WHAT IS RELAY FOR LIFE? The Relay For Life is the American

Relay For Life of Rocklin
Volunteer Committee Opportunities
2012 Relay For Life of Rocklin – Granite Oaks TEAM
School Sept 8-9, 2012
The Relay For Life is the American Cancer
Society’s 24-hour nationwide signature event. It is
more than a fundraiser -- Relay IS the American
Cancer Society. Relay For Life allows us to
CELEBRATE cancer survivors, REMEMBER those
who have lost the battle, and FIGHT BACK by
educating on early detection and prevention of
cancer, and recruiting new volunteers for the
American Cancer Society’s programs and services.
2012 Relay Committee Academy: October 25 at
Woodland High School
Recruit Co-Chair & other Sub-Committee Chairs
Secure a date & venue (provide contract to staff)
Attend trainings and workshops
Communicate with Committee Chairs & ACS Staff
Lead event committee meetings/take minutes
Plan Committee Retreat, Kick Offs, and Wrap Up
Ensure event is using CRFB
Plan Fight Back ceremony w/ MD Chair
Ensure policies, procedures and best practices
Recognize and thank committee and volunteers
With Staff Partner, create a succession plan
Training and Resources Available: CA Summit (if
eligible to attend), RCA, Regional Team and All Chair
meetings, Event Chair Orientation, Staff Partner,
Handbooks, Track Chats, Lead Volunteer, Partnership
Agreements, RelayForLife.org (docs and Leadership
Development module)
Recruit a team of volunteers to assist you & meet
with them regularly.
Attend event committee meetings
Prepare Team Captain packets and ensure you
have “junk in your trunk”
Maintain communication with Team Captains
Schedule & conduct Team Captain meetings
Maintain a listing of teams & share with staff
Incorporate CRFB into meetings
Recognize volunteers and Team Captains.
Plan Team Captain Wrap Up
Training and Resources Available: CA Summit (if
eligible to attend), RCA, Team Captain Coordinator
Orientation, Event Chair & Staff Partner, Handbooks,
Track Chats, RelayForLife.org
Recruit Team Recruitment Sub-Committee & meet
with them regularly.
Attend committee & team captain meetings
Develop & implement a team recruitment plan and
update regularly
Schedule presentations for potential teams
Ensure you have “junk in your trunk”
Recruit Teams, Recruit Teams, Recruit Teams
Recognize and thank team recruitment volunteers
Training and Resources Available: CA Summit (if
eligible to attend), RCA, Event Chair & Staff Partner,
Handbooks, Track Chats, RelayForLife.org (docs and
Team Development module)
Recruit Luminaria Sub-Committee
Attend committee & team captain meetings
Develop a plan to increase luminaria income
Plan the placement of luminaria
Plan the luminaria ceremony using CRFB
Obtain luminaria supplies
Staff luminaria area until ceremony ends
Plan clean-up of luminaria after event ends
Recognize and thank volunteers & in-kind donors
Training and Resources Available: RCA, Orientation,
Event Chair & Staff Partner, Handbooks, Track Chats,
Recruit Survivorship Sub-Committee
Attend event committee and TC meetings
Recruit survivors
Plan opening ceremony by integrating CRFB
Plan survivor activities: pre-event and onsite
Order supplies/recognition items thru Staff Partner
Ensure accurate registration & collect waivers
Coordinate survivor area at the event
Recognize and thank survivorship volunteers and
in-kind donors
Be trained on and make survivor call backs or
recruit a volunteer to do so
Training and Resources Available: RCA, Event Chair
& Staff Partner, Survivor Chair Orientation Handbooks,
Track Chats, RelayForLife.org (docs and Survivor
Development module)
Double the number of lives saved
Reduce the incidence of cancer by 25%
Improve quality of life of cancer patients & families.
Recruit Mission Delivery Sub-Committee & meet
with them regularly
Attend committee & team captain meetings
Ensure Fight Back tent is staffed for entire event
Spearhead Fight Back Ceremony with Chair
Ensure teams take on MD activities
Plan MD activities/games for the 24-hour event
Coordinate volunteers for Mission Delivery at Relay
Recognize MD volunteers & in-kind donors
Training and Resources Available: RCA, Mission
Delivery Chair Orientation, Event Chair & Staff Partner,
Handbooks, Track Chats, RelayForLife.org (docs and
Mission Development module)
Recruit sub-committee for Registration, Accounting,
& Data areas. Meet with them and their teams of
volunteers regularly.
Attend committee and TC meetings
Ensure money is taken and processed at all team
captain meetings and Kickoffs.
Work with Data Chair to ensure that information is
collected and entered (starting 1.5 weeks before)
Work with Registration Chair to plan and carry out
event day registration/info booth.
Recognize and thank your volunteers
Training and Resources Available: RCA, Accounting
Chair Orientation (mandatory), Event Chair & Staff
Partner, Regional Lead Accounting Volunteers,
Handbooks, RelayForLife.org
Attend committee and TC meetings
Attend Online training (mandatory)
Promote Online to team captains at TC meetings
Send coaching emails on a regular schedule
Answer all online questions from participants
Make “back-end” corrections as requested
Provide Data & Survivor Chairs reports at event
Provide monthly reports to Event Chairs and Staff
Training and Resources Available: RCA, Online
Training (mandatory – in Oakland), Staff Partner,
Regional Power Users (volunteers), Handbooks and
Online Manual, RelayForLife.org, Event Chair
Training and Resources Available for the remainder
of positions all include the following: Relay
Committee Academy, Event Chair & Staff Partner,
Handbooks, RelayForLife.org, other Relay committees
Recruit Food volunteers & meet regularly
Attend committee & TC meetings
Coordinate on-site food for participants incl. water
Arrange for delivery and storage of food
Recognize and thank volunteers and in-kind donors
Recruit logistics volunteers & meet regularly
Attend committee & TC meetings
Obtain necessary contracts & permits
Prepare site map
Arrange for 24-hour first aid, traffic control/parking,
24-hour security, and 24-hour staffing for logistics
Obtain communication devices
Assign set-up & clean-up crew volunteers
Coordinate other committees’ logistical needs
Decorate event venue with banners & signs
Take down banners & signs after event
Recognize logistics volunteers and in-kind donors.
Recruit Entertainment/Games volunteers & meet
with them regularly
Attend committee & TC meetings
Plan games, obtain equipment, solicit prizes
Arrange for entertainment throughout event
Provide solidified schedule of games &
entertainment 1 month before event
Obtain PA/sound systems and/or deejay
Determine lighting requirements, electrical needs
Recognize and thank volunteers and entertainers.
Recruit sub-Committee & meet with them regularly.
Attend committee meetings
Coordinate newsletter & distribution
Coordinate distribution of posters and brochures
Identify & utilize community publications & media
for ads and PSAs (Prepare local PR plan)
Coordinate Paint Our Town Purple efforts
Report media sponsors to Sponsorship Chair
Recognize and thank volunteers and media
Recruit Sponsorship volunteers & meet regularly.
Attend committee & TC meetings
Distribute ACS approved sponsorship packet
Follow up to retain past sponsors
Obtain sponsorship commitments, logos, etc.
Work with staff partner to ensure all qualifying
sponsor logos are included in publications
(newsletters, program, online, etc.)
Plan & implement event day sponsor recognition
Recognize and thank event sponsors
Additional positions that are “icing on the cake”
include: Ceremonies Chair, Program Chair, Relay
Store Chair, Kids Zone Chair