Physics of X-rays Particles of Energy When an electron is submitted to an electrical field, it is accelerated and gets a speed (an energy) proportional to the applied voltage. This energy is expressed in "eV," or electron volt. When this electron reaches the positive electrode, it has a kinetic energy of 1000 eV or 1 KeV. When speaking of particles, the unit of energy is the "electron volt". This unit of measure is used for Electromagnetic Radiation X-ray is in the short wavelength range of the electromagnetic spectrum. X-rays are of the same nature as radio waves and visible light, but at a wavelength far beyond ultraviolet, and are therefore not visible to human eyes. Wavelength (angstroms) and frequency (hertz) are not convenient units of measure for x-ray. For the x-ray spectrum, we use Electro-magnetic Energy Spectrum electron volts to measure the energy of photons. X-rays and Interaction With Matter X-rays that originate from the source, before they hit the body, are referred to as incident beams. When photons interact with materials, they can be: 1 Absorbed: they disappear, transferring their energy to the material Scattered: they are deviated, with or without loss of energy Transmitted: no interaction Matter is composed of atoms, which are composed of elementary particles: protons, neutrons and electrons. A relatively large space exists between the electrons and the other particles. A single photon can pass through this cloud of particles without touching any of them. A hit, or a succession of hits, will deviate the photons, and may block them. The more dense the material, the more dense the cloud of particles, and the more these interactions can occur. Absorption, Transmission and Scatter Absorption increases with the density of the material. The material is what we want to assess, but the absorption may cause biological damage. Transmission is what we can see photographically, and the transmitted part of the beam is used to assess the density of the various parts of the body. Highdensity tissue (bones) result in low transmission. Transmitted x-rays are also used to assess the amount of radiation absorbed. Scatter is undesirable. It interferes with the measurement of the transmitted radiation and reduces the quality of the image. Scattered radiation is filtered out whenever possible. In x-ray imaging, we measure the transmitted part of the beam to assess the density of the various parts of the body. Scattered radiation is filtered using a grid. Grids are described in the Radiographic Components Module. 2 Producing an Image The x-ray image displays the part of the x-ray beam not absorbed by the tissues. The lower the absorption, the darker the film. The radiograph displays differences in tissue density. The image to the right is the result on radiographic film. A radiographic film, once developed, is like the negative film of a photo camera: Low-density areas, like the lungs, do not block the beam as much as high-density areas The high level of transmitted radiation darkens the film High-density bones stop the beam, and the film remains white Scintillation and Photo-electric Effect Some materials have specific reactions when they receive photons. These materials are used in various types of intensifying screens and x-ray detectors. Screens will be discussed in a later section. Scintillation effect (Fluorescent Screens) A high-energy photon is converted into many lower energy photons (visible light). Photo-electric effect (Digital Image Detectors) The photon energy is transferred to many lower energy electrons, which are ejected from the material. Ionized atom: positive ion Ionization Effect At the high energy levels of radiography, photons are able to ionize matter: adding or removing an electron to/from the atom. At rest, the atoms of a material are electrically 3 neutral: as many electrons (negative) as protons in the nucleus (positive). A high-energy photon, when hitting an electron, may hit and eject an electron from the atom and leave it in an unstable state with a positive total charge. This process, ionization, offers a way to detect and measure the x-rays quantity and strength. But it is also responsible for potential biological damage. Units of Measure This topic explores the units used to measure radiation. Using the ionization effect, an Ionization Chamber measures the amount of radiation passing through it. By applying a voltage between two electrodes: Electrons are removed from the atoms of the gas by a photon, and are attracted by the positive electrode. Other electrons coming from the negative electrode replace these electrons. A measurable current results, proportional to the number of incoming photons. To see an animation of the ionization chamber, click on see animation. Biological Damage The probability of occurrence of cancer increases with the absorbed dose of x-rays, but severity of the effect is not dose-dependent. Ionized atoms behave differently in living cells. Ionization may cause damage to the DNA chains, leading to cell malfunction (cancer) or death. 4 Even low doses involved in diagnostic imaging present a risk. The higher the dose absorbed, the higher the risk to develop a cancer or induce genetic damage. Radiographic imaging presents a low patient risk. However, the benefits expected for the patient from an x-ray exam must always be balanced against this risk. Radiation Units: Output Intensity Roentgen (R) The measurement unit Röentgen is used to express the intensity of a beam at a given point in space. There is a direct relation between mAs and R for any given equipment. mAs is tube current (mA) multiplied by time in seconds (s). Used to express output (exposure) of an x-ray device. Quantity of ionization (electrical charge) produced in a unit mass of air. Inverse Square Law The intensity of an x-ray beam is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the x-ray source. In the example to the right, the distance was doubled (x2) from the tube in the previous screen. Invert the two, square it, and it indicates that there is one quarter the intensity, at twice the distance. One quarter the intensity results in 5mR of exposure. Absorbed dose is dangerous and cumulative. Distance is your friend. Radiation Units: Absorbed Dose 5 In your job as a service engineer, a measurement device (film badge) is used to determine your exposure to x-ray. But you must wear it to have it work! The amount of absorbed radiation is measured in RADs or REMs. RAD (Radiation Absorbed Dose) Quantity of energy absorbed, per kilogram, in a unit mass of material Used to express the dose received by an object REM (Radiation Equivalent Man) Absorbed dose equivalent, regarding biological effects Biological effects depend on the type of ionizing radiation For x-rays, 1 REM = 1 RAD Applies only to body tissues, used to express the dose received by patients and radiation workers Surface Dose Due to attenuation (absorption and scatter) inside the body, the maximum absorbed dose is measured at the skin level. You will hear the tems surface dose, skin dose, patient dose or entrance dose. These terms all refer to the absorbed dose measured at the skin level. Radiation Unit Standards Two standards exist for the measurement of radiation: European SI units (System International) and the old, conventional standard (RAD/REM). Below is a table showing the conversion. SI units Conventional Absorbed dose 6 1 Gray (Gy) = 1 J/Kg 1 Sievert (Sv) = 100 RAD or 1cGy (centigray) = 1 Rad = 100 REM or 1mSv (millisievert) = 100 mRem Exposure Exposure is also expressed in Grays. It represents the amount of radiation necessary to deliver an absorbed dose of 1 Gray. 1 Gray (exposure) = 115 Röentgen Examples of Typical Exposure Chest exam Skull exam Abdomen exam Average natural radiation (per year) Intra-Venous Urography (IVU) CT abdomen exam 2 mREM 7 mREM 100 mREM 0.02 mSv 0.07 mSv 1 mSv 200 mREM 2 mSv 250 mREM 1000 mREM 2.5 mSv 10 mSv We are all exposed to ionizing radiation from sun, cosmic rays and some natural elements existing on earth (e.g. radon). One chest film is 100 times less than the natural radiation received per year. To see a list of radiation amounts and its impact on the body, click on body effects. Review X-ray is electromagnetic radiation, with a spectrum far beyond ultraviolet light, with higher energy, making it able to penetrate matter. An x-ray image reflects the difference in transmission through the different tissues and bone. X-ray is an ionizing radiation: The ionizing property of x-ray is used to detect and measure x-ray beams. It is also responsible for biological damage. The output of an x-ray tube is measured in Röentgen (conventional) or in Gray (SI units). 7 The absorbed dose is expressed in RAD or REM (conventional) or in Gray or Sievert (SI units) Simplified X-ray Tube This topic describes the basic theory of x-ray tube operation, and the impact of changes in x-ray tube variables. A tube has several major characteristics: A current (typically 3-5 amps) passes through the filament and heats it. · The heated filament of the cathode produces a cloud of free electrons. The temperature of the filament determines the quantity of free electrons. These electrons are attracted to and accelerated toward the target anode by the electrical field (kV). The flow of electrons is an electrical current (mA). The electrons, upon hitting the target (anode), are converted to heat (99%) and x-rays (1%). To see an animation of the similarities between electrodes and x-ray tubes, click on see animation. X-ray Variation with kV Variation in the kV of a tube has two major effects on the x-ray spectrum: As kV increases, photon energy increases kV has a significant effect on the relative amplitude of characteristic radiation 8 High-energy (60-120 kV) x-rays penetrate better than low energy, and are used for dense or thick parts of the body. Low-energy (20-40 kV) x-rays are used for soft tissue. Low-Energy Filtration Low-energy x-rays are harmful to the patient and not useful for imaging. They are filtered out by passing the beam through a sheet of material (normally aluminum for a tungsten anode). Any material in the x-ray beam path absorbs more of the low-energy radiation (harmful for the patient) than the high-energy radiation. Film and screenOverview The Film and Intensifying Screens section gives you information about how xrays are converted to viewable images. Today, the most common way to record a radiographic image is to use film. Tomorrow, it may be through the use of a digital detector and softcopy read from a review station. Until film is replaced, it is important to understand how an image is created, and the variables that affect how an image is recorded. After completing this Section, you should be able to: Explain how x-ray images are transferred to film Identify the purpose of fluorescent intensifying screens and describe how the screen converts x-rays to light Describe the composition of film Describe the characteristics of film and the effects of film processing This is the last section of the X-ray Principles module. 9 Introduction: X-rays to Light The most common radiographic recording device is film. This topic describes how images are recorded, and some of the variables affecting image recording. Film is sensitive to light, therefore requires a light-proof container (or cassette). X-rays have little effect on film. Film is not a good medium for recording x-rays directly; only 2-3% of x-rays are absorbed by the film. What then, is the best way to create an image on the film? One way to produce an acceptable x-ray image on film is to convert x-rays to light. Since film is more sensitive to light than x-rays, fewer x-rays are required to produce a visible image. Fluorescent Intensifying Screens This topic describes the conversion of x-rays to light, and introduces concepts and components important to evaluating and servicing x-ray equipment. Fluorescent Intensifying Screens were developed to reduce patient exposure to xrays. Because film is more sensitive to light than x-rays, converting x-rays to light permits less x-ray dosage to create an acceptable film image. Intensifying screens use the scintillation effect to convert x-rays to visible light. Fluorescent Intensifying Screen Because the screen intensifies the x-ray beam to make the 10 film image, it is often just referred to as an Intensifying Screen. Scintillation effect: A high-energy photon (x-ray) is converted into many low-energy photons (visible light) Phosphor, Cesium Iodide, and Selenium are good scintillation materials Screen Location Intensifying screens are mounted in a padded cassette that allows the film to be placed between the screens. A soft padding placed between the cassette and the screen assures a tight seal. It also allows for proper filmto-screen contact. Note that the screen is curved. This insures the proper contact between the screen and film, and squeezes air out of the cassette when closed. If the screen is not in contact with the film, image detail will be lost. It is important that intensifying screens match film sensitivity to the same light frequency. Screen Construction Intensifying Screens have the following layers (from top to bottom): External protective coating Bonded phosphor crystals A thin layer of reflecting material Plastic base support Calcium Tungstate emits blue light photons. 11 The phosphor layer can be made from a variety of materials depending on the desired effect: Rare Earth emits green light photons. Light Imaging X-ray film images are produced primarily by the visible light from the intensifying screen. To see an animation of x-ray photons converted to blue light. Intensifying Screen Efficiency Intensifying screen efficiency is measured in two ways: Intrinsic Efficiency: The ability of the fluorescent material to convert x-ray photons to light photons. o Calcium Tungstate (blue light) about 5% o Rare Earth (green light) about 20% For example, a 51keV x-ray photon striking a Calcium Tungstate screen will emit blue light photons with an energy of 3eV. If the screen is 100% efficient, one x-ray photon will produce 17,000 blue light photons (51,000/3=17,000). Since Calcium Tungstate is 5% efficient, only 850 photons are produced. Screen Efficiency: The ability of the light created by the screen to reach the film. Typically, only about 50% of light photons produced reach the film. The next screen shows the effect of increasing x-ray energy on the output of light photons. 12 kV and the Intensifying Screen As the x-ray tube kV increases, the amount of light from the screen increases. This concept will be used when we discuss Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) in the Components Module. To see an animation of the effect of increased kV on blue light output. This graphic shows that if the x-ray keV is increased (by increasing kV ), more light is produced. For example, increasing keV from 51 to 90, light photon output increases from 17,000 to 30,000. Screen Speed The "speed" of an intensifying screen is determined by the thickness of the fluorescent phosphor layer. Fast Screen Has a relatively thick phosphor layer with: Increased image brightness Decreased image resolution Reduced image blurring (caused by patient movement) Shorter exposures and reduced patient dose Slow Screen Has a relatively thin phosphor layer with: Decreased image brightness Increased image resolution Longer exposures and increased patient dose 13 A slow screen is used when detailed imaging is needed (e.g., for the fine bones of a hand.) Radiographic components Introduction The Radiographic Components module provides training on the purpose and operation of all major components of a radiographic system. This training provides fundamental knowledge for service personnel working with x-ray systems. At the end of this module, you should be able to: Identify the major components and characteristics of an x-ray tube Describe the purpose and different designs of generators Describe the functions of the bucky assembly and the collimator Identify the different patient positioners Describe tomography and how it differs from conventional x-ray Start by selecting the first section tab, Overview. Then, select the first topic. Proceed through each section and topic. Then, take the test. Overview The X-ray Tube section gives you information about the design and operation of an x-ray tube. The tube is the single most important component of an x-ray system. As a service engineer, you will be required to install, troubleshoot, and verify the proper operation of x-ray tubes. The content in this section is essential introductory and background material to perform those functions. After completing this section, you should be able to: Identify basic x-ray tube components and describe their functions Describe focal spot characteristics and effects Explain techniques for tube cooling Interpret a tube rating chart Describe the difference between continuous and pulsed tube operating modes In the next section, you will learn about x-ray generators and how they power and control x-ray tube operation. 14 X-ray Tube Components Introduction The tube is the key component in an x-ray system. To understand the production of x-rays in an x-ray tube, let's look first at an overview of the x-ray system. An x-ray system consists of six primary components: X-ray Tube and Hanger X-ray Generator Collimator Chest Stand Table Major Components The x-ray tube is composed of the tube casing (housing) and its insert. The tube insert consists of the: Frame Cathode Anode To see the major components of the tube insert, Tube Housing The x-ray tube insert is mounted inside a protective housing. The housing is made of aluminum and lined with lead. The housing: Controls scatter and leakage radiation Isolates high voltage Cools the tube Frame The outer part of the insert (sometimes called the enclosure or frame) can be made of glass, steel, or copper. The enclosure: 15 Provides a structural base for the cathode and anode Provides high-voltage insulation Allows a vacuum to be maintained Cathode The cathode provides the electron stream for x-ray production. The cathode consists of: Filaments, which are coils of tungsten wire that, when heated, provide the electron stream for x-ray production A focusing cup, which surrounds the filament and concentrates, or focuses, the electron beam Dual Focus Cup Some focusing cups have two filaments. The large filament is used for higher power levels needed for dense anatomy. (High mA, high kV, or both) The small filament is used for lower dosage levels, which provides better resolution. Focus and focal spot will be discussed in the next topic, Focal Spot Characteristics. Anode X-rays are produced by energy conversion when electrons strike the anode. The anode assembly is electrically positive and consists of 3 major components: 16 A target, which receives a stream of electrons from the cathode A rotor of an induction motor, which holds the target and drives its rotation at a rate of approximately 10,000 rpm. This rotation dissipates the heat generated during the production of xray A bearing assembly, which supports the rotor and target assembly, and provides smooth rotation of the target X-ray Generation The process by which the x-ray tube produces xrays is very inefficient. Only one percent of the energy produced is converted to x-rays; the rest is dissipated as heat. To see an animation and hear a general overview of x-ray generation,. To see a text-only explanation, Focal Spot Characteristics This topic describes how an electron beam from an x-ray tube is controlled to produce the sharpest possible x-ray image . For the service engineer, this information is important to help resolve problems with image quality. Central Ray The primary x-ray beam, leaving the tube target surface at 90 degrees, is called the central ray. It does not necessarily pass through the point of maximum beam intensity. The central ray is often used in radiographic applications to align the x-ray system with the anatomical area of interest. 17 Actual Focal Spot The electron beam from the tube filament lands on the angled target surface and creates the focal spot. This area, bombarded by a stream of electrons, is not a pinpoint source of energy, but a rectangular area called the actual focal spot. The actual focal spot is the area on the anode target where electrons strike, and where x-rays and heat are produced. Effective Focal Spot The effective focal spot, or effective focal area, is the area from which the x-ray beam appears to come. Viewed from the perspective of the central ray, the effective focal area is reduced to a square. See the graphic to the right. The x-ray tube's effective focal spot is commonly called the focal spot. Focal Spot Size and Shape The size and shape of the actual focal spot are determined by the: · Length of the tube filament · Diameter of the filament wire coil · Width and length of the focusing cup slot · Depth of the focusing cup The effective focal spot size is determined by viewing the target at a 90 degree angle from the anode target. The x-ray beam energy leaving the target surface is projected through the tube's glass window , and then through a collimator positioned to aim the beam at the anatomical area of interest. Collimators, and other system components, will be discussed in later sections. As a service engineer, you may be required to measure the focal spot size. The next screen describes how you will do this. 18 Measuring Focal Spot Size As a service engineer, you will use a star pattern to determine focal spot size. This is used most frequently on mammography and cardiovascular systems. Star Pattern The star test pattern is positioned about midway between the focal spot and the film, parallel to the film, and in the central ray of the beam. An exposure is made using kV and mA comparable to that used clinically. After developing the film, the service engineer then makes some measurements from the x-ray image and puts those measurements in a formula that will indicate focal spot size. (See Job Card XPM-910, contained in Class C documentation.) Another tool for measuring effective focal spot size is a pin-hole camera. This method, not commonly used today, produces an image of the focal spot on a piece of x-ray film. Anode Heel Effect In an x-ray tube, x-ray energy is distributed away from the target surface with an uneven intensity. The distribution of x-ray beam intensity is greatest on the side of the target closest to the filament. This phenomenon is called the anode heel effect. This variation in beam intensity will cause a detectable variation in film density. This is also called "cut-off," since the image may be cut off as the x-ray intensity decreases. The x-ray technologist must carefully consider the heel effect when positioning the patient for an exposure. The thickest section of the patient should be positioned on the cathode side of the target. 19 The central beam is used as a dividing point of the target surface. The side closest to the filament is called the "cathode side." The side furthest from the filament is called the "anode side." Penumbra Radiographic images are compiled from x-ray beams arriving at different angles. A single point source of x-rays would create sharp images, similar to the images of a slide projector or other optical system. But multiple beams striking a rectangular area create multiple images, or shadows, of that focal spot area. Unfortunately, unlike visible light, x-rays cannot be focused. Multiple beams of energy from the focal spot create multiple shadows or images. These images, around the outer edge of an object, are slightly out of focus. This out-of-focus "shadow" around the outer edge is referred to as the penumbra. The penumbra is visible as a lack of sharpness in the filmed x-ray image. To distinguish it from other causes (movement blur, for example) the effect of penumbra is termed geometric unsharpness. Tube Heating and Cooling This topic describes the effects of heat on an x-ray tube, and the process of limiting and measuring those effects. As a service engineer, you need to be able to evaluate the consequences of heat on the tube, and also understand tube specifications and heat ratings. Tube Heating As discussed in the Principles Module of this training course, a small number of the electrons that bombard the target anode have their energy transferred into xrays. The majority of the energy transfer results in heat. Results of heat generation in a tube include: 20 Reduction of the filament wire diameter, as it is heated repeatedly over time Softening the rotor bearing surfaces, which can lead to premature bearing failure and bearing noise Etching on the anode target surface, resulting in an imperfect focal spot Tube and Housing Cooling Charts Both the tube anode and the tube housing have cooling charts. These charts show the rate at which the tube (or housing) loses heat. The tube cooling curve (chart) is tracked by software so that the maximum heat storage capacity of the anode is not exceeded. Older, non-computer-controlled systems, included electronic circuitry to prevent exceeding the tube's maximum heat rating for any given exposure. A transducer "heat sensor" was also included in the tube unit's housing. Its purpose was to open the x-ray exposure start circuit when the heat limit had been reached. Types of Cooling In order to maintain the efficiency, and life, of an x-ray tube, it is important to limit the temperature rise that occurs with xray production. There are four methods of cooling an x-ray tube unit: Natural air convection flowing across the tube unit (low duty cycle applications) Forced-air cooling fan attached to the tube unit (radiography and R & F rooms) Oil circulator pump with a heat exchanger attached to a forced-air cooling fan (high-duty-cycle 21 Forced Air Cooled Tube fluoroscopic rooms, vascular, angio, and CT systems) . Oil circulator pump attached to a water-cooled heat exchanger (highest duty cycle for vascular and angio Pulsed Tube Operating Mode Exposure Switching There are two methods of switching tube current on and off to the xray tube: Switching the primary circuit of the high-voltage transformer causes the secondary anode and cathode voltages to rise and fall between 1 to 12 times per second. (Generators and transformers will be discussed in the next section.) Switching the beam current on and off using a bias power supply in the secondary circuit. Primary Switching Primary switching typically uses solid-state semiconductors called silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCR). Primary switching works well for exposure rates of 1 to 12 exposures per second. Above that rate, efficiency decreases. Continuous Tube Operating Mode Two methods are used to control the production of x-rays: Continuous Pulsed (discussed in the next topic ) In order to troubleshoot and effectively isolate x-ray system problems, you should have a 22 fundamental understanding of these two processes. Now, let's discuss the continuous operating mode. Prep Signal In a Continuous system, the sequence of events leading to the production of x-rays begins with a "prep signal" to the x-ray generator. The operator moves the hand switch to the "prep" position, which is the first switch position (the first "click"). Generators will be covered in detail in the next section. Review (tube) The tube is the key component in any x-ray system The major components of the tube insert include: o Frame o Cathode o Anode The central ray is often used in radiographic applications when aligning the x-ray system wi the anatomical area of interest The actual focal spot is the area on the anode target where electrons strike, and where xrays and heat are produced The anode heat storage capacity is expressed as Heat Units (HU) An x-ray tube's kW rating is a specification of the maximum safe combinations of kV, mA an exposure time which may be used without thermal damage to the tube Continuous and grid-pulsed methods are used to control the production of x-rays 23 Generator Purpose The x-ray generator supplies DC power to the x-ray tube. The generator is comprised of several major assemblies: Power distribution unit (PDU) Step-up transformer Operator console Exposure control circuitry The main functions of the x-ray generator are: Control kV applied to the x-ray tube, thereby controlling x-ray beam penetration Control the amount of mA in the tube, thereby controlling the quantity of x-ray beams Control exposure time and switching 24 kV Settings Based on patient size and anatomy, kV selection ranges from 40 to 150 kV. mA Settings Depending on the x-rayed anatomy, mA selection ranges from 10 to 1000 mA. Time Settings Depending on patient anatomy, exposure time selection ranges from 1 ms to 10 seconds. Using the automatic exposure control circuitry (AEC), time can also be controlled automatically. AEC will be discussed in the next section. Generator Control Panel Types of Generators Generators use different methods of creating high-voltage (kV). This topic will help you understand how kV output affects the quality of radiation produced by the x-ray system. The three main types of generators are: Single phase Three phase High frequency 25 Let's look at the kV waveforms produced by a single phase generator. Single Phase Generators use different methods of creating high-voltage output. Let's look at the simplest, and lea expensive. A single phase generator uses single phase, 50/60 Hz, AC input. This AC voltage, from the facilit mains power, ranges from 220 to 240 volts. Feeding the sine wave input to a specific lead (tap) on the step-up transformer provides the desired kV output. The stepped up voltage, now kilovoltage, is full-wave rectified and fed to the anode and cathode the tube. Notice how much the tube input voltage varies (ripples). Three Phase This type of generator uses three-phase power to produce a more uniform kV output, with much less ripple than single phase. Three phase generators are classified as either 6 pulse or 12 pulse output. Six Pulse A three phase generator is supplied with three AC inputs. Note on the graphic that each input is out of phase with the other inputs. Each input is fed to a "wye" step-up transformer. The wye transformer steps up the three AC inputs. The rectifier circuit rectifies and combines the three inputs. The result is an input to the tube that has six peaks, or pulses. Note the significant reduction in ripple (from 100% to 13%) compared with the single phase system. 26 Three Phase Twelve pulse The 12 pulse kV method is an improvement over 6 pulse rectification. A combination wye-delta step-up transformer is used to double the six pulse input to 1 pulses. This method exhibits less ripple, and further reduces the patient exposure to harmful radiation. High Frequency (HF) 27 The most recent x-ray generator design is capable of producing a kV output virtually free of ripple. Three phase AC power is converted to DC and applied to an inverter/chopper circuit. The inverter converts the DC voltage back to AC at frequencies of 20 kHz and higher. These higher frequencies are fed into a step-up transformer and rectified just like a single phase generator. The resulting DC signal is then filtered to further reduce ripple, and then applied to the anode and cathode of the tube. The graphic shows the kV output as a flat DC voltage. The radiation output is uniform, and contains minimal harmful, low-energy, radiation. HF generators are smaller and lighter than single and three phase units Comparison of Generator Types The 100 kV setting in all three illustrations results in a different average kV for each type of generator. Because the average kV is lower for the single phase generator, it is necessary to make an exposure twice as long (compared with the 12 pulse) to produce the same film density. 28 The shorter the exposure time, the less patient motion is a factor. In addition, patient exposure to harmful low-energy radiation is reduced.. 6 and 12 pulse generators are found on older systems. HF generators have been replacing them since 1990. HF generators are used on all newer systems.Battery powered models are found in all mobile units. Capacitive discharge generators may be found in older installations, or military field applications. Battery powered Battery powered generators are used primarily in mobile x-ray equipment. They are high frequency generators using rechargeable batteries as a power source. The batteries can be: Nickel Cadmium Lead-acid Batteries not only provide cordless operation, but also considerably reduce electrical installation requirements, since the electrical system is used only to recharge the batteries. The main characteristics of a battery powered generator are: Cordless operation Same performance as high frequency generators, but lower power output A standard wall outlet is the only electrical requirement for recharging the batteries Used for mobile systems Capacitor Discharge Capacitor discharge generators work on the same principle as battery powered generators, except the battery is replaced by a capacitor. Capacitors have a much smaller capacity than batteries, and their voltage decreases constantly while discharging. Here are some characteristics of the capacitor discharge generator: 29 Smaller and less expensive than battery generators No rapid succession exposures, because time is needed to recharge the capacitor after an exposure A wait time indicator tells when the system is ready for a new exposure Can be operated from simple electrical outlets, ideal for mobile systems Low power output capability: for example, 50 mAs @ 100 kV BUCKY Purpose A bucky provides the housing for three assemblies: Cassette tray Grid Automatic exposure control A bucky can be in a horizontal (table) or vertical (chest stand) orientation. Let's look first at the cassette tray, which holds and centers the film cassette. 30 Cassette Tray The cassette tray is a mechanical component of the x-ray system. Since operators often have a difficult time with mechanics, it is important for you to understand its operation and be able to troubleshoot basic mechanical problems. Purpose A cassette tray: Holds the cassette Centers the cassette within the tray In order to follow the x-ray tube movements, the cassette tray is positioned in a track below the tabletop. Grid: Purpose In 1913, Gustav Bucky introduced the radiographic grid, a device placed between the patient and the cassette. The purpose of the grid is to: Reduce the amount of scatter radiation reaching the film Increase contrast in the x-ray image Scatter radiation is a noise factor. It causes a fogging which impairs radiographic quality, lessening image contrast. Scatter provides no useful information. Refer to the X-ray Principles training module for more about scatter. Grid Design 31 A radiographic grid is composed of strips of lead, separated by aluminum, a material that is relatively transparent to x-rays. The graphic shows how grid removes scatter radiation. Because the scatter radiation, represented by dotted lines, moves in various directions, it is largely absorbed by the lead strips. The transmitted x-rays pass untouched through the grid and reach the film. Stationary and Moving Grids The grid can be stationary, or it can move during the xray exposure. Stationary Grid Used in a stationary position, a grid may cast a pattern of strips onto the x-ray image. They appear as a series of fine, parallel, unexposed lines. Moving Grid To eliminate grid lines from an image, the grid can be moved transversely during an exposure. Bucky grid movement is usually a simple side-to-side oscillation. Movement begins before the start of an exposure. Moving the grid: Blurs the grid line images Removes scatter Has no effect on the primary beam transmission 32 Grid Specifications These grid characteristics impact x-ray quality image: amount of radiation exposure to the patient, and ease and range of use of the grid for the technologist. When troubleshooting image quality problems, you should understand the significance of some grid specs. Grid Ratio The grid ratio is the relationship between the height of the lead strips to the distance between them. In general, the higher the ratio of the grid: The more scatter radiation is absorbed The greater the contrast in the x-ray image The higher the radiation exposure to the patient The greater the necessity to accurately position the grid under the tube Grid ratios in the 8-12 range are used most frequently. Grid Frequency Another important factor when considering grid specifications is the fineness, or frequency, of the grid. This is the number of lead strips (or lines) per cm (or per inch). In general, a higher grid frequency results in: Less visible grid lines on the x-ray image Thinner grid line material 33 A collimator is an x-ray beam restrictor. It is attached to the opening in the x-ray tube housing. The collimator: Controls the dimensions of the x-ray beam Aligns the x-ray beam, the patient, and the bucky prior to exposure Limits patient and technician exposure to radiation Reduces scatter radiation The next screen describes x-ray beam control. Grid Cutoff Grid cutoff is the result of poor alignment between the primary x-ray beam and the lead strips of the grid. The resulting image is light in the area where the cutoff occurs. The next several screens explore the different types of grid cutoff. Parallel Grid Cutoff As the graphic to the right demonstrates: The cutoff of primary radiation results in progressively decreased density toward the edges of the film The lead strips in the grid make shadows proportionate to their distance from the central beam Positioning the tube too close to the grid may cause parallel grid cutoff. Let's look at a comparable problem with a focused grid. 34 Off-Center Cutoff When the grid is not centered on the central beam of the tube, there is a uniform loss of radiation over the entire surface of the grid. The focal distance is correct, but the tube is mis-positioned relative to the convergent line of the grid, as shown in the graphic. The results are: All the lead strips are out of correct alignment with the primary x-ray beam The entire film shows a lighter density than it would with proper alignment This is probably the most common kind of grid cutoff. The problem is usually attributed to incorrect exposure settings. The loss of radiation due to off-center cutoff can be minimized with low-ratio grids and long focal distance. Operation of AEC All three detector circuits output a signal, which is input to the AEC circuit. The AEC 35 circuit includes the following stages: AEC circuit 1. The integrator "adds" the output from the detector. 2. The comparator compares the integrator output to a voltage reference that equals a desired film density. 3. When the sum of the input voltage equals the reference voltage, the comparator creates 4. an "exposure stop" signal, which is fed back to the generator. The reference voltage compensates for variations in: kV, time, cassette size. Examples of AEC AEC circuits can be used as entrance or exit detectors. An entrance detector is located above the x-ray film, and an exit detector is located below the film. Ion Chamber (table and chest stand) The ion chamber illustrated to the right is installed under the grid in the bucky assembly. The operator selects one or more of three ionization chambers to detect radiation exposure. The primary purpose of an ion chamber is to convert transmitted radiation to an electrical signal. The technologist must position the anatomical area of interest over the active ion chamber in order to produce the correct exposure. Next, we will discuss how the chamber is positioned Ion Chamber The ion chamber in the wall stand contains three sensing areas. The Illustration shows the location of the three sensing areas: Sensing area 2 is at the center of the x-ray beam. Sensing areas 1 and 3 can be selected to cover an exposure of two symmetrical parts of the body, such as the lungs or the kidneys. Care should be taken to center the patient and the detector areas. 36 PMT A PMT (photomultiplier tube) is typically used in mammography. It is centered underneath the breast. When stimulated by x-ray, the fluorescent intensifying screen produces light. The light is converted to an electrical signal by the photomultiplier tube. The electrical signal is proportional to the light emission from the screen, which is proportional to the x-ray film density. The photomultiplier tube is connected to the AEC circuit, which terminates the exposure when the proper film density has been reached. Silicon Cell (Digital Detector) The silicon cell converts x-ray to light, and light to an electrical signal. The signal outputs to a microprocessor, which controls the AEC. A digital detector includes the following detector components: A scintillator that converts x-ray to light An array of photocells that convert light to an electrical signal An amplifier that converts the electrical signal to a digital output Review A cassette tray holds the cassette and centers the cassette within the tray. The x-ray tube unit must be centered accurately with the center of the bucky. A grid reduces the amount of scatter radiation reaching the x-ray film. 37 The most common method of eliminating grid lines from an image is to move the grid during an exposure. Two important grid specifications are: o Grid ratio: the relationship between the height of the lead strips and the distance between them o Grid frequency: the number of lead strips (or lines) per cm (or per inch) Grid cutoff is the result of poor alignment between the primary x-ray beam and the lead strips of the grid. Two advantages of using AEC: o Limited patient exposure to radiation o Fewer operator mistakes, resulting in fewer re-takes of the x-ray exam. 38