WSU Bridges Seminar -

WSU Bridges Seminar -- Summer 2003
Mathematics: Modeling Our World
Unit 6 – Lessons 3 and 4
Vocabulary “Memory” Game
To find the most pairs of matching math words and definitions.
Game Construction
1. Fold your paper until there are 16 rectangles.
2. Cut out each rectangle on the fold lines.
3. Write each math word on its own rectangle. (See *)
4. Write the definition of each word on its own rectangle. (Refer to your book: Unit
6 Text and Glossary)
Game Setup
1. Shuffle and mix up the word and definition cards.
2. Keeping the cards upside down, spread them out into a 4 by 4 or an 8 by 2 design.
Now you’re ready to play!
Game Play
1. The youngest player goes first. Mathematicians take turns, to the left, turning any
two cards right side up so that all players can see them.
A Match: A mathematician makes a match if the two cards turned rightside-up are a matching word and definition.
A Miss: A mathematician misses if the two cards turned over are not a
matching word and definition.
2. The game continues until all cards have been matched and removed from the
playing area. Mathematicians then count their matching pairs.
Who Wins
The mathematician with the most pairs of matches wins!
* Vocabulary Word Bank:
Exponential growth
Exponential function
Growth factor
Sensitivity analysis
Relative rate of change
Exponential decay
Mathematical modeling
Relative rate of growth