Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy,

Name: JULIUS GYULA PAPP, MD,PhD,DSc,FESC, academican
Present position title:
Professor and Head, Division of Cardiovascular Pharmacology;
Professor, Deparment of Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapy,
Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical Center, University of Szeged
Professional Address:
Division of Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Hungarian Academy of Sciences and University of Szeged
H-6701 SZEGED, Dóm tér 12., P.O.Box. 427 - Hungary
Telephone: +36.62.545-681;
Telefax: +36.62.544-565
Date and place of birt: 29th August, 1937, Szigetvár (Hungary)
Marital status: married with two children (wife: Helen Németh MD,PhD; children: Andrea
Papp MD,PhD and Eszter Papp MD)
University Medical School of Pécs, Hungary
M.D. degree ("Sub auspiciis Rei Publicae Popularis" - with Gold Ring from
the President of the Hungarian Republic)
Departments of Internal Medicine (Cardiology) and Pharmacology
University Medical School of Pécs, Hungary
Institute for Circulation Research, Berlin (for 6 months)
1968-1970, 1971, 1981
Laboratory of Cardiac Electrophysiology
University of Oxford
(cooperation with E.M. Vaughan Williams) - international fellow and
visiting lecturer
1968 (Candidate of Medical Sciences, equivalent to Ph.D.),
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
1982 (Doctor of Medical Sciences, the highest Hungarian medical
scientific degree), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
Visiting Professor, University of Paris
Assistant Professor, University Medical School of Pécs
Adjunct and Associate Professor, Medical University of Szeged
(Full) Professor, Medical University of Szeged
Professor and Chairman, Department of Pharmacology &
Pharmacotherapy, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, Szeged
1993-present Academician - Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2001-present Professor and Head, Division of Cardiovascular Pharmacology,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical and
Pharmaceutical Center, University of Szeged
Professor, Department of Pharmacology & Pharmacotherapy, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Szeged
1. World Heart Federation (WHF)
General Secretary (1999-2003)
President's Adviser for Eastern Europe (1997-present)
Impending global pandemic of cardiovascular diseases
('White Book') (1999-present)
Task Force on Cardiac Rehabilitation Education (in cooperation with WHO)
2. International Society and Federation of Cardiology (ISFC)
Drug Committee (1990-93)
3. International Society of Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy (ISCP)
Executive Board (1997-present)
First Vice President (1999-2001)
4. European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
Board Member (1984-94)
Councillor (1984-88)
Treasurer (1988-92)
Vice-President (1992-94)
Working Group on Drug Therapy in Cardiology (1992-94)
Research & Training Fellowship Committee (1992-94)
Scientific Committee (1984-96; 1999-present)
Nucleus of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Drug Therapy
Nominating Committee (1996-1998)
5. International Cardiological Institute for Therapeutic Research (ICITR)
Board Member & Scientific Adviser (1986-1996)
6. Alpe Adria Association of Cardiology
President (1994-95); Executive Board Member (1992-1998)
7. Hungarian Society of Cardiology (HSC)
Board Member (1976-present)
President-Elect (1990-92)
President (1992-95)
Past President (1995-1998)
Honorary Life-President (1998-present)
Scientific Committee (1998-2004)
8. Hungarian National Heart Foundation
Board Member (1993-1998)
9. Hungarian Society of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
President (1999-2001), Board Member (1988-present)
10. Hungarian Professional Council on Cardiology
Member (1992-present)
11. Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Corresponding Member (1993-1998)
Full Member (1998-present)
Member of Drug Committee (1974-present)
12. Hungarian Ministry of Health
Ethics Committee for Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Trials (1992-present)
Board Member:
Medical Research Council (1997-present)
Committee for Experimental & Clinical Pharmacology, Drug Abuse and Addiction
13. Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University
Vice-Rector & Chairman of the Scientific Committee (1991-2001)
Professor (full 1979-present) & Department Chairman (1991-2001)
14. Division of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and
Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical and Pharmaceutical Center, University of Szeged
Professor & Head (2001-present)
American Heart Association, Council on Clinical Cardiology: International Fellow
Hungarian Society of Cardiology
European Society of Cardiology (Fellow: FESC)
International Society for Heart Research
The New York Academy of Sciences
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pharmakologie
British Pharmacological Society
Hungarian Physiological Society
Histamine Club
Royal Society of Medicine (London) (Fellow)
Corresponding Membership
Portuguese Society of Cardiology
Spanish Society of Cardiology
Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Associate Editor)
Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy (Associate Editor) (1999-2001),
Member (2001-2004)
Basic Research in Cardiology (1989-92)
Cardioscience (1989-95)
Cor et Vasa (1993-present)
European CardiologyJournal by Fax (1999-present)
European Heart Journal (1979-84)
Dialogues in Cardiovascular Medicine (1999-present)
Pharmacology and Therapeutics (1983-92)
Archives internationales de Pharmacodynamie (1976-1990)
Cardiologia Hungarica (1976-present)
Portuguese Journal of Cardiology (1990-present)
New Trends in Arrhythmias (1989-present)
Journal of Basic and Clinical Cardiology (1998-present)
Timely Topics in Medicine: Cardiovascular Diseases (Internet) (1997-present)
Current Atherosclerosis Report – Hungarian Edition(2001-present)
Current Opinion in Cardiology - Hungarian Edition (Chairman, Editorial Board)
Cardiovascular Diabetology (2003-present)
Heart-Drug (2001-present)
a) Cardiology and cardiovascular pharmacology
Medal from the European Society of Cardiology (1988 and 1994)
'Pro Societate' Medal from the Hungarian Society of Cardiology (1995)
Medal and Diploma from the Polish Society of Cardiology (1994)
Honorary Membership and Diploma of Merit from the
Czech Society of Cardiology (1995)
Croatian Society of Cardiology (1995)
Hellenic (Greek) Society of Cardiology (1993)
Italian Society of Cardiology (1996)
Romanian Society of Cardiology (1994)
Slovak Society of Cardiology (1994)
Slovenian Society of Cardiology (1996)
b) Other recent awards
Széchenyi-Prize (1999)
Albert Szent-Györgyi Prize (1994)
Issekutz-Prize (1996)
Order of Merit, Hungarian Republic (1996)
Academic Niveau Prize (2002)
Batthyany-Strattmann Prize (2003)
White Rose Order, Finland (1995)
Publication records (April, 2004):
286 full papers [229 in foreign (English, German or French) languages] on cardiology,
cardiovascular pathophysiology and pharmacology, the cumulative impact factor of which
is 394.961. The number of independent references to these publications, according to the
SCI Citation Reports, amounts to 2455.
Author or editor of 8 books; author of 8 book-chapters, 33 book-articles and 16 patents
relating to cardio-vasoactive agents.
Selected full papers:
1. Papp JGy, Szekeres L: Analysis of the mechanism of adrenergic actions on ventricular
vulnerability. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 3:15-26, 1968.
2. Papp JGy, Szekeres L: The arrhythmogenic action of sympathomimetic amines. Eur. J.
Pharmacol. 3:4-14, 1968.
3. Papp JGy, Vaughan Williams EM: The effect of bretylium on intracellular cardiac
action potentials in relation to its anti-arrhyhtmic and local anaesthetic activity. Br. J.
Pharmacol. 37:380-390, 1969.
4. Papp JGy, Vaughan Williams EM: A comparison of the anti-arrhythmic actions of I.C.I.
50172 and (-)propranolol and their effects on intracellular cardiac action potentials and
other features of cardiac function. Br.J.Pharmacol. 37:391-399, 1969.
5. Freedberg AS, Papp JGy, Vaughan Williams EM: The effect of altered thyroid state on
atrial intracellular potentials. J. Physiol. (London) 207:357-369, 1970.
6. Papp JGy: Autonomic responses and neurohumoral control in the human early antenatal
heart. Basic Res. Cardiol. 83:2-9, 1988
7. Udvary É, Papp JGy, Végh Á: Cardiovascular effects of the calcium sensitizer,
levosimendan, in heart failure induced by rapid pacing in the presence of aortic
constriction. Br. J. Pharmacol. 114:656-661, 1995.
8. Édes I., Kiss É, Kitada Y, Powers FM, Papp JGy, Kranias EG, Solaro RJ: Effects of
levosimendan, a cardiotonic agent targeted to troponin C, on cardiac function and on
phosphorylation an Ca2+ sensitivity of cardiac myofibrils and sarcoplasmic reticulum
in guinea pig heart. Circ. Res. 77:107-113, 1995
9. Papp JGy, Németh M, Krassói I, Mester L, Hála O, Varró A: Differential
electrophysiological effects of chronically administered amiodarone on canine
Purkinje fibers versus ventricular muscle. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. Therapeut.
1:287-296, 1996.
10. Baczkó I., Leprán I., Papp JGy: KATP channel modulators increase survival rate
during coronary occlusion-reperfusion in anaesthetized rats. Eur.J. Pharmacol.
324:77-83, 1997.
11. Papp JGy: Positive inotropy by calcium sensitization - an evolving approach for the
treatment of end-stage heart failure. Am.J.Cardiol. 83:1(I)-3(I), 1999.
12. Baláti B, Varró A, Papp JGy: Pharmacological modification of the dispersion of
repolarization in the heart: importance of the M cells. Cardiovasc. Drugs Ther.
13:491-505, 1999.
13. Kis A, Végh Á, Papp JGy, Parratt JR: Pacing induced delayed protection against
arrhythmias is attenuated by aminoguanidine, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase.
Br.J. Pharmacol. 127:1545-1555, 1999
14. Varró A, Baláti B, Iost N, Takács J, Virág L, Lathrop DA, Lengyel Cs, Tálosi L, Papp
JGy: The role of the delayed rectifier component IKs in dog ventricular muscle and
Purkinje fibre. J. Physiol. (London) 523:67-81, 2000.
15. Virág L, Iost N, Opincariu M, Szécsi J, Bogáts G, Szenohradszky P, Varró A, Papp
JGy: The slow component of the delayed rectifier potassium current in undiseased
human ventricular myocytes. Cardiovasc. Res. 49:790-797, 2001.
16. Csete K, Barzó P, Bodosi M, Papp JGy: Influence of nitrovasodilators and
cyclooxygenase inhibitors on cerebral vasoreactivity in conscious rabbits. Eur. J.
Pharmacol. 412:301-309, 2001.
17.Opincariu M, Varró A, Iost N, Virág L, Hála O, Szolnoki J, Szécsi J, Bogáts G,
Szenohradszky P, Mátyus P, Papp JGy: The cellular electrophysiological effect of a
new amiodarone-like antiarrhythmic drug GYKI 16638 in undiseased human
ventricular muscle: comparison with sotalol and mexiletine. Current Medicinal
Chemistry 9:41-46, 2002.
18. Biliczki P, Virág L, Iost N, Papp JGy, Varró A: Interaction of different potassium
channels in cardiac repolarization in dog ventricular preparations: role of
repolarization reserve. Br. J. Pharmacol. 137:361-368, 2002.
19. Zicha S, Moss I, Varró A, Papp JGy, Dumaine R, Antzelevich C, Nattel S : Molecular
basis of species-specific expression of repolarizing K+ currents in the heart. Am.J.
Physiol 285:H1641-1649, 2003
20. Papp JGy, Singh BN : Atrial fibrillation: emerging possibilities for drug treatment: an
overview of current opportunities and recent developments. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol.
Ther. 8S-I : S3, 2003
21. Leprán I, Papp JGy : Effect of longtherm oral pre-treatment with levosimendan on
cardiac arrhythmias during coronary occlusion in conscious rats. Eur.J. Pharmacol.
464:171-176, 2003
22. Mátyus P, Varga I, Reggeti T, Simay A, Kállai N, Károlyházy L, Kocsis Á, Pémes I,
Papp JGy : Novel antiarrhythmic compounds with combined class IB and class IIIB
mode of action. Current Medicinal Chemistry 11:61-69, 2004.
23. Nagy ZsA, Virág L, Tóth A, Biliczki P, Acsai K, Bányász T, Nánási P, Papp JGy,
Varró A : Selective inhibition of sodium-calcium exchanger by SEA-0400 decreases
early and delayed afterdepolarization in canine heart. Br. J. Pharmacol. 143:827-831,
24. Lengyel Cs, Dézsi L, Biliczki P, Horváth Cs, Virág L, Jost N, Németh M, Tálosi L,
Papp JGy, Varró A : Effect of a neuroprotective drug, eliprodil on cardiac
repolarization : importance of the decreased repolarization reserve in the development
of proarrhythmic risk. Br. J. Pharmacol. 143:152-158, 2004.
25. Hőhn J, Pataricza J, Petri A, Gábor K, Balogh Á, Varró A, Papp JGy: Levosimendan
interacts with potassium channel blockers in human saphenous vein. Pharmacol.
Toxicol. 94:271-273, 2004.
26. Iost N, Virág L, Hála O, Thormählen D, Papp JGy :Effects of the antifibrillatory
compound tedisamil (KC-8857) on transmembrane currents in mammalian ventricular
myocytes. Current Medicinal Chemistry 11:1345-1359, 2004
27. Biliczki P, Acsai K, Virág L, Tálosi L, Jost N, Biliczki A, Papp JGy, Varró A: Cellular
electrophysiological effect of terikalant in the dog heart. Eur.J.Pharmacol. 510:161166, 2005.
28. Borbély A, Tóth A, Édes I, Vaszily M, Virág L, Szűts V, Papp JGy, Varró A, Paulus
WJ, Van der Velden J, Stienen GJM, Papp Z: Peroxynitrite-induced alpha-actinin
nitration and contractile alterations in isolated human myocardial cells.
Cardiovasc.Res. 67:225-233, 2005.
29. Jost N, Virág L, Bitay M, Takács J, Lengyel C, Biliczki P, Nagy Z, Bogáts G, Lathrop
DA, Papp JGy, Varro A: Restricting excessive cardiac action potential and QT
prolongation: a vital role for IKs in human ventricular muscle. Circulation 112:13921399, 2005.