CHILDCARE PROVIDER/TEACHER EMBEDDED DEVELOPMENTAL STUDY QUESTIONNAIRE Table of Contents PROVISION OF CHILDCARE (CP) ..............................................................................................2 POSITIVE BEHAVIORS SCALE (CB)........................................................................................27 CHILD BEHAVIOR CHECKLIST (CA) ......................................................................................29 ARNETT SCALE OF TEACHER SENSITIVITY (CT) ...............................................................30 FAMILY DAYCARE RATING SCALE (CH) .............................................................................40 EARLY CHILDHOOD ENVIRONMENT RATING SCALE (CD) .............................................45 BRIEF SYMPTOM INVENTORY (CS) .......................................................................................51 CHILDCARE VISIT CONCLUSION (CZ) .................................................................................52 1 PROVISION OF CHILDCARE >U_CPIN< [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] In this visit, I'll ask you questions about the care you provide for[CHILD] and other children, and about [CHILD]'s behaviors. Please remember that your responses will be held in the strictest confidence, and you may decline to answer any question you wish. The questions were written for all types of childcare, such as daycare centers, babysitters, or relatives, and so some of the questions may not seem to apply to you. Please answer as best as you can. If you have any questions during the interview, please let me know. >U_CP0A< [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] First, I'd like to verify the information that we've collected from [CHILD]'s primary caregiver. >U_CP0A1< [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] PROGRAM/FACILITY NAME: DIRECTOR'S NAME: INDIVIDUAL PROVIDER NAME: STREET: CITY: STATE: {sjstate (A)} ZIP: PHONE: not sure of variables; may be {daycare (A)} will be deleted {director (A)} will be deleted {subject (A)} will be deleted {sjstnum, sjaddr, sjaptnum (A)} will be deleted {sjcity (A)} {sjzip (A)} will be deleted {sjphone (A)} will be deleted Is this correct? {tcp0a1a(N)} # 1= 2= -1 = -2 = % YES go to CP1 NO DON=T KNOW ---| - go to REFUSED ---------| CP1 >U_CP0B< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHOSE INFORMATION IS NOT CORRECT (CP0A1=2)] (What is the correct information?) FOR HOME DAYCARE PROVIDERS, ENTER "PRIVATE HOME" FOR PROGRAM/FACILITY NAME. 2 PROGRAM/FACILITY NAME DIRECTOR'S NAME INDIVIDUAL PROVIDER NAME STREET CITY STATE {ucp0be(A)}: ZIP PHONE {ucp0bg(N)}: will be deleted >U_CP1< {ucp1a(N)} {ucp0ba(A)}: will be deleted {ucp0ba1(A)}: will be deleted {ucp0bb(A)}: will be deleted {ucp0bc(A)}: will be deleted {ucp0bd(A)}: {ucp0bf(N)}: will be deleted [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] INTERVIEWER: WHERE IS [CHILD] CARED FOR? # % 1 = IN [CHILD]’S OWN HOME 2 = IN SOMEONE ELSE'S HOME 3 = IN A FORMAL DAYCARE PROGRAM go to CP3a >U_CP2a< {ucp2aa(N)} [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS OF INFORMAL DAYCARE (CP13)] Are you related to [CHILD] in any way? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO go to CP2c -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED go to CP2c >U_CP2b< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS OF INFORMAL DAYCARE (CP13) WHO ARE RELATED TO THE CHILD OR REPORTED DON=T KNOW (CP2a=1,-1)] {ucp2ba(N)} What is your relationship to [CHILD]? # % 1 = FATHER 2 = STEP-FATHER 3 = MATERNAL PARTNER 4 = MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER 5 = PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER 6 = MATERNAL GRANDFATHER 7 = PATERNAL GRANDFATHER 8 = AUNT 10= UNCLE 16= OTHER RELATIVE (SPECIFY) {ucp2bo(A)} -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED 3 >U_CP2c< {ucp2ca(N)} [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS OF INFORMAL DAYCARE (CP13)] Do you live with [CHILD]? # 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED % go to CP4 >U_CP3a< {ucp3aa(N)} [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS OF FORMAL DAYCARE (CP1=3)] What type of daycare center is this? # % 1 = DAYCARE CENTER, FOR PROFIT 2 = DAYCARE CENTER, NOT FOR PROFIT 3 = HEAD START -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP3b< {ucp3ba(N)} [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS OF FORMAL DAYCARE (CP1=3)] Are you the head teacher in [CHILD]'s classroom, an assistant teacher, or something else? # % 1 = HEAD TEACHER IN CHILD'S CLASSROOM 2 = ASSISTANT TEACHER IN CHILD'S CLASSROOM 3 = OTHER (SPECIFY) {ucp3bo(A)} -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP4< [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] How long have you been caring for [CHILD]? NUMBER: {ucp4a(N)} (0-99, -1, -2) 4 {ucp4u(N)} [U: PROVIDERS WHO REPORTED A POSITIVE NUMBER (1-99)] # % 1 = WEEKS 2 = MONTHS 3 = YEARS >U_CP5< {ucp5a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] [FOR CHILD CARED FOR IN OWN HOME OR SOMEONE ELSE=S HOME (CP1=1-2)] How many days per week do you care for [CHILD]? [FOR CHILD IN DAYCARE PROGRAM (CP1=3)] How many days per week does [CHILD] attend this center? DAYS: (1-7, -1, -2) >U_CP6< {ucp6a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] [FOR CHILD CARED FOR IN OWN HOME OR SOMEONE ELSE=S HOME (CP1=1-2)] How many hours per week do you care for [CHILD]? [FOR CHILD IN DAYCARE PROGRAM (CP1=3)] How many hours per week does [CHILD] receive care at this center? HOURS: (1-168, -1, -2) >U_CP7< {ucp7a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Does [CHILD]'s schedule stay the same every week or does it change? # % 1 = STAYS THE SAME EVERY WEEK 2 = IT CHANGES FROM WEEK TO WEEK -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED 5 >U_CP8< {ucp8a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] [FOR CHILD CARED FOR IN OWN HOME OR SOMEONE ELSE=S HOME (CP1=1-2)] Do you ever care for [CHILD] in the evenings, at night, or on weekends? [FOR CHILD IN DAYCARE PROGRAM (CP1=3)] Does your center ever care for [CHILD] in the evenings, at night, or on weekends? # % 1 = YES GO TO CP9A 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP9< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHO DO NOT EVER CARE FOR CHILD ON EVENINGS, AT NIGHT, OR ON WEEKENDS OR REPORTED DON=T KNOW OR REFUSED (CP91)] {ucp9a(N)} [FOR CHILD CARED FOR IN OWN HOME OR SOMEONE ELSE=S HOME (CP1=1-2)] Do you provide any childcare in the evenings, at night, or on weekends? [FOR CHILD IN DAYCARE PROGRAM (CP1=3)] Does your center provide any childcare in the evenings, at night, or on weekends? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP9A< {ucp9aa(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] [FOR CHILD CARED FOR IN OWN OR SOMEONE ELSE’S HOME (CP1=1 OR 2)] Do you ever care for [CHILD] over a 24 hour period? [FOR A CHILD CARED FOR IN A DAYCARE PROGRAM (CP1=3)] Does your center ever care for [CHILD] over a 24 hour period? # % 1 = YES GOTO CP10 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP9B< [U: PROVIDERS WHO DO NO EVER CARE FOR CHILD OVER 24 HOUR PERIOD, OR DON’T KNOW, OR REFUSED (CP9A=2, -1, -2)] 6 {ucp9ba(N)} [FOR CHILD CARED FOR IN OWN OR SOMEONE ELSE’S HOME (CP1=1 OR 2)] Do you provide any childcare over a 24 hour period? [FOR A CHILD CARED FOR IN A DAYCARE PROGRAM (CP1=3)] Does your center provide any childcare over a 24 hour period? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP10< {ucp10a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] [FOR CHILD CARED FOR IN OWN OR SOMEONE ELSE’S HOME (CP1=1 OR 2)] On a regular basis, what is the earliest time of day you are available to provide childcare? [FOR CHILD IN DAYCARE PROGRAM (CP1=3)] What time can parents drop off their children? 1= 6:00 a.m. 2= 7:00 a.m. 3= 8:00 a.m. 4= 9:00 a.m. 5= 10:00 a.m. 6= 11:00 a.m. 7= 12:00 p.m. - NOON 8= 1:00 p.m. 9= 2:00 p.m. 10= 3:00 p.m. 11= 4:00 p.m. 12= 5:00 p.m. >U_CP11< {ucp11a(N)} 13= 14= 15= 16= 17= 18= 19= 20= 21= 22= 23= 24= 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 12:00 a.m. - MIDNIGHT 1:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. 5:00 a.m. [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] [FOR CHILD CARED FOR IN OWN OR SOMEONE ELSE’S HOME (CP1=1)] On a regular basis, what is the latest time of day you are available to provide daycare? 7 [FOR CHILD IN DAYCARE PROGRAM (CP1=3)] How late can parents pick up their children? 1= 6:00 a.m. 2= 7:00 a.m. 3= 8:00 a.m. 4= 9:00 a.m. 5= 10:00 a.m. 6= 11:00 a.m. 7= 12:00 p.m. - NOON 8= 1:00 p.m. 9= 2:00 p.m. 10= 3:00 p.m. 11= 4:00 p.m. 12= 5:00 p.m. >U_CP12< {ucp12a(N)} 13= 14= 15= 16= 17= 18= 19= 20= 21= 22= 23= 24= 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. 12:00 a.m. - MIDNIGHT 1:00 a.m. 2:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. 4:00 a.m. 5:00 a.m. [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] [FOR CHILD CARED FOR IN OWN HOME OR SOMEONE ELSE=S HOME (CP1=1-2)] How many weeks during the year do you provide childcare? [FOR CHILD IN DAYCARE PROGRAM (CP1=3)] How many weeks during the year is this center open? NUMBER: (1-52, -1, -2) >U_CP13< {ucp13a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] [FOR CHILD CARED FOR IN OWN HOME OR SOMEONE ELSE=S HOME (CP1=1-2)] If [CHILD] is mildly ill, such as with a cold or low fever, do you still care for [him/her]? [FOR CHILD IN DAYCARE PROGRAM (CP1=3)] If [CHILD] is mildly ill, such as with a cold or low fever, can [he/she] still come to this center? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED 8 >U_CP14< {ucp14a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] If you are ill, is there automatically someone else available to care for [CHILD], or does the parent have to make other arrangements? # % 1 = SOMEONE ELSE AVAILABLE 2 = MUST MAKE OTHER ARRANGEMENTS -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP15< {ucp15a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Not including your own children, how many children in total do you take care of on a regular basis each week? REGULAR BASIS MEANS ON A SCHEDULE THAT IS SIMILAR FROM WEEK TO WEEK. NUMBER: (0-99, -1, -2) >U_CP16< {ucp16a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] During the days and times that [CHILD] is in your care, how many of your own children are present? NUMBER: (0-99, -1, -2) >U_CP17< {ucp17a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] During the days and times that [CHILD] is in your care, how many children (under age 14) do you care for, including [CHILD] and your own children? CHILDREN: if cares for only focal child (CP17= 1), go to CP25 (1-99, -1, -2) 9 >U_CP18< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHO CARE FOR OTHER CHILD(REN) UNDER AGE 14 AT THE SAME TIME AS FOCAL CHILD (CP171)] {ucp18a(N)} How many of the children are under 1 year of age? CHILDREN: (0-99, -1, -2) >U_CP19< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHO CARE FOR OTHER CHILD(REN) UNDER AGE 14 AT THE SAME TIME AS FOCAL CHILD (CP171)] {ucp19a(N)} How many of the children are 1 year old? CHILDREN: (0-99, -1, -2) >U_CP20< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHO CARE FOR OTHER CHILD(REN) UNDER AGE 14 AT THE SAME TIME AS FOCAL CHILD (CP171)] {ucp20a(N)} How many are 2 years old? CHILDREN: (0-99, -1, -2) >U_CP21< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHO CARE FOR OTHER CHILD(REN) UNDER AGE 14 AT THE SAME TIME AS FOCAL CHILD (CP171)] {ucp21a(N)} How many are 3 years old? CHILDREN: (0-99, -1, -2) >U_CP22< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHO CARE FOR OTHER CHILD(REN) UNDER AGE 14 AT THE SAME TIME AS FOCAL CHILD (CP171)] {ucp22a(N)} How many are 4 years old? CHILDREN: (0-99, -1, -2) 10 >U_CP23< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHO CARE FOR OTHER CHILD(REN) UNDER AGE 14 AT THE SAME TIME AS FOCAL CHILD (CP171)] {ucp23a(N)} How many are 5 years old? CHILDREN: (0-99, -1, -2) >U_CP23a< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHO CARE FOR OTHER CHILD(REN) UNDER AGE 14 AT THE SAME TIME AS FOCAL CHILD (CP171)] {ucp23aa(N)} How many are 6 years old? CHILDREN: (0-99, -1, -2) >U_CP23b< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHO CARE FOR OTHER CHILD(REN) UNDER AGE 14 AT THE SAME TIME AS FOCAL CHILD (CP171)] {ucp23ba(N)} How many are 7 years old? CHILDREN: (0-99, -1, -2) >U_CP24< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHO CARE FOR OTHER CHILD(REN) UNDER AGE 14 AT THE SAME TIME AS FOCAL CHILD (CP171)] {ucp24a(N)} How many are 8 to 13 years old? CHILDREN: (0-99, -1, -2) >U_CP24a< [U: ASKED ONLY IF TOTAL ACROSS AGE GROUP QUESTIONS CP18-CP24 {TOTKIDS (N)} DOES NOT EQUAL THE TOTAL REPORTED IN CP17] {ucp24aa(N)} That would equal [TOTKIDS]; and you stated you currently care for [TOTAL in CP17] children. What do we need to correct? 11 # % 1 = Number of children listed in the various age groups go back to CP18 2 = Total number of children cared for go back to CP17 3 = NO CORRECTIONS ARE NEEDED >U_CP25< {ucp25a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] During these times, how many other people (adults) help you take care of [CHILD/the children]? ADULTS: (0-99) -1,-2 GO TO CP28 NOTE: The instrument creates a variable from CP25 by adding 1 to it, presumably to have the total include the respondent. That variable, which is equivalent to (CP25 + 1) is ucpadlt (N). >U_CP26< [U: CHILDCARE PROVIDERS WHO GAVE A NUMBER OF ADULTS WHO HELP CARE FOR THE CHILDREN (CP25 -1, -2] {ucp26a(N)} [FOR R=s WHO CARE FOR MORE THAN FOCAL CHILD (CP17 >1)] So there are usually about [NUMBER FROM CP17] children and [NUMBER OF ADULTS FROM CP25, PLUS ONE] adult(s) here during the times when [CHILD] is in your care? [FOR R=s WHO CARE FOR ONLY THE FOCAL CHILD (CP17 = 1) BUT THERE IS MORE THAN ONE CAREGIVER (CP251)] So there are usually about [NUMBER OF ADULTS FROM CP25, PLUS ONE] adults here during the times when [CHILD] is in your care? [FOR R=s WHO CARE FOR ONLY THE FOCAL CHILD (CP17 = 1) AND THEY ARE THE ONLY CAREGIVER (CP25=0)] So there is usually about one adult here during the times when [CHILD] is in your care? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO go back to CP17 -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED 12 >U_CP28< {ucp28a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Does a federal, state, or local agency such as a human services agency, an education department, welfare or an employment or training program pay for any of the children you care for? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO ---------------------| -1 = DON=T KNOW | - go to CP30 -2 = REFUSED ------------| >U_CP29< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS FOR WHOM A FEDERAL, STATE, OR LOCAL AGENCY PAYS FOR ANY OF THE CHILDREN WHO PROVIDER CARES FOR (CP28=1)] {ucp29a(N)} How many children are paid for by a federal, state, or local agency? NUMBER: (1-99, -1, -2) >U_CP29FC< IF THE NUMBER OF CHILDREN PAID FOR BY GOVERNMENT AGENCY (CP29) EXCEEDS NUMBER OF CHILDREN IN CARE (CP17) GOTO CP29A. ELSE, GOTO CP30. >U_CP29A< [U: PROVIDERS FOR WHOM THE NUMBER OF CHILDREN PAID FOR BY AGENCIES EXCEEDS NUMBER OF CHILDREN IN CARE.] {ucp29aa(N)} You stated that you currently care for [fill CP17] children, but that [fill CP29] children are paid for by a federal, state, or local agency. What do we need to correct? 1= Number of children paid for by a federal, state or local agency go back to CP29 2= Total number of children care for go back to CP17 3= No corrections are needed >U_CP30< {ucp30a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Do you participate in the Child Care Food Program? # 1 = YES 2 = NO ------------------| -1 = DON=T KNOW | - go to CP32_FC -2 = REFUSED ---------| % 13 >U_CP31< [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHO PARTICIPATE IN THE CHILD CARE FOOD PROGRAM (CP30=1)] {ucp31a(N)} How many of the children you care for receive subsidized meals through this program? NUMBER: (1-99, -1, -2) >U_CP31FC< IF NUMBER OF CHILDREN RECEIVING SUBSIDIZED MEALS (CP31) EXCEEDS NUMBER OF CHILDREN IN CARE (CP17), GO ON. ELSE, GOTO CP32FC. >U_CP31A< You stated that you currently care for [fill CP17] children, but that [fill CP29] children receive subsidized meals through the Child Care Food program. What do we need to correct? 1= Number of children paid for by a federal, state or local agency. go back to CP31 2= Total number of children care for go back to CP17 3= No corrections are needed >U_CP32_FC< ALL CHILDCARE PROVIDERS PASS THROUGH THIS ITEM. IF CAREGIVER IS RELATED TO CHILD (CP2a=1) AND TAKES CARE OF NO ADDITIONAL CHILD OTHER THAN OWN (CP15=0), GO TO CP34. >U_CP33< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHO ARE NOT RELATED TO CHILD (CP2a1) OR REGULARLY TAKE CARE OF CHILDREN IN ADDITION TO THEIR OWN (CP150). ALL EXCEPT THOSE RELATED AND ONLY CARING FOR FC] How long have you been caring for other people's children? NUMBER: {ucp33a(N)} (0-99, -1, -2) {ucp33u(N)} 1 = MONTHS 2 = YEARS [U: PROVIDERS WHO REPORTED A POSITIVE NUMBER (1-99)] 14 >U_CP34< {ucp34a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] On average, how many hours per week do you provide childcare? HOURS: (1-168) >U_CP35< {ucp35a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Are you licensed or registered to provide childcare? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP36< {ucp36a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Are you a member of an association such as the Family Day Care Professional Association or the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP37< {ucp37a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] What is your highest level of education? # 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= 9= -1 = -2 = % LESS THAN HIGH SCHOOL GED HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA SOME COLLEGE ASSOCIATE'S DEGREE BACHELOR'S DEGREE MASTER'S DEGREE DOCTORATE DEGREE OTHER (SPECIFY) {ucp37o(A)} DON=T KNOW REFUSED 15 >U_CP38< {ucp38a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Have you had any child care, early education or other related training? # 1= 2= -1 = -2 = % YES NO B> set CP39 = 10, CP40 = 2, and CP41= 2, and go to CP42 DON=T KNOW REFUSED >U_CP39< [UNIVERSE OF Rs ASKED THIS QUESTION: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS THAT HAVE HAD ANY TRAINING OR REPORTED DON=T KNOW OR REFUSED (CP38=1, -1, -2)] [UNIVERSE OF Rs FOR WHOM WE HAVE AN ANSWER TO THIS ITEM IS ALL EDS CC PROVIDERS B/C WE SET CP39=10 (NONE) FOR CASES WHO REPORTED THEY HAD NO TRAINING (CP38=2)] What kind of training have you had? (CODE ALL THAT APPLY) {ucptg_1 through ucptg_12(A)} # % 1 = CHILD DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATE (CDA) TRAINING 2 = NURSES TRAINING OR HEALTH COURSES 3 = TRAINING BY A REFERRAL OR GOVERNMENT AGENCY 4 = CHILD CARE COURSES OR WORKSHOPS 5 = CHILD DEVELOPMENT OR PSYCHOLOGY COURSES 6 = TEACHER TRAINING 7 = OTHER TRAINING FOCUSED ON EDUCATION (E.G., ELEMENTARY EDUCATION) 8 = OTHER TRAINING FOCUSED ON SOCIAL SERVICES (E.G., SOCIAL WORK) 9 = OTHER (SPECIFY) {ucp39o(A)} 10 = NONE go to CP42 11 = DON'T KNOW 12 = REFUSED 16 >U_CP40< [UNIVERSE OF Rs ASKED THIS QUESTION: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS THAT HAVE HAD ANY TRAINING OR REPORTED DON=T KNOW OR REFUSED (CP38=1, -1, -2)] [UNIVERSE OF Rs FOR WHOM WE HAVE AN ANSWER TO THIS ITEM IS LARGER B/C WE SET CP40=2 (NO) FOR CASES WHO REPORTED THEY HAD NO TRAINING (CP38=2)] {ucp40a(N)} Do you have state teaching certification for early childhood education? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP41< [UNIVERSE OF Rs ASKED THIS QUESTION: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS THAT HAVE HAD ANY SPECIAL TRAINING OR REPORTED DON=T KNOW OR REFUSED (CP38=1, -1, -2)] [UNIVERSE OF Rs FOR WHOM WE HAVE AN ANSWER TO THIS ITEM IS LARGER B/C WE SET CP41=2 (NO) FOR CASES WHO REPORTED NO WHEN ASKED IF THEY HAD ANY SPECIAL TRAINING (CP38=2)] {ucp41a(N)} In the past 12 months, have you received 10 or more hours of additional child-related training? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP42< [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] What is your income before taxes from providing childcare? DOLLARS: {ucp42a(N)} (0-99,999.99, -1, -2) {ucp42u(N)} 1= 2= 3= 4= [U: PROVIDERS WHO REPORTED A POSITIVE DOLLAR AMOUNT (.01-99999.99)] # % HOURLY WEEKLY MONTHLY YEARLY 17 >U_CP43< {ucp43a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Do you receive any payment other than money for taking care of [CHILD], such as housing, food, or care for your child? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP44< {ucp44a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Do you get benefits such as paid sick leave or paid vacation time? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP45< {ucp45a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] INTERVIEWER: CODE R's SEX BY OBSERVATION. IF NECESSARY, ASK: ARE YOU FEMALE OR MALE? # % 1 = FEMALE 2 = MALE >U_CP45A< {ucp45aa(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Are you Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino? 1 = YES 2 = NO ----------------------- | GO TO -1= DON’T KNOW | CP45c -2 = REFUSED-------------- | >U_CP45B< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHO ARE SPANISH, HISPANIC, OR LATINO] {ucp45ba(N)} 18 Which of the following groups best describes you? Are you… 1 = Cuban 2 = Dominican 3 = Mexican 4 = Puerto Rican 5 = some other group (specify) {ucp45bb(a)} -1 = don’t know -2 = refused >U_CP45C< {ucp45ca(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Which of the following groups best describes you? 1 = Asian or Pacific Islander 2 = Black or African American 3 = White 4 = American Indian or Alaskan Native 5 = other (specify) {ucp45cb(A)} -1= don’t know -2 = refused >U_CP45D< [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Where were you born? (In what city, state or country was it?) NOTE: IF BORN IN ANOTHER COUNTRY, ENTER CITY AND FC (FOREIGN COUNTRY) FOR STATE. IF BORN IN PUERTO RICO OR US TERRITORIES, ENTER APPROPRIATE CODE. CITY{ucp45da}: STATE {ucp45db}: COUNTRY {ucp45dct}: >U_CP45DFC< IF BORN IN FOREIGN COUNTRY OR US TERRITORY (STATE=FC, PR, AS, GU, VI) CONTINUE. ELSE, GO TO CP46. >U_CP45E< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS BORN IN FOREIGN COUNTRY OR US TERRITORY] When did you first move to the U.S. mainland to stay for six months or more? Month {ucp45em}: Year {ucp45ey}: If born in FC, continue. Else, go to CP46. 19 >U_CP45F< {ucp45fa(N)} [U: ALL CHILDCARE PROVIDERS BORN IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY] Are you a citizen of the United States? 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON’T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP46< {ucp46a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] In what year were you born? YEAR: (1900-1982, -1, -2) >U_CP46A< {ucp46aa(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] INTERVIEWER: ARE YOU CURRENTLY CONDUCTING THIS INTERVIEW IN ENGLISH OR SPANISH? 1 = ENGLISH 2 = SPANISH >U_CP47< {ucp47a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Do you speak and understand any languages other than [FILL CP46A]? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO ------------------ | -1 = DON=T KNOW | - go to CP50 -2 = REFUSED --------- | >U_CP48< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHO SPEAK AND UNDERSTAND ANY LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH (CP47=1)] {ucp48a through ucp48e(A)} What language(s) do you speak other than [fill cp46a]? ENTER UP TO 5 OTHER LANGUAGES. IF NECESSARY, PROMPT RESPONDENT WITH: Any others? 20 >U_CP49< [U: CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WHO SPEAK AND UNDERSTAND ANY LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH (CP47=1)] {ucp49a(N)} What language do you typically speak with [CHILD]? # 1 = English 2 = Spanish 3 = OTHER (SPECIFY) {ucp49b(A)} -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED % >U_CP49A< {ucp49a1 through ucp49a5(N)} What languages have you ever spoken with [fill child]? CODE ALL THAT APPLY. 1 =ENGLISH 2 =SPANISH 3 =OTHER (SPECIFY) {ucp49a3t(A)} -1=DON’T KNOW -2=REFUSED >U_CP50< {ucp50a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] How often do you speak directly with [CHILD]'s parent about what [he/she] did during the day, such as whether [he/she] took a nap or what [he/she] ate? Would you say... # % 1 = never, 2 = every few months, 3 = once a month or more, 4 = once a week or more, or 5 = nearly every day? -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED 21 >U_CP51< {ucp51a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] How often do you speak with [CHILD]'s parent about how [CHILD] is doing more generally, or about any special concerns you have about [CHILD]? Would you say... # % 1 = never, 2 = every few months, 3 = once a month or more, 4 = once a week or more, or 5 = nearly every day? -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP52< {ucp52a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] How often does [CHILD]'s parent talk to you about [CHILD] or about special concerns or issues she has with [him/her]? Would you say... # % 1 = never, 2 = every few months, 3 = once a month or more, 4 = once a week or more, or 5 = nearly every day? -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP53< {ucp53a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] How often does [CHILD]'s parent participate in activities or outings with you and [CHILD]? Would you say... # % 1 = never, 2 = every few months, 3 = once a month or more, 4 = once a week or more, or 5 = nearly every day? -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED 22 >U_CP54< {ucp54a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] How often do you provide advice or emotional support to [CHILD]'s parent? Would you say... # % 1 = never, 2 = every few months, 3 = once a month or more, 4 = once a week or more, or 5 = nearly every day? -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP55< {ucp55a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Now I have a few questions about [CHILD]'s knowledge and behavior. If [CHILD] is asked what [his/her] first name is, does [he/she] know? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP56< {ucp56a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Does [CHILD] know [his/her] last name? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP57< {ucp57a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Can [CHILD] identify the major colors by name, such as red, blue, green, and yellow? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED 23 >U_CP58< {ucp58a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Can [CHILD] identify any letters? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP59< {ucp59a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Can [CHILD] count to 5? # 1= 2= -1 = -2 = % YES NO DON=T KNOW REFUSED >U_CP60< {ucp60a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Can [CHILD] tell the difference between small numbers of objects, such as only one object versus two or three objects? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP61< {ucp61a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Does [CHILD] understand and follow directions fairly well for a child of [his/her] age? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED 24 >U_CP62< {ucp62a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Can [CHILD] sit still for short activities such as story time? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP63< {ucp63a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] [VERSION IF FOCAL CHILD IS ONLY CHILD CARED FOR (CP17 = 1)] Does [CHILD] usually join in an activity that you set up, such as a game or art project? [VERSION IF FOCAL CHILD IS NOT THE ONLY CHILD CARED FOR (CP171)] Does [CHILD] usually join in a group activity such as a game or art project when [he/she] is expected to? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP64< {ucp64a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Does [CHILD] get along fairly well with other children? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP65< {ucp65a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Compared to other children [his/her] age, how smart or bright do you feel [CHILD] is? Would you say [he/she] is... 25 # 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= -1 = -2 = % not at all smart, not very smart, about average, fairly smart, or extremely smart? DON=T KNOW REFUSED >U_CP66< {ucp66a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Compared to other children [his/her] age, how skilled is [CHILD] socially with [his/her] peers? Would you say [he/she] is... # % 1 = not at all skilled, 2 = not very skilled, 3 = about average, 4 = pretty skilled, or 5 = extremely skilled? -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CP67< {ucp67a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] Compared to other children [his/her] age, how skilled is [CHILD] physically, for example, in sports and outdoor games? Would you say [he/she] is... # % 1 = not at all skilled, 2 = not very skilled, 3 = about average, 4 = pretty skilled, or 5 = extremely skilled? -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED End of Provision of Childcare Section 26 POSITIVE BEHAVIORS SCALE >U_CB1< {ucb1a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] If in-person interview [CAPIMODE=1]: Now I'd like you to rate how much each of the following statements describes [CHILD]. Look at card CB-1. If phone interview [CAPIMODE1]: Now I'd like you to tell me how much each of the following statements describes [CHILD]. [CHILD] is usually in a good mood. Would you say this is... 1 = not at all like this child 2 = a little like this child 3 = somewhat like this child 4 = a lot like this child, or 5 = completely like this child -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CB2< {ucb2a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] [CHILD] is admired and well-liked by other children. Would you say this is... 1 = not at all like this child 2 = a little like this child 3 = somewhat like this child 4 = a lot like this child, or 5 = completely like this child -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CB3< {ucb3a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] [CHILD] shows concern for other people's feelings. (Would you say this is...) 1 = NOT AT ALL LIKE THIS CHILD 2 = A LITTLE LIKE THIS CHILD 3 = SOMEWHAT LIKE THIS CHILD 4 = A LOT LIKE THIS CHILD 5 = COMPLETELY LIKE THIS CHILD -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED 27 >U_CB4< {ucb4a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] [CHILD] shows pride when [he/she] does something well or learns something new. (Would you say this is...) 1 = NOT AT ALL LIKE THIS CHILD 2 = A LITTLE LIKE THIS CHILD 3 = SOMEWHAT LIKE THIS CHILD 4 = A LOT LIKE THIS CHILD 5 = COMPLETELY LIKE THIS CHILD -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CB5< {ucb5a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] [CHILD] easily calms down after being angry or upset. (Would you say this is...) # % 1 = NOT AT ALL LIKE THIS CHILD 2 = A LITTLE LIKE THIS CHILD 3 = SOMEWHAT LIKE THIS CHILD 4 = A LOT LIKE THIS CHILD 5 = COMPLETELY LIKE THIS CHILD -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CB6< {ucb6a(N)} [U: ALL EDS CHILD CARE PROVIDERS] [CHILD] is helpful and cooperative. (Would you say this is...) 1 = NOT AT ALL LIKE THIS CHILD 2 = A LITTLE LIKE THIS CHILD 3 = SOMEWHAT LIKE THIS CHILD 4 = A LOT LIKE THIS CHILD 5 = COMPLETELY LIKE THIS CHILD -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED End of Positive Behaviors Scale section 28 CHILD BEHAVIOR CHECKLIST – CAREGIVER TEACHER REPORT - FORM COPYRIGHTED 1997, T.M. ACHENBACH, UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT, 1 SOUTH PROSPECT ST., BURLINGTON, VT 05401. THE C-TRF/2-5, FOR CHILDREN AGES 2-5, OBTAINS CAREGIVER-TEACHER RATINGS OF 98 PROBLEM ITEMS. 29 ARNETT SCALE OF TEACHER SENSITIVITY >U_CTIN< ENTER YOUR ANSWERS FROM THE PAPER AND PENCIL OBSERVATION SHEET. (No items CT1 - CT4) >U_CT5< {uct5a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] THE FIRST QUESTIONS REFER TO HOW THE CARETAKER(S) RESPONDED TO ALL OF THE CHILDREN IN THE CARE SITUATION, NOT JUST [CHILD]. 1: 1= 2= 3= 4= -1 = -2 = SPEAKS WARMLY TO THE CHILDREN # % NOT AT ALL SOMEWHAT QUITE A BIT VERY MUCH DON=T KNOW REFUSED >U_CT6< {uct6a(N)} 2: 1= 2= 3= 4= -1 = -2 = SEEMS CRITICAL OF THE CHILDREN # % NOT AT ALL SOMEWHAT QUITE A BIT VERY MUCH DON=T KNOW REFUSED >U_CT7< {uct7a(N)} 3: 1= 2= 3= 4= -1 = -2 = [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] LISTENS ATTENTIVELY WHEN CHILDREN SPEAK TO HER # % NOT AT ALL SOMEWHAT QUITE A BIT VERY MUCH DON=T KNOW REFUSED 30 >U_CT8< {uct8a(N)} 4: 1= 2= 3= 4= -1 = -2 = PLACES HIGH VALUE ON OBEDIENCE # % NOT AT ALL SOMEWHAT QUITE A BIT VERY MUCH DON=T KNOW REFUSED >U_CT9< {uct9a(N)} 5: 1= 2= 3= 4= -1 = -2 = 1= 2= 3= 4= -1 = -2 = [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] SEEMS DISTANT OR DETACHED FROM THE CHILDREN # % NOT AT ALL SOMEWHAT QUITE A BIT VERY MUCH DON=T KNOW REFUSED >U_CT10< {uct10a(N)} 6: [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] SEEMS TO ENJOY THE CHILDREN # % NOT AT ALL SOMEWHAT QUITE A BIT VERY MUCH DON=T KNOW REFUSED 31 >U_CT11< {uct11a(N)} 7: 1= 2= 3= 4= -1 = -2 = WHEN THE CHILDREN MISBEHAVE, EXPLAINS THE REASON FOR THE RULE THEY ARE BREAKING # % NOT AT ALL SOMEWHAT QUITE A BIT VERY MUCH DON=T KNOW REFUSED >U_CT12< {uct12a(N)} 8: 1= 2= 3= 4= -1 = -2 = 1= 2= 3= 4= -1 = -2 = [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] ENCOURAGES THE CHILDREN TO TRY NEW EXPERIENCES # % NOT AT ALL SOMEWHAT QUITE A BIT VERY MUCH DON=T KNOW REFUSED >U_CT13< {uct13a(N)} 9: [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] TRIES TO EXERCISE A LOT OF CONTROL OVER CHILDREN # % NOT AT ALL SOMEWHAT QUITE A BIT VERY MUCH DON=T KNOW REFUSED 32 >U_CT14< {uct14a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 10: SPEAKS WITH IRRITATION OR HOSTILITY TO THE CHILDREN # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CT15< {uct15a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 11: SEEMS ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT THE CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES AND EFFORTS # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CT16< {uct16a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 12: THREATENS CHILDREN IN TRYING TO CONTROL THEM # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED 33 >U_CT17< {uct17a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 13: SPENDS CONSIDERABLE TIME IN ACTIVITY NOT INVOLVING INTERACTION WITH THE CHILDREN # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CT18< {uct18a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 14: PAYS POSITIVE ATTENTION TO THE CHILDREN AS INDIVIDUALS # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CT19< {uct19a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 15: REPRIMANDS CHILDREN WHEN THEY MISBEHAVE # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED 34 >U_CT20< {uct20a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 16: TALKS TO CHILDREN ON A LEVEL THEY CAN UNDERSTAND # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CT21< {uct21a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 17: PUNISHES THE CHILDREN WITHOUT EXPLANATION # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CT22< {uct22a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 18: EXERCISES FIRMNESS WHEN NECESSARY # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED 35 >U_CT23< {uct23a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 19: ENCOURAGES CHILDREN TO EXHIBIT PROSOCIAL BEHAVIOR (E.G., SHARING) # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CT24< {uct24a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 20: FINDS FAULT EASILY WITH CHILDREN # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CT25< {uct25a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 21: SEEMS INTERESTED IN THE CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED 36 >U_CT26< {uct26a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 22: SEEMS TO PROHIBIT MANY OF THE THINGS CHILDREN WANT TO DO # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CT27< {uct27a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 23: SUPERVISES THE CHILDREN VERY CLOSELY # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CT28< {uct28a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 24: EXPECTS THE CHILDREN TO EXERCISE SELF-CONTROL (E.G., TO BE UNDISRUPTIVE FOR GROUP OR TEACHER-LED ACTIVITIES, TO BE ABLE TO STAND IN LINE CALMLY) # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED 37 >U_CT29< {uct29a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 25: WHEN TALKING TO CHILDREN, KNEELS, BENDS, OR SITS AT THEIR LEVEL TO ESTABLISH BETTER EYE CONTACT # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CT30< {uct30a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] 26: SEEMS UNNECESSARILY HARSH WHEN SCOLDING OR PROHIBITING CHILDREN # % 1 = NOT AT ALL 2 = SOMEWHAT 3 = QUITE A BIT 4 = VERY MUCH -1 = DON=T KNOW -2 = REFUSED >U_CT31< [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] THE NEXT ITEMS REFER SPECIFICALLY TO HOW THE CARETAKER(S) INTERACTED WITH THE FOCAL CHILD. DURING YOUR VISIT, ON AVERAGE, HOW MANY CAREGIVERS (ADULTS) AND CHILDREN WERE PRESENT IN THE CARE SITUATION? ADULTS (1-20, -1) {uct31a(N)}: CHILDREN (1-50, -1) {uct31b(N)}: >U_CT32< {uct32a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] DURING YOUR VISIT, DID ANY OF THE CARETAKERS CARESS, KISS OR HUG [CHILD] AT LEAST ONCE? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW 38 >U_CT33< {uct33a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] DID ANY OF THE CARETAKERS SLAP OR SPANK [CHILD] AT LEAST ONCE? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW >U_CT34< {uct34a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] DID ANY OF THE CARETAKERS SAY SOMETHING NASTY OR DEROGATORY TO [CHILD] AT LEAST ONCE? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW >U_CT35< {uct35a(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] DID ANY OF THE CARETAKERS PROVIDE TOYS FOR [CHILD] OR REINFORCE APPROPRIATE ACTIVITY? # % 1 = YES 2 = NO -1 = DON=T KNOW >U_CT35_FC< {uct35fca(N)} [U: ALL CHILD CARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] Checking Answers PRESS 1 TO RETURN TO THE BEGINNING OF THE SCALE AND CHECK THE ANSWERS YOU JUST ENTERED. FOR EACH CORRECT ANSWER, PRESS ENTER. FOR EACH INCORRECT ANSWER, TYPE THE CORRECT ANSWER, AND PRESS ENTER. End of Arnett Scale of Teacher Sensitivity 39 FAMILY DAYCARE RATING SCALE >U_CH0_FC< IF FOCAL CHILD CARED FOR IN FORMAL DAYCARE PROGRAM (CP1 = 3), GO TO THE END OF THIS SECTION >U_CH1A< [U: ALL FAMILY CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES] NUMBER OF CAREGIVERS PRESENT: NUMBER: {uch1aa(N)} (1-99, -1) >U_CH1A1< [U: ALL FAMILY CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP13)] NUMBER OF CAREGIVERS THAT ARE WHITE: {uch1a1a} NUMBER OF CAREGIVERS THAT ARE BLACK: {uch1a1b} NUMBER OF CAREGIVERS THAT ARE HISPANIC: {uch1a1c} NUMBER OF CAREGIVERS THAT ARE ASIAN: {uch1a1d} NUMBER OF CAREGIVERS THAT ARE OF ANOTHER RACE: {uch1a1e} NUMBER: (0-99, -1) >U_CH1A2< [U: ALL FAMILY CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP13)] NUMBER OF CAREGIVERS THAT ARE FEMALE: {uch1a2a} NUMBER OF CAREGIVERS THAT ARE MALE: {uch1a2b} NUMBER: (0-99, -1) >U_CH1B1< [U: ALL FAMILY CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP13)] AGE OF THE YOUNGEST CHILD: {uch1b1a} AGE OF THE OLDEST CHILD: {uch1b1b} AGE: (0-15, -1) 40 [U: ALL FAMILY CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP13)] >U_CH1C< {uch1ca(N)} NUMBER OF CHILDREN PRESENT TODAY: NUMBER: (1-99,-1) [U: ALL FAMILY CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP13)] >U_CH1C1< NUMBER OF CHILDREN THAT ARE WHITE: {uch1c1a} NUMBER OF CHILDREN THAT ARE BLACK: {uch1c1b} NUMBER OF CHILDREN THAT ARE HISPANIC: {uch1c1c} NUMBER OF CHILDREN THAT ARE ASIAN: {uch1c1d} NUMBER OF CHILDREN THAT ARE OF ANOTHER RACE: {uch1c1e} NUMBER: (0-99, -1) [U: ALL FAMILY CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP13)] >U_CH1C2< NUMBER OF CHILDREN THAT ARE FEMALE: {uch1c2a} NUMBER OF CHILDREN THAT ARE MALE: {uch1c2b} NUMBER: (0-99, -1) >U_CH1< [U: ALL FAMILY CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP13)] INTERVIEWER: PLEASE ENTER YOUR OBSERVATION RESPONSES FROM THE HARMS AND CLIFFORD FAMILY DAYCARE RATING SCALE YOU FILLED OUT EARLIER. NOTE: All items use the following rating scale: 1=inadequate 2 3=minimal 4 5=good 6 7=excellent -1=Not applicable >U_CH2< {uch2a(N)} 1: FURNISHINGS FOR ROUTINE CARE AND LEARNING 41 >U_CH3< {uch3a(N)} 2: FURNISHINGS FOR RELAXATION AND COMFORT >U_CH4< {uch4a(N)} 3: CHILD-RELATED DISPLAY >U_CH5< {uch5a(N)} 4: INDOOR SPACE ARRANGEMENT >U_CH6< {uch6a(N)} 5: ACTIVE PHYSICAL PLAY >U_CH7< {uch7a(N)} 6: SPACE TO BE ALONE >U_CH8< {uch8a(N)} 7: ARRIVING/LEAVING >U_CH9< {uch9a(N)} 8: MEALS/SNACKS >U_CH10< {uch10a(N)} 9: NAP/REST >U_CH11< {uch11a(N)} 10: DIAPERING/TOILETING >U_CH12< {uch12a(N)} 11: PERSONAL GROOMING >U_CH13< {uch13a(N)} 12: HEALTH >U_CH14< {uch14a(N)} 13: SAFETY >U_CH15< {uch15a(N)} 14: INFORMAL USE OF LANGUAGE >U_CH16< {uch16a(N)} 15: HELPING CHILDREN UNDERSTAND LANGUAGE >U_CH17< {uch17a(N)} 16: HELPING CHILDREN USE LANGUAGE 42 >U_CH18< {uch18a(N)} 17: HELPING CHILDREN REASON (USING CONCEPTS) >U_CH19< {uch19a(N)} 18: EYE-HAND COORDINATION >U_CH20< {uch20a(N)} 19: ART >U_CH21< {uch21a(N)} 20: MUSIC AND MOVEMENT >U_CH22< {uch22a(N)} 21: SAND AND WATER PLAY >U_CH23< {uch23a(N)} 22: DRAMATIC PLAY >U_CH24< {uch24a(N)} 23: BLOCKS >U_CH25< {uch25a(N)} 24: USE OF TV >U_CH26< {uch26a(N)} 25: SCHEDULE OF DAILY ACTIVITIES >U_CH27< {uch27a(N)} 26: SUPERVISION OF PLAY INDOORS AND OUTDOORS >U_CH28< {uch28a(N)} 27: TONE >U_CH29< {uch29a(N)} 28: DISCIPLINE 43 >U_CH30< {uch30a(N)} 29: CULTURAL AWARENESS >U_CH30_FC< {uch30fca(N)} Checking Answers PRESS 1 TO RETURN TO THE BEGINNING OF THE SCALE AND CHECK THE ANSWERS YOU JUST ENTERED. FOR EACH CORRECT ANSWER, PRESS ENTER. FOR EACH INCORRECT ANSWER, TYPE THE CORRECT ANSWER, AND PRESS ENTER. End of Family Daycare Rating Scale Section 44 EARLY CHILDHOOD ENVIRONMENT RATING SCALE [FORMAL DAYCARE] >U_CD0_FC< IF FOCAL CHILD IS NOT CARED FOR IN A FORMAL DAYCARE PROGRAM (CP13), GO TO THE END OF THIS SECTION >U_CD1A< [U: ALL FORMAL CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP1=3)] NUMBER OF STAFF PRESENT: {ucd1aa} NUMBER: (1-99,-1) >U_CD1A1< [U: ALL FORMAL CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP1=3)] NUMBER OF STAFF THAT IS WHITE: {ucd1a1a} NUMBER OF STAFF THAT IS BLACK: {ucd1a1b} NUMBER OF STAFF THAT IS HISPANIC: {ucd1a1c} NUMBER OF STAFF THAT IS ASIAN: {ucd1a1d} NUMBER OF STAFF THAT IS OF ANOTHER RACE: {ucd1a1e} NUMBER: (0-99, -1) >U_CD1A2< [U: ALL FORMAL CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP1=3)] NUMBER OF STAFF THAT IS FEMALE: {ucd1a2a} NUMBER OF STAFF THAT IS MALE: {ucd1a2b} NUMBER: (0-99, -1) >U_CD1B< {ucd1ba} [U: ALL FORMAL CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP1=3)] NUMBER OF CHILDREN ENROLLED IN CLASS: NUMBER: (1-99,-1) >U_CD1B1< [U: ALL FORMAL CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP1=3)] WHAT IS THE YOUNGEST CHILD'S DATE OF BIRTH MONTH: DAY: YEAR: 45 {ucd1b1m} (1-12, -1) >U_CD1B2< {ucd1b1d} (1-31, -1) {ucd1b1y} (1983-2000, -1) [U: ALL FORMAL CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP1=3)] WHAT IS THE YOUNGEST CHILD'S AGE: {ucd1b2a} AGE: (0-15, -1) >U_CD1B3< [U: ALL FORMAL CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP1=3)] WHAT IS THE OLDEST CHILD'S DATE OF BIRTH: MONTH: {ucd1b3m} (1-12, -1) >U_CD1B4< DAY: {ucd1b3d} (1-31, -1) YEAR: {ucd1b3y} (1983-2000, -1) [U: ALL FORMAL CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP1=3)] WHAT IS THE OLDEST CHILD'S AGE: {ucd1b4a} AGE: (0-15, -1) >U_CD1C< [U: ALL FORMAL CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP1=3)] NUMBER OF CHILDREN PRESENT: {ucd1ca} NUMBER: (1-99, -1) >U_CD1C1< [U: ALL FORMAL CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP1=3)] NUMBER OF CHILDREN THAT ARE WHITE: {ucd1c1a} NUMBER OF CHILDREN THAT ARE BLACK: {ucd1c1b} NUMBER OF CHILDREN THAT ARE HISPANIC: {ucd1c1c} NUMBER OF CHILDREN THAT ARE ASIAN: {ucd1c1d} NUMBER OF CHILDREN THAT ARE OF ANOTHER RACE: {ucd1c1e} NUMBER: (0-99, -1) 46 >U_CD1C2< [U: ALL FORMAL CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP1=3)] NUMBER OF CHILDREN THAT ARE FEMALE: {ucd1c2a} NUMBER OF CHILDREN THAT ARE MALE: {ucd1c2b} NUMBER: (0-99,-1) >U_CDIN< [U: ALL FORMAL CHILDCARE PROVIDER EDS CASES (CP1=3)] INTERVIEWER: PLEASE ENTER YOUR OBSERVATION RESPONSES FROM THE HARMS AND CLIFFORD EARLY CHILDHOOD ENVIRONMENTAL RATING SCALE FOR FORMAL DAYCARE YOU FILLED OUT EARLIER. NOTE: All items use the following rating scale: 1=inadequate 2 3=minimal 4 5=good 6 7=excellent -1=Not applicable (only for items U_CD11, 27, 37) >U_CD1< {ucd1a(N)} INDOOR SPACE >U_CD2< {ucd2a(N)} FURNITURE FOR ROUTINE CARE, PLAY AND LEARNING >U_CD3< {ucd3a(N)} FURNISHINGS FOR RELAXATION AND COMFORT >U_CD4< {ucd4a(N)} ROOM ARRANGEMENT (FOR PLAY) >U_CD5< {ucd5a(N)} SPACE FOR PRIVACY >U_CD6< {ucd6a(N)} CHILD-RELATED DISPLAY >U_CD7< {ucd7a(N)} SPACE FOR GROSS MOTOR (FOR PLAY) 47 >U_CD8< {ucd8a(N)} GROSS MOTOR EQUIPMENT >U_CD9< {ucd9a(N)} GREETINGS/DEPARTING >U_CD10< MEALS/SNACKS {ucd10a(N)} >U_CD11< NAP/REST {ucd11a(N)} >U_CD12< TOILETING/DIAPERING {ucd12a(N)} >U_CD13< HEALTH PRACTICES {ucd13a(N)} >U_CD14< SAFETY PRACTICES {ucd14a(N)} >U_CD15< BOOKS AND PICTURES {ucd15a(N)} >U_CD16< ENCOURAGING CHILDREN TO COMMUNICATE {ucd16a(N)} >U_CD17< USING LANGUAGE TO DEVELOP REASONING SKILLS {ucd17a(N)} >U_CD18< INFORMAL USE OF LANGUAGE {ucd18a(N)} >U_CD19< FINE MOTOR {ucd19a(N)} >U_CD20< ART {ucd20a(N)} >U_CD21< MUSIC/MOVEMENT {ucd21a(N)} >U_CD22< BLOCKS {ucd22a(N)} 48 >U_CD23< SAND/WATER {ucd23a(N)} >U_CD24< DRAMATIC PLAY {ucd24a(N)} >U_CD25< NATURE/SCIENCE {ucd25a(N)} >U_CD26< MATH/NUMBER {ucd26a(N)} >U_CD27< USE OF TV, VIDEO, AND/OR COMPUTERS {ucd27a(N)} >U_CD28< PROMOTING ACCEPTANCE OF DIVERSITY {ucd28a(N)} >U_CD29< SUPERVISION OF GROSS MOTOR ACTIVITIES {ucd29a(N)} >U_CD30< GENERAL SUPERVISION OF CHILDREN (OTHER THAN GROSS MOTOR) {ucd30a(N)} >U_CD31< DISCIPLINE {ucd31a(N)} >U_CD32< STAFF-CHILD INTERACTIONS {ucd32a(N)} >U_CD33< INTERACTIONS AMONG CHILDREN {ucd33a(N)} >U_CD34< SCHEDULE {ucd34a(N)} >U_CD35< FREE PLAY {ucd35a(N)} >U_CD36< GROUP TIME {ucd36a(N)} >U_CD37< PROVISIONS FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES {ucd37a(N)} 49 >U_CD37_FC< Checking Answers {ucd37fca(N)} PRESS 1 TO RETURN TO THE BEGINNING OF THE SCALE AND CHECK THE ANSWERS YOU JUST ENTERED. FOR EACH CORRECT ANSWER, PRESS ENTER. FOR EACH INCORRECT ANSWER, TYPE THE CORRECT ANSWER, AND PRESS ENTER. End of Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale - Formal Daycare section 50 BRIEF SYMPTOM INVENTORY (ACASI) THE 18-ITEM VERSION OF THE BRIEF SYMPTOM INVENTORY (ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT 1982, ADAPTED VERSION 1988) BY LEONARD R. DEROGATIS, PHD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, BY NATIONAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS, INC. LICENSED THROUGH NATIONAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS, INC. THE 18-ITEM VERSION OF THE BSI INCLUDES SUBSCALES OF DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, AND SOMATIZATION. 51 CHILDCARE VISIT CONCLUSION >UCZLANGA< INTERVIEWER: WHAT LANGUAGE WAS THIS INTERVIEW CONDUCTED IN? 1=ENGLISH EXCLUSIVELY 2=SPANISH EXCLUSIVELY 3=ENGLISH AND SPANISH COMBINED End of Childcare Provider Interview 52