Tamargo - CUNY.edu


Department of Chemistry

Description of Course

Spring 2010

Course: CHEM 42500

Course title: Inorganic Chemistry

Designation: Required course for Chemistry Majors-Standard Option

Catalog Description:

Concepts of inorganic chemistry, including bonding theory, structure of complexes, symmetry, and reaction mechanisms.

Prerequisites: CHEM 26100, 26300, 33000

Suggested Co-requisites: CHEM 33200 OR CHEM 33500

Special Consideration: Open to Juniors and Seniors with a 2.75 GPA and Chemistry Majors

Hours/Credits: 2.5 hours per week, 3 cr.

Lecture is given twice per week.

Textbook: Inorganic Chemistry, 4 th ed. by D. F. Shriver, P. W. Atkins et al., 2006.

ISBN – 0-7167-4878-9 (or 5 th


Course objectives:

This course provides an introduction to inorganic chemistry in one semester. Topics pertaining to solids, coordination compounds, and organometallic molecules will be covered. In addition, a fundamental knowledge of molecular orbital theory, symmetry, and redox chemistry will be gained. Finally, frontiers of inorganic chemistry with application to catalysis, nanoscience, and materials chemistry will be discussed.

Dept outcome

After completing this course, students should be able to:


Qualitatively describe the wavefunctions of the hydrogen-like orbitals by letters shape (radial and angular distribution) and within an energy diagram. a


Describe periodic trends in the atomic radii, ionic radii, ionization energy and electronegativity. a


Draw qualitative molecular orbital energy diagrams for diatomic molecules and sketch the wavefunctions for the resulting molecular orbitals. a


Describe structures of ionic and molecular solids.


Estimate the lattice energy of ionic solids based on calculation of a

Coulombic contributions.


Estimate the lattice energy from thermodynamic considerations using the Born-Haber cycle.


Apply group theory to describe the symmetry of molecules, e e molecular orbitals and vibrational modes. a


Describe acids and bases in terms of Bronsted and Lewis formalisms. a


Understand oxidation and reduction in terms of half-reactions, Frost diagrams, Ellingham diagrams and pH dependence. a


Describe electronic structure of d -metal complexes (coordination

compounds and organometallic molecules) using crystal field theory and apply to predict optical and magnetic properties.


Apply fundamental knowledge to materials chemistry, nanoscience, and catalysis. b

Topics covered:

1. Foundations a. Atomic Structure b. Molecular Structure and Bonding c. The structure of Simple Solids d. Acids and Bases a, e e. Oxidation and Reduction f. Physical Techniques in Inorganic Chemistry g. Molecular Symmetry h. An introduction to Coordination Compounds

2. The Elements and Their Compounds

An overview of the chemistry covering most of the periodic table

3. Frontiers

An introduction to special topics including solid state and materials chemistry, nanoscience, and catalysis

Relationship of course to program outcomes:

The outcomes of this course contribute to the following departmental educational outcomes:

Course Objective

Numbers a.

demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles of chemistry, including atomic and molecular structure, quantum chemistry, chemical bonding, stoichiometry, kinetics and mechanism, equilibrium, thermochemistry and thermodynamics, molecular structure and function, electrochemistry, and the periodic chemical properties of the elements.

1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 b.

apply the fundamental principles of chemistry to life sciences, the environment, materials, engineering, and emerging technological fields of chemistry, as well as to everyday situations. conduct experiments and learn fundamental laboratory skills

11 none c.






analyze and interpret data work as part of a problem-solving team apply mathematical concepts to chemical problems convey facts, theories and results about chemistry in written form use oral presentation to convey facts, theories and results about chemistry none

5, 6, 10 none none none i.



access and utilize chemical information technology design and execute scientific research apply ethical responsibilities and professional conduct none none none

Assessment tools:

Homework assignments

In-class Exams (3)

Final Exam

The final grade is calculated as follows:

Avg. of three in-class examinations (20 % each) (60%)

Final Exam (30%)

Homework (10%)

Homework will be graded on the following 5 point scale:

Two problems for each problem set will be graded.

Score 5 if both problems are correct.

Score 3 if one problem is correct.

Score 1 if both problems are incorrect, but the problem set is completed.

Score 0 if no problem set is submitted.

Format for examinations:

The first exam will not permit any additional items except for a calculator.

For the second exam, a help sheet (single sided 8.5” x 11”) will be allowed.

The final examination will be cumulative and a help sheet (single sided 8.5” x 11”) will be allowed. The final exam will cover chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 19, 20, 23 and lecture notes.

The exams will be written with 8 – 10 questions. The grade will be determined out of 100 points.

Academic Integrity:

All students must follow the “CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity” which can be found as a link on the bottom of the CCNY Homepage.

Instructor (person who prepared this description) and date of preparation:

Prof. Maria Tamargo, 212-650-7941, tamar@sci.ccny.cuny.edu.

Date Modified: 2/1/2010

Syllabus – CHEM 42500 Inorganic Chemistry

Spring 2010

Prof. Maria Tamargo

MR1134 (office), MR1105 (lab), 212-650-7941, mtamargo@ccny.cuny.edu

Catalog Description:

Concepts of inorganic chemistry, including bonding theory, structure of complexes, symmetry, and reaction mechanisms.

Prerequisites: CHEM 26100, 26300, 33000

Suggested Co-requisites: CHEM 33200 OR CHEM 33500

Special Consideration: Open to Juniors and Seniors with a 2.75 GPA and Chemistry majors.

Hours/Credits: 2.5 hours per week, 3 cr.

Lecture is given twice per week.

M, W 6:30 pm – 7:45 pm

Room: MR-1

Textbook: Inorganic Chemistry, 4 th ed. by D. F. Shriver, P. W. Atkins et al., 2006.

ISBN – 0-7167-4878-9 (or 5 th ed.)


Office Hours:

Information will be posted regularly. Please log on to check.

Mondays and Wednesdays 5:00 – 6:00 pm, or by appointment.

Topics covered:

1. Foundations a. Atomic Structure b. Molecular Structure and Bonding c. The structure of Simple Solids d. Acids and Bases e. Oxidation and Reduction f. Molecular Symmetry g. An introduction to Coordination Compounds

2. The Elements and Their Compounds

An overview of most of the periodic table

3. Frontiers

An introduction to special topics including solid state and materials chemistry, nanoscience and catalysis

Grading Scheme:

Homework assignments – In-class Exams (3) – Final Exam

The final grade is calculated as follows:

Three in-class examinations (20% each)

Final Exam





Schedule :





Introduction and Ch. 1 (Atomic Structure)

Ch. 1




Ch. 2 (Molecular Structure and Bonding)

Ch. 2

College Closed



Ch. 3 (The structure of simple solids)

( Problem Sets for Ch. 1 and Ch. 2 due )

Ch. 3

Ch. 4 (Acids and bases)

( Problem Set for Ch. 3 due )



Ch. 4

Ch. 5 (Oxidation and reduction)

( Problem Set for Ch. 4 due )

(B1000 Assignments)

Brief list of topics

Final topic

Key words







Exam I

Ch. 5

Ch. 7

(Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4)

Ch. 7 (Molecular Symmetry) (Ch. 6 in 5 th


Problem Set for Ch. 5 due )

Research idea

Ch. 8 (Coordination Compounds) (Ch. 7 in 5th ed.) Five articles

( Problem Set for Ch. 7 due )



Exam II (Ch. 5, 7)

Ch. 8

3/29 – 4/5 Spring Recess

4/7 Periodic Trends (Ch. 9, 5 th


4/12 Ch. 19 (d-metal complexes)


Research proposal







( Problem Set for Ch. 8 due )

Ch. 19

Ch. 20 (Coordination chemistry)

( Problem Set for Ch. 19 due )

Ch. 20

Ch. 21 (d-metal Organometallic chemistry)

( Problem Set for Ch. 20 due )

Ch. 21

Ch. 23 (Solid State & Materials)

( Problem Set for Ch. 21 due )






Exam III (Ch. 8, 19, 20, 21)

Ch. 24 (Nanoscience)

Ch. 25


Ch. 25 (Catalysis)

( Problem Set for Ch. 23 due )

Exam week Final Exam (All the material covered)

Final report draft

Final Report




Problem Sets: Due dates are listed on the previous page.

From Shriver and Atkins 4 th edition

Ch. 1:

Exercises 1.3, 1.4, 1.7, 1.10, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14a, 1.15b, 1.18


1. Draw to scale the energies of the 1s energy levels for H, Li 2+ , and Be 3+ using the equation from the Bohr model.

What is the ionization energy in kJ/mol for each?

Ch. 2:

Exercises 2.1, 2.3, 2.6, 2.8, 2.9, 2.11, 2.15, 2.18, 2.20, 2.22, 2.25

Ch. 3:

Exercises 3.6, 3.8, 3.10, 3.13, 3.14, 3.16


1. Draw the (a) primitive cubic, (b) body-centered cubic, and (c) face-centered cubic unit cells.

2. What is the coordination number and geometry for Ca and F in the fluorite structure?

3. For compounds with the general MX formula, what determines the structure type?

Ch. 4

Exercises 4.4, 4.12, 4.14, 4.20, 4.22, 4.33


1. Can a Lewis adduct be formed on the surface of a solid?

-If yes, is the solid an acid, base, or both?

-If no, why is the solid unreactive?

Ch. 5

Exercises 5.1 (Note: Resource Section 3 starting on page 773), 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.15


1. Draw an Ellingham diagram showing which first row TM oxides can be reduced by H



Ch. 6

No problem set.

Ch. 7

Exercises 7.2, 7.7, 7.9, 7.11

What are the vibrational modes for CO


that are observed in an IR spectrum?

Why is the IR spectrum of water so complicated, thus preventing water as a solvent for IR spectroscopy?

Ch. 8

Exercises 8.1, 8.3, 8.5, 8.8, 8.10, 8.11

Ch. 19

Exercises 19.1, 19.5, 19.8, 19.16,

Ch. 20

20.3, 20.5, 20.8, 20.10, 20.14, 20.20, 20.22

Ch. 23

Exercises 23.5, 23.8, 23.11, 23.15, 23.16, 23.19 (see figure 23.61)

What is the atomic structure of glass: (a) Pyrex and (b) fused silica (sometime inaccurately referred to as quartz)?

Revised: 2/3/2010
