Flooding/ Storm Water Management Sub-Committee

Flooding/ Storm Water Management Sub-Committee
SEPTEMBER 18, 2008
7:30 AM
ROOM 304
Ms. Tytler called the meeting to order at 7:35 am.
Carol Tytler, Chairman; Sandy Price, Don Spaulding, John Troy and
Danny Ross
Sub-Committee of the Agriculture/Planning/Environment Committee
Brenda De Russo, Fire & Emergency Management; Pat Reidy, Soil &
Water Conservation; Stephanie Perez, Susan Feiszli,6 th Ward
Alderman, City of Cortland; Chris Bistocchi, Superintendent of
Public Works, City of Cortland; Eric Mulvihill, WXHC; and Catherine
Wilde, Cortland Standard
Agenda topics
Hazard Mitigation Plan, Brenda DeRusso
Ms. Tytler discussed the C & S Companies having completed the
Storm Water Management Study for Otter Creek Preliminary
Report. She explained that the study contained three models and
added that Mr. Reidy prepared a fourth model involving the Water
Works. Ms. Tytler stressed the need to make a decision in regards to
choosing one of these plans.
Ms. Tytler introduced Brenda DeRusso and explained that she was
at the meeting to update them on the progress being made on the
Cortland County Hazard Mitigation Plan. She added that Ms.
DeRusso was the lady behind the scenes in regards to this.
Ms. DeRusso explained municipalities are required to have Hazard
Mitigation Plans if they have had three or more disasters in the last
ten years. She added that the county had those disasters after the
2005 and 2006 flooding. She explained that the Fed considered them
“repeat customers.” She explained the importance of the plan being
developed at the local level because the people at those local levels
know the disasters and the concerns related to those disasters. She
further discussed there being two manners in which this can be
achieved. The first being a multi jurisdictional plan to include
multiple municipalities and the second being an individual plan for
municipalities they would develop themselves. She explained that
Cortland County Flooding/Storm Water Sub Committee Meeting September Draft Minutes
Respectfully submitted by Katrina J. Spicer, Secretary to County Administration
Septembe r 2008
she will be working with a New Jersey based company, Tetra Tech,
to develop the plan for the county. She explained that this company
has developed a plan for Tompkins County and other contiguous
counties and specifically discussed working with Jonathon Razor
from that company. She explained that the plan for Cortland
County will mirror Tompkins County’s plan. Ms. DeRusso explained
that the Executive Summary of the plan will identify the major
hazards that we have.
She additionally explained that each
municipality to be included in this plan will need to appoint a point
of contact for that municipality and that individual will be a member
on the steering committee the development of this plan. She
explained that it is expected to take eighteen months to finalize. Ms.
DeRusso explained that if there were a disaster today the county
would be considered “in the loop” because we are in the process of
developing a plan. She discussed a number of things that can be
done in advance of a disaster. She discussed an example being a
larger culvert put in to lessen the debris factor. Ms. DeRusso
discussed the last three disasters and the mitigation assistance
received. She explained that being part of this program will make
the county more eligible for additional funding. She stressed that if
we do not have this program in the process or in place we may not be
eligible for funding to assist with disasters.
Ms. De Russo
distributed a copy of the Table of Contents and Executive Summary
from the Tompkins County plan. Ms. DeRusso also discussed the
National Weather Service keeping track of all storms, incidents and
events in conjunction with property damages which occurred in
conjunction with those storms. She discussed this plan only
involves natural disaster.
Ms. Tytler inquired about this plan
identifying components to be mitigated. Ms. DeRusso discussed
historical data and probability. She added that this document
focuses on things that have happened in the past. She further
discussed costs associated with mitigations plans. She discussed
community and public education. She discussed this committee
having done the leg work for this document being developed. Ms.
Tytler inquired about local municipal representatives identifying
hazardous areas. Ms. DeRusso discussed municipal representatives
working to assess mitigations. She explained that Tetra Tech have
had a number of plans approved a the federal level, they managed
to put together plans approved by FEMA. She added that they have
a success record behind them and explained that the final product
will be about 400 to 500 page document and will need to be adopted
by the Legislature. Mr. Troy inquired about the selection process
involved in hiring this company. Ms. DeRusso explained that the
RFP process was followed along with recommendations made by
Mr. Reidy inquired about community
Ms. DeRusso explained that she ahs received
Cortland County Flooding/Storm Water Sub Committee Meeting September Draft Minutes
Respectfully submitted by Katrina J. Spicer, Secretary to County Administration
Septembe r 2008
responses from all but the Town of Lapeer in regards to
participation in a multi-jurisdiction plan. She added that the City of
Cortland also has not decided if they want to be part of the county
plan or do it on their own. Ms. Tytler explained that she will check
with elected officials regarding funding and see if we can move
forward before this plan is completed. Ms. DeRusso stated that as
she understands it, the Cortland County is in the process of
developing the plan then they can not be prevented from applying
and hopefully receiving funds. Ms. Tytler and Ms. DeRusso spoke
out about funding taking time. Ms. DeRusso invited those present
to be part of the steering committee and added that being appointed
to this committee will require a great deal of time and regular
attendance is important.
Flood Mitigation Plan
Ms. Tytler introduced Chris Bistocchi, Superintendent of Public
Works, City of Cortland. She discussed briefly the three options
regarding the Storm Water Management Study for Otter Creek
Preliminary Report done by C & S Companies and the one option
provided by Mr. Bistocchi and Mr. Reidy. She explained that the
task of the Sub Committee is to decide which option to pursue and
contact elected officials in regards to possible funding. Mr. Reidy
stated that he had not seen a copy of the report from C & S
Companies. Ms. Tytler requested that Ms. Spicer makes copies of
the report for the Sub Committee.
Ms. Perez discussed how
properties have changed over the years and the repairs needed to be
done to retaining walls all along Otter Creek. Mr. Reidy discussed
regular hurdles that will need to be overcome with any option
chosen. He added that the Health Department preferred the model
provided by Mr. Reidy and Mr. Bistocchi. He added that Otter Creek
is a massive project to prevent flooding all together. He discussed
not being able to receive large enough funding to make all the
necessary repairs of the entire project. He added that there are
pinch points all over. Ms. Feiszli inquired about the Tioughnioga
River receiving the Community Block Grant and asked if it makes
sense to start there. Mr. Reidy stated that in a perfect world it is
smart to start down stream and work upstream, but there is not
always a perfect world. Ms. Tytler discussed working with areas
that have received available funding. Ms. Perez stated that there
has been a great deal of flooding over the years and added that the
past few years flooding have occurred in different areas. Mr.
Bistocchi expressed his concerns and stated that from an
engineering point of view, you try to get the water in and out quickly
but added that from an environmental point of view you try to slow
the flow down. He stated that the ideal manner would be to fix
everything all at once. He also stated that the question has been
Cortland County Flooding/Storm Water Sub Committee Meeting September Draft Minutes
Respectfully submitted by Katrina J. Spicer, Secretary to County Administration
Septembe r 2008
raised about why new areas are flooding. He stated that this is
caused by an increase in flow. He stated that increased development
has occurred outside the city and more water has been forced into
the city basin at a quicker rate than before. Ms. Perez discussed
three or four areas where the banks have deteriorated and the need
for new culverts in other areas. She also discussed making more
simple fixes. She expressed her view of fixing smaller areas while
waiting for larger sums of money to fix larger areas. Mr. Bistocchi
expressed that Ms. Perez made an excellent point but added there
are many other factors involved. He added that easements need to
be obtained and funding is needed. He added that the City of
Cortland has no budget line for flood mitigation. Ms. Tytler
discussed people with factors and concerns regarding flooding would
likely be happy to give easements to the city for this project. Ms.
Tytler inquired as to where the Sub Committee members would like
to go from here. She also discussed concerns regarding the bottom of
culverts being at the stream level of Otter Creek. She discussed no
more dredging and added there is a need to make the creek wider
not deeper. Mr. Reidy stressed that people are not always as willing
to give easements, he added that they are giving up part of there
yard. Ms. Tytler stressed the importance of talking to people and try
to eliminate the obstacles involved regarding private property. She
also discussed possibly looking into receiving options to obtain those
easements when people move from the properties, when the property
changes hands. Mr. Reidy expressed that he believes it may be a
good idea to do this all at once but added that it may not be feasible.
Ms. Tytler expressed that the major barrier is funding. Ms. Tytler
stated that everyone’s homework is to review the C & S Companies
options and the option developed by Mr. Reidy and Mr. Bistocchi.
Mr. Bistocchi discussed detention in relationship to the water works.
He also discussed building up brims in lower areas. Mr. Bistocchi
discussed having budgetary constraints. It was suggested to receive
input from john Helgren and the DEC.
Ms. Feiszli discussed the Tioughnioga River Trail Clean up to be held on September
27, 2008. She added that everyone is meeting at Pontillos at 9:45 am.
The Sub Committees also discussed Larry Leepack and a group walk through of areas
with DPW and S & W to meet on Willow Avenue at the mouth of the Tioughnioga
River at 9:00 am on October 14, 2008.
The Sub Committee members and others present discussed having the next meeting at
7:30 am, October 16, 2008 in Room 304 of the County Office Building.
Mr. Reidy explained that there is a need to request funding be restored to the
Susquehanna River Basin. He encourages people to contact Representative Arcuri,
Assemblywoman Lifton, Senator Seward and Assemblyman Finch and request that
they establish funding.
Cortland County Flooding/Storm Water Sub Committee Meeting September Draft Minutes
Respectfully submitted by Katrina J. Spicer, Secretary to County Administration
Septembe r 2008
Sub committee members discussed the uses of gauges and the importance of these as
monitoring tools.
Ms. Tytler adjourned the meeting at 8:38 am.
Cortland County Flooding/Storm Water Sub Committee Meeting September Draft Minutes
Respectfully submitted by Katrina J. Spicer, Secretary to County Administration
Septembe r 2008