laboratory which is active on different levels of quality control in food and water and their establishments as well as in environmental monitoring and analysis. Our core business is providing facilities to different industries and regulatory bodies for analysis of samples in a wide scope of microbiological and chemical test methods. However Chemiphar does not limit its services to producing results only; the expertise we have in house allows us to interpret with the client’s results, to point out problems and to propose corrective actions to solve problems or to improve the quality of products or production processes. Chemiphar carries auditing that is intended to check if the food producing companies comply with the HACCP-guidelines (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) and GMP-rules (Good Manufacturing Rules) and most of the EU directives. Chemiphar is also involved in different national and international consulting projects in food security, environmental health and pharmaceutical sectors. Microbiology department Chemiphar (U) Ltd. has a microbiology department which performs the whole range of tests on foodstuffs, water and beverages: TPC, total and faecal coliforms including E.coli, Staphyloccoci, sulphate reducers, yeast and moulds, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella, Vibrio spp, Listeria monocytogenes, Legionella, etc. Chemical department The Chemical department now consists of four subdivisions: Foods and Water, Seed testing, Environment and Chromatography. 1. The Environmental department determines the pollution levels in water as well as in soil samples. Here effluent water, surface and ground water are analysed. Also air pollution monitoring, emissions and imissions are performed. 2. The Seed Testing and Certification is one of the newest departments in which we have been investing. We perform quality inspection of the agro seeds and certification. We are member of the ISTA (International Seed Testing Association) and of the USTA (Uganda Seed Trading Association). 3. We have new CAMAG-TLC Scanner and HPLC that are used for analysis of vitamins and mycotoxins. 4. We have an AAS for heavy metals International accreditation Our accredited status as a private and independent laboratory is a unique achievement in the region. Chemiphar (U) Ltd. works in complete compliance with the International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2005 which spells out the “General Requirements for the Competence for Testing and Calibration Laboratories”. The Belgian accreditation bureau BELAC (accreditation number 167-TEST) has confirmed these stringent quality assurance in the laboratory together with the technical competence in performing the analyses by the granting of the international accreditation which renders our results worldwide acceptable. Part of Chemiphar group of laboratories Another comparative advantage the laboratory enjoys is the backing of the Chemiphar Group of Laboratories which is based in Bruges and one of the biggest and most multidisciplinary accredited laboratories in Belgium. This backing allows us to offer a complete range of laboratory services in Uganda and the East African region. Examples of analyses performed The following are a pick from the major clients and activities Chemiphar is involved in: Quality Inspection and analysis of food commodities purchased by WFP in Uganda: nutritional value, residues, suitability for human consumption. For the food supplies to the internally displaced persons in the maps in the northern Uganda, Chemiphar has been working with manufacturer of CSB namely Magric Uganda Ltd., Biyinzika U Ltd., Eastern Grain Millers, Maganjo Grain Millers, from development of prototypes. Quality control of all export high value crops under the agreement of The Agribusiness Development Centre, Uganda’s Investment in Developing Export Agriculture (IDEA) Project. Analysis of vanilla, fresh and dried fruits, chillies, papaine, etc. Research collaboration with the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry in which the laboratory analyses part of plants for their natural medical properties. Hygiene auditing in food establishments, hotels and restaurants. Spring water quality surveillance in Kampala District Quality control of the food rations and supplies to UN-MONUC in Congo that are procured in Uganda. This includes eggs, chicken, frozen meat, poultry products, water, etc. Superintendence and quality control for local purchase of agro seeds by FAO-UN for supply inn the northern Uganda. The biggest achievement was the recognition by the EU health inspectors in 2001 as being the only laboratory in Uganda capable of performing all necessary health and residue analyses in the exported fish. This capacity was a prerequisite for the EU before lifting the ban slapped on fish imports from Uganda into Europe. We can thus state that our presence in Uganda made the revival and survival of the fish exporting sector, now a multi-million dollar export business, possible. Recently, in August 2006, EU-FVO food inspectors came and evaluated our laboratory that has been handling for official control samples on behalf of the Fisheries Department. Furthermore, we were appointed by World Food Programme to inspect and perform the quality control of all commodities purchased locally and to monitor the quality of commodities stored in the WFP stores. In December 2004, Chemiphar was recognised as a UN supplier under number 23546. As of 14thFebruary 2007, we have been registered on the UN-MONUC vendor roster, under vendor number MON-1126. As part of our laboratory services in the food and beverages sector, we conduct hygiene audits in different food establishments. Therefore, we provide the factories that have HACCP and GMP plans implemented a good tool for monitoring and verification of the compliance to the standards. Conclusion There is expansion of the chromatography department to become the leading and only laboratory in the region with full capacity of analysing pesticide residues in all foodstuffs and water. Chemiphar (U) Ltd has thus acquired a GC-MS, AAS, HPLC, CAMAG-TLC, FIMS and, more important, all necessary know-how to operate and to explore all capabilities of this analytical device. By buying the above set of equipment, Chemiphar (U) Ltd wanted to ensure that exports like the fruits and vegetables produced in Uganda could continue to be exported to different countries around the world, and make sure Uganda is complying with, amongst others, the new food and feed law of the EU and EUREPGAP. The extensive audit experience of Chemiphar (U) Ltd. will be beneficial for the fruits and vegetable sector in supporting them with the export of their products. CAMAG-TLC, was specifically brought in to handle vitamins and mycotoxins analyses for WFP. This will tremendously reduce the prices for analyses that were, in the past, performed in our headquarters in Belgium. It will also reduce the time-lag for remittance of the results and, definitely, enable us to implement the corrective actions on faulty batches of CSB or unimix. AAS, one of our newest acquisitions, was specifically brought in to heavy metal analyses. This will tremendously reduce the prices for analyses that were, in the past, performed in our headquarters in Belgium. It will also reduce the time-lag for remittance of the results and, definitely, enable us to implement the corrective actions on poor consignment. Seed testing, including quality inspection of agro-seeds, is one vibrant department which was more than needed on the Ugandan market. CHEMIPHAR (U) LTD. PREAMBLE Chemiphar laboratory, an internally accredited laboratory is committed to serve all local exporters, suppliers for the international markets, non government organisations and government regulatory organisations. Chemiphar laboratory clients include reputable organisations such as: Name of clients 5. Uganda’s Investment in Developing Export Agriculture (IDEA-USAID) Project Nature of work done and products/project covered Superintendence work. Inspection and analysis of commodities. Quality Inspection and Control of the purchased food supplies: eggs, meat products, etc. Quality inspection of agro seeds. Environmental analysis of all the tap water and sewage effluent in all the Ugandans major towns. Quality control of vanilla export, chillies. 6. Competitive Private Enterprise & Trade Expansion (COMPETE, USAID Project). Water quality analysis for fish farming project. 7. Uganda Honey Bee Keepers Association 8. The Uganda National Apiculture Development Organisation (TUNADO). 9. Dairy Development Authority (DDA) Dairy Corporation: Analysis of pasteurised and UHT milk. JESA Dairy Farm Ltd. Quality control and characterisation and standardisation of honey produced in Uganda. Characterisation and Standardisation of honey for export. Dairy product quality control and product development, hygiene audits. 1. UN-World Food Programme UN supplier number 23546 2. UN-MONUC ( United Nations Organisations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo) Vendor number MON-1126 3. International Committee of the Red Cross – Kampala (ICRC) National Water and Sewerage Corporation 4. Benefit of the analysis to the particular company and the country Increase of produce purchase from the Ugandan farmers and suppliers. Increase local purchases from local suppliers. Increase fish production through local production ventures. Opening Ugandan Honey Exports to EU. Safe water and efficiency sewage treatment to safeguard the populations. Agricultural expansion export base. Opening Ugandan Honey Exports to EU. Guarantee product safety for consumers. 10. Mukwano Industries (U) Ltd. Analysis of oil products, edible oil and soaps Quality control. Product development and analysis. 11. Kinyara Sugar Works Ltd. 12. Kampala Pharmaceuticals Industries (1996) Ltd 13. ACDI-VOCA Organisation 14. The State of Eritrea, Ministry of Fisheries, Fish Inspection and Quality Control Division, Massawa. 15. Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) 16 Fisheries Resource Department, Entebbe Hygiene audits in factories, monitoring plans for environmental analysis Environmental analysis of processed water and raw materials. Involved in Research and Development of the drugs by offering quality control analysis of the prototypes before submission to the NDA for approval and released on market. Analysis of the relief commodities to determine quality of food items e.g. CSB blend. Quality control of the sea food products harvested from the project areas. Analysis of Consumer products confiscated from shelf like toothpaste, coffee, imports. Pesticides in the soil sediments during the initial phase of the EU fish ban of 2000. Quality control of all Fishery products exports. Screening pesticides in the export. 17 UFPEA: Uganda Fish Processors and Exporters Association. Sole provider of quality control analysis of fish, water and processing chain from export to Europe and US. Uganda Fish Packers Ltd. Marine and Agro Export Products Igloo Food Industries Ltd. Oakwood Investments Tampa Fisheries Ltd. Quality control of all Fishery products exports. Analysis both microbiological and pesticides for export. Increase product safety. Product development and guaranteeing quality and product safety. Ensure product safety to the vulnerable groups in strife stricken environments. Targeted EU market. Partner in the quality control of the consumer products being imported in the country. Increase EU consumer confidence in the Lake Victoria products. Contributing to lifting the EU ban on the Fishery products. Increased the foreign earnings. Increase EU consumer confidence in the Lake Victoria products. Contributed to the lifting of the EU ban on the fishery products. Increased the foreign earning to the country and the in- 18 Fresh Water Fish Exporters Masese Fish Packers Ltd. Greenfields (U) Ltd. Gomba Fishing Industries Ltd. Uganda Marine Products Ltd. Hwan Sung Ltd. Ngege Ltd. Unifoods Ltd. Tropical Fish Industries Ltd. Lake Victoria Environment Management Project (LVEMP) 19 International Centre for Research in Agro forestry (ICRAF) 20 Mineral Water (Soft Drinks and Carbonated Water) Processing Establishments: Rwenzori Beverages Co.: Analysis of end products and source water, hygiene audits. NC Beverages Ltd.: Analysis of mineral water. Opal Waters: Analysis of mineral water. Federal Republic of Ethiopia, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. 21. 22. The United Republic of Tanzania: Division of Fisheries, Ministry of Natural Resources & Tourisms hygiene audits in factories, monitoring plans for environmental analysis Bahari Foods Ltd. Director of Fisheries Fruits de la Mer Kagera Fish Co. Ltd. Musoma Fish Processors Ltd. Mwanza Fishing Industries Ltd. Nile Perch Fisheries Ltd. Nyagezi Fisheries Laboratory Omega Fish Ltd. Prime Catch Exporters Ltd. Sea Products Shamez Enterprises Ltd. dividual fish processing factories. Pesticide evaluation of the lake water and sediments of Lake Victoria. Project of characterisation of Prunus Africana trees in the different forest providences in Uganda. Prospects of increase of production and export for pharmaceutical manufacturers. Quality control and hygiene evaluation of the end products. Increasing the export base by exploring areas like local available resources that have pharmaceutical properties. Products like Moringa oil, Neem tree, lemon grass oil analysis, Eucalyptus oil. Residue monitoring of Honey and beeswax Targeted EU market Quality control of all fishery products exports. Screening pesticides in the export. Increase EU consumer confidence in the Lake Victoria products. Contributed to the lifting of the EU ban on the fishery products. Tanperch Ltd. Tanpesca Ltd. Tanzania Fish Processors Ltd. Vicfish Ltd. 23. Kampala City Council (Kampala Urban Sanitation Programme) 24 International Potato Centre Through the project of propagation yellow potato for Beta carotene supplementation in the population 25 Ugachick (U) Ltd. 26 Coffee Exporters Kyagalanyi Coffee Ltd. Kawacom (U) Ltd 27 Food Science and Technology Research Institute, Kawanda (FOSRI) Food fortification project 28 United Nations (UNICEF) 29 Century Bottling Ltd, Coca Cola products and environmental monitoring Chemipack Ltd. 30 31. Children Fund AVIS Co. Ltd. Analysis of petroleum jelly products. Project to evaluate the spring water wells and suitability for human consumption. Analysis of the Beta carotene in the local available potato cultivators. Analysis of animal feeds that are supplemented with locally available raw material like yellow potatoes to increase Beta carotene in the eggs (yellow egg yolk). Hygiene auditing in hatchery, feed mill and processing plant. Analysis of mycotoxins in exported coffee beans especially for Ochratoxins. Project to increase Uganda products competitiveness to the world a market. Food fortification project. Supply of scientific equipment for the Ugandan Labs. Environmental analysis of the water and effluents. Quality control. Analysis of the juices and cordial. Quality control of the cosmetic products and comparing it with the international standards. Explore the utilisation of cheap source of vitamin A from the yellow potato cultivars grown in the country. Contribute to the solution of Vitamin A deficiency. Explore the utilisation of the cheap source of betacarotene (yellow egg yolk). Quality control of the coffee exports. Contribute to the quality of the fortified diets for malnourished groups. 32 33 34 35 36 Britania Products Ltd. (Britania Allied Industries) Splash and other products Exporters of Fruits and Vegetables: quality control of end products: dried fruits, vanilla, papaine. Esco (U) Ltd. Gourmet Gardens Natural vanilla Ltd. Uganda Crop Industries. Kasese Vanilla Dev. Agro Management Services. Banange (U) Ltd Rwenzori Vanilla Project Ltd. Flona Commodities. Sheraton Hotel Kampala MOST Project The USAID Micronutrient Program Fortification project of food with micronutrients like minerals and vitamins Department of crop protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Entebbe Fruits and Vegetables Pesticides screening. Quality control of the end products. Quality control of all the vanilla export from the country. Provided a cheaper laboratory services to the sector compared to the foreign laboratory where exporters used to send the samples. Hygiene monitoring, environmental analysis of the swimming pool waters and potable water. Analysis of betacarotene in fortified products like maize meal, vegetable oil. Quality control of all Fruits and Vegetables exports. Screening pesticides I the export. Quality control and contribution to the Malnutrition deficiency remedy. Increase EU consumer confidence Ugandan horticultural export products. Contribute to accessing of foreign markets. Increased the foreign earning to GDP.