Tide-InjectResponses - Disaster Resistant Communities Group

Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Inject Response Report
Turbulent Tide – A Hurricane Response Tabletop
November 7, 2013
City of Ocean City
New Jersey
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
This report contains the inject responses from the Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise. These responses
are unedited and are directly exported from the information typed into the ONX System during the
exercise. The purpose of this report is to provide documentation for your organization’s records of exact
responses captured during the exercise.
www.drc-group.com – info@drc-group.com
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
Turbulent Tide - # 002
Ocean City CERT
Prepare a Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA) of natural and man-made
threats to the residents of Ocean City.
Part 1
Identify all hazards, other than a hurricane, to which the community is
vulnerable. Then rank the vulnerability of the community to the identified
hazard. Rank each hazard as either: LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH.
(Example: Hazard: Tornado / Vulnerability: Low)
Hazard: : Flooding Medium-high
Fire Med/High
Part 2 Hurricane Med/High
Tornado Med
Tsunami Low
Turbulent Tide - # 003
Ocean City CERT
Residing in a community that is Disaster Ready is the first step in being able to
respond to and recover from any disaster or emergency.
Part 1
(Note: Access information on Avoiding Home Hurricane Damage.)
Is your organization involved in assisting community residents in preparing
themselves, their families and their homes for a hurricane and other disasters or
emergencies that could strike the region?
Part 2 Yes
If the above answer is yes. – List in detail the various disaster preparedness
activities your organization undertakes to assist with community preparedness.
Part 3
(Example: Activity: At the beginning of Hurricane Season members go door to
door distributing hurricane preparedness materials to residents.)
Part 4
Education through symposiums held annually. CERT class. Flyers and
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
publications handed out to public, and video presentations.
If the above answer is no. – Identify the name and phone number for all local
agencies and / or organizations that would be able to assist residents as well as
the type of assistance that may be available.
Part 5
(Example: Agency: Shoemaker County Office of Emergency Management /
Phone Number: 555-555-5555 / Assistance: Conducts hurricane preparedness
presentations to neighborhood residents.)
(Note: Access www.google.com to search for your community’s agencies and /
or organizations.)
Part 6
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster
Training Library for additional information on Neighborhood Preparedness and
Part 7
Response. These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise. Building a
Neighborhood Disaster Plan / Map Your Neighborhood) – OPTIONAL
Turbulent Tide - # 005
Ocean City CERT
Would your organization have a role in assisting senior citizens, individuals with
Part 1 disabilities and / or the transportation disadvantaged in preparing for the
approaching storm?
Part 2 Yes
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster
Training Library for additional information on Individuals with Disabilities. These
videos are too long to view during today’s exercise. Individuals with Disabilities)
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Describe the type of assistance that would be
made available to help senior citizens, individuals with disabilities and / or the
transportation disadvantaged to prepare for the approaching hurricane.
(Example: Activity: Our team works to ensure individuals with disabilities have
registered with the local emergency management agency as a person with
special needs.)
Part 4 We have register of those that would need assistance.
Part 5 If the above answer is no. – Identify the name and phone number for local
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
agencies and / or organizations that would be able to assist these residents as
well as the type of assistance that may be available.
(Example: Agency: Low County Alzheimer Association / Phone Number: 555555-5555 / Assistance: Transportation to local evacuation shelter.)
(Note: You can access the national 2-1-1 Information and Referral database or
www.google.com to search for agencies and / or organizations within your area
that could assist senior citizens, the disabled and the transportation
disadvantaged in preparing for an emergency or disaster.)
Part 6
Turbulent Tide - # 007
Ocean City CERT
Part 1
Does your organization have a role in supporting activities associated with
hurricane shelters?
Part 2 Yes
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly explain how your organization supports
local hurricane shelter operations.
Part 4 CERT members man and facilitate shelter operations on the island and off.
Found below are forms and guidelines that could be useful in establishing,
managing and demobilizing a community / neighborhood based shelter.
Shelter Registration
Part 5
Shelter Guidebook
Shelter Operations Management Toolkit
If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why your organization does not help
with sheltering activities.
Part 6
Turbulent Tide - # 009
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
Ocean City CERT
As the hurricane continues to approach the region will your organization be
Part 1 involved in assisting community residents with any last minute preparedness
Part 2 Yes
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Identify and briefly describe the activities that your
organization will assist with.
Part 4
Evacuation. Securing outside items in neighborhood. Assist neighbors.
Moving cars to higher ground. Foster care for animals.
If the above answer is no. – Identify the name and phone number for local
agencies and / or organizations that would be able to assist residents in making
last minute hurricane preparations as well as the type of assistance that may be
Part 5 available.
(Note: Access www.google.com to search for your community’s agencies and /
or organizations.)
Part 6
Turbulent Tide - # 010
Ocean City CERT
Part 1
Would your organization be contacted by emergency management officials as
the hurricane approaches the region?
Part 2 Yes
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Identify the emergency response agency that will
notify your organization.
Part 4 Local OEM
Part 5 If the above answer is no. – At what point will your organization be notified.
Part 6
Turbulent Tide - # 011
Ocean City CERT
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
Part 1
Will your organization ever self-mobilize?
Part 2
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly explain why.
Part 4
The leader of your organization has been contacted and asked to mobilize due
to the region being under a Hurricane Warning.
Part 5
Briefly describe how the members of your organization will be contacted and
told that they need to mobilize.
Part 6
Email, CodeRed, text.
Identify the individuals by name and title that would be responsible for
mobilizing your organization.
Part 7
(Example: Primary: Howard Thomas – CERT President)
Part 8
Frank D Coord
Part 9
Part 10 Scott M Deputy Coord
Part 11 Tertiary:
Part 12 Jerry B CERT Pres
Part 15 Briefly describe your organization’s mobilization process.
Part 16 Initial contact and centralized rendezvous location.
Turbulent Tide - # 012
Ocean City CERT
Now that your organization has mobilized it will be important to effectively
coordinate the various response activities that will need to be undertaken.
Part 1
As a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) identify the individuals
that will fulfill the Incident Command System (ICS) positions and briefly describe
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
the responsibility for each position.
(Example: Position: Logistics Section Chief – John Harper – Is responsible for
obtaining needed equipment and supplies that will be used to respond to the
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster
Training Library for additional information on the Incident Command System.
These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise. Incident Command
System) – OPTIONAL
Logistics Section Chief Scott M.
Part 2 Planning Section - Chad C.
Incident Command - Frank D.
Turbulent Tide - # 013
Ocean City CERT
Mrs Jones, an 87 year old widow, is a community resident whose home is
subject to flooding. She has just contacted a member of your organization
asking if someone could come help her with building a sandbag barrier to
prevent her home from being flooded.
Part 1 (Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster
Training Library for additional information on Filling Sandbags Safely. This video
is too long to view during today’s exercise. Filling Sandbags Safely) –
Will your organization be able to assist Mrs Jones with her request?
Part 2 Yes
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the actions that will be taken to
assist Mrs Jones.
Part 4
We could utilize City resources to assist along with CERT members to assist in
building barrier.
Part 5 If the above answer is no. – What will Mrs Jones be told?
Part 6
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
Turbulent Tide - # 018
Ocean City CERT
Prepare a prioritized action plan
(Incident Action Plan) outlining in detail activities that your organization will
undertake based on current information and planning assumptions.
In preparing the Incident Action Plan list any resources that will be needed to
undertake each action and develop a timeline for completing each of the
Part 1
identified actions.
(Example: Action: Canvas the neighborhood to determine if any residents were
injured during the storm. If medical assistance is needed for minor injuries team
members should provide First Aid. / Required Resources: First Aid Kit. /
Timeline: 1 Hour.)
Action: Organize groups to canvas neighborhoods to ascertain if anyone is
injured. If required, provide First Aid or if serious contact EMS.
Part 2 Find any structural damage or utility lines need to be fixed and/or moved from
roadways. Notify OEM of such.
Prioritize, strategize, tactics and related tasks.
Turbulent Tide - # 019
Ocean City CERT
It will be important for your organization to remain in constant communication
with its members and various response agencies and organizations. Briefly
describe how communications will be maintained:
Part 1
(Note: Access the Neighborhood Emergency Radio Communications Planning
With emergency management officials.
Part 2 HAM radios
Part 3 With law enforcement officials.
Part 4 800 MHz radio; Messenger
Part 5 With fire department officials.
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
Part 6 messenger
Part 7 Among fellow team members.
Part 8 HAM radio
Turbulent Tide - # 020
Ocean City CERT
Needs Assessment
Part 1
Based on the Preliminary Damage Assessment and the Post Hurricane
Community Evaluation of the community prepare a list of resources (services,
materials, supplies, etc.) that will be needed to support residents in the days
and weeks to come.
Need # 1:
Part 2
Bottled water
Part 3
Need # 2:
Part 4
Canned goods
Part 5
Need # 3:
Part 6
Part 7
Need # 4:
Part 8
medical supplies
Part 9
Need # 5:
Part 10 batteries
Part 11 Need # 6:
Part 12 clothing
Part 13 Need # 7:
Part 14 shelter
Part 15 Need # 8:
Part 16 blankets
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
Turbulent Tide - # 021
Ocean City CERT
In the aftermath of the hurricane debris litters the yards and streets throughout
the community. While the municipal public works and road department will
collect debris from public property / right-of-ways they are prohibited by law
from clearing debris from private property.
Part 1
Local elected officials are asking community and faith based organizations to
assist residents with clearing storm debris from private property.
Will your organization be able to assist with this request?
Part 2 Yes
If the above answer is yes. – Prepare a list of equipment and consumable
Part 3 supplies including personal protective equipment (PPE) that will be needed
when undertaking such a mission.
Trash bags
Part 4
hard hat
Turbulent Tide - # 022
Ocean City CERT
Residents throughout the community are great animal lovers with many having
pet dogs and cats. Many of the pets are indoor / outdoor animals. In the
Part 1 aftermath of the storm residents are in need of assistance with caring for and in
some cases finding their pets.
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
Will your organization be able to assist these residents?
Part 2 Yes
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the assistance that your
organization can provide.
Part 4 Support the Humane Society, report any sightings, post flyers, CART program
Part 5
If the above answer is no. – Identify the name and phone number for a local
agency and / or organization that can be contacted to assist residents with
caring for and / or finding their lost pets.
(Note: Access www.google.com to search for an agency and / or organization
serving your area.)
Part 6
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster
Training Library for additional information on Animal Health Operations. These
Part 7
videos are too long to view during today’s exercise. Animal Health Operations)
Turbulent Tide - # 023
Ocean City CERT
Assisting community residents with their response and recovery needs will be a
large undertaking and involve many government agencies and departments as
well as community and faith based organizations.
Identify four agencies, departments and / or organizations (Community
Partners) serving your area with which your organization will work as well as the
resources / services that the identified Community Partner will be able to
provide to community / neighborhood residents.
Part 1
(Example: Community Partner: Southern Baptist Disaster Relief – Local
churches can assist with: Chainsaw Crews, Childcare, Feeding, Sheltering,
Transportation, Communications and Clean-up.)
(Note: Access information regarding Southern Baptist Disaster Relief.)
(Note: Access www.google.com to search for local Community Partners in
disaster response.)
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
OCNJcare - food, clothing, shelter
FEMA - paperwork and red tape
Part 2
National Guard - transportation
Samaritans Purse - cleanup
(Note: For future reference you may want to access the Just In Time Disaster
Training Library for additional information on Volunteer Organizations Active in
Part 3
Disaster (VOAD). These videos are too long to view during today’s exercise.
Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) Operations) – OPTIONAL
Turbulent Tide - # 024
Ocean City CERT
Is your organization in possession of any equipment and / or consumable
Part 1 supplies that can be utilized to assist community residents with responding to or
recovering from the hurricane?
Part 2 Yes
If the above answer is yes. – Prepare an itemized list, (Item, Quantity and
Storage Location) of the equipment and / or consumable supplies.
Part 3 (Note: Access a listing of potential items to incorporate into a Neighborhood
Disaster Supply Kit.)
(Example: Item: Stretcher / Quantity: 3 / Storage Location: CERT Trailer)
Three trailers with 150 cots and 150 pillows and blankets in each trailer; also
stocked for CERT members and police and fire. Located throughout island in
three locations, north, south and central. Third trailer will be utilized as a
Part 4
canteen with food, refreshments.
1 police boat/trailer
If the above answer is no. – Conduct a brief group discussion to identify ways in
which your organization can obtain equipment and / or consumable supplies
necessary to prepare a Neighborhood Disaster Supply Kit.
Part 5
Potential Funding Sources
Target Foundation
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
Wal-Mart Foundation
Walgreens Foundation
Turbulent Tide - # 025
Ocean City CERT
As the sun sets the roar of generators can be heard throughout the community.
Part 1
Local officials have issued a dusk to dawn curfew for all of the residents in the
affected area.
Are the members of your organization exempt from the curfew?
Part 2 No
Part 3 If the above answer is yes. – Briefly explain why.
Part 4
Part 5 If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why.
At this time, no for CERT members but are working on acquiring proper
Part 6 identification so law enforcement will be able to easily identify members. This
would also apply to any travel ban.
Part 7
If the above answer is unsure. – Identify the local agency’s name and phone
number that will be able to tell you if your organization is exempt from the
(Example: Agency: Polk County Emergency Management Department / Phone
Number: 555-555-5555)
Part 8
Turbulent Tide - # 026
Ocean City CERT
Part 1
Betty Shoemaker, a widow, has lived in the community all of her life, and at 88
she has never asked for assistance from anyone. However, during the
hurricane her home sustained moderate damage when a large oak tree was
up-rooted and fell on her roof.
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
Because of her age and the fact that she has neither insurance nor relatives
that live in the area that can assist her with removing the tree from her roof she
is asking your organization for assistance.
Will your organization be able to assist Mrs Shoemaker?
Part 2
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly explain how your organization will be able
to assist.
Part 4
We would assist by providing contact information for agency to assist.
Part 5
What is the liability if a member of your organization is injured while assisting
with this activity?
Part 6
Part 7
If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why your organization will not be
able to assist.
Part 8
If your organization is unable to help identify the name and phone number for
a local organization to which you could refer Mrs Shoemaker for assistance.
Part 9
(Note: Access www.google.com to search for a local organization that could
help Mrs Samuelson.)
Part 10
Turbulent Tide - # 027
Ocean City CERT
Emergency management officials have asked if your organization could help
with establishing and managing a location for the distribution of supplies (bottled
water, shelf stable meals, tarps, etc.) which will be given to community residents
needing assistance.
Part 1 These types of distribution activities are normally referred to as a Point of
Distribution (POD).
FEMA, state and local officials will provide all of the supplies to be distributed
and the equipment to operate the POD.
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
(Note: Access information on POD operations. – POD Overview / Just In Time
POD Training Videos)
Will your organization be able to manage and provide man-power to support
this activity?
Part 2 Yes
Part 5
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe how your organization will assist
with setting up and managing such an operation.
Part 6 We would assist in setting up POD and distribution of supplies.
Turbulent Tide - # 028
Ocean City CERT
Adam and Beth Morrison are an elderly couple whose home has survived the
storm. As is true with the rest of the community, they are without power, water
and phone service. The temperature outside has risen to 98 degrees and the
humidity is close to 95%. Several of their neighbors have expressed a concern
Part 1
for their well-being given the lack of drinking water and the extreme heat and
Will your organization assist in this situation?
Part 2 Yes
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the actions that will be taken to
assist the Morrison's.
Part 4 Set up cooling center
If the above answer is no. – Identify the name and phone number for a local
organization to which you will refer the Morrison’s for assistance.
Part 5
(Note: Access www.google.com to search for a local organization that could
help the Morrison’s.)
Part 6
Turbulent Tide - # 029
Ocean City CERT
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Turbulent Tide Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – November 7 2013
Part 1
At what point would your organization demobilize?
Part 2
When directed to by higher authority within State
Part 3
Briefly describe the procedure for demobilization.
Part 4
Reverse ICS plan, and will take our direction from local, county and state
Part 5
Does your demobilization plan include an operational debriefing of all team
Part 6
Part 7
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the debriefing process your
organization will use.
Part 8
Debriefing to assess what we just experienced; assess resources used and
available, performance evaluations of each member with suggested
Part 9
Does your demobilization plan include a Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
(CISD) of all team members?
Part 10 Yes
Part 11
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the CISD process your
organization will use.
Part 12 Optional and confidential.
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC