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EXPOSURE DRAFT (28/05/2015)
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting
(Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
I, Greg Hunt, Minister for the Environment, make the following determination.
Greg Hunt
Minister for the Environment
Name ........................................................................................................................... 1
Commencement .......................................................................................................... 1
Authority ..................................................................................................................... 1
Schedules .................................................................................................................... 1
Schedule 1—Fugitive emissions and scope 2 emissions
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008
Schedule 2—Carbon capture and storage
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008
Schedule 3—Biological treatment of solid waste
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008
Schedule 4—Application and transitional
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Determination 2008
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
1 Name
This is the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement)
Amendment Determination 2015 (No. 2).
2 Commencement
(1) Each provision of this instrument specified in column 1 of the table commences,
or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any
other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.
Commencement information
Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
1. Sections 1 to 4 and
anything in this
instrument not
elsewhere covered by
this table
The day after this instrument is registered.
2. Schedules 1 and 2
1 July 2015.
1 July 2015
3. Schedule 3
1 July 2016.
1 July 2016
4. Schedule 4, item 1
1 July 2015.
1 July 2015
5. Schedule 4, item 2
1 July 2016.
1 July 2016
This table relates only to the provisions of this instrument as originally made. It will
not be amended to deal with any later amendments of this instrument.
(2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this instrument.
Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it may be edited, in
any published version of this instrument.
3 Authority
This instrument is made under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting
Act 2007.
4 Schedules
Each instrument that is specified in a Schedule to this instrument is amended or
repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any
other item in a Schedule to this instrument has effect according to its terms.
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
Schedule 1 Fugitive emissions and scope 2 emissions
Schedule 1—Fugitive emissions and scope 2
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement)
Determination 2008
1 Section 1.8 (definition of applicable State or Territory legislation)
After “coal mining health and safety,”, insert “including such a law that prescribes
performance-based objectives,”.
2 Paragraph 3.6(2)(b)
Omit “3.12”, substitute “3.13”.
3 At the end of subsection 3.6(2)
Any estimates of emissions made for the purposes of this subsection must be consistent
with the principles in section 1.13.
4 Section 3.13
Omit “measured in accordance with section 1.34”, substitute “consistent with an
appropriate standard or applicable State or Territory legislation”.
5 At the end of section 3.13
The performance characteristics of PEM equipment includes calibration.
6 Paragraphs 3.43(1)(b) and (c)
Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:
(b) if estimating emissions of methane released—one of the following methods
must be used:
(i) method 1 under section 3.44;
(ii) method 2A under section 3.45A; and
(c) if estimating emissions of nitrous oxide released—one of the following
methods must be used:
(i) method 1 under section 3.44;
(ii) method 2A under section 3.45A.
7 Section 3.45 (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
3.45 Method 2—oil or gas exploration (flared carbon dioxide emissions)
8 Subsection 3.45(2)
Omit “method 1, but the carbon dioxide emissions factor EFh”, substitute “method 1
under section 3.44, but the carbon dioxide emissions factor EFi ”.
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
Fugitive emissions and scope 2 emissions Schedule 1
9 After section 3.45
3.45A Method 2A—oil or gas exploration (flared methane or nitrous oxide
For subparagraphs 3.43(1)(b)(ii) and (c)(ii), method 2A is:
E ij = Q h  EFh  OFi
EFh is the emission factor for the total hydrocarbons (h) within the fuel type (i)
in oil or gas exploration during the year, measured in CO2-e tonnes per tonne of
the fuel type (i) flared, estimated in accordance with Division 2.3.3.
Eij is the fugitive emissions of gas type (j) from fuel type (i) flared from oil or
gas exploration during the year, measured in CO2-e tonnes.
OFi is 0.98, which is the destruction efficiency of fuel type (i) flared.
Qh is the total quantity of hydrocarbons (h) within the fuel type (i) in oil or gas
exploration during the year, measured in tonnes in accordance with
Division 2.3.3.
10 Paragraphs 3.51(1)(b) and (c)
Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:
(b) if estimating emissions of methane released—one of the following methods
must be used:
(i) method 1 under section 3.52;
(ii) method 2A under section 3.45A, applied to crude oil production in the
same way as it applies to oil and gas exploration; and
(c) if estimating emissions of nitrous oxide released—one of the following
methods must be used:
(i) method 1 under section 3.52;
(ii) method 2A under section 3.45A, applied to crude oil production in the
same way as it applies to oil and gas exploration.
11 Section 3.55
Repeal the section.
12 Paragraphs 3.62(4)(b) and (c)
Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:
(b) if estimating emissions of methane released—one of the following methods
must be used:
(i) method 1 under section 3.67;
(ii) method 2A under section 3.45A, applied to crude oil refining in the
same way as it applies to oil and gas exploration; and
(c) if estimating emissions of nitrous oxide released—one of the following
methods must be used:
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
Schedule 1 Fugitive emissions and scope 2 emissions
(i) method 1 under section 3.67;
(ii) method 2A under section 3.45A, applied to crude oil refining in the
same way as it applies to oil and gas exploration.
13 Paragraphs 3.83(3)(b) and (c)
Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:
(b) if estimating emissions of methane released—one of the following methods
must be used:
(i) method 1 under section 3.85;
(ii) method 2A under section 3.45A, applied to natural gas production and
processing in the same way as it applies to oil and gas exploration;
(c) if estimating emissions of nitrous oxide released—one of the following
methods must be used:
(i) method 1 under section 3.85;
(ii) method 2A under section 3.45A, applied to natural gas production and
processing in the same way as it applies to oil and gas exploration.
14 After subsection 7.1(2) (before the note)
(3) The facilities to which this Chapter applies include a facility the operation of
which is constituted by an electricity transmission network or distribution
network that consumes electricity through electricity losses.
15 Subsections 7.2(3) and 7.3(3)
After “purchased”, insert “(or lost)”.
16 Part 6 of Schedule 1
Repeal the Part, substitute:
Part 6—Indirect (scope 2) emission factors from consumption of
purchased electricity from grid
Indirect (Scope 2) Emissions Factors from Consumption of Purchased Electricity from Grid
State, Territory or grid description
New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory
South Australia
South West Interconnected System in Western Australia
Northern Territory
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
Emission factor kg
Carbon capture and storage Schedule 2
Schedule 2—Carbon capture and storage
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement)
Determination 2008
1 Section 1.8 (definition of captured for permanent storage)
Repeal the definition, substitute:
captured for permanent storage, in relation to a greenhouse gas substance, has
the meaning given by section 1.19A.
2 Section 1.8 (definition of carbon dioxide stream)
Repeal the definition.
3 Section 1.8
greenhouse gas stream means a stream consisting of a greenhouse gas substance
captured for injection into, and permanent storage in, a geological formation.
greenhouse gas substance has the same meaning as in section 7 of the Offshore
Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006.
4 At the end of section 1.11
; (c) Division 1.2.3 provides requirements in relation to carbon capture and
5 Section 1.19A
Omit “carbon dioxide”, substitute “a greenhouse gas substance”.
6 Section 1.19B (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
1.19B Deducting greenhouse gas substances that are captured for permanent
7 Subsection 1.19B(1)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (first occurring), substitute “a greenhouse gas substance”.
8 Subsection 1.19B(1)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (second occurring), substitute “the greenhouse gas substance”.
9 Paragraph 1.19B(1)(a)
Omit “carbon dioxide”, substitute “greenhouse gas substance”.
10 Paragraph 1.19B(1)(b)
Omit “carbon dioxide”, substitute “the greenhouse gas substance”.
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
Schedule 2 Carbon capture and storage
11 Paragraph 1.19B(2)(a)
Omit “carbon dioxide is captured”, substitute “greenhouse gas substance is captured”.
12 Subparagraph 1.19B(2)(a)(i)
Omit “carbon dioxide”, substitute “the greenhouse gas substance”.
13 Subparagraph 1.19B(2)(a)(ii)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (first occurring), substitute “greenhouse gas”.
14 Subparagraph 1.19B(2)(a)(ii)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (second occurring), substitute “greenhouse gas substance”.
15 Subparagraph 1.19B(2)(a)(iii)
Omit “carbon dioxide”, substitute “the greenhouse gas substance”.
16 Paragraph 1.19B(2)(b)
Omit “carbon dioxide is transferred”, substitute “greenhouse gas substance is
17 Subparagraph 1.19B(2)(b)(i)
Omit “carbon dioxide”, substitute “the greenhouse gas substance”.
18 Subparagraph 1.19B(2)(b)(ii)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (first occurring), substitute “greenhouse gas”.
19 Subparagraph 1.19B(2)(b)(ii)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (second occurring), substitute “greenhouse gas substance”.
20 Subparagraph 1.19B(2)(b)(iii)
Omit “carbon dioxide”, substitute “the greenhouse gas substance”.
21 Subsection 1.19B(3)
Omit “carbon dioxide”, substitute “the greenhouse gas substance”.
22 Section 1.19C
Omit “carbon dioxide” (first occurring), substitute “a greenhouse gas substance”.
23 Section 1.19C
Omit “carbon dioxide” (second occurring), substitute “the greenhouse gas substance”.
24 Paragraph 1.19C(a)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (first occurring), substitute “the greenhouse gas substance”.
25 Paragraph 1.19C(a)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (second occurring), substitute “greenhouse gas substance”.
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
Carbon capture and storage Schedule 2
26 Paragraph 1.19C(b)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (first occurring), substitute “the greenhouse gas substance”.
27 Paragraph 1.19C(b)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (second occurring), substitute “greenhouse gas substance”.
28 Section 1.19D
Omit “carbon dioxide” (first occurring), substitute “a greenhouse gas substance”.
29 Section 1.19D
Omit “carbon dioxide” (second occurring), substitute “the greenhouse gas substance”.
30 Section 1.19E (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
1.19E Measure of quantity of captured greenhouse gas substance
31 Subsection 1.19E(1)
Omit “captured carbon dioxide”, substitute “a greenhouse gas substance that is
32 Subsection 1.19E(2)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (first occurring), substitute “greenhouse gas”.
33 Subsection 1.19E(2)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (second occurring), substitute “greenhouse gas substance”.
34 Paragraphs 1.19E(2)(a) and (b)
Omit “carbon dioxide”, substitute “greenhouse gas”.
35 Subparagraph 1.19E(2)(b)(ii)
Omit “section 1.19N”, substitute “section 1.19GA”.
36 Subsection 1.19E(3)
Omit “carbon dioxide”, substitute “greenhouse gas”.
37 Subsection 1.19E(4)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (first occurring), substitute “the greenhouse gas substance”.
38 Subsection 1.19E(4)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (second occurring), substitute “greenhouse gas”.
39 Subsection 1.19E(5)
Omit “carbon dioxide”, substitute “greenhouse gas”.
40 Subsection 1.19E(6)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (first occurring), substitute “greenhouse gas”.
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
Schedule 2 Carbon capture and storage
41 Subsection 1.19E(6)
Omit “concentration of carbon dioxide”, substitute “the concentration of the
greenhouse gas substance”.
42 Section 1.19F (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
1.19F Volume of greenhouse gas stream—criterion A
43 Subsection 1.19F(1)
Omit “carbon dioxide”, substitute “greenhouse gas”.
44 Section 1.19G (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
1.19G Volume of greenhouse gas stream—criterion AAA
45 Section 1.19G
Omit “carbon dioxide” (wherever occurring), substitute “greenhouse gas”.
46 Subsection 1.19G(4) (table heading)
Omit “carbon dioxide”, substitute “greenhouse gas”.
47 After section 1.19G
1.19GA Volume of greenhouse gas stream—criterion BBB
For subparagraph 1.19E(2)(b)(ii), criterion BBB is the estimation of the volume
of the captured greenhouse gas stream from the operation of the facility during a
year measured in accordance with industry practice, if the equipment used to
measure the volume of the captured greenhouse gas stream does not meet the
requirements of criterion AAA.
An estimate obtained using industry practice must be considered with the principles in
section 1.13.
48 Section 1.19H (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
1.19H Volumetric measurement—greenhouse gas stream not super-compressed
49 Subsections 1.19H(1) and (2)
Omit “carbon dioxide” (wherever occurring), substitute “greenhouse gas”.
50 Section 1.19I (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
Carbon capture and storage Schedule 2
1.19I Volumetric measurement—super-compressed greenhouse gas stream
51 Subsections 1.19I(1) and (2)
Omit “carbon dioxide”, substitute “greenhouse gas”.
52 Section 1.19N
Repeal the section.
53 Division 3.4.2 (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
Division 3.4.2—Transport of greenhouse gas substances
54 Section 3.89
Omit “carbon dioxide” (wherever occurring), substitute “a greenhouse gas
55 Subsection 3.90(1)
Omit “carbon dioxide”, substitute “a greenhouse gas substance”.
56 Subsections 3.90(2) and (3)
Repeal the subsections, substitute:
Emissions from transport of greenhouse gas substance involving transfer
(2) If the greenhouse gas substance is transferred to a relevant person for injection in
accordance with the legislation mentioned in section 1.19A for the person, one of
the following methods must be used for estimating fugitive emissions of
greenhouse gas substances that result from the transport of the greenhouse gas
stream for that injection:
(a) method 1 under section 3.91;
(b) method 2 under section 3.77, applied in relation to the greenhouse gas
substance as if it were a type of natural gas.
Emissions from transport of greenhouse gas substance not involving transfer
(2A) Subsection (3) applies if:
(a) the greenhouse gas substance is captured by a relevant person for injection
in accordance with the legislation mentioned in section 1.19A for the
person; and
(b) the greenhouse gas substance is not transferred to another person for the
purpose of injection.
(3) One of the following methods must be used for estimating fugitive emissions of
greenhouse gas substances that result from the transport of the greenhouse gas
stream for that injection:
(a) method 1 under section 3.92;
(b) method 2 under section 3.77, applied in relation to the greenhouse gas
substance as if it were a type of natural gas.
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
Schedule 2 Carbon capture and storage
There is no method 3 or 4 for subsections (2) and (3).
57 Subdivision (heading, first occurring)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
Subdivision—Emissions from transport of greenhouse gas
substances involving transfer
58 Section 3.91 (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
3.91 Method 1—emissions from transport of greenhouse gas substances
involving transfer
59 Section 3.91
Omit “carbon dioxide” (wherever occurring), substitute “greenhouse gas substance”.
60 Subdivision (heading, second occurring)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
Subdivision—Emissions from transport of greenhouse gas
substances not involving transfer
61 Section 3.92 (heading)
3.92 Method 1—emissions from transport of greenhouse gas substances not
involving transfer
62 Section 3.92
Omit “carbon dioxide” (wherever occurring), substitute “greenhouse gas substance”.
63 At the end of Part 3.4
Division 3.4.3—Injection of greenhouse gas substances
3.93 Application
This Division applies to fugitive emissions of greenhouse gas substances from
the injection of a greenhouse gas substance captured for permanent storage into a
geological formation.
For the meaning of captured for permanent storage, see section 1.19A.
3.94 Available methods
(1) For estimating fugitive emissions of greenhouse gas substances released during a
year from the injection of a greenhouse gas substance captured for permanent
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
Carbon capture and storage Schedule 2
storage into a geological formation, the methods set out in this section must be
Process vents, system upsets and accidents
(2) Method 2 under section 3.95 must be used for estimating fugitive emissions of
greenhouse gas substances that result from deliberate releases from process
vents, system upsets and accidents.
Fugitive emissions of greenhouse gas substances other than from process vents,
system upsets and accidents
(3) One of the following methods must be used for estimating fugitive emissions of
greenhouse gas substances from the injection of a greenhouse gas substance
captured for permanent storage into a geological formation that are not the result
of deliberate releases from process vents, system upsets and accidents:
(a) method 2 under section 3.96;
(b) method 3 under section 3.97.
There is no method 1, 3 or 4 for subsection (2) and no method 1 or 4 for subsection (3).
Subdivision—Fugitive emissions from deliberate releases from
process vents, system upsets and accidents
3.95 Method 2—Fugitive emissions from deliberate releases from process vents,
system upsets and accidents
Method 2 is the same as the approach mentioned in section 5.7.1 of the API
Subdivision—Fugitive emissions from injection of greenhouse gas
substances (other than emissions from deliberate releases from
process vents, system upsets and accidents)
3.96 Method 2—Fugitive emissions from injection of a greenhouse gas substance
into a geological formation (other than deliberate releases from
process vents, system upsets and accidents)
(1) Method 2 is:
Eij =
 Qik × EFijk 
EFijk is the emission factor (j) measured in CO2-e tonnes that passes through
each equipment type (k) mentioned in section 6.1 of the API Compendium, if the
equipment type was used in the injection of a greenhouse gas substance into the
geological formation.
Eij is the fugitive emissions (j) from the injection of a greenhouse gas substance
into a geological formation during the reporting year, measured in CO2-e tonnes.
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
Schedule 2 Carbon capture and storage
Σk is the emissions (j) measured in CO2-e tonnes and estimated by summing up
the emissions released from each equipment type (k) mentioned in section 6.1 of
the API Compendium, if the equipment type was used in the injection of a
greenhouse gas substance into the geological formation.
Qik is the total of the quantities of greenhouse gas substances measured in tonnes
that pass through each equipment type (k) mentioned in section 6.1 of the API
Compendium, if the equipment type was used in the injection of a greenhouse
gas substance into the geological formation.
(2) For EFijk in subsection (1), the emission factors are:
(a) the emission factors listed for the equipment type in section 6.1 of the API
Compendium; or
(b) if the manufacturer of the equipment supplies equipment specific emissions
factors for the equipment type—those factors.
3.97 Method 3—Fugitive emissions from injection of greenhouse gas substances
(other than deliberate releases from process vents, system upsets and
Method 3 is the same as an approach mentioned in Appendix C to the API
For this method, any approach mentioned in Appendix C to the API Compendium may
be used.
Division 3.4.4—Storage of greenhouse gas substances
3.98 Application
This Division applies to fugitive emissions of greenhouse gas substances from
geological formations used for storage of a greenhouse gas substance captured
for permanent storage.
For the meaning of captured for permanent storage, see section 1.19A.
3.99 Available method
For estimating fugitive emissions of greenhouse gas substances released during a
year from a geological formation used for the permanent storage of a greenhouse
gas substance, method 2 set out in section 3.100 must be used.
There is no method 1, 3 or 4 for this Division.
Subdivision—Fugitive emissions from geological formations used
for the storage of greenhouse gas substance
3.100 Method 2—Fugitive emissions from geological formations used for the
storage of greenhouse gas substances
(1) Method 2 is:
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
Carbon capture and storage Schedule 2
Ccst = Cost + Qinj - Eco 2
Ccst is the closing stock of a greenhouse gas substance in the geological
formation for the reporting year, measured in CO2-e tonnes.
Cost is the opening stock of a greenhouse gas substance in the geological
formation for the reporting year determined in accordance with subsection (2)
and measured in CO2-e tonnes.
ECO2 is the fugitive emissions of greenhouse gas substances during the reporting
year from the geological storage formation, determined in accordance with
subsection (3), measured in CO2-e tonnes.
Qinj is the quantity of greenhouse gas substances injected into the geological
formation during the reporting year, measured in CO2-e tonnes.
For the factor Ccst, the closing stock of greenhouse gas substances in the geological
formation for the reporting year is derived in accordance with this subsection from the
opening stock of greenhouse gas substances determined in accordance with
subsection (2), the quantity of greenhouse gas substances injected into the geological
formation during the reporting year, and estimates of fugitive emissions of greenhouse
gas substances determined in accordance with subsection (3).
(2) For the factor Cost in subsection (1), the opening stock of greenhouse gas
substances in the geological formation for the reporting year is:
(a) for the first reporting year in which this method is used to calculate fugitive
emissions—zero; and
(b) for each reporting year other than the first reporting year—the closing
stock of greenhouse gas substances in the geological formation for the
previous reporting year, determined in accordance with subsection (1).
(3) For the factor ECO2, fugitive emissions from geological formations used for the
permanent storage of greenhouse gas substances are to be estimated from data
obtained for monitoring and verification obligations under a licence, lease or
approval mentioned in section 1.19A (meaning of captured for permanent
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
Schedule 3 Biological treatment of solid waste
Schedule 3—Biological treatment of solid waste
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement)
Determination 2008
1 Section 1.8
biological treatment of solid waste:
(a) means an alternative waste treatment activity consisting of a composting or
anaerobic digestion process in which organic matter in solid waste is
broken down by microorganisms; but
(b) does not include solid waste disposal in a landfill.
Chapter 5 (waste) deals with solid waste disposal in a landfill as well as the biological
treatment of solid waste (whether at a landfill or at a facility elsewhere).
2 Paragraph 1.3(4)(d)
After “landfill”, insert “or other facilities,”.
3 Subsection 1.10(1)
Omit “column 3”, substitute “the column headed ‘Source of emissions’”.
4 Subsection 1.10(1) (after table item 4A)
Biological treatment of solid waste
5 Section 5.2
Repeal the section, substitute:
5.2 Application
(1) This Part applies to emissions released from:
(a) the decomposition of organic material from:
(i) solid waste disposal in a landfill; or
(ii) the biological treatment of solid waste at a landfill or at a facility
elsewhere; and
(b) flaring of landfill gas.
(2) This Part does not apply to solid waste disposal in a landfill unless:
(a) the landfill was open for the acceptance of waste on and after 1 July 2012;
(b) during a year, the landfill emits more than 10 000 tonnes of CO2-e from
solid waste disposal in the landfill.
(3) This Part does not apply to the biological treatment of solid waste at a facility
(whether at a landfill or at a facility elsewhere) unless, during a year, the facility
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
Biological treatment of solid waste Schedule 3
emits more than 10 000 tonnes of CO2-e from the biological treatment of solid
waste at the facility.
6 Subsection 5.3(1)
Omit “Subject to section 1.18 for emissions released from the operation of a facility
that is constituted by a landfill during a year:”, substitute “For the purposes of this
Part, subject to section 1.18, for estimating emissions released from the operation of a
facility (including a facility that is a landfill) during a year:”.
7 Paragraphs 5.3(a) and (b)
Omit “the landfill”, substitute “a landfill”.
8 Paragraphs 5.3(1)(c) and (d)
Omit “at the landfill”, substitute “at the facility”.
9 Section 5.22 (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
5.22 Method 1—emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from biological
treatment of solid waste
10 Subsections 5.22(1) and (2)
Omit “landfill” (wherever occurring), substitute “facility”.
11 Section 5.22AA (heading)
Repeal the heading, substitute:
5.22AA Method 4—emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from biological
treatment of solid waste
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)
Schedule 4 Application and transitional
Schedule 4—Application and transitional
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement)
Determination 2008
1 Chapter 9
Insert in their appropriate numerical positions:
9.3 Amendments made by the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting
(Measurement) Amendment Determination 2015 (No. 1)
(1) The amendments made by Schedule 1 to the National Greenhouse and Energy
Reporting (Measurement) Amendment Determination 2015 (No. 1) apply in
relation to the financial year starting on 1 July 2015 and later financial years.
(2) This section is repealed on 1 November 2015.
9.4 Amendments made by the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting
(Measurement) Amendment Determination 2015 (No. 2)
(1) The amendments made by Schedules 1 and 2 to the National Greenhouse and
Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment Determination 2015 (No. 2) apply
in relation to the financial year starting on 1 July 2015 and later financial years.
(2) This section is repealed on 1 November 2015.
2 Chapter 9
Insert in its appropriate numerical position:
9.5 Amendments made by the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting
(Measurement) Amendment Determination 2015 (No. 2)
(1) The amendments made by Schedule 3 to the National Greenhouse and Energy
Reporting (Measurement) Amendment Determination 2015 (No. 2) apply in
relation to the financial year starting on 1 July 2016 and later financial years.
(2) This section is repealed on 1 November 2016.
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (Measurement) Amendment
Determination 2015 (No. 2)