HOW TO ADD, EDIT OR REMOVE AN EARLY START KINDERGARTEN ENROLMENT QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE About Early Start Kindergarten Part 1 – Add an Early Start Kindergarten enrolment The Department of Education and Training (the Department) provides targeted funding for some children to attend a kindergarten program for the two years before school, with the aim of improving access and diminishing barriers to participation for vulnerable children and Aboriginal children (research shows these children are underrepresented in kindergarten). 1. On your KIM home page, click on the Edit/Apply button for the corresponding service Early Start Kindergarten grants are available for eligible children attending a threeyear-old kindergarten program, a mixed age program or a four-year-old kindergarten program. The eligibility criteria and further information about the Early Start Kindergarten grant is available in Part C of The Kindergarten Guide. This Quick Reference Guide is in three parts: Part 1 – Add an Early Start Kindergarten enrolment Part 2 – Edit an Early Start Kindergarten enrolment Part 3 – Remove an Early Start Kindergarten enrolment 2. Select the Early Start Kindergarten option under Apply. Click on Apply. Kindergarten Information Management Helpdesk: 1800 614 810 1 1 HOW TO ADD, EDIT OR REMOVE AN EARLY START KINDERGARTEN ENROLMENT 3. Click on the Enrolments – add, edit or remove an Early Start enrolment form. QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE 6. Click the button to Add an Early Start Kindergarten enrolment and click Next. Result: the Enrolments – add, edit or remove an Early Start enrolment form displays. 4. In Contact Person, enter contact details of the person who should be contacted in case of queries about the information provided in the form and click Next to navigate to the next page. 5. Under Service Details, select the service for which you want to add an Early Start enrolment from the drop-down list. Result: the Early Start Kindergarten Child Information section displays. 7. Click the Add Child button. Result: the selected service’s details and a summary of child information previously entered in KIM will display (this will be blank if no Early Start enrolments have been added to the service). Result: a table will display with the option to Edit Child. Kindergarten Information Management Helpdesk: 1800 614 810 2 2 HOW TO ADD, EDIT OR REMOVE AN EARLY START KINDERGARTEN ENROLMENT 8. Click Edit Child. QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE 15. For the kindergarten program in which the child is enrolled, enter the number of weeks of the year that the program is normally offered. 16. Enter the number of weeks that this child is enrolled to attend the kindergarten program per year. 17. Enter the fee normally charged for the kindergarten program that the child is enrolled to attend (by term, hour, week or year). 18. If the child does not attend all hours of the kindergarten program offered, enter the fee that this service would normally charge for the number of hours the child attends (by term, hour, week or year). 19. In the Coordinated Child Support Details section, select whether the child lives with their parents/family, in Kinship Care, in Out-Of-Home care or if unknown. 20. Answer “Yes”, “No”, “Unknown” or “Not Applicable” to the following questions: Result: a form displays requesting information about the child. 9. In the Child Details section, enter the Given Name, Family Name, Gender, the date the child commenced the Early Start Kindergarten program and the child’s date of birth. 10. In the Early Start Kindergarten Eligibility section, select the category for which the child is eligible to receive an Early Start Kindergarten program (Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent, Child known to Child Protection, or both). 11. In the Early Start Kindergarten Enrolment Details section, select or enter the name of the early childhood teacher delivering the kindergarten program that this child will attend. 12. Indicate whether the child will receive the kindergarten program in either a three year old group, a mixed age/multi aged group, a four year old group or a combination of more than one group. 13. Enter the number of hours and minutes the kindergarten is offered per week in the program that the child is enrolled to attend. 14. Enter the number of hours of kindergarten that the child is enrolled to attend per week. Did this child have a Key Ages and Stages Maternal and Child Health Assessment visit at 2 years of age? Did this child have a Key Ages and Stages Maternal and child Health Assessment visit at 3 1/2 years of age? Has a Key Ages and Stages Maternal and Child Health Assessment visit been arranged? Has permission to share the Parental Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS) been sought from parents? Does this child receive a Kindergarten Inclusion Package (KIS)? Does this child have additional needs? 21. When all sections are complete, click the Update button. Result: you will be returned to the Child Details section with the list of enrolled children. 22. If you want to add another child, click the Add Child button and repeat steps 6 to 19. 23. When all children have been added and completed, click the Submit button. Result: the Certification screen displays. 24. Click the box to warrant that you are duly authorised to submit the form on behalf of the organisation, enter the name, position and date of the certifier. Kindergarten Information Management Helpdesk: 1800 614 810 3 3 HOW TO ADD, EDIT OR REMOVE AN EARLY START KINDERGARTEN ENROLMENT 25. Click Submit. Result: the form will be submitted for Department approval. The submitted form will display under the Submitted tab until it is approved. QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Result: the Certification screen displays. 8. Click the box to warrant that you are duly authorised to submit the form on behalf of the organisation, enter the name, position and date of the certifier. 9. Click Submit. Result: the form will be submitted for Department approval. The submitted form will display under the Submitted tab until it is approved. Part 3 – Remove an Early Start Kindergarten enrolment 1. Repeat Add an Early Start Kindergarten enrolment steps 1 – 3. Part 2 – Edit an Early Start Kindergarten enrolment 1. Repeat Add an Early Start Kindergarten enrolment steps 1 – 3. 2. Click the button to Remove an Early Start Kindergarten enrolment and click Next. 2. Click the button to Edit an Early Start Kindergarten enrolment and click Next. Result: a table displays with a list of the Early Start Kindergarten enrolments Result: a table displays with a list of the Early Start Kindergarten enrolments 3. Find the child that you wish to edit and click the Edit Child link next to the child’s name. Result: information previously submitted about the child will display. 3. Find the child that you wish to remove and click the Edit Child link next to the child’s name. 4. If applying for an increase in hours for the enrolled child, update the hours the child is enrolled to attend and enter the date from which the increase should take effect. 4. Enter the date the child withdrew from the Early Start Kindergarten program. 5. Edit other information as required and click Update. Result: you will be returned to the Child Details section with the list of enrolled children. Result: a screen displays asking for information about the child being withdrawn. 5. Select the reason for the child’s withdrawal (family moved to another area, difficulties with transportation, difficulties in attending session times, program didn’t meet the needs of the child/family or other reason). 6. State briefly why the child was withdrawn from the Early Start Kindergarten program. 6. You can edit further children if necessary. 7. When complete, click the Submit button. Kindergarten Information Management Helpdesk: 1800 614 810 4 4 HOW TO ADD, EDIT OR REMOVE AN EARLY START KINDERGARTEN ENROLMENT QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE 7. Click Update Result: you will be returned to the Child Details section with the list of enrolled children. 8. You can remove further children if necessary. 9. When complete, click the Submit button. Result: the Certification screen displays. 10. Click the box to warrant that you are duly authorised to submit the form on behalf of the organisation, enter the name, position and date of the certifier. 11. Click Submit. Result: the form will be submitted for Department approval. The submitted form will display under the Submitted tab until it is approved. Kindergarten Information Management Helpdesk: 1800 614 810 5 5