Career Milestones FAQs

Career Milestones Policy
Frequently Asked Questions
These questions and answers relate to the new Career Milestone Policy
implemented from 1 April 2012.
1. Why are there so many milestone dates?
Traditionally the focus has been to award longevity of service. However, appreciating
employees at every stage in their careers provides important touch points for
managers and employees to reflect on contribution and achievements.
2. Why is there a one year milestone in the policy?
Acknowledging a milestone at one year provides an opportunity to reflect on the
accomplishments of the employee’s first year at National Grid. Research indicates
that employees do regard their first anniversary as a meaningful date in their
employment and are open to a two-way dialogue.
3. Can I get shares as an award?
The policy must comply with Country specific taxation arrangements. It is possible
for UK employees celebrating 20 years and above to choose to receive their award in
National Grid shares. Due to differences in tax regime, it is not possible for US
employees to select National Grid shares.
The share values are as follows:
20 years
30 years
40 years
50 years
Please note it can take up to 6-8 weeks to receive your share certificate.
4. When will I receive my first award under the career milestones policy?
You will receive an award when you reach your next milestone - 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 or
50 years.
I have (between 20 and 24 years) service and was expecting an award at 25
years as part of the ex-Transco long service policy. Do I have to wait until 30
years now?
No. As you have been with the Company such a long period of time it is not
expected that you would wait that length of time for the first formal acknowledgement
of your loyal service, particularly as we have introduced more frequent service
milestones for those in the earlier years of their career with National Grid. You will
receive a 25 year award in line with your legacy policy entitlement and then fall in line
with the new policy when you attain 30 years service. This approach does not apply
to those who have received the new 20 year award.
6 I have (between 40 and 44 years) service and was expecting an award at 45
years as part of the ex-Transco long service policy. Do I have to wait until 50
years now?
No. As you have been with the Company such a long period of time and had an
expectation to receive an award at 45 years you will receive a 45 year award in line
with your legacy policy entitlement and then fall in line with the new policy when you
attain 50 years service.
7 What if I don’t like the choice of awards?
The choice of awards is very broad and extensive. For UK employees it even extends
to the purchase of National Grid shares from 20 years. It is not envisaged that
anyone will struggle to select an appropriate award, given the extensive choice
available. There is more choice of gifts available on on-line.
If the employee wishes to select a gift from the catalogue for their particular milestone
award they may choose one gift from the catalogue as all gifts are of a comparable
8 When will I know if one of my team is to receive an award?
OC Tanner will send each line manager a presenter pack 30 days before the
anniversary date of the career milestone.
9 How should I present these awards?
These awards are seen as an important part of the inclusive culture that National Grid
is developing. You are asked to add the human touch when celebrating the milestone
attainment of one of your team by being sincere when you reflect on that person’s
career and when you express the Company’s appreciation for their loyal service.
10 Do other companies still make long service awards?
Yes. There is a lot of external research that demonstrates that such policies are still
in place and remain very effective. It is now common for companies to recognise
career milestones more frequently than the traditional Long Service Award policies.
11 What if I don’t select an award?
If you do not select an award within 12 months, National Grid will make a charitable
donation equivalent to the value of the award.
12 When will the annual event for the 40+ year award be held?
Starting in October 2013, the first event will be held to celebrate 40 years and more at
National Grid.
13 What is the helpline number for OC Tanner?
You can contact OC Tanner on 08000 2826637.