Figure 1 - Geolines

Figure 1. (A) Schematic geological map of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin and its
surroundings showing the major tectonostratigraphic units of the Bohemian Massif.
KPB - Krkonoše Piedmont Basin; ISB - Intra-Sudetic Basin; PsB: Police sub-basin.
Compiled from various sources. (B) Schematic map of the tectonic and
palaeogeographic setting of the Turonian-early Coniacian sandy deltaic systems of
the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. The overall shape of the sandstone bodies is highly
simplified: each lobe in the drawing represents an area of numerous subordinate
foreset packages. For chronostratigraphic significance of genetic sequences TUR 17/CON1 see Fig. 2. WSI, ESI - Western and Eastern Sudetic Islands, respectively.
Inset: kinematic scheme of the main structural elements active during the Cretaceous
- principal horizontal
stress. PDZ - principal displacement zone; R, R’, P - Riedel shear terminology, after
Christie-Blick & Biddle, 1985.
Figure 2. (A) Basin-scale stacking patterns of coarse-grained deltaic bodies of
Turonian-early Coniacian age in the western part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin,
stratigraphic cross-section D1 in Fig. 1b. Genetic sequences TUR1-7 etc. after Uličný
& Laurin (2001) and Laurin & Uličný (in review). Correlation panel based on welllog and core data; see Uličný (2001) for details and regional context. Correlation lines
are flooding surfaces. 25x vertical exaggeration. Geochronologic dates from
Hardenbol et al. (1998). (B) Synoptic stratigraphic table showing the
chronostratigraphic positions of genetic sequences CEN1-6, TUR1-7/ CON1.
Younger sequences in the Coniacian not resolved.
Figure 3. (A) Simplified location map for the field trip area in Český Ráj, including
palaeocurrent data from the cross-bedded sandstone lithofacies within the foreset
packages (rose diagram) and foreset dip directions of the main type-H foreset package
(arrows). Bold line denotes the position of the regional cross-section D5 (see Fig. 1B).
(B) Detail of cross section D5 showing genetic sequence stratigraphic interpretation
of the Teplice Formation (TUR7/CON1) sandstone packages approximately along
depositional dip (sediment input from the NNW). Based on combined well-log, core,
and outcrop correlation. Topmost parts of the Jizera Formation are shown for
stratigraphic context. Datum of the cross-section (Cenomanian/Turonian boundary) is
beyond the area of the figure. The Didymotis acme event II approximately
corresponds to the Turonian/Coniacian boundary. TS - transgressive surface, MTS maximum transgressive surface, MRS - maximum regressive surface; TSTtransgressive systemts tract. RST - regressive systems tract comprising the highstand,
falling stage and lowstand systems tracts; quality of stratigraphic control does not
allow to precisely locate the sequence boundary separating the falling stage from
Figure 4. (A) High-angle foresets of the deep-water, Gilbert-type delta that forms the
lower part of the Teplice Fm. sandstones (TUR7/CON1 sequence) in Český Ráj,
truncated by a ravinement surface and overlain by a shallow-water delta, Plakánek
Valley near Sobotka. Exposure is 35 m tall. (B) Pebbles up to 4 cm in diameter,
concentrated on the ravinement surface that truncates the foresets of the underlying
type-H package, Sokol section, near Malá Skála. (C) Trough cross-stratification in
medium to coarse-grained sandstones forming the foresets of the main deep-water
delta body, Klokočské skály. (D) base of a chute incised into foreset strata of the
main deep-water delta body. View direction up the foreset slope, depth of incision 7
m. Hrubá Skála rock city, near Adamovo lože. (E) large water-escape structure in the
uppemost part of a chute-fill succession, Hrubá Skála – Mountaneers‘ Monument (c. 7
m above the base of section in Fig. 6). Hammer (circled) for scale. (F) Backsets
within a chute-fill succession, overlain by high-angle foresets. Hrubá Skála –
Mountaneers‘ Monument, 14 m above base of section in Fig. 6. (G) heterolithic
bottomsets of the type-H package, near Střeleč quarry; larger blocks of sandstone
weathering out of the outcrop face are “pot casts” - see text; exposure is c. 4 m high;
(H) example of bioturbated sandy bottomsets with well-pronounced Ophiomorpha
isp. burrows, Střeleč quarry, c. 15 m below top of section in Fig. 7. Arrow shows a
prominent sub-vertical burrow with typical nodular lining.
Figure 5. (A) A schematic depositional model of a Gilbert-type, deep-water delta,
based on the examples of deep-water deltas from the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin.
The presumed main controls on the depositional style are indicated. (B) a schematic
succession of events that led to destruction of topset strata during transgression and
formation of a transgressive lag. SL - relative sea level; G - glauconite; SB - sequence
boundary (Exxon-type); TS - transgressive surface.
Figure 6. Measured sections of the exposures near the Hrubá Skála chateau, stop 1b.
Comments on lithofacies and sequence-stratigraphic aspects in text and Fig. 5b.
Figure 7. Composite measured section of the Střeleč Quarry. fs - flooding surface,
mfs - maximum flooding surface. Middle Coniacian bivalve Cremnoceramus crassus
occurs in the basal Březno Fm. mudstones. Early Coniacian species C.
waltersdorfensis and Didymotis costatus occur in the heterolithic facies below the
sandstone body. C. waltersdorfensis was also found within the succession of shallowwater delta bodies in the quarry.
Figure 8. (A) Parameters of a conceptual model used to simulate the stacking pattern
of the Český Ráj deltaic succession, after Uličný et al. (2002). Relative sea-level
change produced by combining the subsidence rate of 70 m.Ma-1 with an arbitrary,
composite sea -level change curve. Numbers 1-14 denote the lowstands of the shortterm sea-level cycles superimosed on the long-term sea-level curve. (B) A forward
stratigraphic model run simulating a simplified geometry of the TUR7/CON1 and
younger deposits in the Český Ráj area. Initial depth (ID) before onset of deposition
was 100 m. RSS, TSS - regressive and transgressive sequence sets, respectively. RSS
1 and TSS 1 correspond to the TUR7/CON1 sandstone bodies. Strata equivalent to
thy modelled RSS 2 are not preserved in the Český Ráj region. 127x vertical
exaggeration, time line interval 10ky. (C) A closeup view, without vertical
exaggeration, of the architectures of high-frequency sequences generated by the run
BCB 100, in a location along depositional dip that approximately coresponds to that
of the Plakánek Valley outcrop (see Fig. 4). A drawing of the outcrop section is
shown for comparison, with the subsurface part interpreted from borehole data (see
Uličný 2001 for details), and underlying mudstones shown in grey colour. Time line
interval 2 ky.
Figure 9. (A) A schematic drawing (not to scale) showing the general long-term
stacking patterns defined by the paths of topset edge (circled) for different
relationships between the initial depth (ID) and the net increase in depth over a
relative sea-level cycle (H). The thickness of the lowermost sequence is governed by
the ID whereas that of the younger sequences reflects H. Leq is the „equilibrium
topset length“, an approximate progradation distance of topset edge that leads to a
long-term aggradational stacking pattern for a given sediment input rate and a given
relative sea-level cyclicity. (B) Simplified examples of internal geometries of a highfrequency sequence, formed in response to a short-term cycle of relative sea level in a
deep-water (Gilbert-type, above) and shallow-water (below) coarse-grained delta,
incorporating some of the features of the model runs in Uličný et al. (2002). The
sequence in the deep-water delta is part of a long-term regressive sequence set (RSS);
note that the deposits in the topset area are largely prone to destruction due to longterm RSL fall. The boundary between FSST (falling stage) and LST (lowstand)
systems tracts in the foresets corresponds to the correlative conformity of a sequence
boundary, formed during the lowest sea level. SB - sequence boundary (Exxon-type),
MRS – maximum regressive surface, MTS - maximum transgressive surface. (C)
Four schematic drawings (not to scale) illustrating the variations in stacking patterns
of high-frequency sequences resulting from the combination of short-term sea-level
fluctuations with long-term relative sea-level fall (left) or rise (right). After Uličný et
al. (2002).
Figure 10. (A) Historical geological cross-sections of the upturned Cenomanian (I, II)
and Early Turonian (III) strata in the Malá Skála and Suché Skály region. From Č.
Zahálka (1902). Note the juxtaposition of early Turonian (III) against late Turonian
deposits (IX) across a vertical fault. (B) main phases of brittle deformation of
Cretaceous strata in the Malá Skála-Suché Skály area, Lužice FZ, according to Coubal
(1990). Phase  - main phase of subhorizontal N-S compression,  -terminal phase
involving cross-cutting of earlier fracture systems by NNW-trending strike-slip faults,
induced by NW-oriented compression.