Egypt WebQuest

Ancient Egypt WebQuest
Ancient Egyptians are famous for their religion, their burial practices, and their advances in art,
writing & science. Your assignment is to familiarize yourself with what made Ancient Egyptian
culture so important by completing the three challenges listed below. Helpful links and page
numbers have been provided to you throughout the description of the challenges.
Challenge #1—The Pyramids—Symbol of Ancient Egypt
Although pyramids have been built all around the world, the pyramids of Egypt are the
most famous. In fact, of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the only one still standing is the
Great Pyramid of Khufu! This challenge requires you to familiarize yourself with the pyramids
of ancient Egypt by visiting this website: . “Click launch interactive”
The Task—Pyramid Cards
Your job is to choose one of the following structures of Ancient Egypt: Khufu Pyramid
(The Great Pyramid), Khafre Pyramid, The Sphinx or the Colossus of Memnon and
create a Pyramid Card!
Your Pyramid Card will be laid out just like a Baseball or Pokemon Card. Your card
should include:
o A picture of the structure you chose on the front
o You should answer the following questions on the back:
Name of your structure
Where it was built
When it was built
How it was built
Dimensions of the structure (How wide, how tall, etc.)
**EQ (2-3 sentences)—What might these structures tell us about the life of Ancient
Egyptians? What was important to them? What did they believe in?
Ancient Egypt WebQuest
Challenge #2—Mummification & Burial—You can’t take it with you…or can you?
Central to Egyptian religion was the belief in an afterlife. The Egyptians believed that,
after a person died, his or her soul would go to live in the land of the dead.
Your assignment is to familiarize yourself with mummification and burial in Egypt by:
Writing 3 complete sentences explaining the teachings on the Afterlife (pg. 74)
Provide a step by step description of the mummification process. Be sure to
include pictures!!
What were Egyptians buried with? (pg.75-76)
Ancient Egypt WebQuest
Challenge #4—Egyptian Writing
The Egyptians were among the first people to develop a system of writing. The main
Egyptian writing system was hieroglyphics, which used picture symbols to represent objects,
sounds and ideas. Your assignment is to:
Write your name in hieroglyphics
Describe the significance of the Rosetta Stone (pg. 78)
Essential Question (2-3 sentences): Evaluate the achievements of Egypt in terms of
their enduring cultural impact.
Ancient Egypt WebQuest