Reference gene stability in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells determined by qPCR and NanoString Lars Radke1,2, Christoph Giese3, Annika Lubitz3, Stephan Hinderlich4, Grit Sandig4, Michael Hummel2 and Marcus Frohme1 1University of Applied Sciences Wildau (15745) GERMANY, 2Charité Berlin (12203) GERMANY, 3ProBioGen AG Berlin (13086) GERMANY, 4Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin (13353) GERMANY MIQE checklist (E): Essential Information (D): Desired Information Experimental design Definition of experimental and control groups (E) 12 Samples in two experimental set-ups: 6 samples from experiment with PBMC 6 samples from experiment with PBMC+mDC In each subset 1 sample is unstimulated (NC), 1 sample is stimulated with LPS (PC) and 4 samples are stimulated with vaccine preparations from derived from CHO cells (three different concentrations) or SF9 cells (1 concentration) (for further information see M&M part). Number within each group (E) Due to limited amounts of vaccine and high costs of cell culturing in a special reactor (human artifical lymph node reactor) sample material is limited. Therefore, the number within each group is one. Assay carried out by the core or investigator’s laboratory? (D) Vaccine preparations were generated at the Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Berlin and at the ProBioGen AG, Berlin. Cell Culture took place in Laboratories of the ProBioGen AG, Berlin. Assays were conducted at the University of Applied Sciences Wildau, in the Laboratory for Molecular Biotechnology and Functional Genomics. NanoString experiments were conducted at the NanoString Technologies Inc. in Seattle (WA), USA. Acknowledgment of authors’ contributions (D) Vaccine preparations from SF9 cells were generated by Stephan Hinderlich and Grit Sandig (Beuth University of Applied Sciences, Berlin). Vaccine preparations from CHO cells, cell culture experiment and freezing of cells were conducted by Christoph Giese and Annika Lubitz (ProBioGen AG, Berlin). All sample extraction from frozen cells and qPCR assays were performed by Lars Radke and Marcus Frohme (University of Applied Sciences Wildau). Sample Description (E) Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) from whole blood or leukocyte concentrate of adult, healthy donors were stimulated with vaccine preparations (RSV-F Protein, see M&M part). Cells were harvested after 24 hours of stimulation. mRNA was extracted and reverse transcribed. cDNA was used for gene expression analysis determination in qPCR and NanoString experiments. Samples are assigned in accordance to their origin (PBMC or PBMC+mDC), their stimulation and the concentration of the stimulant. Volume/mass of sample processed (D) 3*106 cells (PBMC) and 1.5*106 cells (PBMC+mDC) were cultured per stimulation. Ca. 5*105 cells were used for mRNA preparations from each stimulation type. Microdissection or macrodissection (E) PBMCs were derived from whole blood or leukocyte concentrate of adult, healthy donors. Processing procedure (E) For cell culture procedure see M&M part. Total-RNA was isolated from stimulated cells. After control of the concentration, purity and quality of the samples were reverse transcribed. mRNA was stored until used in qPCR or shipped for analysis with an nCounter® Gene Expression assay (NanoString Technologies). If frozen, how and how quickly? (E) Cryoconservation of cells was performed immediately after collection and washing in cold medium with 10% DMSO, 30% FCS and 60% RPMI 1640 final concentration. The vials were then transferred into a pre-cooled (4°C) cryocontainer filled with isopropyl alcohol and placed in a −80°C freezer overnight (cooling rate 1°C). Thereafter vials were stored in a nitrogen vapor phase. Cultured Cells were frozen in RNAprotect Cell Reagent (Qiagen) at -80°C. If fixed, with what and how quickly? (E) Samples were not fixed. Sample storage conditions and duration (especially for FFPE samples) (E) Cryoconserved cells were stored in nitrogen vapor phase for up to 4 weeks. Stimulated cells were stored at -156°C for less than a month. Aliquots of extracted total-RNA samples were stored at -80°C for 4 weeks. Nucleic acid extraction Procedure and/or instrumentation (E) Isolation of total-RNA from stimulated cells was carried out with a commercial kit and standard laboratory equipment. Name of kit and details of any modifications (E) We used the High Pure RNA Isolation Kit (Roche) and performed the RNA-isolation as described by the manufacturer. Source of additional reagents used (D) We did not use any additional reagents. Details of DNase or RNase treatment (E) We used DNase I which was included in the High Pure RNA Isolation Kit (Roche). Contamination assessment (DNA or RNA) (E) All samples were analyzed with a Nanodrop 1000. The ratio of the absorbance at 260 nm and 280 nm was used to assess the purity of the RNA. Nucleic acid quantification (E) We used the Nanodrop 1000 for mRNA quantification and analyzed 1.5 µl of sample. Instrument and method (E) Nanodrop 1000 (Nanodrop Instruments). Nucleic Acid method with RNA-40 as sample type. Purity (A260/A280) (D) We assessed the purity with the Nanodrop 1000 directly after total-RNA isolation: sample name: A260/A280: PBMC NC 2.10 PBMC LPS 2.12 PBMC CHO 1.0 2.06 PBMC CHO 0.1 2.08 PBMC CHO 0.01 2.08 PBMC SF9 1.0 2.14 PBMC+mDC NC 2.18 PBMC+mDC LPS 2.14 PBMC+mDC CHO 1.0 2.09 PBMC+mDC CHO 0.1 2.11 PBMC+mDC CHO 0.01 2.07 PBMC+mDC SF9 1.0 2.10 All samples were analyzed a second time at the NanoString Technology Laboratory before measuring them with the nCounter® Gene Expression assay: sample name: A260/A280: PBMC NC 2.01 PBMC LPS 2.08 PBMC CHO 1.0 1.90 PBMC CHO 0.1 1.96 PBMC CHO 0.01 2.05 PBMC SF9 1.0 1.99 PBMC+mDC NC 1.98 PBMC+mDC LPS 2.06 PBMC+mDC CHO 1.0 2.10 PBMC+mDC CHO 0.1 2.07 PBMC+mDC CHO 0.01 2.05 PBMC+mDC SF9 1.0 2.08 Yield (D) We assessed the yield with the Nanodrop 1000 directly after total-RNA isolation: sample name: Yield [ng/µl] PBMC NC 50.76 PBMC LPS 37.65 PBMC CHO 1.0 48.60 PBMC CHO 0.1 42.41 PBMC CHO 0.01 42.70 PBMC SF9 1.0 50.30 PBMC+mDC NC 100.18 PBMC+mDC LPS 98.62 PBMC+mDC CHO 1.0 121.65 PBMC+mDC CHO 0.1 81.87 PBMC+mDC CHO 0.01 75.26 PBMC+mDC SF9 1.0 124.1 RNA integrity: method/instrument (E) We assessed the RNA integrity with the Bioanalyzer 2100 (Agilent Technology) with a RNA pico 6000 assay as described by the manufacturer. RIN/RQI or Cq of 3and 5 transcripts (E) The following RIN values were determined: sample name: RIN PBMC NC 9.50 PBMC LPS 9.50 PBMC CHO 1.0 8.60 PBMC CHO 0.1 8.80 PBMC CHO 0.01 9.00 PBMC SF9 1.0 9.50 PBMC+mDC NC 8.80 PBMC+mDC LPS 9.10 PBMC+mDC CHO 1.0 8.70 PBMC+mDC CHO 0.1 8.90 PBMC+mDC CHO 0.01 8.70 PBMC+mDC SF9 1.0 8.70 Electrophoresis traces (D) Due to limited sample material we did not perform gel electrophoresis with the RNA extracts. Instead we can supply the pseudo gel images from the Bioanalyzer runs: Rev erse tran scrip tion Com plete reac tion cond ition s (E) Rev erse tran scription was conducted with Maxima Reverse Transcriptase (Fermentas, now Thermo) and in accordance to the protocol of the manufacturer. In short: Template, Primer and dNTPs were mixed and incubated at 65°C to melt any possible secondary structure. To each sample 5.5 µl of mastermix were added, which contained 5x RT Buffer, RiboLock RNase Inhibitor and Maxima Reverse Transcriptase. Samples were incubated at 25°C and 50°C and the reaction was terminated by heating at 85°C for 5 min. Amount of RNA and reaction volume (E) From each sample 450 ng were reverse transcribed in a 20 µl reaction. Priming oligonucleotide (if using GSP) and concentration (E) We used random hexamer primer instead of Gene-specific Primers. Reverse transcriptase and concentration (E) 1 µl (200 U) Maxima Reverse Transcriptase (Fermentas, now Thermo) were added within the Mastermix to the total reaction volue of 20 µl. Temperature and time (E) - pre-incubation of total-RNA: 65°C for 5 min - immediatly storage on ice (for addition of mastermix) - reverse transcription at 25°C for 10 min followed by 50°C for 30 min - termination of reaction at 85°C for 5 min Manufacturer of reagents and catalogue numbers (D) Primer: Thermo Scientific dNTP: Thermo Fisher 5x RT Buffer Fermentas, now Thermo, #EP0742 Ribolock RNase Inhibitor: Fermentas, now Thermo, #EO0381 Maxima reverse transcriptase: Fermentas, now Thermo, #EP0742 Cq s with and without reverse transcription (D) not examined. Storage conditions of cDNA (D) Alliquots of the cDNA were stored at -80°C. qPCR target information Gene symbol (E) Sequence accession number (E) Amplicon length (E) ALAS1 NM_000688 148 bp B2M NM_004048 146 bp GAPDH NM_002046 112 bp HPRT1 NM_000194 178 bp POLR2A NM_000937 176 bp POLR2F NM_021974 157 bp PPIA NM_021130 115 bp SDHA NM_004168 144 bp TBP NM_003194 200 bp CCL5 NM_002985 199 bp IL12b NM_002187 122 bp TLR3 NM_003265 75 bp In silico specificity screen (BLAST, and so on) (E) See Appendix Blast. Pseudogenes, retropseudogenes, or other homologs? (D) There are 29 pseudogenes known for PPIA (PPIAP1-PPIAP29) Location of each primer by exon or intron (if applicable) (E) Gene Exon Forward Primer Exon Reverse Primer ALAS1 10 11/12 B2M 2 4 GAPDH 1 2/3 HPRT1 7/8 9 POLR2A 19 20 POLR2F 2/3 4 PPIA 4 4/5 SDHA 5/6 6 TBP 7/8 8 CCL5 1 2/3 IL12b 5/6 6 TLR3 4 4 What splice variants are targeted? (E) We used ensembl ( to get the sequences for our primer design. We used protein coding transcripts only with highest coverage of exons from all listed transcripts. qPCR oligonucleotides Primer sequences (E) Gene Forward Primer Reverse Primer ALAS1 TGTGATGAACTAATGAGCAGAC GTGACTAGCAGATTCTCAAGG B2M ACTGGTCTTTCTATCTCTTGTACT CTTCAAACCTCCATGATGCT GAPDH CTCTGCTCCTCCTGTTCGAC ACGACCAAATCCGTTGACTC HPRT1 AGCCAGACTTTGTTGGATTT ACTCAACTTGAACTCTCATCTTAG POLR2A CAGATGACCTTGAATACCTTCC GCACAGAATATCCTTGGCTC POLR2F PPIA AATGCCGAAGAGGGAAGGCCA CAGGGGCACACATCGCAATC TGAGAACTTCATCCTAAAGCATAC CATCCAACCACTCAGTCTTG TATATGGAAGGTCTCTGCGA GTGTTCTTTGCTCTTATGCG TATTAACAGGTGCTAAAGTCAGAG AACTCAACATCCATCTTCTCAC TACCATGAAGGTCTCCGC GACAAAGACGACTGCTGG GGACATCATCAAACCTGACC AGGGAGAAGTAGGAATGTGG TGGTTGGGCCACCTAGAAGTA TCTCCATTCCTGGCCTGTG SDHA TBP CCL5 IL12b TLR3 RTPrimerDB identification number (D) We used 2 Primer pairs from RTPrimerDB. CCL5: ID 1650 TLR3: ID 3919 Probe sequences not applicable (SYBR Green Assay) Location and identity of any modifications (E) We did not add any modification to the primers. Manufacturer of oligonucleotides (D) Thermo Scientific ( Purification method (D) HPLC qPCR protocol Complete reaction conditions (E) qPCR was performed on the LightCycler 480 (Roche) in 384 well plates. 5 pmol of equimolar Primermix in 1 µl were placed on the bottom of each well and dried up by placing the plate for 30 min into a heating block. Samples were 1:50 diluted with double autoclaved DEPC treated water. Mastermixes containing 5 µl of LightCycler® 480 SYBR Green I Master (Roche) and 5 µl of sample for each reaction were mixed together and 10 µl were pipetted into the wells. qPCR experiments were conducted in triplicates under the following conditions: 10 min of pre-incubation at 95°C followed by 45 amplification cycles with 10 sec at 95°C, 60°C for 10 sec and 72°C for 15 sec followed by melting curve acquisition from 65°C to 97°C with a ramp rate of 0.11°C per sec. Reaction volume and amount of cDNA/DNA (E) Reaction volume: 10µl with 9ng of cDNA. Primer, (probe), Mg2, and dNTP concentrations (E) 5 pmol of equimolar Primermix in 1 µl were placed on the bottom of each well and dried up by placing the plate for 30 min into a heating block. The concentration of MgCl2 and dNTP within the LightCycler® 480 SYBR Green I Master is not stated. The dNTP mix contains dUTP instead of dNTP. Polymerase identity and concentration (E) LightCycler® 480 SYBR Green I Master (Roche) contains „FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase“. A concentration is not stated. Buffer/kit identity and manufacturer (E) LightCycler® 480 SYBR Green I Master (Roche) Exact chemical composition of the buffer (D) Not given in product sheet. Additives (SYBR Green I, DMSO, and so forth) (E) We used the LightCycler® 480 SYBR Green I Master (Roche) and did not add any other additives. Manufacturer of plates/tubes and catalog number (D) LightCycler®480Multiwell Plate 384 (Roche, #04729 749 001) Tubes (A. Hartenstein Gesellschaft für Labor- und Medizintechnik mbH, Würzburg, Germany) Complete thermocycling parameters (E) pre-incubation 10 min at 95°C 45 amplification cycles: 10 sec at 95°C, 60°C for 10 sec 72°C for 15 sec melting curve acquisition from 65°C to 97°C with a ramp rate of 0.11°C per sec. Reaction setup (manual/robotic) (D) Assay were pipetted manually. Manufacturer of qPCR instrument (E) LightCycler® 480 (Roche). qPCR validation Specificity (gel, sequence, melt, or digest) (E) See Appendix “Melting Curves”. For SYBR Green I, Cq of the NTC (E) Means of NTC of all assayed genes are listed below. LightCycler 480 Software marks negative amplification curves with a Cq value of 40. Mean Cqs that are lower than 40 are usually at least about 10 Cq higher than the latest positive amplification. Gene Mean Cq of NTC Gene Mean Cq of NTC ALAS1 40.0 PPIA 36.7 B2M 40.0 SDHA 40.0 GAPDH 40.0 TBP 40.0 HPRT1 40.0 CCL5 39.62 POLR2A 40.0 IL12b 34.10 POLR2F 32.0 TLR3 40.0 Calibration curves with slope and y intercept (E), PCR efficiency calculated from slope (E), CIs for PCR efficiency or SE (D), r2 of calibration curve (E), Linear dynamic range (E) Gene Slope Y intercept Efficiency error r2 Linear Dynamic range (in ng of cDNA) ALAS1 -3.874 26.02 1.812 0.009 0.982 12 ng -0.75 ng B2M -3.634 16.60 1.884 0.040 0.922 12 ng -0.75 ng GAPDH -3.616 13.85 1.890 0.037 0.965 12 ng -0.75 ng HPRT1 -3.380 23.46 1.976 0.013 0.971 12 ng -0.75 ng POLR2A -3.563 15.92 1.906 0.028 0.945 9 ng – 0.0145 ng POLR2F -3.461 21.59 1.945 0.009 0.982 12 ng -0.75 ng PPIA -4.128 20.82 1.747 0.020 0.960 12 ng -0.75 ng SDHA -3.561 18.30 1.909 0.024 0.953 12 ng -0.0469 ng TBP -3.584 26.22 1.818 0.013 0.975 12 ng -0.75 ng CCL5 -3.896 19.15 1.806 0.033 0.935 12 ng -0.0469 ng IL12b -3.471 20.09 1.941 0.028 0.945 12 ng -0.1875 ng TLR3 -3.425 27.05 1.959 0.031 0.939 12 ng -0.75 ng Cq variation at LOD (E), Evidence for LOD (E) LOD was not determined for all primer pairs, since reference genes are expressed constitutively and biological expression range is within the determined linear range. Exemplary, for one gene (POLR2A) the standard deviation for 0.0145 ng of input material (1:41250 fold dilution of 600 ng cDNA) was 0.71. Standard Deviation for target genes were 0.60 (CCL5), 0.03 (IL12b) and 0.50 (TLR3). If multiplex, efficiency and LOD of each assay (E) Assays were not performed in multiplex. Data analysis qPCR analysis program (source, version) (E) LightCycler® 480 Software release 1.5.0 Version GenEx, multid Analyses Method of Cq determination (E) 2nd derivative maximum within LightCycler® 480 Software. Outlier identification and disposition (E) Test for Outlier in GenEx (multid Analyses) Results for NTCs (E) LightcCycler 480 Software assigns a Cq value of 40 to negative amplification curves. Mean Cqs that differ from 40 are usually at least about 10 Cq higher than the latest positive amplification. Justification of number and choice of reference genes (E) 9 Reference Genes: ALAS1, B2M, GAPDH, HPRT1, POLR2A, POLR2F, PPIA, SDHA, TBP Choice of reference genes that were used for target gene normalization relied on comparison of results from GeNorm, Normfinder and Bestkeeper. Description of normalization method (E) Normalization of target genes with geometric mean of PPIA, SDHA and TBP or B2M, GAPDH and POLR2A. Number and stage (reverse transcription or qPCR) of technical replicates (E) 3 technical replicates within the qPCR. Repeatability (intraassay variation) (E) The standard deviation of the technical replicates within one assay range from 0.0 to 0.48 (mean: 0.11; median: 0.06) Statistical methods for results significance (E) Little applicable in the context of the paper. Software (source, version) (E) LightCycler® 480 Software release 1.5.0 Version GenEx, multid Analyses