GOVERNMENT OF INDIA OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDING ARCHAEOLOGIST ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA BHUBANESWAR CIRCLE, TOSHALI APARTMENT, BLOCK-VI SATYANAGAR, BHUBANESWAR - (ODISHA) No 5/5/50/11/12/W- 2923 to 2933 Dated- 8.8.11 LIMITED TENDER NOTICE The Superintending Archaeologist, Archaeological Survey of India, Bhubaneswar Circle, Bhubaneswar on behalf of the President of India invites item rate tender in sealed cover from the approved Central / State Govt./ P.S.U Contractors / Suppliers / Manufactures etc. for supply following materials in r/o work “OW (Plan) to Providing drinking water facility & toilet for visitors at Ashokan rock-inscription, Jaugada, Distt-Ganjam, Orissa (Estt.No. 69/11-12)” up to 14.00 hours of 26.08.2011 which will be opened on the same day at 1530 hours onwards in O/o the Superintending Archaeologist, Archaeological Survey of India, Bhubaneswar Circle, Satyanagar, Bhubaneswar. Sl. No. 01. Description of material Quantity Providing and fixing FRP toilet (Fiber glass Reinforcement Plastic) Complex (size-4.88 m x 2.44 m x2.44 m) Cabin wall panels are box type (50 mm thick) both sides finish reinforced by structural material and inside box insulation material (PUF) will be provided. This toilet complex comprises gents & ladies section. In gents sections there will be 2 Nos urinals of paryware make with its required fixtures & fittings. 1 No. WC of Paryware make (Indian) with cistern and its required fixtures & fittings. In ladies section there will be 1 No. WC of paryware make one Indian and one European with cistern and its required fixtures & fittings. 4 Nos counter top washbasin 2 Nos in each section of Paryware make with its required fixtures & fitting with granite counter, Mirror will be provided on counter top washbasin of Modi guard / Sait Gobin make. The entire complex will be fitted with necessary electrical fittings. There will be 4 Nos. exhaust fan, one each in WC and the false ceiling will be provided with 2 Nos. concealed lighting. There will be a civil masonry base overlapped with vitrified tiles of 2’ x 2’ etc . complete One Set, all complete Estimated Cost Remarks Supply at Ashokan RockInscription, Jaugada, DisttGanjam, Orissa. Time period for supply:- 30 days TOTAL 6,80,000/P.T.O Page-2 Tender papers should be accompanied with an Earnest Money of Rs. 17,000/- (Rupees Seventeen thousand Only) (2.5 % of Estimated Cost) in the form of Demand Draft/Pay Order from any Nationalised Bank in favour of the “Superintending Archaeologist, Archaeological Survey of India, Bhubaneswar Circle, Bhubaneswar” and copies of the valid contractor /supplier/ Manufacture’s registration certificate along with latest Income/Sales Tax clearance certificate positively failing which tender papers shall be summarily rejected. The E.M.D. of unsuccessful bidders will be returned in due course. As per Central Vigilance Commission’s guidelines, Prequalification / Post Qualification shall be based entirely upon the capability and resources of prospective bidders to perform the particular contract satisfactorily, taking into account their (i) experience and post performance on similar contracts for last two years (ii) capabilities with respect to personnel, equipment and manufacturing facilities (iii) financial standing through latest I.T.C.C, Annual report (balance sheet and profit & loss account) of last three years. The quantity, delivery and value requirement shall be kept in view, while fixing the prequalification criteria. Tender papers and all other conditions therein can be obtained from the O/o the Superintending Archaeologist, Archaeological Survey of India, Bhubaneswar Circle, Toshali Apartment, Block-VI, Puratatwa Nivas, Satyanagar, Bhubaneswar before 1800 hours on all working days on payment of Rs. 520/- (500 + 4 % VAT) (Rupees Five hundred twenty only) (non-refundable) up to dt 25.8.2011. This Notice along with tender documents is also available in the Web Site Prospective Bidders may use the tender document downloaded from the website accompanying with a demand draft/pay order of Rs. 500/- + Rs.20/- (2 Nos demand drafts) as cost of tender papers + VAT, failing which such tender document will be rejected. The Competent authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof. In case of public holiday declared on the opening date of tender, the same would be opened on the next working day. Sd/Superintending Archaeologist P.W.D. -9(Tender) TENDER FOR EXECUTION OF WORKS / SUPPLY OF MATERIALS Price of Tender Paper: Rs 520.00 (Rupees Five hundred twenty only) (500 + 4% VAT) I/We hereby tender item-wise rate for execution of works / supply of material as described in the under mentioned memorandum according to the specifications within the time and the rates specified subject to the conditions of the contract. EMD – 2.5 % of estimated cost i.e. Rs. 17,000/Security Deposit – 10% up to 1st Rs 1 lakh 7.5% up to next Rs 1 lakh 5% on the rest, above Rs 2 lakh Note : (a) Payable along with tender. Memorandum: (a) (b) (b) Percentage to be deducted from the bill / deposited after finalization of Tender. Name of the work: “OW (Plan) to Providing drinking water facility & toilet for visitors at Ashokan rock-inscription, Jaugada, Distt-Ganjam, Orissa (Estt.No. 69/1112)”. Place of Delivery/Execution : Execution of work / Supply of materials at Ashokan rock-inscription, Jauagada, Distt-Ganjam, Orissa. Period of execution / supply : 30 days from the 10th day of issue of work/supply order Estimated value :Rs. 6,80,000/SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES Sl No Quantity 1. One Set, all complete Description of Item/work Unit Providing and fixing FRP toilet (Fiber glass Reinforcement Plastic) Complex (size-4.88 m x 2.44 m x2.44 m) Cabin wall panels are box type (50 mm thick) both sides finish reinforced by structural material and inside box insulation material (PUF) will be provided. This toilet complex comprises gents & ladies section. In gents sections there will be 2 Nos urinals of paryware make with its required fixtures & fittings. 1 No. WC of Paryware make (Indian) with cistern and its required fixtures & fittings. In ladies section there will be 1 No. WC of paryware make one Indian and one European with cistern and its required fixtures & fittings. 4 Nos counter top washbasin 2 Nos in each section of Paryware make with its required fixtures & fitting with granite counter, Mirror will be provided on counter top washbasin of Modi guard / Sait Gobin make. The entire complex will be fitted with necessary electrical fittings. There will be 4 Nos. exhaust fan, one each in WC and the false ceiling will be provided with 2 Nos. concealed lighting. There will be a civil masonry base overlapped with vitrified tiles of 2’ x 2’ etc . complete One set Rate TOTAL PTO Total Cost -2- Should this tender be accepted, I/We hereby agreed to abide by and fulfill all the terms and provisions of the said conditions annexed hereto so far as applicable, and/or in default thereof to forfeit and pay to the President of India or his successor in office the sum of money mentioned in the said conditions. A sum of Rs………… is forwarded herewith in Cash/DD/Pay Order as Earnest Money. If I/We fail to commence the work to specified in the above memorandum or if I/We fail to deposit the amount of security deposit specified against (a) in the above memorandum in accordance with the clause 1 of the said conditions of contract I/We agree that the said President or his successors in office shall, without prejudice to any other right or remedy, shall be retained by him towards such Security Deposit. I/We further agree that the said President or his successors in office shall also be at liberty to cancel the acceptance of the tender if I/We fail to deposit security amount to aforesaid. ------------------------Give particulars & number Signature Address Signature of witness to Signature of tender: Address. Dated the …………......... 2011 The above tender is hereby accepted by me on behalf of the President of India Dated the………………….2011 Signature of the officer by whom the tender is accepted P.T.O Page -3 Sl. No. ………. Para 13.2.4 of A.W. Code i) Sale Price : ii) Name of Contractor : iii) Date of application for tender form by contractor : Date of receipt of application in Circle/Branch office. : v) Date of Issue of Tender Paper : vi) Date of receipt of Tender Paper : vii) Details of cutting, over-writing and erasing found on the Tender at the time of opening. : iv) viii) Name and designation of officers/ Contractors present at the time of Opening the Tender. : (a) Official side (b) Bidder side 1) 1) 2) 2) 3) 3) 4) 4) 5) 5) 6) 6)