Icterus oberi (Montserrat Oriole) Lawrence, 1880 Identification: 20–22 cm. Medium-sized, black-and-yellow icterid. Adult male, mostly black with yellowish lower back, rump, shoulder, lower breast, belly and undertail. Female, dull yellowish-green above and yellowish below. Immature duller. Voice Loud whistles and harsh chuur. Taxonomic source AOU checklist (1998 + supplements) Sibley and Monroe (1990, 1993) Stotz et al. (1996) Population trend details (Note: zeros may equate to 'unset') Trend period: 1998 - 2008 Trend: decreasing Data quality: medium Data derivation: estimated (directly) Fluctuation: unknown Decline (10 years/3 generations past): 0 or Estimate: 50-79 Decline (10 years/3 generations future): 0 or Estimate: unknown Decline (10 years/3 generations past+future): 0 or Estimate: unset Trend justification: Variety of monitoring and analytical techniques indicate annual declines of 8-52% during the period 1997-2000 (Hilton et al. 2003) following a rapid one-off event when a volcanic eruption caused a 60% decrease in range and population in 1996. However, recent trends suggest the 1997-2000 declines were merely a downward fluctuation and the population is now recovering and may increase (Hilton in litt. 2007). Range details (Note: zeros may equate to 'unset') Year: 2000 EOO (br/res): 16 Year: 0 AOO (br/res): 0 Number of locations: 2 Locations band: unset EOO (non-br): 0 AOO (non-br): 0 Fragmentation: severe Data quality: good Data quality: unset Taxonomy: Population and Range: Icterus oberi inhabits an extremely small area on Montserrat (to UK) in the Lesser Antilles. By the early 1990s, it occurred throughout the three main forested hill ranges on the island (the Centre, Soufière and South Soufière hills), but volcanic activity in 1995-1997 entirely destroyed two-thirds of remaining habitat4. Initially, only the Centre Hills (c.14 km2) population was thought to have survived the pyroclastic flows (although even this area was heavily ashed)1,2, but a remnant population was later discovered in a 1-2 km2 forest patch in the South Soufrière hills, just 1 km from the summit of the volcano7,8. In December 1997, the estimated population was c.4,000 birds1, but intensive monitoring between 1997-2001 indicated that the Centre Hills population declined by 40-50%, despite reduced volcanic activity4,10. In 2001, 2003 and 2006, further major volcanic eruptions caused heavy ash falls on large areas of the Centre Hills, destroying several nests and curtailing breeding4,7,11. Recent evidence suggests that the downward fluctuation noted between 19972001 has reversed and the population is estimated at c.100-400 pairs and possibly increasing4,10,12. Country distribution Montserrat (to UK) Extinct no Occur status N Res. yes Br. yes Non-Br. no Passage no Ecology: It occurs in most forest types between c.150-900 m, but reaches highest densities in wetter, higher altitude forests, and is absent from areas of very dry forest4,5. It is found in all successional stages, and sometimes at the edges of cultivated areas and banana plantations4. Nesting occurs in March-August, but the exact timing probably depends on the rainy season2,5. Nests are mainly suspended from the leaves of Heliconia caribbaea, although banana and other broad-leaved trees are also used4. Clutch size is typically two or three. Unsuccessful pairs may attempt up to five clutches; successful pairs can rear two broods per year4. It forages at all levels, but particularly in the understorey, feeding mainly on insects, but occasionally also on fruit and possibly nectar4. Altitude: 100 - 900 (Note: zeros may equate to 'unset') Habitat Forest Type Subtropical/tropical montane moist forest Season resident Tolerance medium Importance critical Threats: Volcanic eruptions in 1995-1997 all but extirpated the species from the Soufière and South Soufière hills. Although volcanic activity was reduced in 1998-2000, the population continued to decline4,10. Potential causes are low insect availability and/or chronic ill-health of birds resulting from ash fall on remaining forest, and other unknown and indirect knock-on effects of volcanic activity4. Research into reproductive success, using nest cameras, has also revealed high rates of nest predation by rats and native Pearly-eyed Thrashers Margarops fuscatus, both of which occur at high but fluctuating densities4,7,8. In 2001 and 2003, drought appeared to cause reduced laying frequency and clutch size, and this may be an increasing problem now that that species is confined to lower, drier areas4. Conversely, excessive rainfall can also have a negative impact. There is no nest parasitism by Shiny Cowbird Molothrus bonariensis, because this species does not currently occur on Montserrat2contra6. Threat changes in native species dynamics Cause predators Timing continuing Scope whole Severity very rapid decline very rapid decline very rapid decline Impact high invasive alien species (directly affecting the species) natural disasters predators continuing whole storms/flooding whole natural disasters volcanoes habitat loss/degradation (other) natural disasters unset drought suspended (may return in short term) suspended (may return in short term) continuing continuing whole very rapid decline high whole whole slow decline fluctuations medium medium high high Action: There is a comprehensive programme to monitor the population and breeding success3,4, and in 2001 a new research programme into the causes of the continuing decline was begun7. During 2003, preliminary tests of management interventions were made, aimed at boosting reproductive success4. In June 1999, eight birds were taken to Jersey Zoo to enable the development of husbandry techniques and initial attempts at captive breeding have proven successful4,9. The Centre Hills has been designated a protected area and development is not permitted within its marked boundaries2. Targets: •Continue the existing programme and research into the causes of the decline. •Develop potential management interventions to boost reproductive success4. •Continue the close monitoring of the population4. •Investigate the reasons for the high densities of nest predators in the Centre Hills4. References: 1. Arendt et al. (1999). 2. P. Atkinson in litt. (1998, 1999). 3. Gibbons et al. (1998). 4. G. Hilton in litt. (2000, 2003). 5. Jaramillo and Burke (1999). 6. Raffaele et al. (1998). 7. Cotinga 17 (2002): 7. 8. Bowden et al. (2001). 9. Owen (2000). 10. Hilton et al. (2003). 11. Anon (2006). 12. G. Hilton in litt. (2007). Contributors P Atkinson (unset) Geoff Hilton (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) Red List evaluators Jeremy Bird (BirdLife International) Stuart Butchart (BirdLife International)