1 Supporting Information 2 3 Available cross-taxa comparisons: 4 Table S1. List of available cross-taxa comparisons for concordance analyses. Year Number of 2000 2001 sampling sites Cross-taxa comparison Fish - macrophytes 20 Fish - benthic macroinvertebrates 20 Fish - zooplankton 20 Fish - phytoplankton 19 Fish - periphyton 19 Macrophytes - benthic macroinvertebrates 36 Macrophytes - zooplankton 36 Macrophytes - phytoplankton 30 Benthic Macroinvertebrates - zooplankton 36 Benthic Macroinvertebrates - phytoplankton 30 Benthic Macroinvertebrates - periphyton Zooplankton - phytoplankton Zooplankton - periphyton 32 Phytoplankton - periphyton 32 5 6 1 32 30 7 Detailed description of sampling data: 8 Fish community 9 Fish were sampled through experimental fishery using gillnets with 11 different mesh sizes (2.4, 3, 10 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 cm mesh) exposed for 24 h with samplings at 08:00 am, 04:00 pm, 11 and 10:00 pm. Abundance was expressed in CPUE (individuals × 24 hours/1000m2gillnet). 12 Specimens were counted and taxonomically identified in the field. When identification was not 13 possible, they were labeled and preserved in 4% formaldehyde solution for further identification. 14 Aquatic macrophyte community 15 In each lake, aquatic macrophytes species were recorded from a boat moving at low and constant 16 velocity along the whole margin. Submersed plants were sampled from the boat with a grapnel 17 during 10 minutes. Only presence/absence data are available for this community. 18 Benthic macroinvertebrate community 19 In each sampling lake, nine sediment samples (three in each margin and three in the middle of 20 each lake) were collected to sample benthic macroinvertebrates. For that, we used a Petersen’s 21 grab modified for benthic samples. Sediments were washed in nets of different mesh sizes (2.0 22 mm, 1 mm, and 0.2 mm mesh). Organisms retained in the nets were immediately transferred to 23 plastic bottles with 4% formaldehyde solution for further identification to the lowest taxonomic 24 level possible. The total number of individuals of each taxon was used as abundance data. 25 Zooplankton community 26 Zooplankton samples were obtained by pumping 600 L of water over a 70 µm mesh net. Sampled 27 material was transferred to labeled polyethylene bottles with 4% formaldehyde cold solution and 28 calcium carbonate buffer for further identification. Abundance was calculated by counting the 29 individuals in a Sedgwick-Rafter in three sub-samples taken with a Stempel pipette. Final densities 30 were expressed as individuals/m3. 2 31 Phytoplankton community 32 Phytoplankton samples were taken from the surface in the central region of the lake. Van Dorn 33 samplers were used, and samples were transferred to amber bottles with 5% acetic Lugol solution 34 for further identification. Phytoplankton abundance was estimated in a Carl Zeiss inverted 35 microscope (Axiovert 135), after sedimentation in Utermöhl chambers (Utermöhl, 1958), 36 following APHA methods (APHA 1985). Results were expressed in individuals (cells, coenobia, 37 colonies or filaments) per milliliter. 38 Periphyton community 39 The periphyton community was sampled from petioles of Eichhornia azurea Kunth in the mature 40 stage, as this macrophyte was best represented in most environments on the Upper Paraná River 41 floodplain. For that, we sampled three petioles of E. azurea per lake, each one from a different 42 macrophyte stand chosen randomly along the lake. The periphyton removed from the substratum 43 was fixed and preserved in 0.5% acetic Lugol. Organisms were quantified using a Carl Zeiss 44 (Axiovert 135) inverted microscope, after sedimentation in Utermöhl chambers (Utermöhl 1958), 45 following APHA methods (APHA, 1985). Abundance was expressed in individuals/cm2. 46 Environmental variables 47 The following limnological variables were obtained from each lake: depth (m); water temperature 48 (°C, using a thermometer attached to a thermistor); dissolved oxygen (mg/L), using a YSI portable 49 digital oximeter; water transparency (m), using a Secchi disk 0.30 m in diameter; pH and electric 50 conductivity (µS/cm), through portable digital potentiometers; total alkalinity (mg/L CaCO3) 51 estimated through the “Gran” method (Carmouze, 1994), using 0.01N H2SO4; turbidity (NTU), 52 measured using a LaMotte 2008 portable digital turbidimeter; total nitrogen concentration (µg/L) 53 following Zagatto et al. (1982); total phosphorus concentration (µg/L) following Mackereth, 54 Heron & Talling (1978); chlorophyll-a (µg/L), using an aliquot of water filtered through Whatman 3 55 GF/C filters (Golterman, Clymo & Ohnstad, 1978); total suspended matter (mg/L), using another 56 aliquot of water filtered through filters previously combusted in a muffle furnace at 550 °C for 4 h; 57 and dissolved organic carbon (mg/L), estimated in filtered water in a Shimadzu Total Organic 58 Carbon 5000 analyzer. 59 60 References 61 APHA. 1985. Standard methods for the examination of water and waste-water. Washington, 1268 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 p. Carmouze, J. P. 1994. O metabolismo dos ecossistemas aquáticos: fundamentos teóricos, métodos de estudo e análises químicas. Edgar Blucher, FAPESP, São Paulo, Brazil. Golterman, H. L., Clymo, R. S. & Ohnstad, M. A. M. 1978. Methods for physical and chemical analysis of freshwaters. IBP Handbook no. 8. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, UK. Mackereth, F. Y. H., Heron J. G. & Talling, J. J. 1978. Water analysis some revised methods for limnologist. Freshwater Biological Association, Ambleside, UK. Utermöhl, H. 1958. Zur Vervollkomrnnung ver quantitativen PhytoplanktonMethodic. Mitteilungen Internationale Vereinigung für Limnologie 9: 1-38. 71 Zagatto, E. A. G., Jacintho, A .O., Reis, B. F., Krug, F. J., Bergamin, H., Pessenda, L. C. R., 72 Mortatti, J. & Giné, M. F. 1982. Manual de análises de plantas empregando sistemas de 73 1982. CENA/USP, Piracicaba, Brazil. 74 4 75 Environmental variables across habitat types and subsystems in each sampling period: 76 Biological and environmental features of the Upper Paraná River floodplain have been extensively 77 studied since the 80’ (Thomaz, Agostinho & Hahn, 2004). We found a large variability in the 78 different variables analyzed by us (Table S2). As a general trend, habitats associated to the three 79 subsystems (Baía River, Paraná River and Ivinheima River subsystems) are heterogeneous 80 according both biological and limnological characteristics (Thomaz, Agostinho & Hahn, 2004). 81 Moreover, abiotic characteristics vary among habitat types (lakes permanent connected to the main 82 river, lakes connected to the main river during floods, and river channels) within each subsystem 83 (Padial et al., 2012). 84 85 References 86 Padial, A. A., Siqueira, T. S., Heino, J., Vieira, L. C. G., Bonecker, C. C., Lansac-Tôha, F. A., 87 Rodrigues, L. C., Takeda, A. M., Train, S., Velho, L. F. M. & Bini, L. M. 2012. Relationships 88 between multiple biological groups and classification schemes in a Neotropical floodplain. 89 Ecological Indicators 13: 55-65. 90 Thomaz, S. M., Agostinho, A. A., Hahn, N. S. 2004. The Upper Paraná River and its floodplain: 91 physical aspects, ecology and conservation. Backhuys Publishers, The Netherlands. 5 92 Table S2. Average, minimum (Min), maximum (Max) values and standard deviation (SD) of environmental variables in each sampling 93 period across sampling sites used for concordance analysis. February 2000 Variable Average Min Max August 2000 SD Average Min Max February 2001 SD Average Min Max August 2001 SD Average Min Max SD Depth (m) 1.68 0.20 4.25 1.02 2.09 0.25 4.10 1.22 1.90 0.30 5.00 1.24 1.94 0.20 3.50 0.97 Temperature (°C) 24.14 17.70 29.60 3.92 24.04 18.00 29.30 3.58 24.06 17.70 30.00 3.71 24.24 18.00 29.40 3.60 Secchi disk transparency (m) 0.66 0.20 1.70 0.46 0.91 0.25 1.85 0.39 0.75 0.10 3.40 0.74 0.76 0.15 2.25 0.56 pH 6.44 5.63 8.85 0.66 6.45 5.60 7.75 0.49 6.47 5.70 7.23 0.43 6.56 5.67 7.94 0.40 Conductivity (µS/cm) 36.46 23.00 75.00 13.03 41.26 22.60 61.00 13.90 38.68 23.90 60.50 9.50 43.65 24.00 64.00 13.03 Alkalinity (mg /L CaCO3) 325.36 8.99 1612.00 338.47 304.87 40.81 679.10 172.59 252.15 5.42 1024.00 219.24 284.62 0.00 579.30 146.75 Turbidity (NTU) 28.64 1.45 100.50 26.09 12.54 2.93 44.50 10.01 30.97 1.45 128.70 33.83 26.80 2.60 101.60 25.55 Oxygen (mg/L) 5.31 1.20 10.87 2.32 6.18 2.54 12.11 2.40 5.89 1.50 10.05 1.95 6.80 2.43 10.06 1.55 Total Suspended Matter (mg/L) 16.51 1.40 48.33 12.78 9.52 2.33 27.33 6.01 15.99 1.10 44.67 10.81 17.10 0.00 58.33 14.63 Chlorophyll-a (µg/L) 15.47 0.78 113.58 23.77 5.16 0.00 18.02 4.85 11.47 1.02 57.79 12.78 13.43 0.00 143.34 30.23 Total Nitrogen concentration (µg/L) 386.83 164.57 902.50 171.22 317.51 152.52 593.03 111.78 401.73 204.54 1041.00 172.82 398.14 194.05 879.61 182.19 Total phosphorus concentration (µg/L) 63.73 13.87 289.57 60.36 29.24 5.12 85.05 18.16 50.98 3.26 130.86 32.16 64.74 8.47 308.83 70.92 Dissolved Organic Carbon (mg/L) 6.63 2.42 16.28 3.25 4.57 1.76 9.93 2.47 6.45 1.65 16.66 3.30 5.50 1.81 18.06 4.22 6 94 Traits of taxa and expectations about cross-taxa concordance: 95 Considering the behavior and biological interactions of biota in floodplain lakes, different 96 concordance patterns are expected between groups of each community. For that, we used 97 information in textbooks and regional articles about the biology of groups and species of the 98 communities used here. We evaluated the concordance level only using the Mantel test and in each 99 sampling period separately. The cross-taxa comparisons considered on the basis of the traits were: 100 (i) Invertivorous fish with benthic macroinvertebrates, because benthic macroinvertebrates 101 are the main component of the diet of these fish (Hahn, Fugi & Andrian, 2004; Graça & Pavanelli, 102 2007). 103 (ii) Zooplanktivorous and omnivorous fish with microcrustaceans (cladocerans and 104 copepods), because microcrustaceans are the main prey species for zooplanktivorous and 105 omnivorous fish (Hahn, Fugi & Andrian, 2004; Graça & Pavanelli, 2007). There is only one truly 106 zooplanktivorous fish species in the Upper Paraná River floodplain, the Hypophthalmus edentatus 107 (Hahn, Fugi & Andrian, 2004). However, omnivorous fish species typically use planktonic 108 organisms as an accessory. 109 (iii) Fish species that are also found inhabiting littoral habitats with different life forms of 110 macrophytes. The rationale behind this is that different life forms of macrophytes can affect the 111 community structure of organisms such as fish and zooplankton in different ways (e.g. Meerhoff et 112 al., 2003; 2007; Troutman, Rutherford & Kelso, 2007). We used four life forms of macrophytes 113 (see Pott & Pott, 2000): emergent macrophytes (rooted in the sediment with above-water leaves); 114 free-floating macrophytes (most of the plant is at or near the surface of the water, and roots, if 115 present, hang free in the water and are not anchored to the bottom); submersed macrophytes (the 116 entire plant is below the surface of the water); rooted-floating (macrophytes rooted in the sediment 117 with floating leaves). 7 118 119 (iv) Zooplankton species that are also found inhabiting littoral habitats with different life forms of macrophytes. The reason is the same as that given in paragraph (iii) above. 120 (v) Zooplankton of different body sizes with phytoplankton of different body size. Small 121 species of zooplankton (e.g., rotifers and testate amoeba) are not able to feed on large species of 122 phytoplankton (Burns, 1968; Cyr & Curtis, 1999), and thus may be more dependent on the 123 community structure of phytoplankton. Thus, small zooplankton and phytoplankton may present 124 higher levels of concordance. Large zooplankton species (cladocerans and copepods) are probably 125 opportunistic, and can access a broader size spectrum of phytoplankton (Burns, 1968; Cyr & 126 Curtis, 1999). 127 (vi) Zooplankton species that are also found inhabiting littoral habitats and periphyton. 128 These zooplankton species may use periphyton as an alternative food resource (Siehoff et al., 129 2009). 130 131 References 132 Burns, C. W. 1968. Relationship between body size of filter-feeding cladocera and maximum size 133 of particle ingested. Limnology & Oceanography 13: 675-678. 134 Cyr, H. & Curtis, J. M. 1999. Zooplankton community size structure and taxonomic composition 135 affects size-selective grazing in natural communities. Oecologia 118: 306-315. 136 Graça, W. & Pavanelli, C. S. 2007. Peixes da planície de inundação do alto rio Paraná e áreas 137 adjacentes. Eduem, Maringá, Brazil. 138 Hahn, N. S., Fugi, R. & Andrian, I. F. 2004. Trophic ecology of the fish assemblages. In: The 139 Upper Paraná River and its floodplain: physical aspects, ecology and conservation (Eds S. M. 140 Thomaz, A. A. Agostinho & N. S. Hahn), pp. 247-269. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The 141 Netherlands. 8 142 Meerhoff, M., Mazzeo, N., Moss, B. & Rodriguez-Gallego, L. 2003. The structuring role of free- 143 floating versus submerged plants in a subtropical shallow lake. Aquatic Ecology 37: 377-391. 144 Meerhoff, M., Iglesias, C., Mello, F. T., Clemente, J. M., Jensen, E., Lauridsen, T. L. and 145 Jeppesen, E. 2007. Effects of habitat complexity on community structure and predator avoidance 146 behaviour of littoral zooplankton in temperate versus subtropical shallow lakes. Freshwater 147 Biology 52: 1009-1021. 148 Pott, V. J. & Pott, A. 2000. Plantas aquáticas do Pantanal. Embrapa, Brasília, Brazil. 149 Siehoff, S., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Strauss, T. & Ratte, H. T. 2009. Periphyton as alternative food 150 source for the filter-feeding cladoceran Daphnia magna. Freshwater Biology 54: 15-23. 151 Troutman, J. P., Rutherford, D. A. & Kelso, W. E. 2007. Patterns of habitat use among vegetation- 152 dwelling littoral fishes in the Atchafalaya river basin, Louisiana. Transactions of the American 153 Fisheries Society 136:1063-1075. 154 9 155 156 Figure S1. STATICO results showing the importance of samplings periods (length of arrows) to the common community structure of 157 cross-taxa comparisons using abundance data (except for macrophytes). F = fish; BM = benthic macroinvertebrates; MA = 158 macrophytes; PE = periphyton; PH = phytoplankton; Z = zooplankton. Circled numbers indicate sampling periods: (1) February of 159 2000; (2) August 2000; (3) February 2001; and (4) August 2001. For each sampling period, the Mantel’s correlations (r) between the 160 two dissimilarity matrices under comparison are shown. *P < 0.05. 10 161 Table S3. Correlation coefficients derived from PROTEST (rP) and Mantel (rM) analyses for 162 each sampling period and cross-taxon comparison. m2 values were transformed in rP by the 163 equation described in Peres-Neto & Jackson (2001). Bold numbers indicate significant values (P < 164 0.05). Dashes indicate that no data are available (see Appendix 1). BMac = Benthic 165 Macroinvertebrates. February 2000 August 2000 February 2001 August 2001 Cross-taxa comparison rM rP rM rP rM rP rM rP 0.36 0.45 0.04 0.20 -0.01 0.29 -0.03 0.23 Fish-Macrophytes - - - - 0.09 0.15 0.45 0.56 Fish-Zooplankton 0.31 0.49 0.15 0.35 0.10 0.18 0.01 0.34 Fish-Phytoplankton 0.22 0.58 0.06 0.28 0.02 0.22 -0.05 0.22 Fish-Periphyton 0.25 0.37 0.10 0.22 - - - - BMac.-Macrophytes - - - - 0.01 0.15 0.14 0.37 BMac.-Zooplankton -0.04 0.11 0.02 0.20 0.12 0.39 0.17 0.36 BMac.-Phytoplankton 0.01 0.19 -0.02 0.30 0.13 0.50 0.13 0.40 BMac-Periphyton 0.09 0.25 0.11 0.29 - - - - Macroph.-Zooplankton - - - - 0.21 0.35 0.26 0.30 Macroph.-Phytoplankton - - - - 0.15 0.44 0.21 0.32 Zoopl.-Phytoplankton 0.02 0.18 0.09 0.13 0.21 0.33 0.31 0.37 Zoopl.-Periphyton 0.14 0.38 -0.02 0.12 - - - - Phytopl.-Periphyton 0.13 0.36 0.02 0.30 - - - - Fish-BMac. 166 11