
CH 204 General Chemistry Lab Report Rubric
(~ ½ page)
5 - Outstanding
Expt. # _______
4 - Accomplished
 Cohesive, concise, well-written;
 Well-written; provides an
provides a proper context for the
adequate but incomplete context
for the experiment
 Clearly relates the relevant scientific  Relating the relevant scientific
principles to the experimental
principles to the experimental
purpose needs improvement
 Relevant mathematical relationships  Some relevant equations/
with defined variables and balanced
reactions are integrated into this
chemical reactions are integrated
into text
Name: ______________________________
3 - Developing
(1-2) - Incomplete
 Provides some good information
 Incoherent
 Misses the mark on relating
relevant scientific principles to
the experimental purpose
 Equations/reactions may be
included, but they are incorrect,
irrelevant, or poorly defined
 Little background is provided or
the information is incorrect
___ x ___
 Equations/reactions are not
(~ ½ page)
 Concise, cohesive, well-written
 Narrative includes most funda Narrative is missing key
narrative of all fundamental steps
mental steps needed to conduct
experimental steps and provides
that were needed to conduct the
the experiment; most information
insignificant procedural details
experiment; information that can be
that can be assumed by peers is
assumed by peers is omitted
omitted; flow can be improved
 Lab manual and/or primary
 Lab manual and/or primary
 Lab manual and or/ primary
literature is properly cited.
literature is properly cited.
literature is improperly cited
 Narrative is incoherent and
little experimental information
is provided
 All visual data representations (e.g.
tables, figures, graphs) are correctly
constructed, numbered and contain
descriptive captions/ titles
 The significance of each
representation is provided in the
text prior to the figure/table
 The section is well-organized and
easy to interpret
 Calculations are properly described
in the text
 Correct sample calculations with
proper labels and correct significant
figures are provided in carbon copy
and Excel attachments
___ x ___
 Lab manual and/or primary
literature is not cited
(~ 1 – 2
 All visual representations of data
are included with minor formatting improvements needed
 Some important visual
representations of data are
missing or poorly formatted
 Many important visual
representations of data are
missing or poorly formatted
 The significance of each
representation is sometimes
provided prior to the figure/table
 The section is adequately
organized and interpretable
 Calculations are described in the
text but may have minor flaws
 Appropriate and properly labeled
sample calculations are provided
in carbon copy and/or Excel
attachments, but have minor flaws
in significant figures
 The significance of each
representation is occasionally
provided prior to the figure/table
 The section has unclear organization and is partially interpretable
 Calculations are not described in
the text
 Incorrectly performed and
labeled sample calculations are
provided in carbon copy and/or
Excel attachments
 The significance of each
representation is not provided
prior to the figure/table
 The section is poorly organized
and not interpretable
 Calculations are not described
in the text
 No sample calculations are
provided in attachments
___ x ___
(~ 1 – 2
5 - outstanding
 All important trends and data
comparisons, including relative
errors to known quantities and
critical error analysis have been
discussed and interpreted
 A good understanding of the
results is conveyed
 A clear connection is made
between experimental work and
theory/principles explaining the
 All important conclusions have
been clearly made with good
4 - accomplished
3 - developing
(1-2) - incomplete
 Most important trends and data  Some important trends and
comparisons, including relative
data comparisons have been
errors and error analysis have
discussed and interpreted
been discussed and interpreted
 Incomplete interpretation of
trends and data comparisons
indicates a lack of
understanding of results
 A reasonable understanding of  Partial understanding of the
the results is conveyed
results is conveyed
 The connections made between  An incomplete connection is
experimental work and
made between experimental
theory/principles could be
work and theory/principles
explaining the work
 All important conclusions have  Conclusions regarding major
been made but could be better
points have been misstated,
indicating a lack of
 No understanding of the
results is conveyed
 No connection is made
between experimental work
and theory/principles
explaining the work
 Conclusions have been
drawn that are not germane
to the experiment or
improperly supported
___ x ___
 All grammar & spelling is correct
 The report is written in a
 The flow of the report is rough  The report lacks flow,
and the report is very well-written
cohesive manner with fewer
in spots with occasional
contains frequent
than three grammar or spelling
grammatical or spelling errors
grammatical and spelling
 Written completely in past tense  Written in past tense with two  Not completely in past tense
 Not written in past tense
or fewer exceptions
 All sections are in order and well-  All sections are in order with a  The report is formatted in an
 The report is formatted in an
formatted (headings, margins,
few minor formatting errors
inconsistent manner
inconsistent manner
fonts, spacing, no
widows/orphans, etc.)
___ x ___
 The carbon copy of the students’
appropriately written pre-lab is
turned in on time
 Laboratory notebook record is
complete and neatly written;
carbon copies of all notebook
pages are attached to report
 A carbon copy of an adequately  A carbon copy of a poorly
 No carbon copy of the prewritten pre-lab is turned in on
constructed pre-lab is turned
lab is turned in on time
in on time
 Laboratory notebook record
 Laboratory notebook record is  Laboratory notebook record
contains all data acquired in lab
missing some information and
is incomplete and illegible;
and is legible; carbon copies of
is difficult to read; carbon
carbon copies of some
all notebook pages are attached
copies of notebook pages are
notebook pages are attached
to report
attached to report
to the report
___ x ___